W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

22.6K 1.3K 412

The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Twelve

395 30 2
By xwalkergirlx

I glared at him and Alan glared back.

"The urgent help signal we received. The reason why we came to pick you up?" Alan frowned in confusion before he stood up and started walking around in the room.

He buried his hands in the pocket of the gray hoodie again and kept walking.

"I didn't send any signal or anything, I didn't know that that even existed..." I muttered confused, trying to follow him with my eyes.

Alan stopped. "Yeah... I should have known that it couldn't have been you, but..." He sighed. "Did you see a Walker or someone else staring in your direction when you freed yourself? I thought you were staring at someone before you fought back."

He ran with his hand through his brown hair. "Only he used these tricks..." Alan whispered quietly.

"Uhm, yeah. There has been someone..." I answered carefully and shyly. Alan's eyes flashed. "Who? Have you... oh yeah, sorry... I don't think that you've been able to see his tag right?"

I shook my head. "No, but I've seen him before. Someone took over my body and knocked the guards out, then again after they broke my neck and then, um, remember in the woods? Then I saw him again!" //And a few minutes ago again and this time I was able to see his tag...// I added in my mind.

"You had the feeling that someone had taken over your body...?" Alan asked worried.

"Y-yeah. At that point and in the woods again." I answered slightly confused.

Alan sighed. "O...okay, thanks... Thank you for telling me this!" He muttered softly. "Ingrid will come soon to check you, so take some rest before that." He smiled, gently pushing me back onto the bed.

I was too surprised to do anything against it. He smiled and touched my neck slightly. "One last question before I'll leave you for a while..."

Alan sat down next to me, looking at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked with such a worried voice that I blushed and I started twisting some hairs.

"Y-yes! Why? I mean why you're worried about me, I'm just one of the thousand Walkers here." I stammered, looking up into his beautiful blue greenish eyes.

"I told you before! You're special that's why!" He chuckled before standing up again. "Take some rest, your body needs it!" He smiled and opened the door slowly. "Oh hey Ingrid!" He smiled.

"H..hey!" The girl answered shyly, trying to get inside the room while Alan was blocking the doorway.

"Well I don't wanna bother you two... see you later Christine!" Alan waved at me smiling.

I blushed immediately. "See you, Alan..." Shyly, I turned my head away. The door closed and the blue haired girl came closer.

"H-hey how are you feeling?" She asked quietly.

"I'm doing good, still feeling a little bit sleepy, but better than almost two weeks ago!" I chuckled and she smiled slightly.

"That's good to hear. How's your neck?" She asked, while opening the little bag she brought with her and sitting down on the chair Alan was sitting at a few moments ago.

"It's like before. These mechas are just awesome! How do they work?"

She chuckled shyly. "I'm glad to hear that your body accepted them so well!"

She put on the blood pressure cuff on my left arm, pumping it up. "It's literally just a replacement for your bones." Ingrid answered. "You've been the first Walker to have a neck mecha."

I smiled shyly. "I still can't believe that I'm alive."

Ingrid slightly smiled. "Y-you're feeling better, aren't you? I-I'm just asking because of the medication we're giving you."

I nodded. "I'm still a bit tired but I think that's normal!" Ingrid smiled and stood up to turn off the intravenous medications.

Quietly she turned everything off and removed anything without saying anything. I watched her in silence. "If you want, you can get up and walk around a bit, but not too much, o-okay?" She muttered.

Friendly smiling I nodded, throwing my legs out of the bed. "I owe you my life. Thanks!" I stood up and a bit wobbly I walked towards her and hugged here.

She froze immediately. "N-no pro-problem?" She stammered and stepped back a bit.

I turned my head away. "S-sorry I didn't mean to bother you." I whispered sitting down on the bed again.

"I-it's okay." She muttered stammering and grabbed the little bag filled with medical stuff.

"I-I'll come back in the evening again and check you again.. I think you-you have to stay here for three days. Until we're sure that you're doing good with the mechas... see you!"

She turned around quickly and almost ran out of the door.

"See you..." I whispered slightly confused before taking a deep breath and letting me fall onto the bed again.

I took a look at the small digital clock on the small table beside me.

10:38 was blinking red on the black screen.

Sighing I rolled onto the middle of the bed again and closed my eyes.

I yawned and pulled the blanket over my head, trying to sleep a bit until I get hungry.

Someone knocked on the door. "Noch fünf minuten." (Only five more minutes...) I groaned turning around and pulling the blanket over my head again.

"Even if I don't have an idea what you just said Christine, I just wanna mention that it's 6 o'clock! And I bet you're hungry and want to get outside of that small room!" Kyrre yelled, laughing.

I opened my eyes suddenly. //Gosh why did I forget to turn off the light...// I mentally slapped myself.

"Come in idiot." I groaned and stretched my muscles yawing. The door opened and a wide grinning Kyrre got into the room.

"Good... Morning?" He laughed throwing my blanket away. I just groaned and glared at him. "Shut up..." I rolled my eyes and got myself out of the warm and comfortable bed.

Kyrre gave me a small backpack. "Someone thought that you want to change your clothes..." He blushed a bit. "I'll wait for you outside!"

I stifled a laugh and grabbed the backpack. "I'll just remind you, I'm not slow! Normally..." I added laughing. Kyrre shook his head laughing and turned around to leave the room.

I shouldered the backpack and opened the second door in the small room I was in.

The next room was dark and I searched for the light switch. The light turned on and I was able to look into the room.

On my right side, right next to the door, was the washbasin, next to that, in the corner of the small room was a small shower. As I went in and closed the door, I was able to see the toilet in the left corner.

I opened the backpack and pulled out a gray Originals hoodie and a black jeans. Smiling I took of my old clothes and put on the new ones.

Quickly I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. After that I quickly washed my face and suddenly noticed something.

The thin layer of skin on my neck has disappeared and I took a closer look on the metal replacement. Fascinated I ran my fingertips over the metal muscles. It looked weird but cause of this thing I was able to move again.

I found the little button again and pressed it to see the skin popping up and covering the metal muscles.

It was hard to turn my eyes away from the mirror but I went on the toilet quickly as I reminded me of the time.

I turned the light off and closed the door, the old clothes stuffed into the backpack which I threw onto the bed.

"Are you ready?" Kyrre asked from outside. I rolled my eyes laughing and opened the door. "Yep I'm done..." I groaned.

"6 minutes 37 seconds and 18 milliseconds." He told me. "What?" I asked him surprised.

Kyrre grinned. "You needed 6 minutes 37 seconds and 18 milliseconds to change your clothes. Oh and yeah cover your mecha." He added laughing.

"Idiot..." I groaned. He wrapped his arm around me. "Need a guard for the Center?" He asked me grinning.

"Alan explained me something, but... Yep" I answered. Kyrre laughed and turned left.

"So yeah, were right now in the normal care station as you know..." I nodded following him through the tunnel.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked after few minutes of silence. "Hm... Can we go to the cafeteria? I'm hungry!" I laughed and he started laughing too.

"Okay! Yeah I'm hungry too..." He smiled at me. He turned and I stopped surprised.

Kyrre pushed a button in the stone and I just noticed the elevator in the wall.

"Oh..." I laughed walking towards him. He chuckled and with a quiet sound, the stone walls opened without a sound.

A Walker with a broken leg and crutches came out of the elevator, followed by his friend, one other was waiting in it.

"Oh hey Kyrre!" A brown haired tall man grinned raising his hand for a high five. "Hey Oli!" His friend rolled his eyes and high fived him. I smiled at him shyly.

Oli ran with his hand through his brown hair with the slight red touch. "Do I see a female companion?" He grinned, slapping Kyrres neck.

"Shut up Oliver!" He groaned. "Christine, may I introduce you Oliver, one of my best friends and the training coordinator here in Germany!" He pointed at his grinning friend. "Hey Christine!" Oliver smiled friendly and I noticed his slight australian accent.

"If you want you can call me Oli! Am I allowed to ask what your ID is? Mine is #379!" He handed me his hand and I shook it smiling.

Kyrre interrupted me. "Uhm... Oli she isn't... Um it's.. her." Oli gave him a confused glare, while I understood what Kyrre wanted to say.

"Who...?" He asked confused but suddenly he understood. "Lol you must be kidding me! You're the girl with the neck mecha everyone is talking about?"

I blushed slightly, mostly cause I was surprised that there were people talking about me. "Y..yeah looks like!"

Oli laughed. "Jeez, nice to meet you tho!" He smiled at me again and I was glad about his reaction somehow.

The doors opened again and right on the other side of the exit of the elevator was the sign, pointing left and saying 'Cafeteria'.

We three got out of the elevator. "Hopefully no one will recognise you..." Oli muttered quietly.

"Why should someone? You didn't so hopefully no one will too." I answered, turning left, while Oli pointed over his shoulder to the other direction. "I have to go that way sorry, having some training sessions!" He excused himself.

"Oh okay... Well then see you sometime again, if I'm not getting lost here!" I laughed waving at him as he turned around and walked right.

Kyrre was waiting for me and I walked over to him. "Let's go and get some food for us!" I grinned. He smiled back and started walking.

The tunnel was surprisingly empty but after a curve there was a person standing in the tunnel, staring at her phone.

I recognized the short blue hair and wanted to shout her name, but Kyrre stopped me with covering my mouth with his hand.

"I wanna scare her, she is so jumpy! Don't worry she knows that I'm doing this all the time with everyone being on the phone!" He explained his behaviour whispering and widely grinning.

I glared at him and shrugged. "If you want tho..." I answered him quietly.

He smiled and I glared at him as he started floating a bit over the ground. Slowly he moved forward until he was behind Ingrid, still saying nothing.

I suddenly saw Alan coming towards us in the tunnel and I started gesticulating, trying to say him that Kyrre wants to scare her.

Alan's eyes lightened up a bit and he kept walking forward, so Ingrid won't notice anything.

Kyrre suddenly screamed something very loud and I heard Ingrid screaming too, obviously shocked about the guy behind her.

She jumped a bit into the air and suddenly disappeared with a quiet 'Shhs' sound, before she popped up again right in front of Alan, still breathing heavily and staring around surprised.

//Did she just teleported or what had happened?!// I asked myself, glaring at her and trying to figure out what happened.

"The fuck just happened?!" I gasped surprised and pointed at Kyrre then to Ingrid. "How..?!"

Alan glared at Ingrid standing right in front of him, obviously surprised as anybody, pressing her phone to her chest and staring at Kyrre, still saying nothing.

"I... Thought... You... Harder ones... What?!" Kyrre stammered perplexed his eyes wide opened.

Ingrid noticed Alan beside her and stepped back a bit with a quiet shocked sound.

"O-oh... um.. sorry.. I need to go.." She whispered stammering and turned around, walking quickly past me, almost like she was fleeing.

I gave Alan a confused glare. "What. Was. That?!" I asked into our very confused round of three persons. 

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