Hidden Secrecy ✔

By Mystery205

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Jennifer Hudson thought that her life was normal just like the others but she was wrong. There are hidden and... More

#Chapter 1: Whiskey equals to Danger?!
#Chapter 2: Where are you my lady luck?!
#Chapter 3: The wrath of the devil
#Chapter 4: Live or die backing out!
#Chapter 5: The worst choice
#Chapter 6: Back to My "Perfect" life
#Chapter 7: My death is on its way!
#Chapter 8: If the day could go any better...
#Chapter 9: If I die young...
#Chapter 10: Wow! Being shot freaking hurts!
#Chapter 11: Gosh He saw my butt!
#Chapter 12: Meeting the 'new' family
#Chapter 13: Please spirits spare me my life!
#Chapter 14: Am I dead?
#Chapter 15: Okay, what is seriously wrong with mum?
#Chapter 16 : As they say a picture would last longer.
#Chapter 17: Merely Pretence?
#Chapter 18: New Place, New life.
#Chapter 19: And somehow, I deserved all of these.
#Chapter 20: I hope things turn out right this time.
#Chapter 21: How could this be possible?!
#Chapter 22: Okay there goes my gentle and loving bro.
#Chapter 23: Looks like someone is in a better mood this time.
#Chapter 24: This is going to be a hell of a ride.
#Chapter 25: Damn my life!
#Chapter 26: Am I in a freaking nightmare now?!
#Chapter 27: Let's hope I will get there safely.
#Chapter 28: Why the hell did I ever exist?!
#Chapter 29: Trust someone
#Chapter 30: And you know it I fainted again.
#Chapter 31: I love you, Blake
#Chapter 32: I can't do anything.
#Chapter 33: I can no longer hurt anyone.
#Chapter 34: I'm at my limit.
#Chapter 35: I need you
#Chapter 37: Can we start over?

#Chapter 36: I've made my decision

22 1 0
By Mystery205

#Chapter 36: I've made my decision

#Chapter 36 (Blake's Pov)

The betrayer has finally appeared. His face was emotionless as he looked at me and Jeremy.

I don't know if he came already anticipate what is going to happen or totally unaware that we know who he really is.

"Wow, you got the nerve to come here." I sneered sharply.

"Bro...look- "he started talking but was interrupted.

"Bro? Who is your bro? Call me Blake, Jared. Or should I say, lieutenant." I responded coldly.

I scanned him up and down. After he decided to betray the group and me, he couldn't be that dumb to actually think that we are still in friendly terms. I searched his face for any remorse or even guilt. But found none. I felt like a sharp needle strike through my heart. The friendship I thought we have is definitely long gone.

"Blake, I can explain everything. Just listen to me." He spoke as he walked towards me.

"Explain? Oh sure, would like to grab a coffee with me as well? We could discuss this and you can EXPLAIN everything to me." I sarcastically scoffed.

"Blake, seriously. Stop okay. We had to go undercover to catch your dad." He spoke with a sigh.

"We? Who the hell is the 'we' here? You're telling me now, there's more of people like you in my gang?!" I exclaimed, slamming my fist to the wall.

How easy was it for the moles to get into my gang? I was so intent on finding the murderer of my mum that I didn't pay any attention to the activities in my gang. I pursed my lips as I stared at the ceiling. I returned my attention to Jeremy, questioning him with my eyes. Does he know about this? Or was he clueless as well?

Jeremy shrugged and folded his arms to his chest and shifted his attention to Jared. He broadened his shoulders and glared intensely at Jared.

"Gosh, the 'we' is me and my 'sister'. She's not my real sister. She is my partner and she was also assigned here together with me. But then we received tips about Jacob so she was then moved to undercover in Jacob's gang. That's why she went there." He explained, looking a little guilty.

"What? I knew that bitch was no good! Wow so you guys can play people's feelings like that? How could you do this to us? How could whatever that bitch name is, played Tyler like that?" I yelled at him, pinching the bridge of my nose.

We received tips about Jacob.... As I registered those words, I realized that he knew about Jacob earlier than me. How could he not tell us about it? Well right, he's a police of course.

"SO you knew about Brody and Jacob?!" I hollered.

He succeeded to be the top of my list now. First, he betrayed me and the gang. And now, he kept crucial information that I've been searching for years, a secret. I felt the killing intent in me, intensified and burning.

"I knew about it for years. We thought you were involved in the murder and crimes, Brody had done." He whispered, looking past me.

"HOLD ON A MINUTE! You knew that he murdered my mum but for years you all didn't do anything?!" I uttered in disgust.

"I had to keep this a secret so that we could attain a solid evidence before capturing them. He left no evidence for us to trace! We did this so that the operation will be a success." He exclaimed.

"He killed my mother! You knew this! You could just put him behind bars!" I shouted, no longer caring about anything.

"We did capture and put both Jacob and Brody behind bars now. They will get the most severe punishment in there. The case of your mother will be reopened and you will get the justice you have been wanting for years. Isn't it a win-win situation?" He spoke with ease, seemed like he doesn't really care.

What the fuck? How could he? We were in this whole plan for 5 years, so the only reason he approached me was because of that? For the operation to succeed? Was there even any friendship formed between both of us? He guided me as a brother but he stabbed me in the back just like that.

"Are we even friends in the beginning? All those advices you gave, were they sincere? Or did you used me and the gang just to achieve your objectives? You used me and my mother's death?" I harshly whispered, not believing what I'm hearing.

He spoke nothing. He cleared his throat before looking at his watch on his arm.

"I'm going to head back to the office. I just came here because I- because I wanted to apologize to you." He gently spoke, staring straight through me.

"I am sorry. I was assigned in a way to find about you. But when I knew you were not with them, I tried to protect you from them. Truthfully, I valued our friendship. Everything I've said to you is real. So as my final advice, start a new life, stay away from all of this. As a lieutenant, leave the matter to me, I will handle this." He spoke sincerely, giving me a slight smile.

"You think I will believe everything you said now? This could be a trick to lower my defense. You are going to take me in as well right. Just do it. I have nothing to live for anyways." I scoffed, glaring furiously at him.

I am not going to fall for this. He's using his brotherly tone on me now. He sighed loudly before clenching his fists together.

"I didn't want to resort to this and say this. But listen, I've got all kinds of evidence I could use against you. With that evidence, I can make sure that you and your gang members be captured and put in jail. For god sake, listen to me while I'm being nice. Considering the time that we spent together, I will not give those evidence. Start afresh! Live life as how you should have. This Blake is not the Blake your mum would want for you!" Jared yelled, taking steps closer to me.

My eyes widened as I listened to him. He had struck me at the right spots. I've been lost my whole life. My mum. She wouldn't want to see me like this. Live my life like this. I ran my hand through my hair. How has this turned out this way?

"You have Jennifer to live for, Blake. She loves you. She loves you very much." He muttered as he placed one of his hands on my shoulder.

Jennifer. As I hear her name, my heart wrenched. I still have her in my life. I have to do this for her. I have to stay alive for her. I have to protect her my whole life. Without me realizing, I felt droplets on my cheeks. I wiped them off. I'm crying. I'm feeling sad. I'm feeling miserable. He's right. I should live my life like how I should have before this whole incident happen. For my mother. For my Jennifer. For Tanya as well.

"So Blake, I will help you. Change your life for better. Get out of this dark world." Jared smiled as he patted my shoulder.

"Thank you." I whispered as I pushed his hands away, turning my back to him.

*Sniffed* *Sniffed*

I turned towards Jeremy and saw him furiously and awkwardly trying to stop his tears from falling. He made an eye contact with me and looked nonchalantly at me. I raised my eyebrows at him. Did he just cry?

"What?! This scene is just too sad for me okay. It just seemed like what a wattpad book will be like." He shrugged, wiping off the tears away.

"Wattpad book?" Both Jared and I questioned.

I looked at him and then at Jared. Jared shrugged, scrunching his nose. Okay, I didn't know Jeremy actually read books, especially the sappy ones.

"Hais whatever! So what now Blake? What are you going to do? To be honest, Brody and Jacob have been caught, probably going to be sentenced to life imprisonment or even death penalty. Your mum's case will be reopened and all. So what do you want to do now?" He asked, curiosity glimmering in his eyes.

I pondered on that for a while. They were right. Whatever I've been wanting to achieve has been achieved. But what about now? What am I supposed to do with my life now? I have never thought this far. I've never thought I would fall in love. My mum had taught what it means to be a responsible man.

Remember Blake, a good man is when he carries out his responsibilities well. He is honest in life. He does good deeds. He cares about his family. So be that man.

I smiled as I recalled my mum's wise words. Responsibilities. I have to show that I am good enough for Jennifer. I have to change myself for her. I have to get out of this dark world. I have to return to the light. Jennifer deserves that.

"Jared, you betrayed me- "I started.

"So my long speech is wasted" Jared sighed, turning to walk out of the door.

"Wait! I was not done! True, you did betray me. But after the whole incident happened, seeing Jennifer like that. Hearing long ass speeches from both of you. I've made my decision."

I spoke with determination, radiating off me.


(Jennifer's Pov)

I am stuck in a dark room. It is so dark. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't feel anything. What happened? Did I really die? Did I really kill myself? Is this the end for me?

I don't know how many days have passed. All I know is that I'm stuck in this room for so long already. I feel suffocated all of sudden. Where's the light? It's too dark for me. I need help. Someone, please help me. Please help me.

"Baby, what happened to you?"

This voice, it sounded familiar. 'Help me!' I wanted to shout it out but I can't. The words were stuck in my throat.

"You have to be strong. I'm sorry for not being there, protecting you."

It's his voice. The man whom I love. It's Blake's voice! 'It's not your fault!' Again those words couldn't come out of my mouth. I tried my hardest but it's still stuck there.

"Please wake up! I want to see you. I want to hold you. I promise I won't ever let you go. I need you. I really need you in my life..." He whispered in agony.

I felt my heart squeezing in pain. I couldn't bear hearing his voice. He seemed to be suffering. His voice sounded sorrowful. I want to wake up and tell him that I feel the same. That I love him. That I need him in my life too.

I felt a warmth from one of my hands and froze. I heard clear conversations before a loud yell and a door slammed. I used all my strength, pulling myself together. I need to be strong! I need to be there for Blake. I need to see him again!

I try moving my fingers. I tried and tried. I can do this. I just need a little more push. C'mon I can do this. Jennifer, you are a strong woman! Believe that!

"Jennifer? Darling?" I heard my dad's voice.

'Yes I want to wake up and see you!'

I began to feel myself. I'm lying on a soft thing, most probably a bed. I began to hear the incessant beeping sound of the machine next to me. I began to feel my movements. I know where I am. Being here so many times, I know I'm in the hospital.

I began to see the light. I breathe in and slowly focus my attention on my eyes. I need to open them. At least for Blake, my dad, my family and myself. Slowly, I could see the light. My vision was blurry but I could make out a figure in front of me.

"CALL THE DAMN DOCTORS!!!" My dad shouted.

"Dad..." I called out in my hoarse voice.

"Yes darling, I'm here! My little girl! Daddy's here." He whispered while sobbing, holding my hand.

He kissed my forehead, still sobbing.

"I'm here for you Jenny." My dad sobbed.

I felt my tears making their way down my cheeks. I'm glad that I survived this. I'm glad I'm given a chance again in life. I feel guilt creeping into me. I shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have hurt the people I love.

"I'm.... sorry.... dad" I whispered hoarsely.

"No, sweetheart, it's okay. Just... Don't leave me again. I love you, Jenny. You're my daughter that I've lost before. I don't want to lose you again. I am sorry for the past years. I am sorry that you have to go through so much. I am sorry that your mum hurt you." He sobbed even louder, not caring about the guys staring at him.

"Sir, could you please let me check her?" The doctor asked.

"You better make sure that she's alright! If not, you know what will happen!" My dad growled at the poor doctor.

The doctor gulped before nodding his head frantically. "Don't worry sir! Everything will be fine."

"It better be." My dad exclaimed before moving away.

"Hello Jennifer, I'm your doctor. Right now, I will be conducting a test to see your well-being." He smiled warmly as he explained to me.

I nodded and smile. I have to get better. I have to get out of this hospital. I have to see Blake.


Hey readers! Thank you for patiently waiting for me! I've been really busy and couldn't find the time to update! I thank you all for the support! As usual, please READ, COMMENT, VOTE!

Note: This is probably the 2nd last chapter! So yeah! Stay tuned and I will be updating the last chapter soon!!


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