The Phoenix Diaries (ONGOING)

By wokeliterature

15.5K 1.1K 100

Phoenix Arthur was not the girl you'd see in the magazines. She was black, short and plus sized. She never ex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Authors Note

Chapter 8

674 54 0
By wokeliterature

"What the...?" I can't help but react on Monday morning.

Elle's car is outside like it usually is. I knock on the passenger side window.

"Good morning." Elle says.

"Good morning to you too but why are you here? I thought you were mad at me." I respond.

"That's exactly why I'm here. Can you please get in the car?" She asks.

I get in on the passenger side.

"P, I'm sorry about Saturday. I overreacted about everything." She apologizes.

"It's okay and I'm sorry too. I should've told you that I got scouted. The only reason I didn't tell you was because I was afraid you'd be upset." I explain.

"Yeah, I get it. You're beautiful, don't ever think otherwise. You totally have what it takes to become a model." Elle assures me.

"I don't know about that." I reply.

"Of course you do!" She reassures me.

It gets quite for about five minutes. I realize that Elle's looking at me instead of driving.

"Okay,' I sigh,' what is it?"

"Did you get into the fashion show?" Asks Elle.

"Well, E-c'mon, spit it out! Did you or did you not?" Asks Elle.

I'm actually about to lie to my best friend right now. We just established not to do that anymore. Besides, she seems really happy for me.

"Yes." I admit.

"Yay! I knew you'd make it! How about we celebrate like we usually do?" Elle offers.

How Elle and I usually celebrate is pretty basic. Our town has a small cafe that's pretty cool. You could go there to take the most goals photos for your Instagram feed. They have great frappuchino flavors and phenomenal baked goods. It's honestly Starbucks but a lot cheaper.

"I'd love to Elle but I can't." I decline.

"What? Why not?" Elle asks.

"I'm trying to stay in the best possible shape for this fashion show." I explain.

"But you have a perfect body, P. You wouldn't have made it without your body. I don't think they want you to change one bit." Elle says.

"Yeah, but it's what everyone else says about me being a model. I'm not pretty enough." I say.

"Don't talk like that! You're beautiful!" Elle says.

"Yeah, to you. But everyone at that fashion show is going to laugh when they see me." I explain.

Elle's about to try to fix my negative connotations about myself and then she sees no point.

"Okay,' she gives in,' maybe next time then."

       "Did you make the show?" Beams Grace at school.

       "Do you think you can quite down a little?" I ask.

       "Right, sorry, I forgot. So,' grace apologizes,' did you make the show?"

       I nod my head.

       "Yay! We can be model buddies!" She gasps.

       Grace throws her arms around me and pulls me into a hug.

       "You want to come to the cafeteria and hang out for a little?" She offers.

       I look back at Elle.

       "Sure! You want to come, Elle?" I offer.

       "No, thanks,' she replies,' I'm good."

       With that, Grace and I head to the cafeteria. She gets a two giant doughnuts and a coffee from the breakfast line.

       "Want anything? I'll pay for you." She offers.

       "Thanks but I'm okay. I ate breakfast at home." I say.

       That's a lie. From now on, I'm going to stop eating breakfast. I want to be in the best possible shape for this fashion show. But I look at Grace in envy. She's so lucky to be able to indulge in all the junk food she wants and not gain weight.

"Ready for after school?" She asks.

"What's after school?" I reply.

"You didn't hear? We have to go back to the place the audition was at." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"We're going to find out about the show. The themes, the costumes, etc." She explains.

"I didn't hear about that,' I say,' let me just let my parents know."

Me: Hey, guys. I have a meeting today after school for the fashion show.
Momma 😻: Okay, why didn't we hear about this sooner?
Me: I heard about this just now.
Momma 😻: Well, good luck getting to that meeting. Your father and I have to work, remember?

Shoot, I forgot about that. That's when dad comes in.

Fave parent 😘: As long as you find a SAFE ride to the meeting, you have our permission to go, sweetheart 😘.
Me: Thanks guys 😘!
"I can't go." I sigh to Grace.

"What? Why not?" She questions.

"My parents aren't going to be able to give me a ride. I could maybe talk to Elle about it but I don't want to get in her way." I explain.

"If you come on the bus with me after school, my dad could take you. It's no problem with him." She says.

"Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way." I say.

"No, it's fine. Anything to help out a friend." Grace smiles.

She lightly elbows me and then we walk into class.

       "I can't believe how hard Mr. Deegan's making that history test." Sighs Elle at lunch.

       "Tell me about it." I sigh.

       "Want to come over and study with me later?" She asks.

       "When later?" I ask.

       "After school, the usual time. Maybe around 2:30-3:00?" She says.

       "That's not going to work for me. Maybe 4:30?" I ask.

       "Why's it not going to work?" She asks.

       "I have some meeting for the fashion show." I say.

       "Oh, do you need me to drive you there?" Elle offers.

       "Thanks but I have a ride." I say.

       "Oh." Elle says, sounding a bit disappointed.

Grace and I arrive late to the meeting.

"Alright ladies, if you're going to be in this fashion show, you must be on time." Says Cynthia.

"Okay, we're sorry, Mrs. Bank. It won't happen again." Apologizes Grace.

Cynthia rolls her eyes and huffs. She continues with what she was saying.

"Before I was rudely interrupted, now comes the moment you've all been waiting for; the fashion show's theme!" Exclaims Cynthia.

Everyone applauds and gets all excited.

"Simmer down, children. This years local fashion show's theme is one Doe Farm has not done in 24 years." Cynthia says.

The scouts look at each other before shouting the show's theme. "Those summer nights!" They shout in unison.

Ever since I was about twelve, I've avoided the local fashion show's like the plague. Insecurity always got the best of things. Especially in sophomore year. I almost fell back into my bulimic path, which Elle is still on, by the way. Everyone's loud cheering brings me back to the meeting.

"Isn't that great?" Asks Grace.

"Couldn't be better." I lie.

If I'm being honest, this theme worries me. Unlike the winter fashion shows they've had in the past, this ones in summer. For obvious reasons, I absolutely hate summer. I really hope it's not going to be as bad as I think it will be.

"This year, the local fashion show will be held in Bakersfield Lake, right in front of the water. The date will be determined soon." Says Scarlett.

       "Like most fashion shows, the Annual Doe Farm Fashion Show will be giving to a good cause. We will be giving all of our proceeds to St. Jude's Children's Hospital." Says Meredith.

       "Rehearsals will be on Tuesday's and Thursday's everyday until the fashion show. We shall start with basics and then start modeling and putting everything together from there." Says Cynthia.

       It's a good cause and I'm happy to participate but  Bakersfield Lake is always crowded in the summer. There's going to be a lot of people there.
       After the meeting, I go over to Elle's house. I'm assuming she still wants to study.

       "Hey, Phoenix. Elle's in her room." Smiles Elle's dad.

       "Thanks." I thank him.

       I head upstairs and knock on Elle's door.

       "It's open!" She calls back.

       I walk in and her expression becomes disappointed.

       "What do you want? I thought you had that meeting for the fashion show." She starts.

       "It ended. I just figured you needed a study buddy." I offer.

       "Thanks but I don't need anyone." Elle replies.

       I raise an eyebrow. Bitchy much?

       "Is everything okay with you?" I ask.

       "I'm fine." Elle says.

       "If you don't want me here, I'll leave." I say.

       "I'm okay, lets just study." Elle suggests.

       Elle is so quick with asking me the questions. We don't talk about anything else but studying. When we're finished, I decide to bring up the fashion show.

       "I need to talk to you about the fashion show. I'm honestly so nervous." I admit.

       "Yeah? Well, sucks for you." Elle replies.

        That was a bitchy reply.

       "Is there something wrong?" I ask.

        "No." She says.

       I'm not going to put up with this any longer. I roll my eyes and head for the door.

       "P, wait." Elle sighs.

       I respond without turning around to face her.

       "Yes?" I respond.

       "There is something wrong. I'm jealous of your friendship with Grace." She confesses.

       I turn around.

       "Why?" I ask.

       "I don't know, it's stupid. I'm just worried that you're going to like her better than me. You're my only friend and I'm scared to lose you." She confesses.

       "Elle, I'd never leave you. You and Anthony were my first real friends. We always have to stick together, you and I, because we only really have each other. I'd never leave you for anyone. So, stop being jealous and know that I'm always here for you." I say.

       Elle smiles. "I'm sorry."

       "It's okay." I reply.

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