W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

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The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Thirtyfive

213 23 2
By xwalkergirlx

I grabbed a water bottle and headed over to the table with Kyrre I just spotted in the corner. He looked up and gave us a surprised smile.

"Oh the couple is back in town?" I stopped suddenly, my eyes widening and I felt the blood rushing towards my cheeks. Alan laughed and pushed me forward.

"Gosh did everyone from the mission picked up Paul's bad jokes? Kyrre how often we're not a couple!" I blushed even more and Alan sat down next to his friend, while I sat down opposite to Alan.

I dared it to took a quick look at Kyrre and regretted it instantly. He glanced at me widely grinning and I saw the blue call string between Alan and Kyrre. Sighing I rolled my eyes and started eating.

"I can live better if you would talk to me open and not via a call." I noticed sarcastically and grinned a bit as soon as I heard Kyrre gasping and then coughing surprised.

Alan started laughing suddenly and I looked up, giving him a confused glance, but grinning widely as soon as I realised why he was laughing. "What? Why do... From where do you know that we... are on a call?"

His friend next to him chuckled. "She can see the calls as a blue string and before you say anything! I know its weird!" Alan raised his hands and grinned widely.

"Thanks, I know that I'm weird..." I whispered underneath my breath and took another bit of food, not looking at them. "Hey Chris I didn't meant that!" I heard Alan suddenly saying concerned and I looked up.

He smiled a bit and I rolled my eyes. "If someone is ever going to solve these mysteries, I'll give this dude a award!" Kyrre laughed quietly and touched my shoulder slightly.

"Hey don't worry okay? You're here and that's everything that counts okay?" I rolled my eyes and kept on eating. Kyrre sighed and Alan started eating too.

A few minutes later, we were done and I got up, grabbing my tray and waiting for Alan to get up too. My friend stood up and followed me over to the wall of the kitchen, putting the tray on the counter.

"How long are we here again...?" I asked quietly, noticing that I completely lost my time feeling after the mission. Alan wrapped his arm around me and guarded me out of the cafeteria, Kyrre followed us quietly.

"We're here again since five hours." Kyrre answered my question quietly. I sighed. "Jesus, I should get used to this watch..." I chuckled and glanced at my arm with the watch.

We passed the elevator and Kyrre stopped suddenly. "I'm going upstairs again, I wanna meet someone there." He told us and I stepped towards him to hug him. "Okay see ya around!" Kyrre chuckled and hugged me back.

"See you!" He entered the elevator, which came the second he said goodbye. I waited, leaning against Alan's chest, until the doors closed again and looked up to Alan.

He turned me around and wrapped his arms around my hip, leaning his forehead against mine. "Are you okay?" Alan whispered quietly, looking into my eyes.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Yeah I am idiot." Alan gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and stepped back a bit, cause his watch was suddenly ringing. "Oh Cam is calling me... Sorry, I'll see you later okay?"

A bit confused I nodded and hugged him. "Greet your family from me.." Alan chuckled and touched my cheek slightly, before he turned around and disappeared in the crowds heading towards the elevator cabin.

I yawned and closed my eyes for a second. As soon as I opened them again, I glanced a bit confused at the blue point in the right top corner of my sight. Instinctively I concentrated on it and my vision changed.

//What the hell is that a online game right now?// I asked myself staring at the small text which popped up next to the point.

Go to the archive
Check Fynn Øsgard's file

Nope it's just me. I jumped a little bit as I heard Fynn's voice in my head suddenly. "Jesus dude don't scare me like that!" I hissed quietly and shook my head a little bit, walking over to the elevator and waiting until it was there.

Sorry, I have to get you over there. I raised one eyebrow and got into the cabin with some other Walkers. //Ew... Okay?// Fynn sighed and I smiled a bit, waiting patiently until I reached the ground level again.

Quickly, I walked over to the other section and a few seconds later I was standing in front of the archive again. "And now?" I whispered, my hand on the door handle.

Get in? Fynn asked sarcastically and I opened the door, walking over to the shelf where I recognized Fynn's file. A bit hesitant I raised my hand and grabbed the thick file folder slowly.

'Fynn Øsgard' was spelled over the black cover of the folder and I took a look around, making sure that nobody was around me.

I opened it and touched the yellowish paper slightly. After the first, blank page was a small biography of Fynn and I read it quickly. Go to page two... please? Fynn asked me a bit embarrassed and I chuckled amused.

But I followed his question and switched the page staring at the page, titled with 'Family Information'. Quietly, I read the long text and my eyes started widening slowly, as I came to the end of the text.

"W...what?" I whispered extremely shocked and stared at the paper in my hands. "B...but this..." Fynn put his hand on my shoulder and interrupted me. It's true. I'm not lying.

I glanced at him. "But from where..." Fynn smiled a bit sadly. Alan told you. My eyes widened and I stepped back shocked, staring at the tall Norwegian next to me. My breath went fast.

My blood was rushing through my ears as I was staring at the tall guy in front of me. "B...but?" I stammered helpless.

Fynn touched my shoulder slightly and I stumbled forward hugging him tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying and shivering, he started rubbing my back carefully.

Slowly, he stepped back and touched my shoulder carefully. I'll explain it to you when it's time... okay? I just... thought that you should know it. I lowered my head and glanced at the floor.

"I... don't know what to say..." I whispered quietly and grabbed the file which had fallen down on the ground, slowly raising my hand to put it back into the shelf.

I frowned in confusion and glanced at the file next to the small hole where Fynn's has been. Quickly I looked around, searching if I was wrong. "What..." I whispered, putting Fynn's file back and taking out the one next to it.

'Tim Bergling' was spelled in white font over the black cover and I looked around another time. Sweden was in the shelf behind me, so I was wondering why his file was next to Fynn's.

Fynn stepped next to me, looking over my shoulder and I opened the cover, glancing at the papers in it. In silence I read the small biography about him. But when I wanted to close it again, feeling awkward to read the biography of someone I don't know on my own, I noticed some pages which has been glued together.

Confused I sat down in the floor, Fynn next to me and I started trying to get them opened again. Carefully, I grabbed the edges of the papers, slowly and carefully tearing them apart.

//Why should someone glue these pages together...// I asked myself quietly and kept on tearing them apart slowly. It was hard, because the paper was quite old and I don't wanted to destroy the pages.

It took me a few minutes in silence until I got them apart. Fynn sighed and I chuckled, glancing at the red haired guy sitting next to me. Slowly, I opened the pages and scratched the remaining glue away.

A small piece of paper was sticking in the middle and I slowly took it out, putting it on the floor, because the text on the double page was interesting me more.

"In 2015, #0 secretly implanted a modified WV chip into Tim's ankle because he knew that Tim had angered several child trafficking groups. It was programmed to activate and choose Tim's strongest codes through his personality when Tim gave a pure adrenaline output of 5mg, which could only be expressed in a traumatic situation. In 2016, the chip came to use and Tim saved himself from death when a child trafficking group came and attacked him in his hotel room in Ibiza."

My breath stopped for a second and I changed a shocked glance with Fynn. "Alan did what...?" I swallowed hard and kept on reading quietly.

"Before joining with the Walkers, Tim wanted to finish his last tour and release an album in 2017 and fake his death while on a holiday in Oman in 2018. He knew how much it would hurt his family, his best friends and his fans to do it, but he felt he had to. From April 20, 2018 onward, Tim became known as #246."

My eyes widened and I stared at the text. "Faking his own death?!" I gasped shocked and checked the date on my watch immediately.

11th of April. 9 days until he wants to fake his death somehow. Fynn next to me frowned in confusion. I didn't knew that Alan did this. I just knew that he helped Tim back in 2015... He muttered quietly.

But I didn't knew that Tim was about to join us... And definitely not faking his death! He added quickly, glancing at me surprised. I closed my eyes leaning against the shelf and took a deep breath.

"What the fuck..." I whispered and opened my eyes again, looking at him helpless. "This day already killed me." Fynn chuckled and leaned forward to point at the small piece of paper I took out first.

What is this? He asked me and I glanced at it, slowly closing the folder and putting it beside me. Curious I leaned forward and grabbed the piece of paper carefully, opening it slowly.

"Oh come on not another code..." I groaned annoyed and closed my eyes focussing mentally on the binary code in front of me.

My vision has changed again when I opened my eyes again.

01111010 01110000 01110110 00100111 01110111 01100110 00100000 01100101 01110000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01111000 01100110 01101101 01101101 00101110 00100000 01100011 01100110 00100000 01110001 01110011 01100110 01110001 01100010 01110011 01100110 01100101 00100000 01100111 01110000 01110011 00100000 01110101 01101001 01100110 00100000 01101111 01100110 01111001 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100010 01101101 01101101 01100110 01101111 01101000 01100110 00101110

I blinked slowly and focussed on the code again. It took a while until the WalkerVision decoded it and I glanced at the weird letter combination.

zpv'wf epof xfmm. cf qsfqbsfe gps uif ofyu dibmmfohf.

//Why is everyone coding that weird?// I groaned mentally and clicked the button for decoding again.

The weird letter combination changed quickly and I glanced confused at the sentence standing black on white at the piece of paper.

My vision changed back suddenly and I changed a glance with Fynn. "You've done well. Be prepared for the next challenge?!" I coughed shocked and Fynn blinked a few times.

Oh fuck... He whispered and clenched his hands into fists, staring at the piece of paper. Why they're doing this?! Fynn hissed and jumped up, walking up and down like a caged animal.

I grabbed the piece of paper, putting it into my trousers pocket and got up too, grabbing Tim's file folder. "I... I have to talk to..." Fynn interrupted me, because he was putting his hand on my shoulder.

Go talk to Ingrid first. Tim is important to her and she should know about it right now. You can tell Alan later. His voice was calm and I gave him a death glance.

"That was my plan idiot."

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