W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

22.8K 1.3K 412

The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Thirtythree

241 21 9
By xwalkergirlx

Ingrid looked back at Oli and sighed, getting up slowly.

"Well, I think I have leave him now for a second..." Her voice was quiet and I nodded slowly. "And you guys better get out of here, before Ryan will see you..." I chuckled and stepped back a bit, allowing here to past me and get to the door.

She stopped at the door again, her hand on the door handle and looked back. I wasn't able to identify the emotion in her green eyes, but suddenly Ingrid muttered a very quiet apology and left the room quickly.

"And I thought we socialised her a bit..." Alan noticed confused, looking at the door. I sighed, raising my hand to take the hood down.

I turned around to Kyrre, his eyes were closed and he had his hand around a necklace, muttering something quietly. Alan lowered his head and walked over to Oli.

"Damn dude what are you doing..." He whispered and I closed my eyes for a second, before I took my mask down walking over to the door.

"I'll go and search Ingrid." My voice was quiet, I knew that she needed someone to talk right now and I need to. Before Alan was able to say something the door was already closed again and I was running through the corridors, searching for the tall australian girl.

I was running towards the elevator as I suddenly noticed her standing in the cabin alone. Quickly, I threw my backpack into the elevator to keep the doors opened and got into the metallic cabin fast.

Ingrid looked up, her eyes still swollen and red. "Hey Chris..." She whispered and turned her head away, hiding her tears. Quietly I stepped forward and hugged her again, comforting her.

We stood there quietly, until the doors opened again and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, grabbing the backpack again and leading her towards our room carefully.

Tears were running down her cheeks again and she stumbled something's but we made it to our room without any problems. Slowly I opened the door and she broke away from me, running towards the sleeping room quickly.

I bit my lip and took my shoes off, walking over to the bathroom, the backpack still in my hands. Slowly I closed the door and took a quick look in the mirror, seeing myself covered in mud, several leaf pieces in my hair, small cuts on my cheek and looking like I haven't slept for ages.

"Holy..." I whispered, taking the hoodie and the trousers off quickly, just staffing them into clothes basket and jumping right under the shower.

Warm water was falling down on my back and I sighed quietly, grabbing the shower gel.

The foam was burning in the several small scratches but I closed my eyes and kept on washing my hair carefully.

It only took a few minutes to get rid of the mud and the thorns in my arms and I turned the water off again, wringing my hairs out.

But as soon as I changed my clothes and grabbed the still dirty backpack, I heard familiar sounding music coming out of the sleeping room and my eyes widened a bit surprised.

Slowly I opened the eyes and looked at Ingrid, who was sitting on the lower bed, wrapped up in a blanket, her eyes closed, her phone playing the music and her shoulders trembling a bit.

"Nothing is as bad as you think... Even when you're pulling at the seams... When the lights go out you still got me..." I sang quietly along the lyrics, letting the backpack falling down at the ground and ignoring the memories coming up with that song. Ingrid looked up and gave me a confused glance, tears glittering in the corner of her eyes.

"You... You know that song...?" She whispered and I came closer slowly. Ingrid sighed, resting her head again on her knees, wrapping the blanket closer around her.

I sat down on the bed too, leaning against the cold wall and closing my eyes sighing. "The friend I was meeting when I was hurt showed me this song a while ago... When I wasn't feeling that good, he joined my TeamSpeak channel and... after we talked a bit he send me that link, telling me to watch this video... Well since then I'm still getting reminded of that song..."

I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around my knees. "Shitty day today huh?" I asked quietly, twisting the leather bracelet Ingrid gave me. "You're... You're still wearing it...?" She noticed quietly and I raised my head to look at her. "Why shouldn't I?" I asked back, but Ingrid turned her head away, staring at the small table next to the bed.

"Yeah... It hasn't been a good day." She sighed and started crying again. I came closer immediately, wrapping my arm around her shoulders to comfort her. "H...how was your mission?" She dared to ask me, probably to get away from her thoughts about Oliver and what could have happened.

I lowered my head and forced myself to stay stronger that I actually was in this situation.

The memories were coming up again, the loud shots were echoing back in my head but I clenched my hands into fists.

"They knew that we were coming, they guarded the monument with almost one thousand soldiers more or less, I can't tell anymore." My voice trembled heavily and Ingrid looked at me concerned.

I swallowed. "First we used our drones to get a map of the whole situation, I think it... Was Paul's idea or Mihaela's I don't know anymore... After we cleared anything up, we... We went for the attack..." My hands started shivering a bit.

"We distracted them with a frontal attack... So..." I closed my eyes and forced myself to keep on talking. "So I was able to get onto the monument and assassinate the three team leaders who were there." I hissed with closed lips and closed my eyes to hide my tears.

The song changed to another, well known melody and I looked up surprised as soon as Ingrid put her hand on my shoulder carefully.

"It's hard to realise that you killed people there, I can understand you... I was feeling the same and trust me. Everyone did." Her voice was calm and I looked into her green eyes.

"And believe me, you'll get over it..." Ingrid tilted her head a bit and gently rubbed my shoulder. "I'm here for you if you wanna talk about it, okay?" I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Thanks Ingrid..." She smiled for a millisecond before she closed her eyes, singing along the lyrics quietly. "One day you'll leave this world behind...So live a life you will remember..."

I lowered my head a bit, thinking about the meaning in these words. Quietly, we were sitting at the bed, Ingrid wrapped up in the blanket in the corner, singing along the lyrics quietly and me leaning against the wall, listening to her voice and being lost in thoughts.

"These are the nights that never die... My father told me.." The instrumentals stopped a few seconds after these lines and I took a deep breath.

"He was so right..." I muttered and Ingrid raised her head, looking at me confused. "Hm..?" I looked at her, tilting my head slightly. "The dad from the lyrics... So live a life you'll remember..."

Ingrid smiled a bit and leaned her head against the wall. "E...even if bad stuff happens... You have to keep on going." She muttered quietly and looked at me again, her green eyes sparkling a bit.

"And everything... everything will be alright at the end." She added quietly and I knew exactly what she was talking about. "He'll be okay..." Ingrid muttered more to herself than to me.

I grabbed her hand carefully and she looked at me. "He'll, he's strong and I heard that you Aussies are surviving much more dangerous things like that!" I tried to cheer her up a bit.

She smiled a bit and nodded slowly. "Yeah... Probably.." I took a deep breath, crossing my arms behind my head and stared at the upper mattress above me.

"Do you know that he's a Walker too?" Ingrid suddenly asked and I opened one eyes, glancing at her. "Who is what?" I asked kinda sleepy. She smiled a bit and stroke a few blue hairs behind her ear.

"Tim... Or Avicii how you would call him probably." I opened my second eye, glancing at her. "You're kidding me!" I gasped, my mouth slightly opened and stared at her.

She laughed loudly and shook her head. "I'm not!" Still speechless I started at her. "Trust me I'm not!" Apologizing she raised her hands and smiled a bit.

"But don't ask me how Alan managed it that he became a Walker okay? I don't know it too!" I closed my mouth and took a deep breath. "But you're glad that he did, huh?" I teases her ironic and she blushed a bit.

"U...uhm..." She stammered and pulled the blanket over her head to hide her blush and I laughed quietly, patting the part of the blanket, where I thought her shoulder was.

Someone knocked on the door carefully. "Hm?" I asked, looking at the door and got up. Slowly Ryan opened the door and took a careful look inside the room.

"I..Ingrid?" He asked quietly and she pulled her blanket down again, the blue hairs completely messed up now and gave him a confused glance. "Yeah...?"

Ryan noticed me and entered the room a bit hesitant. I chuckled and grabbed the backpack, looking at the time on my watch. "I'll leave you two alone, I think I have to get that back into the room..." The brown haired australian scratched his neck and I left the room quickly, chuckling inside.

I kneed down to take on my shoes and grabbed a thin jacket, 'cause the watch was saying that it was 15° Celsius outside. //Kinda cold for april... But it's april so what do I want?// Chucking, I grabbed the muddy backpack at the grip carefully and opened the flat door, getting outside on the corridor.

The corridor was surprisingly empty, not a single one was walking around but things changed as soon as I entered the main corridor. Suddenly, there were lots of Walkers, coming out of the training hall or entering it, some were walking towards me to get to their sleeping rooms.

I shook my head laughing quietly and made my way through the group's blocking the corridor. Glad that I made it to the elevator in one minute more or less, I took a deep breath and called the elevator.

Quickly, I got into the already filed cabine and pressed the O button to get on the overworld level again. The elevator moved down and I remembered myself of the 'fun'-Level Alan told me about. Three Walkers were getting out of the cabin, talking in German and laughing loudly.

I raised one eyebrow as soon as I recognized the thick bavarian accent and had to chuckle a bit. Before the metal doors closed again, I took a quick look at the corridor in front of me, a sign pointing left saying 'tennis courts', three other signs pointing right saying 'Basketball courts', 'random-room' and 'swimming pool'.

The doors closed again before I was able to see more and we moved up quickly. It took a few seconds until I arrived alone at the top level, some walkers got out at the A and B level, but no one entered the cabin.

Slowly I walked outside, freezing a bit and made my way quickly over to the other section, through the cold and slight shady forest. Luckily, I didn't have to wait until the elevator was there so I went into the cabin again, waiting until the doors opened at my level.

Slowly I walked over to the stuff room and wanted to put the backpack back but suddenly something caught my attention.

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