Getting Along (MOMENTARILY DI...

By Koffepuppy

152K 5.1K 1.1K

Dumbledore and the rest of the Professors at Hogwarts decided to end house rivalries by making Slytherins and... More

Chap One
Chap Two
Chapter 3
Chap 4
Chap Five
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Bonding Time
Waking Up
The kiss 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Breaking Tradition
Authors Note
Mission Drarry and Nansy
Sorting Things Out
Nightmare in Hogwarts
What Will Happen From Now On?
The Kiss pt 2
Caught Red Handed
Ginevra Weasley Sucks
The Letter
The Break Up
Help Is On The Way
Authors Note
Telling Mother
Confronting The Devil
The Spy
Clarabella Davis & The Spy Squad
The Potion
Whooooooo Lives in a Cupbroad Under The Stairs
Getting Help
Festival Part 1
Festival Part 2
The Festival Part 3
Authors Note. Dont read if not interested
Waking Up
'Til Death Do You Part
The Wakening
Why Me...?
Bonding Part Two
The First Memory
Sneak Peak!!!
Friends Not Lovers
I'm Sorry
The Wizard of Oops
The Talk
Where It All Started
A New Story
Reliving The Nightmare and Beating the System
What Have i done
The New Kid
His Fault
He's Mine
New Allies
New Ally New Enemy
Missing Him
I'm A Mess
The Plan
Im so sorry
Sneak Peak
Authors Note

Night mares

4.6K 165 10
By Koffepuppy

Hey so before I start If this chapter is bad sorry.I'm in someone else's house. They have no WiFi .They don't know I write this and I only have two Harry Potter books and my phone.Deal with this chapter.🛑Also mild bad language.🛑

Third Person
He was in a dark dungeon like room. The walls and floors were made of black bricks. The only lighting was from the lamp that he was using. Harry was partly blind. His only senses were smell, hear, taste, and touch.
Suddenly a murmur of a curse and there's a scream of pain.
"Oh such a pity." Snarled a deep voice that luckily, for Harry wasn't the voice of Voldemort.
"Pease! Let him go!" Shouted Harry. "He did nothing! It's me you want dead! Not Draco!"
"Oh well since you put it that way... hmm Draco. What do you say we switch things up?"
"Oh right you can't decide ... well then. Crucio!"
"Ahhhh." Shouted Harry as the cruciatus (I don't know how to spell it) hits him hard in the chest. The cruse hurt like no other.
What hurt more than the curse were the screams of the one you love screaming your name while in pain. And you not being able to help them in any form but take the pain your self. That is how our hero felt. Having to hear the screams of his loved one. Draco. And those screams are coming from the pain the his own father is giving him.
"Now then Lucius, you know I want to be the one causing the pain here." Said a cold high pitch voice. That now it did belong to Voldemort.
"Ah Harry long time no see?" "Let me give you the welcoming that you deserve... Crucio!"
"Harry! Please let him go." Begged Draco feeling the same emotional pain that Harry was feeling.

Draco's POV (not in the dream)
It was around midnight when I awoke to hearing Harry's screams. I jumped up and ran over to his side.
"N-no! Not him! Draco!" He screamed. Does he usually have nightmares. I should get Weasley and Granger. Or should I wake him. Yeah I'll wake him.
"Harry! Harry wake up!" I shout as I shake him.
"Draco..." Harry sobs my name out almost in a pain-like voice.
I continue to try and wake him for five more minutes but nothing works.
Suddenly there's knocking on the door.
"Oi Malfoy is Harry ok in there?!" Shouted the voice of Ron Weasley.
I ran to the door and flung it open. There stood everyone with worried expressions on their faces.
"Help. Harry's been screaming for the past ten minutes. And I can't wake him up. I've tried for five minutes." I plead them. They all rush I. The room. Granger, Weasley, Longbottom, Finnigan, and surprisingly Pansy went to his bedside. We all took turns shaking him but nothing.
Finally Granger went to floo Dumbledore.
We keep trying to wake him. Then Granger , Dumbledore, And Madam Promfrey run in.
"Move out of the way." Yelled Madam Promfrey rushing over to Harry's screaming body, and tip a bubbly pink potion down his throat. He then clams but then she shoves another one and he's soon fast asleep again.
"Can someone please explain what happened?" Asked Professor Dumbledore.
Everyone just looked at me.
"I was just sleeping until I heard Harry screaming in pain. I tried to wake for five minutes until everyone else got here." I paused. "Then we all tried to wake him but failed."
"Well then if anything like this ever happens then we'll leave these dreamless and sleeping drought potions here for him. Goodnight." And with that he and Madam Promfrey left.
Everyone stayed for awhile longer but then left. Granger was the last one to leave.
"Draco. Please take care of him. He tends to have nightmares and ... visions."
"Visions?" I asked confused. Last time I checked he was horrible at Divination.
"Yes. Of You-Know-Who and of people . That's what made him believe that his godfather was being tortured last year." She explained.
"Goodnight... Draco." She said kissing my cheek and leaving.
I went over to Harry's bed grabbed his hand and kissed it. "Goodnight Harry."
And without knowing I fell asleep on his bed.

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