W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

22.8K 1.3K 412

The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Five

497 37 11
By xwalkergirlx

Everything was semi quiet.

The sky was blue, just a few clouds over it, the sun burning, shining right into my eyes, making me wanting to close them. .

The only sound I was hearing was the shocked whispering from the crowd and Kathi crying, but quiet like she already lost all of her energy.

"Keep on going, ignore it." The cold hearted voice from Blackhead broke through the silence and suddenly the people started talking louder and the guards started checking them again.

I started thinking about what happened, about what's going to happen when this Ryan guy will arrive.

Thinking about Ryan I heard his voice again.

I heard my name?

I was able to imagine his cheeky grin. "Yep you did..." I whispered without really moving my lips.

The squealing brakes from a car broke through the muttering coming from the crowd.

I wasn't able to see who's car this was, but I don't have to see it to know it actually.

Ryan's face popped up in the left corner of my view like I was wearing holographic glasses. He waved at me, now wearing neat looking suit.

Hey! We're here now, like I promised I could plug you back into the WV, but I wanted to test this thing out first... Don't be confused, I'll plug you into our computer, easier to hold the connection up tho!

I sent him a confused feeling, trying to figure out what he wanted to try out but he interrupted my thoughts.

Later. Was his only explanation he was able to give me in this moment, before I felt my body getting thrown up and I found myself again standing right next to my corpse, my feet finally touching the ground again.

I looked around quickly and saw the black van at the street next to the surrounded place and walked to it, curious who's coming out it, even if I already knew it. Three of the four doors opened and I saw three guys jumping out of the car.

Some people looked at their direction, but turned their heads away the same second, they met the blue eyes from the guy, who jumped out of the drivers side and now came over to the side with Ryan and the other man.

I wasn't surprised that they were wearing suits, but I couldn't stop grinning weirdly, as soon as I saw the driver in a blue striped suit. #0's eyes met mine, and I was definitely sure that he saw me, standing right in the middle of the small place where I was killed.Ryan closed his door slowly and looked around, checking the small groups at the fence who were still waiting for their loved ones to be tested, before nodding towards his companion.

The three men went forward at the same second and stopped at the gate of the fence.

"Who's the leader of this execution here?"

#0 raised his voice and opened the gate without a question, while everyone glanced up.

The guards, who killed me a few minutes ago, pointed their guns at them immediately. Again at the same second the three tall man took out a pass and showing it to the guards, who were exchanging confused glances. Blackhead, followed by two heavy armoured guards came and stopped in front of the three men, obviously not knowing who they are.

He grabbed #0's pass and checked it, glancing at him.

"Norwegian special agents?" He asked, giving #0 his pass back while frowning in confusion.

Ryan nodded. "Exactly. We came to take the corpse of the Walker you detected to our laboratories." He added, with no emotions, crossing his arms.

Blackhead looked at him, like he just noticed that he was there.

"I haven't got any instructions, that the aliens we're detecting here are going to be brought anywhere." He answered a bit too loud.

The group's starting whispering and I heard the word 'Alien' several times, being picked up by everyone around.

#0's eyes flashed angrily and he looked at my body behind Blackhead.

"Mister, I warn you, give us this body, or we're getting it with force. Norway has a good right to get to know the genetic abilities of the aliens, which landed right in our country and my hometown!" He said with an aggressive undertone, clenching his hands.

Blackhead growled angrily. "I can't give it to you without instructions..." He groaned. #0's made a quick step forward and I was able to see a knife on his lower arm pointing right on the neck of the man.

"You better give it to us, or will you ask your boss first? I'm sure they already got the instructions." #0 whispered quietly, while having his arm around Blackheads neck, which seems like a friendly hug, if there wasn't the knife, which kind of reminded me of Assassin's Creed.

Ryan slightly grinned, he obviously heard my thoughts once again. I slowly went towards him and looked around the place with mixed emotions.

"You will get killed immediately, if you're going to murder me here." Blackhead whispered angrily, but his trembling voice betrayed him.

"We know where your family lives. Your daughter is pretty cute." #0 countered cold blooded.

Blackhead eyes widened in fear. "Good, you won. Take that god damn alien corpse!" He growled and #0 let him go, smiling widely.

"Why not this way right from the start?" He asked, hiding the knife again, fixing the sleeves of his suit.

"Bring her into our car, we're leaving."

#0 turned around and I followed him. I looked back at Ryan, who grabbed my legs, while the other one, I assume #5947, grabbed my arms.

As soon as #0 opened the door, I was able to see that faded, tattooed ring on his hand and stepped back shocked, gasping for air.

He gave me a very confused glance, which confirmed that he is able to see me just like Ryan, and opened the other door to get into the Van, frowning in confusion.

I followed him hesitatingly, sitting down on one chair in the little room inside the car.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked quietly and shyly, slightly being worried.

#0 glanced away, looking through the window and I was able to see Ryan and #5497 coming closer with my body.

"Saving your ass probably." He encountered as quiet as I.

The two other Walkers lifted my body up on the little bed in the center of the small room and fixed it with some straps, after putting in some intravenous injections. I glanced at the different hoses, trying to figure out their reason.

My eyes followed every step Ryan and the other one did, but I didn't noticed, how #0 stood up and jumped out of the car to get to the divers cabin. Ryan followed him and suddenly I found myself outside the car again. The back doors of the van were closed loudly and the Australian opened the door.

He looked back at Blackhead, who was staring at him angrily with his fists clenched, and started grinning provoking. On his back, clearly visible on the gray suit, appeared the logo I knew better than anything else for a brief second.

"Shoot at him! God damn shoot!" I heard Mister Blackhead yelling panicked as soon as the realization sank in.

Ryan laughed loudly and jumped into the car, while I was thrown back into the small room inside of it. #0 had already started the car and pushed the gas pedal down to the maximum. The car shot forward insanely fast and #0 turned the steering wheel around quickly, before leaving the place behind us.

#5947 looked at me quietly, checking the instruments in the car, still wearing his suit.

"You can see me?" I asked confused, feeling like I'm a part of the wrong film and stepped closer. #5947 smiled slightly.

"Of course!" He laughed. "Why I shouldn't be able to see you? Haven't Ryan told you anything?" He added, looking back at me slightly perplexed.

I shook my head to say no and looked over my shoulder towards Ryan and #0. Ryan's eyes met mine for a brief second and he climbed through the van to get to us two.

"Shut up Kyrre..." He muttered. #5947, obviously called Kyrre, chuckled.

"Why? I thought she already knows everything..." He suddenly stopped and stared in Ryan's eyes, his blue greenish eyes flashing angrily.

A light blue, almost invisible string popped up between the two. Curious as I was, I leaned forward and touched it slightly.

Quietly but audible, I heard Ryan's and Kyrre's voice in my head.

>>Wait? What do you mean with 'She don't know anything?!'<< Kyrre shouted angrily.

>>Like I said, she isn't in the Databank, she isn't registered or anything! She's a human gosh! Why you can't understand this?!<< Ryan answered as angry as Kyrre.

>>She... isn't? But how...?! The WV..<< His opposite stuttered shocked.

Both of them turned their heads at me, sitting in the room with one hand in the air.

"What are you doing?" Ryan grinned, confused. My eyes widened.

"I... I... don't know?" Kyrre looked at me, like he knew what I did.

"Okay come on Ryan stop that shit." #0 yelled from in front. "You know who I am right?" He added.

I almost hit the wall as the car slid into a bend and I grabbed the seat next to me to stay where I was.

"Yeah I know..." I muttered quietly. "Yeah I know who you are..." My eyes met Kyrre's. "You are..."

My voice got interrupted by loud police sirens and shots hitting the car.

"God damnit!" #0 yelled, driving even faster to get out of range.

Again a blue string popped up between #0 and Ryan. I forgot that Kyrre was there and touched it again.

>>...turn their car off, take care of them. We'll wait for you at...<<

The connection was interrupted suddenly, as Kyrre tackled me down to save me from a bullet, which had travelled through the window.

Without a word, Ryan disappeared in a cloud of pixels and I heard the squealing brakes behind us.

"Are you okay...?" #0 asked worried.

"My name is Christine..." I helped him out. "Or #5120 how you would say." I added quietly.

"You're registered on the platform?!" The two Walkers in the car yelled and Kyrre stares at me slightly shocked.

"Y..Yeah?" I answered quietly as before.

"Oh faen..." #0 cursed driving towards a gate around a factory.

"That kinda explains a lot..." He added.

"What do you mean?!" I looked at Kyrre, slightly panicking. Kyrre touched my hand.

"Please, let us explain everything, but first we have to get out of here..." He muttered and suddenly the suit turned into a black hoodie.

"Alan, #18 needs help. Get her out of here!" He yelled, before opening the cars backdoor and jumping out of the driving car.

Caused by the speed, the doors slammed immediately, but I was able to see the stone wall suddenly appearing in front of the 20 police cars chasing us.

"Come here, and get yourself ready for a bit action." His voice was calm. "Even if you're just a hologram right now, it doesn't mean that you can't be hit by one of these bullets." He added.

Without saying something, I climbed over the two seats and sat down next to him.

The car broke through a brick wall and slided on the street behind it. I heard people screaming and closed my eyes in fear.

This was the moment, I felt his warm hand on my leg, and I looked up into his blue eyes, filled with fear.

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