W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

Por xwalkergirlx

22.8K 1.3K 412

The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Thirtytwo

254 21 7
Por xwalkergirlx

Alan touched my cheek carefully, wiping the tears away, his hand on my shoulder.

"Chrissy... Calm down.." He grabbed my head with two hands carefully. "You didn't anything wrong!" But his voice was quiet, almost not hearable.

The shots, the screams from the soldiers and the wind was still echoing in my ears and every time I closed my eyes, I saw the soldiers getting hit, falling down to the ground lifeless and bleeding.

"Make it stop..." I whispered, staring up into his blue eyes, ignoring anything around me, trying to forget it. "Make that it will stop Alan..." My voice trembled and I started shivering.

"Make that they'll stop dying... I..." Alan interrupted me carefully. "C..Chris listen!" I still was staring at him, tied up by his clear blue eyes.

"It will stop. Listen, it will. But you have to get over it. Chris, listen everything will be alright." He came closer and still was staring at my eyes directly.

"You'll be okay. Christine trust me. We all have gone through this and look at me? Am I different now? Are we different now?" He asked me, leaning his forehead against mine.

My body stopped shivering a bit and I forced myself to breath deeper. My heartbeat calmed down slowly and I lowered my head a bit, staring at me dirty boots.

"Y...you're right..." I whispered, wanting to turn around to leave this place. But Alan stopped me, because he was still holding my head. I looked up to him again and he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"I'll never leave you alone, remember it okay?" Alan whispered in my ear, just hearable for me. I closed my eyes and smiled a bit, before stepping back and glancing at the others, standing around us, their eyes worried.

Alan crossed his arms in front of his chest, nodding slowly. "We made it. Good job everyone." He chuckled. "And now let's get back to the center though, I don't wanna run around in these clothes anymore!"

Mihaela chuckled a bit, taking a quick look at the soldiers, standing a few metres away, too feared to do something, some were staring at their fallen companions.

"Well. We're available if you ever need someone to join you down here." She stepped closer and pulled Alan in a close hug. "Watch your steps you flipping idiot okay? I don't wanna glue you together the next time!"

Alan rolled his eyes and hugged her back, before she stepped back, coming over to Kyrre and me. "Impress this idiot over there okay? You did awesome today!" Mihaela grinned widely, even if it was hard to tell because of the mask and I hugged her thankfully.

"Watch yourself.." I muttered and stepped back, Alan immediately wrapped his arm around me and I leaned my head against his shoulder, kinda exhausted.

Kyrre got a tight friendly hug, before Paul came over to us, still limping a bit. "And the next time I see you two you're married okay?" He laughed, pointing at us with a quite unequivocally glance, his green eyes sparkling amused.

Alan laugher loudly, punishing against his shoulder slightly. "In your wildest dreams bro!" Paul laughed too, tilting his head. "Well, you don't know.." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I don't wanna know what you are dreaming tho." I mentioned sarcastically and Alan chuckled. "See you again okay?" He muttered and pulled Paul in a close hug.

Paul slapped his back laughing and stepped back turning around to me. "Well, remember what I've said!" I rolled my eyes and hugged him short. "Yaya..." Paul laughed. "You'll see!"

He wanted to turn around but I stopped him. "Better let Mihaela heal that wound Paul." I noticed and pointed at his leg. He rolled his eyes. "It's going to be better soon, no need to worry." He muttered and walked over to Kyrre to say him goodbye.

Alan rubbed my shoulder gently and I smiled, taking a look around. The memories came up again, as soon as I saw the lifeless bodies on the ground and I closed my eyes.

"Well. It was nice to have some action again, but its time to go now!" Paul chuckled and I opened my eyes again. Mihaela stood next to him and nodded.

"Watch yourself." She muttered and looked at Paul, before they both turned around quickly, sprinting towards the edge of the forest.

I sighed. "Well. Time for us to leave..." I whispered and closed my eyes. The party is over? I'm ready to go home. I rolled my eyes mentally. Alan next to me nodded slowly and we started running, passing the fearful soldiers before jumping up into the air, flying towards our temporary home.

It was quiet for a while before I started struggling suddenly. "Fynn are you okay?" I whispered against the wind. That... That isn't me! Tell them to get down to the floor! Now! I opened my eyes quickly. "Down! Now!" I screamed against the wind and already was falling towards the ground.

Luckily, Fynn managed it to land somehow and I stumbled a few steps forward. But as soon as I was standing still, my vision changed quickly.

Ingrid was standing right in front of me, tears running down her cheeks. "Sorry Chris if I interrupted you during your mission..." Her voice trembled and she swallowed hard, wiping her tears away.

"B...but... You... You have to come back! Please!" She looked up to me, her green eyes darker than usual and filled with tears.

"What happened?" I whispered, glancing at her and raising my hand to put it on her shoulder. "Ingrid what happened?" I repeated as soon as she didn't answered me.

Ingrid's shoulders were trembling slightly, cause she was holding back the tears forcefully. She stared at the ground, opening and closing her mouth, searching for a answer.

My hand touched her shoulder and she looked up again. "What happened...?" I repeated again, whispering carefully und quiet anxious.

"Oli... He..." She swallowed hard again. "He fell down from the highest rooftop level..."

My breath stopped for a second, imagining the situation which just had happened in the center.

"How is he?!" I asked shocked, but I was thrown out of the call, finding myself back in the still shady woods, Alan's hands on my shoulder.

"Chris?" He asked concerned, tilting his head slightly. Kyrre was standing next to him, looking at me a bit confused.

"We have to get to the center now. Oliver is badly hurt!" My voice was quiet and it wondered me that I wasn't freaking out completely yet.

Alan's eyes widened and a blue transparent window popped up in front of Kyrre. "Faen what happened?" Alan whispered looking at me.

I clenched my hands into fist, trying to calm down and deal with the situation somehow. "He fell down from the highest rooftop level in the training hall, that's what Ingrid told me." I answered hola quietly, giving Kyrre a confused glance.

"Okay, I'm ready, come over here, I'll teleport us back, that's faster and safer than flying over so many boarders, especially after what just happened." He told me and Alan pulled me over to him.

"And how this should work?" I asked him confused and Alan sighed. "Bad timing for questions Chris." I noticed what I just said and muttered a apology. Kyrre grabbed Alan's and my hand and closed his eyes.

And suddenly, my whole vision turned upside down, got squeezed and stretched, whirled around and I got the glorious idea to close my eyes to prevent my stomach to loose it's content.

A bit wobbly on my legs I landed on the well known cold stone ground and stumbled back a few steps. "Holy macaroni..." I whispered, bumping against the wall. Alan gave me a compassionate look and opened the door.

It took me a few seconds until I realised that I was standing in someone's flat, my hoodie torn apart at some parts, blood spatter on it and muddy like hell.

Kyrre ran towards the door and I quickly followed them, worried about Oliver. We were running through the corridors, ignoring the surprised glances and shouts of some Walkers around us, just making our way to the intensive care unit.

"Aren't that Alan and Kyrre?" I heard someone asking confused next to me and rolled my eyes. //You know what? These are just government people somehow making it into here cosplaying as these two.// I answered him mentally and followed Kyrre through the door to the intensive care unit.

"Where's Oli?" Alan asked someone coming out of one of the rooms. The man looked up confused and pointed at a room at the end of the corridor. "Thanks!" Alan shouted, already running towards this room. Kyrre and J changed a confused glance before following him quickly.

As soon as I entered the room I stopped, staring at the situation right in front of me. Oli, pale that his skin seemed almost white, motionless, laying at the white, sterile bed and breathing almost not visible.

Almost his whole body was covered with bandages, several monitors were built up around him, showing his shocking low life functions. I noticed another motionless body next to his.

Ingrid, almost completely motionless, her head resting on his hand, just her trembling shoulders were indicating that she was still awake.

"I...Ingrid?" Alan whispered and his voice was quiet, he was obviously shocked about the situation. Kyrre took his hood and his mask down, grabbing something around his neck.

I didn't paid closer attention I just was staring at the situation in front of me. Ingrid raised her head and I gasped for air. Her eyes swollen, red and filled with tears.

"Alan... Chris, Kyrre you're... You're back..." Her voice was even quieter as I heard it in the call. All of her pain she was going through, all the fear hit me in the face as her eyes met mine and it tore me out of my torpor.

I ran towards her out of reflex and pulled her into a close hug, trying to comfort her, overwhelmed by my and her feelings. Alan out a hand on my shoulder but I ignored it.

Ingrid was hugging me tight and ignored the backpack on my back, pressing her head against my shoulder and letting go of all the tears she was holding back.

"Oh Chris..." She sobbed in tears and I rubbed her back, being quiet. "I... I don't know... What to do without him..." Her shoulders were trembling heavily and I hugged her tighter.

"Will he be okay...?" Ingrid whispered against my chest and I closed my eyes. "I... I can't tell that... Have you called Ryan...?" She stepped back a bit, to look up to me.

"Y..yeah... He wasn't able to tell anything... Or he didn't want t...to tell me..." Her voice broke and she hugged me again, crying against my shoulder. Alan put his hand on her shoulder, unable to say something in this kind of situation.

"He'll be okay, won't he?" Ingrid whispered and I took a look in her green, fearful eyes and turned my head away. "I... I can't tell that..." I whispered and she lowered her head.

"B...but... I... I don't know... What I should do without him..." She whispered so quiet that I almost wasn't able to understand it. "He'll be alright... He's a strong guy remember?" I tried to cheer her up a little bit.

She had to chuckle a little bit and took a look at the motionless body. "Y...yeah... He... Is definitely..." Out of energy, she sat down at the chair next to the bed again and grabbed his hand.

Alan squatted in front of her, putting his hand on her knee. "Ingrid, you have to be strong okay? It won't help him if you would knock yourself out too..." He muttered carefully and she lowered her head, closing her eyes.

Then, she nodded slowly. "Y..you're probably right.." She looked up to him and she suddenly must have noticed out clothes, cause her eyes sparkled with a bit of amusement for a second.

"Well you look like... You just came back from a mud hole with thorns in it?" She joked, grabbing Oli's hand carefully.

I had to smile a little and took my backpack off, taking a deep breath. "That's what you can call it..."

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