W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

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The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Eighteen

334 26 12
By xwalkergirlx

Alan smiled. "Wow you're doing awesome!" He turned around pointing at the next wall, a lower one again.

"How would you down from a higher to a lower wall?" He asked looking at me.

"Uhm.. I don't know, probably trying to balance with the arms at the landing." I suggested, looking at him.

He nodded. "You have to balance yes, when you're landing you have to go to your knees to balance your swing." Alan jumped in the air and showed it as he landed again.

I nodded and waited until Alan jumped down. In the corner of my eye I saw Fynn next to me, nodding and disappearing again.

I took a deep breath before jumping down. I landed with a bit struggle but Alan prevented me from falling down.

"Thanks!" I smiled and looked at him. He sat down and grabbed the edge and jumped down. I followed him a bit slower.

"Phew..." I laughed. "This is exhausting!" Alan wrapped his arm around me. "But you're doing good!" He smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

"So... Wanna continue or should make a break?" He asked looking at me worried. "A break please.." I smiled sitting down and looked up to him.

Alan sat down on the lower wall stretching his arms. I stretched my legs and arms, ignoring that Alan was glancing at me.

"You are so similar to Fynn..." He muttered and rested his head in his hands. I looked up surprised and blinked. "W..what?" I asked confused.

Alan tilted his head. "Uhm.. the way you're moving... Moving during the training, Fynn was always a bit different in the way he was moving... And.. uhm... You're learning all the stuff the same way he did... I.. I mean.. he failed one or two times, but then he did it perfectly.." He muttered, scratching his neck and trying not to look in my eyes.

"I... Sorry, you're... Just reminding me of him.." He stammered looking at me apologizing. I looked away, thinking of if I should say him that he helped me.

"Is something wrong?" Alan asked worried immediately. I shook my head and stood up again. "N..no.." I answered with a glance at him. "Hey Chrissy, I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me right now, it's.. just... Yeah, I.. don't know..." He looked at me.

"Sorry.." Alan added muttering and I slapped his shoulder. "Hey that's not the Alan I know!" I grinned, pointing at the walls. "I have enough energy for a little speed run, how about you?" I grinned.

Alan smiled, obviously happy about the interruption. "Thanks.." He muttered, jogging over to the first wall.

"Let's see how well you're doing the cat leap on speed!" He laughed, waiting for me to stay next to him.

I walked over to him. "One... Two... Three let's go!" He screamed and I sprinted forward, hitting the first wall and jumped.

Alan was right next to me, grabbing the egde and pulling himself up before he jumped to the next wall a bit quicker than me.

At the end he reached the last wall a few seconds before I did and he applauded widely grinding.

I heard Oli's voice from above and turned to see him jumping down from the first level of rooftops and landing without struggling. "Your technique is a bit unusual and peculiar, but hey it works!" He laughed, coming over to us.

"How often have you done this before?" I shrugged. "Never, to be honest." Oli and Alan glared at me. "I thought you did it already, I mean you knew how to do it theoretically!" Alan stammered.

"Uhm... I watched several rooftop pov's on YouTube..." I scratched my neck. "And I wanted to do parcours before and yeah, like I said I took two lessons.." I shrugged, looking at the two tall man.

Oli laughed. "You're talented anyways!" He grinned. "But you seriously have to work on your stamina.." I rolled my eyes. "Thank Ryan for ruining my existing stamina, and don't worry, I'll try my best to get a bit more stamina in the next week's tho..." I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

"Anyways, what was your plan for the next time Alan?" He asked the Norwegian next to him. "Uhm... Probably getting over obstacles fast and maybe doing some easy flips for the start." He told him, pointing at the obstacle course in the middle of the hall, where already some Walkers were running.

Oli nodded. "But don't do too much, I don't wanna see her dead tomorrow!" He laughed and nodded. "But yeah, good plan you're having there Alan. Well I have to go up now, there are some people messing around in the top of the rooftop parcour..." He rolled his eyes.

"See ya later!" Then he sprinted towards the wall, jumped and turned around after he jumped against the wall, climbing up on the fake rooftops to the top layer.

I glared after him. "Don't tell me you can do that too." I glared at Alan. He just shrugged smiling. "I could do it yeah..."

My eyes widened. "Help... And I'm still failing at the cat leap and everything..." I muttered. Alan laughed.

"Don't worry, you'll get this sometime!"

Suddenly he froze and stared next to me, where I was able to see Fynn.

"I could swore I've seen his tag again..." He muttered, shaking his head.

"Okay come over here, let's see how you're doing the parcours first try!" He smiled and went over to a big 2 metres square box.

I glared at the parcours. "Okay, call the ambulance first, I bet I'll fail hilariously.." I muttered, looking at all the walls, iron bars, ropes and ramps.

Someone next to me chuckled. I didn't have to turn my head to know that it was Fynn, lining up with us.

You forgot that I'm here to help you... He muttered, putting his hand on my shoulder, which strokes goosebumps down my back.

"Okay... Ready?" I nodded. "Let's go!"

My feet hit the ground quickly and within two steps I stood in front of the wall, jumping up and grabbing the edge with my hands, pulling myself up.

I saw Fynn jumping onto a pole, letting him falling down and grabbing the next one, swinging over to the next obstacle, a small ramp.

He waited for me nodding and I took a deep breath, jumping forward and trying to do it the same way like Fynn did.

A bit clumsy I ran down the small ramp, running forward to the two small walls in front of me. This time, Fynn didn't helped me, I somehow already knew what to do.

I jumped, my hands touched the wall and pushed me forward and I landed again, still running towards the next two, parallel walls.

Alan rushed by, using the right wall to push him higher and grabbing the edge of the right hall, pulling him up.

A bit slower I followed his example and followed him over the pole like I learned it in my training a few years ago.

I saw Fynn standing at the four walls, obviously the end of the parcours and he nodded, before he just faded away.

Grabbing the next edge I shook my head confused, throwing my legs over the wall and landing at the other side, rolling forward to reduce the momentum.

Alan was already by the walls, while I had to slide underneath a small wall to get to him. I stood up immediately and ran forward, doing the cat leap how he showed me and jumping down on the other side.

He waited already for me, a bit breathless and arms crossed in front of his chest. "Wow! I never saw someone doing this parcours that good at the first training!"

I blushed a bit. //I had help from a hallucination...// I answered him mentally and grinned. "I.. I think I just remembered some stuff we did in the lessons!" Slowly I stretched my legs.

Alan stared at something in the parcours and I turned around to see what it was, but I just saw the faded tag from Fynn floating above the parcours.

I frowned in confusion, turning around to Alan. "Am I dreaming or is that Fynn's tag over there.." He whispered glancing at me.

"I..I see that too.." I answered truthfully, touching his shoulder. He shook his head. "This can't be.." He muttered.

"Sorry, back to you, you've done awesome! I wanted to teach some other jumps but it seems like that you all know them already..." Alan chuckled.

"Do you still have energy for some more or do you wanna stop for today?" He asked me, touching my shoulder. "Uhm.. yeah I think it's good to stop here for today.." I smiled.

Alan chuckled. "Yeah you're looking like you're done!" I blushed a bit scratching my neck.

"Okay... Well..." He blushed too. "Wanna do something later together?" Alan asked, slightly blushed.

I smiled widely. "Of course yes why not!" Alan's eyes lightened up a bit, following me out of the hall.

After the gigantic size of the hall was the normal tunnel kinda small and I stretched my back again.

"So uhm, I'll call you okay?" He asked smiling and I nodded.

"Okay, see you then!" Smiling I hugged him and turned around, walking back to our flat.

I wanted to open the door but Ingrid was faster than me and suddenly we stood in front of each other surprised. "Oh hey, I.. just wanted.. uhm"

Ingrid looked at me, grabbing the straps of her backpack. I stepped back. "And I just wanted to take a shower!" I answered, while she left the room without saying something.

Sighing I took off my sport shoes and walked over to the sleeping room, taking out some new clothes.

A few minutes later I took on my new clothes again, freshly showered. Quietly singing 'Alone', I closed the black sweatshirt jacket.

As soon as I dried my hair and closed the bathroom door, I got a incoming call from Alan.

Smiling I opened it, walking over to the living room. "Hey!" He smiled, leaning against a stone wall.

"Hej!" I answered. "So what's your plan for the rest of the day?" I asked him sitting down on one of the styrofoam bags.

Alan chuckled. "Hm, I thought of doing a small walk through the woods, going on a ride, visiting my family over in Bergen or.." He stopped. "Just hanging out together?" I added chuckling.

He shrugged. "Yeah, that's another option." Alan smiled. "Where are you? Then we don't have to make a call and yeah.." I muttered, heaving me out of the bag. "Right in front of your door!" Alan chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "Get in idiot!" Laughing I closed the call and walked over to the door, hugging the incoming person tightly.

Alan hugged me back and I smiled happily. "So... What do you wanna do?" He asked, stepping back and still having his hands on my shoulders.

"Uhm.. you should decide I don't know.." I looked up to him. //He should be glad that he can visit his family that easily...// I thought. //My one is thinking that their daughter is a alien and now is dead..//

Alan gave me a confused glare. "Chrissy?" He asked. "Is everything okay?" I nodded, shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts. "I.. just was thinking about my family and my friends..." I muttered, looking away.

He touched my cheek. "Hey Chrissy listen, we'll get that clearyfied and then you can visit your family like I can... Okay? The governments are wrong.." I looked up to him and hugged him another time to hide my tears.

"Oh Chrissy please don't cry..." Alan muttered helpless. "It's... It's okay" I answered looking up to him. He rubbed my back. "It's okay Alan trust me... I.. just got sentimental..." I smiled a bit, wiping the tears away.

"So what do we want to do now?" I asked stepping back a bit.

"You decide!" He smiled back, giving me a happy glance.

"Maybe going on a walk?" I muttered, taking on my shoes.

Alan shrugged. "Yeah okay!" Gently he waited until I was finished and opened the door.

"After you my lady!" I rolled my eyes and went out of the flat. 

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