Getting Along (MOMENTARILY DI...

By Koffepuppy

152K 5.1K 1.1K

Dumbledore and the rest of the Professors at Hogwarts decided to end house rivalries by making Slytherins and... More

Chap Two
Chapter 3
Chap 4
Chap Five
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Bonding Time
Night mares
Waking Up
The kiss 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Breaking Tradition
Authors Note
Mission Drarry and Nansy
Sorting Things Out
Nightmare in Hogwarts
What Will Happen From Now On?
The Kiss pt 2
Caught Red Handed
Ginevra Weasley Sucks
The Letter
The Break Up
Help Is On The Way
Authors Note
Telling Mother
Confronting The Devil
The Spy
Clarabella Davis & The Spy Squad
The Potion
Whooooooo Lives in a Cupbroad Under The Stairs
Getting Help
Festival Part 1
Festival Part 2
The Festival Part 3
Authors Note. Dont read if not interested
Waking Up
'Til Death Do You Part
The Wakening
Why Me...?
Bonding Part Two
The First Memory
Sneak Peak!!!
Friends Not Lovers
I'm Sorry
The Wizard of Oops
The Talk
Where It All Started
A New Story
Reliving The Nightmare and Beating the System
What Have i done
The New Kid
His Fault
He's Mine
New Allies
New Ally New Enemy
Missing Him
I'm A Mess
The Plan
Im so sorry
Sneak Peak
Authors Note

Chap One

8.4K 228 34
By Koffepuppy

This is my very first Drarry fanfic and it fluff with lemon at the end... probably? Also since it's my first don't sue me if it sucks. Multiple perspectives from each character
( thought during speech)
" speech "
'Thought '
Harry's POV
It was an ordinary day for me, well as normal as it can get for a wizard attending Hogwarts. It was currently dinner and we were eating in the Great Hall. I tend to zone out most of the times and look at people or a certain person. A person that I like that I shouldn't, Draco Malfoy. Yup Draco Malfoy stole the heart of The-Boy-Who-Lived, The Golden Boy, The Chosen One! I kept looking at Draco and then he caught my eye and winked. I mean he could have just had something in his eye he was looking at someone else "Harry!" Hermione half yelled at me snapping me out of my daze.
"Hmm? What?" I asked while blinking my eyes to bring myself back to the hard cold place we call reality.
"I was gonna ask you why you haven't been eating?" Asked Hermione with worry on her face.
"Yeah mate you haven't been eating much lately." Stated Ron with the same look as Hermione on his face.
"Oh um I haven't been hungry much." I replied hoping it would satisfy them. Ron seemed pretty much convinced but Hermione could do with some more persuasive. Just when Hermione was going to comment on my answer Dumbledore silenced the Great Hall. All eyes went on him.
"I understand that all of you students know about our school house rivalry," He paused particularly to look at the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables. "I and the rest of the staff have thought about an idea to get all houses to cooperate together."
"Each head of house will choose five different students from each house to participate in this event." Great each event that happens here at least has to do with me.
"Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw will be given trust exercises and different task to complete together. The Gryffindor and Slytherin students that will be chosen will be sharing rooms together and be living as muggles for two weeks." I practically heard all the gasps and prayers from the Slytherins hoping that they aren't chosen. I was okay with the challenge mostly because I grew up with muggles.
"If your name is called please come up to my office after dinner is over. Now Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape please state the names of the students chosen."
"Yes now then the first name will be , Harry Potter ( knew it) , Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Neville Longbottom , and Seamus Finnigan"
"Great now we have to live with Slytherins for two weeks." Muttered Ron.
"Oh c'mon Ron stop being so immature. I actually agree with Professor Dumbledore, it was about time they did something about all the house rivalries." Lecturer Hermione. I was trying my hardest not to laugh at how my friends keep arguing about the littlest things. Seamus looked like an exact replica of Ron mourning this entire idea. Neville looked pale as a ghost terrified at the idea of sharing a room with a Slytherin.
"Professor Snape would you please say the names of your students."
"Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini , Gregory Crabbe, and Vincent Goyle."

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