W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

22.8K 1.3K 412

The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Nine

436 34 4
By xwalkergirlx




The regular beeping sound everything I heard in the darkness.

I wasn't able to open up my eyes, I still was too tired.

A warm hand grabbed mine and I heard a voice saying something. A familiar voice.

Everything went quiet again.

I don't know how long it was until I was able to sense something again.

The beeping started again.




I forced myself to move my hands, trying to flee out of that stifling, cold darkness.

I heard a voice saying something again, I guess it was my name.

I started fighting against the darkness, feeling the warm hand holding mine, hearing an excited voice saying something.

I saw a weak light and I started pushing through towards it.

I was able to feel the blanket on my legs.

I kept fighting.

My hand twitched. The person next to me grabbed both of my hands, saying something, but I wasn't able to understand through the haze covering me.

The light lighted up the more I came closer to it.

Shadows were trying to stop me from coming closer, but I fought them back.

My eyelids twitched. Someone touched my cheek.

"Co... Chr... ong... Wa...er...!"

These words echoed through the black darkness, covering anything.

I recognized this voice. And I wanted to get to him.

"Chris... Walk..."

It was exhausting to fight through the shadows to get to the light right in front of me.

My breath went fast and I walked slower.

"Come on Christine!"

He yelled this sentence and it echoed back many times.

New energy shot through my body and I started running again, the shadows still trying to stop me.

The light started to pulsate stronger.

It was almost so bright that it hurt to look in its direction.

But I kept fighting.

Arms made out of shadows were trying to grab my arms, my legs, my clothing, just to hold me back.

I yelled in anger, starting to run even faster.

Shadows were left behind the closer I was to the light.

With the last energy I had, I jumped forward and closed my eyes as my body touched the ball of light.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. My heart was beating fast and I still was feeling some shadows trying to pull me back into the darkness.

A worried looking man leaned over me.

"Christine...?" He asked.

It was the voice while I was fighting.

"A...Alan?" My voice trembled and it sounded like I hadn't used it for ages.

The man smiled.

"You're back!"

He started grinning slightly.

"Ye..yeah I am!" I smiled, before slowly starting to look around.

I felt dizzy and I touched my forehead.

"Is everything okay?" Alan asked, worried immediately. I smiled and nodded. Slowly I sat up and took a look around the room I was in.

It was a clean, white coloured room with a small painting on the opposite wall of the bed I was laying in.

On my right side was a small window, and I was able to see the small tunnel, allowing the light to flood the room.

On my left side was another small room, the toilet I guess, and the door out of the room. Next to the gray bed was a small black table with some roses in a glass bottle. And of course Alan, looking at me.

I met his glare and he blushed a bit, before grabbing my pillow and stuffed it behind my back. This was the moment I noticed, that he held my left hand for all the time since I woke up.

"Wh.." I coughed, my voice still wasn't normal again. "What happened...?" I asked a bit confused.

The green blue in Alan's eyes turned a bit darker. "You can't remember...?" He asked back. "Your neck was broken during a control and Ryan and Ingrid revived you from the dead, after we had some troubles getting here..." He whispered.

I blinked sometimes and gave him a confused glare.

Before the memories came back.

Pain shot through my body.
The cracking sound.
The shots fired from the police.
The sirens.
The frozen time.
My dead body.
The run into the woods.
The explosion.
The helicopter flight.
The center.

I gasped and started shivering. "I...I do... remem.. remember..." I whispered, the shock still in my bones, still shivering.

Alan touched my shoulder and grabbed my hand with his other hand.

"Shhsh..." He whispered calmly.

My eyes opened in panic, my body frozen. The machine next to me started beeping faster as my heart rate increased.

"Christine! Everything is fine, you're alive, your neck has been fixed, please calm down!" His voice trembled as he realised that I was having a panic attack.

He touched my cheek slightly and wiped a tear away. "Shshh..." He whispered again.

"Everything is okay, I'm here..." And it was like someone had turned a switch off.

My heart rate calmed down a bit and I started breathing deeper. His thumb was rubbing my cheek softly. I stared at him, confused by his behaviour.

Goosebumps ran down my back as his hand touched my neck slightly.

"How is that possible..." I whispered, trying not to die cause of a fangirl attack. I still was shivering slightly.

"Ryan and Ingrid saved your life... they...um..." Obviously he had no idea how to explain it.

"They?" I asked slightly grinning, amused about his nervous nature.

"They replaced your neck, parts of your shoulders and parts of your spine... with mechas..." He stammered, taking his hand away from my neck to run it through his brown hair.

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth. "They did... what?" I asked in disbelief.

Alan scratched his neck and started twisting his hands. "They...um...replaced your bones with mechas. Metallic bones I would say." He didn't look at me.

I raised my hand to touch my neck. I was able to feel the metal muscles, the metal bones and everything. My eyes widened.

"Woah!" I stammered, Alan looking at me, confused.

"You're not panicking that you're a cyborg now?"

I grinned widely. "No, why should I? It's the craziest shit I've ever experienced!" Alan glared at me, definitely confused and started stammering.

"B-but? You-your...n-neck...don't know...what?!"

I couldn't helped myself and started laughing so loudly. Alan gave me such a confused glare I started laughing even more.

"Yo-your...fa-face!" I giggled between my attempts to breathe. Alan raised one eyebrow, trying to figure out what I said.

Someone knocked on the door. We both turned our head to the door.

"Well it looks like our special patient is awake now!" Ryan grinned.

He came closer to us and I was able to see that he hadn't slept for days.

"Hey Ryan." I greeted him shyly, while Alan stood up and pulled him into a tight hug.

He muttered something really quick and as they broke up, I was able to see a little tear in Alan's eye. My eyes widened a bit and I was curious what he had said to Ryan.

"You're looking terrible mate." Grinned Alan, pulling Ryan into a boyfriend hug. Both laughed.

"You're not looking better, okay?" Ryan encountered. Alan rolled his eyes.

I straightened up a bit. "Well, to explain my shape, I have to say that your operation had taken us 3 days." Ryan muttered, scratching his neck.

I gave him a glare, didn't know what to say. "How long has I been asleep?" I dared to ask quietly.

Ryan turned his head away, twisting the leather bracelets on his left arm.

Alan touched my shoulder. "A week." He whispered.

My eyes widened. "A full week?!" I asked to be safe. Alan just nodded.

"Your body needed recovery!" A new female voice added shyly. I tried to take a look at the person who entered the room.

"Ingrid!" I smiled, happy that I was able to remember her name.

She gave me a shy smile and her green eyes lightened up a bit. "Nice to see you awake again.." She muttered smiling and stroke back a few blue hairs.

I put my feet on the ground and reached to her. "I haven't introduced myself correctly. I'm Christine nice to see you!"

She smiled back, taking my hand. "Hey... Ingrid nice to meet you!" She answered shyly. "Am... am I allowed to ask what your Walker ID is?"

I smiled, before changing a glare with Alan as he nodded. "Eh...yeah of course, I'm #5120!" She smiled. "#6465!"

Then she stepped back, stammering an apology before walking out of the room.

"Well, she talked to you more that to any other Walker here in the Center." Ryan commented sarcastically.

I gave him a confused glare, while Alan stood up. "She's quite introverted, she doesn't talk much to anyone...except Ryan. Maybe it's because they're both from down under!" Alan added with mischievously sparkling eyes.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Shut up Scandy!" He groaned.

"Never, Aussie!" They both started laughing, while I was sitting between both and trying to figure out why they were laughing. 

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