FAIHA(Not edited‼️)

By Ummeetarh_

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Life Is Like A Book📙📚. Some Chapters Are Sad 😩, Some Happy 😁And Some Very Exciting😂😅. But If You Never... More

New novel alert


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By Ummeetarh_

It's the third day of their marriage and they were all set to travel to Mexico, Faiha's school are on mid semester break

They have already parked their luggage last night and their luggage was already in the car, they were both getting ready to go and bid goodbye to their parents before leaving.

She was beautifully dressed in a buba with a golden turban neatly tied around her head, her simple earring and a necklace a black wrist watch on her right hand and a simple ring she looked very beautiful. She did a simple a makeup .

Anwar was dressed in a black kaftan and a black cap with his black shoes and a black wrist watch .

They looked very good .

Are you sure you didn't forget anything Faiha ask as she stuff her charger inside her bag.

Yes and you he ask.

Everything check she smile and he smile back .

OK let's he said taking his hand into hers .
They saunter out of the house and lock the front door before walking to the garage.

Where is musa(his driver) he ask and their gardener ran to them.

Saying he went out sir he said he will be back in a few minute he said and Faiha sign.

Gaskiya we won't go back onto the house , we should just stay in the car she said and Anwar shook his head let's go to the back yard he said and she smile saying okay.

They walked there and she smile saying I love this place .

And I love you he said.

And I love you more she said.

No I love you more he said

I love you much more she said.

No I love love love you much more she said and she laugh saying OK let it be .

He smile as he watch her ,hand akimbo pointing a their small little puppy with a smile plastered across her lips when he quickly took a picture of her.

Black she cooed as she bend down and ruffle her head, she's so cute wallah she smile and He bend beside her they stayed like that for like 5mins playing with black until she look at him.

Take a picture of me she said and he replied okay, your wish is my command .

She smile as she pose her right hand on her tight and the left hand using it to cover the sun a smile plastered on her lips.

He took a picture on her and she smile walking to his side, let me see she said

Nayi kyau she said clapping her hands like a 5years old girl given a candy.

You look beautiful everyday he said and she smile saying thank you Albi .she brought her phon out and took a selfie.

How do l look she ask showing him

Beautiful he said and she smile they chatted for a while before musa came back, he beg their pardon and they both replied with its okay before driving straight to the Danbatta mansion.

Aslamu alaikum they both said as they walked into the house.

Waalaikum Salam Anna and Adda Nainah answered, uncle Anwar huda and Alamin ran to him.

My babies he said as he picked Al amin up and peck huda on her fore head. Good Morning Aunty faiha huda smile and she smile pulling huda's cheeks .

Afternoon sweetheart how are you she ask and she smile saying am fine.

In law Anna yelled as jump on faiha.

Don't kill my wife please, I still love her he said and they all laugh as she pull out of the hug .

I missed you so much best friend Anna said and she smile saying I missed you more.

Ina wuni Adda Nainah she greeted and Adda Nainah smile saying Ina gajiya Faiha, How are you she ask and faiha replied with alhmadullilah.

Tahm masha Allah she smile.

Where is Mummy Anwar ask and just then they heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stair case and they all looked up.

Mummy along with daddy were coming downstairs , mummy in a blue jallabiya and daddy in a blue jeans pared with a black tshirt.

Ina wuni mummy ,ina wuni daddy faiha greeted as she squat down.

Ina gajiya maza tashi Daddy said and mummy smile.

She sat beside Anna as they asked them How they are.

Fine Alhamdullilah they both said and they smile.

Masha Allah.

Anna pulled Faiha with her to her room upstairs.

Look at all this nonsense Farha is doing Anna said as she showed Faiha her pictures on instagram as Farha kept abusing her calling er a snatcher , bitch and all sort of nonsense.

She close her eyes as it got watery, I don't know what to do Anna , I don't want our friendship with her to end up like this if not walla I won't just sit back and watch her abuse me like this, Anwar loves me not her , he met me first and ask me out not her , how can she call me a snatcher, but it was my fault I should have told her that we were dating all this while that she have been dreaming of marrying him Faiha said as tears roll down her eyes.

Look Faiha Don't worry just let her be; don't pay any heeds to what she's saying about you , just ignore her am sure she's just angry or a while and will calm down later on she said and Faiha nod her head.

OK now wipe your tears I won't want Anwar to kill me for seeing tears in your eyes she said and Faiha laugh.

They talked for a while before Huda came in to call her.

We are leaving Anwar announced .

To faiz, Faiha Allah ta kiyaye hanya mummy said and they both replied with Ameen.

Allah ya kaiku lafiya ya dawo daku lafiya daddy said and they replied with Ameen.

She hug Add nainah and Anna as they both wished them safe journey and then Huda and Al amin who kept pestering her not to forget her chocolates.

She promise to buy them their chocolate and they both squeal happily to which all the family smile.

They bid them goodbye once again and drove to Faiha's family house.

As soon as they arrived , Faiha got out of the car and ran into the house , Mama na she said happily as she jump on mama's lap.

Wa iyazu billah who is this mama ask and then quickly hit her shoulder.

It's the mad girl ,she wants to break your legs Adnan said as she glared at him.

Gaskiya kam Faiha kina so ki balla mun yan kafan nawane(it's true faiha do you want to break my legs for me ne) she said and Faiha laugh.

Kai mama I missed you so much ne fah she pout as Anwar Salam as he saunter into the living room.

Waalaikumus Salam the three of them answered as he squatted down and greeted mama.

Ina wuni mama he said

Ina gajiya Anwar kana lafiya she ask with a wide smile plastered across her lips.

Am fine Alhamdullilah he said and she smile .

Masha Allah please sit down she said and he nod his head sitting down on the sofa as he watch Faiha who was still on mama's lap

Oh Allah na yazanyi dake Faiha(oh my ago what eill I do with you faiha), Abeg dagani(stand up) mama said and Faiha laugh getting up from her lap as she settled down beside Anwar who had just finished exchanging pleasantries with Adnan but his mind was still on her mama conversation .

Faiha komai said na fada miki zakiyi ne har yanzu, ikon Allah ko so kike in tashi nida kaina inje in kawo mishi Abu(Faiha must I tell you to do something before you do still, Glory be to Allah or do you want me to stand up and bring some refreshments for him) mama said and

she raise her hands up saying Aa ni mama banceba as (No mama i didnt say so)she said as she walked into the kitchen with Anwar smiling saying No mama I don't need anything .

Kar mu fara dakai(let's not start that with you) mama said and he laugh .

By the way where is Rukjy I can't seem to find her Faiha said as she walked into the living room holding a tray which have a jug of zobo and samosa on a saucer.

She kept it in front of him and he muttered a thank you to which she smile.

She's in the room , she seat have any work now I'd not sleeping 24/7 mama said and she laugh saying.

Let me go wake that pregnant woman as she walked toward her old room.

I hope she's not giving you hard time mama said looking at Anwar who was now sipping his zobo.

No not at all he said with all smile and she ask Are you sure because I know faiha she cam be a pain in the ass mama said and he smile.

Am 100% sure he said and mama smile saying masha Allah.

Wakeyy Wakeyy Faiha said as she pulled away the duvet from Rukkayah sleeping figure.

Who is this rukky groan as she open her eyes looking very irritated.

Am so sorry Rukky you can go back to sleep now Faiha said looking at her, Rukky hiss as she got up away nd walked into the bathroom.

While faiha ambled back to the living room saying What's wrong with her , it seems like she in a bad mood she said as she sat beside Adnan.

Wallah it's seems like she's going to give birth soon, she's been in pain for the pass two days now and also in a very bad mood she always get irritated and annoyed over the slightest thing mama said.

And she shook her head Ayyah, Allah ya sauketa lafiya she said always nd they all reputed with Ameen.

Just then rukky walked out wearing always nd pink and blue simple dress with a blue veil draped over her head.

Sannun ku dazuwa Amaryanmu da Ango she said as she sat on the one seater.

Yauwa , Mai chiki ya karfin jiki Anwar ask.

And she smile Alhamdullilah, how ask you she ask.

Am fine masha Allah.

Hope she's not giving you a hard time rukky ask and he look at Faiha who was looking back at him, why is everybody asking that question you must have been a very bad girl he said and she laugh .

She is a really bad girl Adnan said and she lion at him karka min shuru.

Nida bakina see me see wahala he said and he roll her eyes.

Mama Adnan ya rainani wallahi. Adnan mama called and he look at her , she's your elder sister remember not your mate he said and she pout.

They talk for a while before Anwar sad they were leaving they came to say good bye at they are leaving to Mexico and then Paris they will be back in a month insha Allah.

They all wish them safe journey before the entered the car na drove straight to Nnamdi Azikiwe airport.

She almost freaked out when she saw that they were traveling on the Anwar's PJ ,she never knew her husband own a freaking private jet.

As they both board the plane , she sat down on the fluffy and cozy seat near the window and Anwar sat on opposite her , after straddling her seat belt they said a dual for travelling and then up they go as the plane takeoff.

Hello guys, How are you and your families, hope you are all fine , Masha Allah.
So how was the chapter ,Hope you guys liked it ,And please Don't forget to

Thank you ❤💖

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