W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

22.6K 1.3K 412

The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Thirteen

352 31 8
By xwalkergirlx

"Uhm..." Alan just stared at the direction Ingrid left. "I have no idea..." Kyrre added.

"I thought that she didn't want to learn any hard codes after..." He stopped glaring at me.

Alan shrugged slightly confused. "I thought that too, I mean she wasn't been able to use another hard code..." He added, obviously forgetting that I was standing right next to him.

"Is she okay...?" I asked, slightly worried about her. "She doesn't looked happy with that what had happened." I added. Kyrre blinked looking at me.

"Yeah I think... I think she's okay... But I never saw her using one of her codes apart from the healing code..." He tilted his head, staring in the same direction as Alan did before.

"She never shows them, you should know that. She keeps modifying the ones she has active but we never know which one she has activated... Because well she never use them when someone is around her." Alan explained slowly.

"And after an error in her chip while she was learning the invisibility code, we thought that she wouldn't have been able to learn any other hard codes..." Kyrre added scratching his neck.

"But she looked so scared at the moment she noticed that she teleported right in front of us three..." I mentioned, still worried about her.

"She has a very bad past... Probably that's the reason why she isn't showing her real abilities in front of other people." Alan suggested, looking at Kyrre, like he just noticed this.

"Uhm... Am I allowed to ask what happened?" I asked, curious and carefully.

Alan frowned in confusion. "She lost both of her parents when she was really young..." He answered quietly before shaking his head.

"Anyways enough about her, I'll talk to her later if I can find her, what did you guys wanted to do? I didn't expected you Christine to run around the Center that fast again!" He smiled widely and patted my shoulder.

"We were on our way to the cafeteria!" Kyrre answered grinning and running with his right hand to his hair.

"And you?" I asked the second brown haired man in front of me. Alan blushed almost not noticeable and scratched his beard. "Uhm... I.. was on my way to the training ha,!" He answered quickly.

I smiled. "I wish I would be better at sports so I could go there too for a longer time than five minutes, before I would collapse or breaking one of my bones!" Alan started laughing. "I think you broke enough bones for the next few months Chris!"

I smiled slightly blushing. "Yeah I definitely agree to that... Well then have fun!" He smiled too and hugged my thightly, after giving Kyrre a high five.

"Thanks! I'll see you later there too?" Alan asked towards Kyrre.

"I'll have to see, but I think Ryan would take care of her or someone else! Otherwise there are signs everywhere!" He added laughing.

I grinned. "Cya!" Alan waved smiling. "Enjoy your meals you two!" He said before turning around and walking away.

"Do you already know what do you want to eat?" Kyrre asked me, walking next to me through the empty tunnel, which only was lightened up by some lamps every five meters.

I shook my head. "Nope not really. Ryan told me to eat something like a soup, like I had this morning, I'll see what they have there!" Kyrre nodded and looked up again, as a group of Walkers came towards us, talking and laughing.

Some of them greeted Kyrre but luckily no one noticed me. I waited for Kyrre, cause he was talking to a tall blonde girl who stopped him for a talk.

While they were talking, I looked around in the tunnel, still waiting for Kyrre and leaning against the cool stone. On my left side was the direction we came from, on my right side was a doorway build into the stone and I was able to see parts of a gigantic hall, obviously the cafeteria.

Another group of people walked by, talking something in a language I wasn't able to understand. Some were looking at me in a strange way and started muttering again.

Someone touched my shoulder slightly. I jumped a little, staring at Kyrre. "You really like to scare people aren't you?!" I gasped touching my heart shocked.

He laughed, his blue greenish eyes sparkling in amusement. "Are you hungry or not?" My counterpart laughed, pointing at the hall down the tunnel.

I rolled my eyes. "No I'm kidding!" Grinning I started walking towards the loud and gigantic hall, Kyrre following me.

As soon as I entered the hall, I stopped in the doorway, surprised of the size of it. Hundreds of Walkers were sitting on tables, eating, talking and laughing. Kyrre pushed me forward. "You're blocking the entrance!" He laughed, pulling me towards the buffet.

I rolled my eyes and freed myself out of his grab. Kyrre gave me a plate and I walked over to the soups, looking out for something I wanna eat.

I decided to take a simple tomato soup and filled my plate with it and grabbed a spoon. Kyrre came to me with a bottle of water, two glasses and his meal, a filet and some french fries.

"Over there are some free places!" He muttered pointing with his head towards a table in the corner, which only was half-staffed.

I nodded and followed him to the table and sat down on the opposite side of him. Quietly, we started eating.

It was almost three weeks ago, since Kyrre and I ate together in the cafeteria.

Now I was back at my small hospital room, folding some of the clothes someone brought me and stuffing them into the black backpack.

Ryan finally had decided, that I was healthy enough to move to one of the sleeping rooms. He told me that I have to share the room with one other person, but he didn't told me yet who it was.

During this three weeks, Ingrid visited me just a few times,while Alan, Kyrre and Ryan came on a visit almost every day.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in! I'm almost done!" The door creaked quietly and I turned around, shouldering the backpack.

Oli leaned in the doorway, his T-shirt was a bit sweaty. I raised an eyebrow and walked towards him. "Yeah..?" I asked slightly confused.

He just smiled. "Alan told me to show your new room..." Oli rolled his eyes. "And that during my training sessions while he had free time tho..." He muttered more to himself than to me.

I blinked confused, but I followed him through the doorway and looked up to him.

"Level C, row 4, room 7..." Oliver muttered, looking at his watch before swiping the small blue window, floating above the watch, away.

I frowned in confusion. "Isn't that..." Oli interrupted me. "Can you come please? There are some people waiting for me.." He groaned, waiting for me already a few meters away.

"I don't wanna be rude, but yeah..." He apologized as soon as I walked to him and we were on our way to the elevator.

I slightly grinned. "It's okay, you can go if you want, I know where that room is!" I told the tall guy next to me and I had to look up to see him in the eyes.

He frowned in confusion. "I can bring you to Level C, then I could be earlier back at the Traininghall..." He looked at me.

"You really know where that room is?" I rolled my eyes. "Otherwise there are so many people running around, I think I could ask one.." I groaned and called the elevator.

"I'm sorry that I can't bring you there, but I should be in the training hall teaching some Newbies... They're trying to learn the fire and water codes and I don't want them to set the whole hall on fire before flooding it... Not that that actually had happened before!" He gave me a shy smile.

I laughed, walking into the elevator. "It's okay... When I'm going to start training you have to fear that too!" Oli chuckled, following me into the cabin.

"We'll see! But I'm glad to hear that you decided to join us!" He added scratching his neck.

"Why should I decide not to join the Walkers? I'm already a Walker and after that what happened, I uhm..." I ran out of words and looked at him, slightly embarrassed.

Oliver laughed. "It's okay, I can understand you!" The doors opened again and we left the elevator.

We both turned right, following the sign saying Traininghall. A few Walkers came along us, greeted us but kept on going their way. I was glad that I started recognising some faces.

As soon as the tunnel splitted up into a straight ahead and one going to the left, we stopped walking. "Well then watch out that they don't have to renovate the Traininghall!" I grinned, giving Oli a high-five.

He chuckled before saying goodbye and walking straight ahead, while I turned left, following the tunnel until a sign said: 'Row 1-5 left, Row 6-10 right'

I kept following my way, the hands in the hoodie pocket and my head lowered. After a few minutes I reached Row 4 and searched for room 7.

Shyly I knocked on the door and I heard her shy voice, saying that I should come in. I opened the door and was surprised, that the sleeping rooms actually are some kind of small three room flat.

"Christine?" Ingrid asked confused. "Wh.. What are you doing here? I.. I thought Alan gave you a new room..." She stammered, standing in the doorway to my left.

"Um... Oli told me that Alan told him that... Um that's my new sleeping room.." I scratched my neck trying to make that slightly awkward moment a bit better.

Ingrid's eyes widened a bit, looking back into the room she came out. "Um... I.. I didn't know that I'll get a new roommate... That soon.." She muttered. "Um... The rooms.. aren't cleaned up.. so um sorry..." She whispered and I dared to get into the flat completely.

The stone walls were painted in a very light blue, giving the small corridor a bit more space. Right on the opposite wall Ingrid was coming from, was another door and I guessed that it was the actual sleeping room.

I took of my shoes and kicked them to the other two pairs standing in the left corner next to the door.

"Y..you can bring your backpack into the sleeping room if you want.." Ingrid muttered, pointing at the door to my right.

I gave her a friendly smile. "Thanks..!" Slowly I opened the door and saw two bunk beds on the left and right side, a small table in the middle and a wardrobe to my left. I walked into the small room and closed the door again, taking a closer look on the room. Next to the wardrobe was a small, beautiful painting from a Fjord landscape. I threw my backpack onto the upper bed on the left side, I guessed that the right ones were from Ingrid, cause they weren't newly made like the left ones.

Slowly I walked closer to the paining. It was a wide, blue Fjord with some small buildigs on the shores. I discovered a small sailing ship in the middle of the blue water.

I looked at the signature and was surprised. Ingrid has signed it with the title: Nærøyfjord, Bergen, Hordaland. I couldn't took my eyes off of that painting.

It knocked on the door. "Uhm... Christine are you alive...?" I heard Ingrid asking. I looked up, going towards the door. "Yeah I'm okay!" I gave her a friendly smile. "Your painting is just.. amazing! You're really talented!"

Her eyes widened a bit and she turned her head away, slightly blushing. "Uhm... T..thanks..." She turned around muttering something and I heard the door to the big tunnel closing.

//Did I said something wrong...?// I asked myself, looking at the closed door confused. 

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