ZNation One-Shots and Kink-Sh...

By FandomSBalls

148K 1.4K 222

My One Shots and Kink Shots from Tumblr Only I'm posting them here More

Honey Bun - 10k /Reader
Ride me like your Motorcycle - 10k/Oc
Reality Shift - 10k/Male!Reader
Sweet Cheeks - 10k/Reader
Mommy Knows Best - 10k/Reader
Truck Bed - 10k/Reader
Bandannas - 10k/Reader
Pressure - 10k/Reader
Cuddles - 10k/Reader
The Good Old Days - Addy/Reader
Say it Again - 10k/Reader
Happier - 10k/Red + 10k/Reader
Days - 10k/Red + 10k/Reader
You're Just Like Her - 10k/Reader + 10k & His Kids
Touch - 10k/Reader
I Agree Pt.2 - 10k/Reader
Another update??

I Agree - 10k/Reader

5.1K 71 10
By FandomSBalls

Fetish/Kink: Mommy Kink

Triggers: Violence, gore

Request from @pheonixrose03; It wont let me tag for some reason?

Hi...uhhh sorry to bother, but you don't mind making another mommy kink with 10k...? And sorry if I'm asking too much, you don't need to ofc, but can you please do one? Readers a bad ass that doesn't talk much and has many secrets. One of them is revealed (mommy kink) when 10k does something that makes her secret slip.... Also, she just joined the group, another reason as to why she's so quite and secretive.

The group was intimidating, or they should be but this is the apocalypse and most people don't scare easy anymore. They should have left when they were first given the out, instead they stayed and decided prod at the group.

"Lookie what we got here boys." One of them said stepping from their van and shutting the door behind him, He boots clicking against the pavement as he closed the short distance between himself and Roberta who stood at the front. The rest of his crew let out chuckles as they fanned out behind him, there were at lease 10 of them all together, some boys that were probably nobodys before shit hit the fan. "Quite the little rag tag group you've got here pretty lady." He said cockily and spit to his left.

Roberta straightened her posture, her hand moving down to the machete at her waist, then her head tilted back a little, "We made it this far just fine, people haven't exactly been and obstacle for us."

He laughed, full belly laugh, "This little lady has some balls." He motioned for his crew to step forward," People aren't a problem for us either sweetheart." He said the motioned over his should to the vehicles that they had arrived in, "In fact we're usually the ones causing problems." He smirked as he looked at the other members in his crew. "I tell you what though, you are a very pretty lady. I have quite the soft spot for women like you especially, attitude, beauty and body. You're the whole package." He said gently running his arm from his shoulder to her elbow where he wrapped his hand around it.

Doc noticed as the rest of the group instantly reached for their weapons, slowly moving his to the knife in his belt loop, "I wouldn't do that, we've talked to people like you and fortunately they won't be bothering anyone ever again."

The stranger lifted his head and laughed, "Are you really going to keep threatening us, we all just want a good time." He said and let go of Roberta's arm, moving to the next female, Addy. He cupped her chin to which she responded with a slap to his cheek. His hand moved from her face to his own. His face twisted to anger quickly and his hand quickly found it's way into her hair pulling it back and causing her body to arch backwards in an attempt to relieve the pain, "You people just don't fucking quit!" He yelled and looked around, "Which one of you wants to pull some shit next!" He said as he removed the knife strapped from his thigh and pressed it gently against Addy's throat. His eyes scanned the group, "This could have gone out nice, without a any problems but you had to push me." He said and shook his head, "Put her in the truck." He said to on of the members of his group who grabbed her by the arm and began walking her back to one of the vans. "I don't think you understand the seriousness of your current situation." He sauntered to the next female, y/n, his lips quirked up, "That scowl looks quite nice on you sweet heart."

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the movement of hands and spoke monotone but with an edge to it, "Put your gun down 10k."

The stranger, moved his head to look at 10k and laughed, "Do as the lady says." He said watching as 10k slowly holstered his gun, "You've quite the pull in this group don't you lady, you hardly had to raise your voice and he's doin whatever you tell him." he said with an amused smirk before tilting his head back and crossing his arms over his chest, "Bet he calls you mommy too."

"Not yet, he should consider it sometime." She said and made a small motion with her hand while the opposite group's head simitaniously looked to her in shock, almost like they weren't expecting that answer, then again they probably didn't expect to be shot either. As some of them fumbled to get their guns or fell backwards as they got shot, she brought her handup and punched the leader in the gut and as he hunched over in pain she grabbed the back of his head and slammed in against her knee. He fell back on to his ass she slowly moved her hand into his hair and pulled his bloody face forward, "Did you expect me to call you daddy?" She said then pushed her blade though his eye. She let his hair go which caused his dead body to fall backwards, she let out a breath and wiped it against her pants before putting it away again.

Roberta had already run towards the truck to Addy who met her half way, they hugged before meeting with the rest of the group, "You distracted him long enough for me to get his gun." She said which flooded the rest of the group with relief. They all laughed as they rejoiced in the fact they'd all live to see another day. However 10k focused on the new girl who had began picking things off the deceased bodies they'd just created.

A few weeks passed and the trucks ran out of gas close to a survivor camp who promised them a place to stay for a couple day and more if they decided to stay. The group got two houses between them, almost everyone stayed in the same house besides her, she preferred to be alone. So when she heard a knock at her door she was hesitate to answer it, but non the less she did.

As the door opened 10k looked up and let out a breath he'd been holding, "Can i come in?" He asked slowly before she moved out of the way and closed the door behind him. He sat on one of the couches and wait for her to take a seat, she sat opposite of him and a cushioned chair. "I've been thinking about what you said a couple of weeks ago and I agree." He leaned back as her face twisted into confusion, "I agree... Mommy." 

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