Miraculous Ladybug X Reader X...

By MikeWoo

56.4K 934 1.7K

You don't have a Kwami but you were born with the ability to control basic elements. You have a close friend... More

Chapter 1 and Information
Chapter 2: School
Chapter 3: Dorito B*tch? Maybe...
Chapter 4: Add Two More Heriones!
Chapter 5: MEOUCH!! Lmao shitty title...
100+ Oneshot: Nathanael X Reader
200+ Reads Oneshot: Marinette X Reader X Adrien
Luka Couffaine X Reader Oneshot
Luka Couffaine X Reader :Part 2
Marinette X Fem. Reader Oneshot
Luka X Reader Oneshot
MisterBug X Reader Oneshot: Part 1
MisterBug X Reader Oneshot: Part 2
Chat Blanc X Reader
Chat Blanc X Reader||Afterward||
Adrien/Chat Blanc X Reader X Luka

+400 Reads Oneshot: Oliver Kirkland X Reader X Nathanael

1.5K 19 38
By MikeWoo

//Disclaimer! This is an old one-shot that I do not feel like editing so you have been warned for bad grammar!//

I am so so sorry @personchan, there was so much on my plate! To getting ready for my Exit day, to Luncheon, and to Graduation! Needless to say, I was exhausted from all those activities.. I also took some time to relax , so it's still partiality my fault too... (I got out of school on the 27th btw)

Here's the Oneshot I promised!

(F/F) = Favorite Flower

(*F/F) = Favorite Food

(*2F/F) = Second Favorite Food

(R/N) = Random Name

(F/D) = Favorite Drink


It was the first day of Summer break and there was already a 5-day heatwave in store. You sat upside-down on your living couch while watching your favorite show. Bored out of your mind you decided to call up Icelliya. Icelliya's parents had gone to Miami for some 'family bonding time'. Of course, Icelliya threw a tantrum but she'd never defy her own guardians, a tearful goodbye was made when both you and her were at the airport. You pressed her contact and then the phone icon. All was heard the annoying sound of the unanswered phone, eventually the sound of the voicemail woman came up. That there made you hang up the phone.

Sighing, you sat up into a normal position. The blood rushed back to your head and you immediately felt light-headed for a second. Shaking your head, you tried to refocus on your show but boredom kept on taking over your mind. Craving for amusement, you walked up your house stairs and towards your bedroom. Strolling into your walk-in closet, you searched for appropriate weather clothing. You decided on a (F/C) striped short-sleeve shirt with white stripes, black suspenders (Forgive m e), white jean-shorts that stopped mid-thigh, a (F/C) cap with cute pink flower designs and white converse. It took a little jumping to get the shorts past your thighs but they easily fit past your waist. 

(#Too thicc)

You snapped the suspenders on, and next put your shoes on then tied them. You decided to grab a cute (F/C) messenger bag that held your keys, headphones, and wallet. Waltzing out of your bedroom, you walking down the stairs with a bounce in your step. Strutting towards your kitchen, you opened the freezer and took out one frozen water bottle and a slushed one. Placing the bottles in your bag, you yelled aloud, announcing that you were heading outside. Walking out the door and just before closing it, you remembered you left your phone on the couch. Rushing back in, you snatched your phone and ran back out, not before locking the door.

You put your (F/C) headphones over your cap and jammed out to some tunes. Not really having a designated location, you just let your feet guide you. Looking around your surroundings, it seemed like your feet wanted you to head to the notorious Parisian park. You walked in the park, just in time to see a stranger with reddish-brown hair being shat on by a pigeon. Concealing your laughter, your cheeks puffed out and your face turned red. Not being able to hold in your cackling, you about-faced and started sniggering. The stranger glared at the back of your and walked off swearing.

Turning around again, you noticed said stranger disappeared. Shrugging, you walked to one of the benches near the fountain and sat down. Bathing in sun's hellfire glare, you stretched your arms on the bench and leaned back a little. 

Seemingly out of nowhere, your headphones were yanked off your head, startling you. Flinching, you looked behind you to know who the culprit was.

"Ollie..? Shouldn't you be at your bakery?"

The pink-haired male smiled, closed his eyes, and shook his head. He then came around the bench and then said dramatically,

"There was a power outage on my block, poppet! Oh, it was terrible, I was afraid all my dear goodies were going to melt and spoil! Luckily, I quickly remember I had a generator and instantly powered my shop back on!"

Raising your eyebrow, you sighed and told him to answer your question. He scratched his cheek and finally stopped beating around the bush.

"Well~, nobody was really popping into my shop today and too many people came in asking to use the generator!"

He then pouted and closed his eyes.

"Some of them were quite rude, might I add! Especially this big, ugly, tall guy! He forced me against the wall and threatened me! He was lucky there was more than one person at the shop or I would've-"

You cut him off then and there, obviously knowing what he was gonna say. Sighing, you tried relaxing again in sun but you felt a poke on your left cheek. Opening one eye, you saw Oliver literally one inch close from your face. The freckled male was pouting while staring at you, staring back at him with both eyes open, you arched a brow.

"What's wrong Ollie?"

"It's boring here! Can we go somewhere else?"

"Whadda' ya mean by we?"

The pinkette stared at you with the eyes of a kicked puppy and his bottom lip quivering. He then mushed his face in yours.

"Oh please, poppet~! I'll even let you suggest where we should go!"

You just stared at the flamboyant male. Soon his eyes stared watering which alarmed you. Soon fat tears rolled down his face making you spring into action. You wiped the tears off his face and reluctantly agreed. Bipolar mode intact, he sprang to his feet and hopped around. Clasping his hands together, he leaned closer towards your face. You could smell the faint scent of peppermint on his breath. Blushing, you leaned back a little.

"So~! Where should we go, poppet?"

You leaned back a little more and puckered your lips while in thought.

"U-uh, how about the pool? Ya'know since it's, like, over 90 degrees outside?"

His mood then changed again, but this time he was flustered.

"I-i don't know, poppet... I don't exactly like people gazing at my body.."

You were confused, then it soon clicked in your mind. Reaching your arms up, you then squeezed Oliver's cheeks and reassured him. You smiled at him and rubbed his mushed chubby freckled face.

"Oh Oliver, don't worry about what others think. Your body is just fine! Lots of people think freckles are cute, me included!"

Mood now a little bit boosted, he nodded. You stood up and hugged the smaller male, unintentionally having you bury his face in your chest. He wasn't bothered by this, of course, wrapping his arms around your waist, he smelled the natural scent of (F/F) and Vanilla. Realizing you were smothering him, you pulled back a little.

"Alright, I go get my bathing suit and other needed stuff while you get yours. We'll meet up at (R/N) pool at 12, alright?"

Oliver vigorously nodded his head. He put his hands on your shoulders for support and leaned up to kiss your cheek. Glowing pink, you retaliated and kiss his forehead, making him turn red. The pink-haired male then skipped off while waving.

"See you later, poppet~!"

Smiling, you waved back.

"See ya later, Ollie!"

You took out your phone and read the time.

'11: 18, huh? Enough time to get ready and head to the pool!'

You walked out of the park and headed home. Upon the way home, you saw some kids from your old homeroom and waved at them. Some smiled politely and waved back while others just nodded. Now in front of your house, you unlocked the door and headed inside. Feeling the nice chill of your air-conditioned home, you sighed in content. You came back just in time to see your mother in father making out.

Gagging, you speed-walked towards the stairs and ran up the steps. Hearing loud footsteps, your parents stopped kissing and blushed from embarrassment. The two then cuddled, waiting for you to come back down stairs so they can continue their session.

Now in your bedroom, you ran into your closet and decided what to pack. First off, what bathing suit you should wear. Going through your closet, you finally decided on two pieces.

You obviously were choosing the less revealing one piece. You took out a beach bag and packed the said essentials: an extra pair of clothes, sunscreen, wedges, goggles, and two towels. You then transferred your phone, wallet, and keys from the messenger bag to the beach bag. Packing all of your stuff, you walked back down the stairs. You walked in on your parents cuddling and watching a 70's movie, Grease.

You smiled and shook your head.

"Hey guys, I'm going out to the pool with a friend of mine."

Your mother looked in your direction and nodded.

"Just don't stay out too late, okay pie?"

"Alrighty, Mommy.."

You walked past the two, shut the door, and locked it again. Taking out your phone, you checked the time. Your phone read 11:21. Shrugging, you started walking to the local pool. It was a 20-minute walk, so it wasn't exactly that far from home.

Looking at your surroundings, you stopped at a green light. Not many cars seemed to in the road. Waiting for your single, you noticed a child running towards the road, trying to catch a butterfly. Eye's widening, you immediately stepped out into the street. As soon as you were halfway across the street, near the child, it seemed as if hundreds of cars came out of nowhere. Frozen by fear, the little girl stood in the middle of the street, stiff as a statue. She had terror and her big orbs, as if she was almost accepting the death that awaited her.  


Honks were heard as you ran in the road. As you got closer to the girl, a car was racing towards her at break-neck speed. Said little girl closed her eyes and braced for the painful impact. No pain came, but she did feel arms grab her. Confused, the little opened her eyes and seen the face of a beautiful tall woman holding her up from at least 4 feet in the air. Realizing what could've happened to her, the girl starting bawling loudly. You cradled and rocked her back and forth to ease her fear.

The parent of the child soon ran up to you, she was sobbing hysterically too. The little girl bore the same resemblance as her mother, curly black hair, hazel eyes, and sun-kissed skin. The little girl then reached her arms out to her mother. You put her in her mothers' arms and smiled.

'Like mother, like daughter... I-i guess..'

Still cradling her child, she thanked you profusely. 

"W-what can I do to r-r-repay you ba-ack?"

"There's no need to repay me back, just try to monitor your child's surroundings, okay?"

She nodded while big salty tears still ran down her face. You then leaned to the whimpering child and patted her head.

"And watch where you're too, okay sweetie?"

The raven-haired girl nodded and snuggled into her mother's collarbone. You then started walking away, some Samaritans walked up you asked if were okay and if you were hurt or not. You answered their questions and went on to your destination. You looked back and squinted your eyes at the tiny noticeable crater you caused while rescuing the girl. Turning your head, you proceed to the location of the local pool.

Finally in front of the outside local pool's open gates, you noticed a small line was formed, irking you. Luckily, there was two lines, making it easier to speed up the process. Spotting pink hair waiting near a lamp post. You walked up towards him tapped his shoulder. Oliver let out a squeak and turned around abruptly.

"Poppet! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry, but if I said your name, I figured it would  still scare you.."

"Aww, poppet~! I'm touched! Not many people wouldn't even bat an eye if I trip but here you are worrying over the fact you accidentally scared me!"

After that statement, Oliver gave you a bone-crushing hug. This time he willingly mushed face in between your breasts. You awkwardly look away from strangers curious stares. Rubbing the sweet man's head, you returned the hug. Standing there for a few more seconds, patted the shorter males back.

"H-hey, uh, Ollie?.. You can let go now.."

He leaped back with a bright smile on his face.

"Oh sorry poppet! I just found you so huggable that it'd be a shame to let go so early!"

You nodded at him with nervous laughter. Oliver grabbed your hand and led towards the second line. While standing in line, Oliver started to hum while swaying his head left to right.

'How cute..'

"C'mon poppet! The lines moving!"

"Alright, alright.."

Oliver was now in front of a person monitoring a table that had a few items on it. Two stacks of sign-in sheets and a cup of pens. The sign-in sheets were pinned onto clipboards with a pen that was attached to it. The man that was monitoring the table smiled at Oliver.

"Are you here alone or is the woman next to with you a friend?"

"Yes indeed, I'm here with a friend!"

Oliver then clinged onto your arm. Blushing, you averted your eyes to the cement ground. The man then started to chuckle.

"It seems like you two are really close.."

You rubbed your head and sweat-dropped.

"You can kinda say that.."

"Alrighty then,  can I have both your ID cards and have the both of you sign this sheet?"



You took out your wallet and handed the man your ID while Oliver signed the sheet. Once he was done, you then switched positions with the bouncing male. Done with examining both of your ID, the man handed the cards back. He then nodded at you two.

"Have a nice day you guys!"

"You too mister!"


The two of you then walked inside past the gates and are immediately met with a beach ball flying past your head. Since it was thrown hard, the ball bounced back off the gate and flew back to the person who threw it. When the ball hit the gate, it shook rather loudly scaring most of the people who awaited in the lines. You heard a few people swear loudly which made Oliver scowl.

"I should've brought my swear if I had known there'd be strangers cursing!"

Sighing, you ushered him to the side where teenagers and adult were supposed to go. You went into the Women's bathroom/changing room  while Oliver went to Men's bathroom/changing room. You walked into the last shower room and changed into your bathing suit. Done with putting the swimsuit on, you took out your googles, wedges and sunscreen. You started to rub sunscreen on the visible parts of your body. Slipping on your wedges,you walked out of the shower room.

You walked past some woman who you gave you jealous looks. Smirking, you strutted out of the Women's Room. You then flipped your hair over your shoulder. (If you have hair that's shorter than shoulder length, you just swayed your hair twice)

'It's not my fault I was born with the body of a Goddess~' 

"H-hey (N/N)!"

You turned around to see a  red haired-male waving at you with a face that resembled a tomato. You speed-walked to the boy who was already in the pool. You crouched down and greeted him.

"Hey Nathan! What a coinkydink, huh?"

"Yeah! Uh, where's Icelliya?"

"She's at America right now, in Miami!"

"Who's this, poppet?"

You looked behind you just to see pink swimming trunks with a blue sprinkles design within your eye-level. You looked up to see Oliver pouting once more. Nathanael waved to the person who was a stranger to him.

"My names Nathanael, I attend the same high school as (Y/N)."

You stood up and nudged Oliver. He 'humphed' and introduced himself to Nathanael.

"My names Oliver, I met  (N/N) by bumping into her!"

You high-fived your forehead and sighed. Turning around, you started to walk in the direction of some mini-lockers that held the belongings of everyone at the pool. Oliver jogged after you while Nathan watched confused. He decided to stay in the pool and wait for you to come back.

"H-hey poppet! What's the matter, d-did I do something wrong?"

Turning your head over shoulder, you threw a confused face in his direction.

"No? I was just going to put my bag in a free locker.."

"O-oh! I thought I angered you and made you walk away.."

You fully turned around and smiled at him to reassure that you weren't mad.

"You did nothing wrong at all, Ollie. Try not to worry too much about what other's think about you, okay?"

The male looked up and shot you a confused look.

"Isn't that kinda mean?"

"Well, it depends on who the person is, like if it's somebody you care about, that's the time to start to start caring 'bout what they think. Now, if it's a person who just flat out doesn't like you, that's the time to stop start caring."

Oliver's big blue eyes shined in the light.

"Do you know how smart you are, poppet?"

You turned around and shrugged. Walking towards the square shaped lockers, you answered his question.

"It's actually from personal experience, I learned in order to have a low stress life, is to stop caring about what other's think about me. Let them judge me by my appearance, I certainly don't care about their opinions."

"I'm sorry for bringing up such bad memories, poppet! I should'v-"

You turned and hugged Oliver, startling him. You sighed and pulled back.

"Oliver, answer me this.. Do you know how much a cinnamon roll you are?"


"It seems like you don't.."

You kissed his cheek and then started to finally search for a locker. Oliver stood frozen in the same spot and finally touched the spot where you kissed him. Realization hitting him, his who face turned pink and freckles turned a darker shade of pink, highlighting the blush. A ditsy smile grew on his face as he imagined a cute scene popping up in his head. You shyly confessing your love for and smothering him with kisses. Oliver was pulled down from the clouds by you pinching his cheeks.

"Ow ow ow, stop poppet, that hurts!"

"You should've been paying attention to me then.."

Said pinkette rubbed his sore cheeks and nodded. You grabbed his forearm and led him back towards the pool. Nathanael looked bored out of his mind until you came back. The teal-eyed male had his head in his arms while his arms laid rested on the outer surface of the pool. He smiled at the both of you and raised his head up. You crouched and sat a few inches away from him. Oliver just walked towards the ladder that led into the pool.

"Took you two long enough.."

"Yeah, yeah, hush up tomato head!"

Nathan faked being hurt and placed his hand on his heart.

"Oh no, don't tell me.. You're turning into Icelliya now?!"

You laughed, put your arm in the water and splashed him. He guffawed loudly and sent back a bigger splash. Oliver soon showed up with his arms above the water, teen chattering and vibrant pink goggles on his forehead. You darted a worried look at him.

"Hey Ollie, why don't you put your whole body under the water for sec to become used to the coldness?"

Oliver shook his head and continued to tremble in the cold water. You sighed and jumped in the pool. 

"Ooh~, n-now that's cold!"

You trudged in the direction of Oliver and grabbed his hand. He caste a confused look in your direction.

"On the count 3, we'll both go down into the water, alright?"

Oliver pulled down his goggles and nodded. You pulled down yours and readied.


You both were then submerged into the pool and felt chill of chlorine water. The two of you popped back up, now similar with the H2O. Oliver shook his head, spraying water all over the two you.



Oliver sheepishly smiled and nervously laughed.





Timeskip by: Blue flames

(Italics mean that the language has been switched to Japanese)

All three of you were hungry from all the energy wasted by playing in the water. You were the first one to climb up ladder, giving the whole world a nice view of your butt. Your two friends blushed and averted their eyes to elsewhere. You felt eyes lingering on your lower-backside, so you turned around to find out who the culprit was.

You locked eyes with a salmon pink-haired male, who sent you a flirty wink. He was soon smacked upside the head by a girl with very tiny eyebrows, purple hair pulled into to pigtails and red eyes. She gave you a nervous apologetic smile. You sent her a closed-eyed smile and nodded, making her blush.

"Ow, Izumo! That hurt, can you hit me any harder?!"

"Wanna see, idiot?!"

"That's enough you two! Ugh, you two fight just like spoiled brats!"

"Speak for yourself, thug!"

"Whad'ja just call me?!-"

"C-calm down, Bon!"

Nathanael was soon standing next too and shot the group an annoyed look. A shorter boy with a shaved head and red glasses tried to hold back a teen with black hair and a blonde streak in the middle of his hair from strangling the girl with purple hair. Surprisingly, she wasn't alarmed. The girl, whom you now know is named Izumo, pressed even further, making the angered teen turn bright red. A timid girl with rosy pink cheeks and shoulder length blonde hair then interrupted the two.

"H-hey, Izumo-san, it's best not we make a big scene. This is a public place after all!"

Another girl with brown shoulder length hair agreed with her. Izumo then crossed her arms and walked away. The timid girl was soon looking around, searching if anyone had seen the quick fight that almost escalated. She soon caught your amused gaze and turned red from embarrassment. You then noticed the shorter girl had quite a bust for her age, which you presumed she was in her teens like you. The blonde girl bowed as if she was saying sorry for the commotion. You bowed back, knowing that it'd rude to keep on staring.

"Hey, you coming?"

You turned around to the red-haired male who had his hand on his stomach. You shook your head and jerked it towards the direction of the mini-lockers.

"Lemme just go get my wallet first.."

He nodded and went to go sit a circular red table that Oliver was sitting at also. You observed the pinkette's behavior, it seems like he was acting a little more civilized this time when he was talking to Nathan. You smiled and went to go get your beach bag. You ran into the perverted male who winked at you. You were close to his height. (Shima's 5'9)

"Hey there, the names's Shima, but you can call me anytime~"

You gave the slightly taller male a nervous smile. Tiny brows soon walked up to the pervert and scolded him.

"Oi, idiot! I'm pretty sure she doesn't speak Japanese!"

You then gave, 'Izumo' a confused look. She shook her head and sighed.

"See, what I tell you?"

"No, I do!"

"You do!?"

"She does!? Now that makes her 100% girlfriend material for me!"

"W-woah, slow your roll! I don't even know you!"

"We're already on first name basis!"

"But you don't know my name though!"

The male then was pulled back on the shoulder by the thug looking dude. He then glared down at his friend. Now that he was closer, you noticed he had multiple piercings on the both of his ears. 

"C'mon Shima! We're not here to make friends!"

"But Bon~! I was about to get a pretty lady's number!"

Your eyebrow then twitched from irritation. You then crossed your arms and stared at the altercation that was happening in front of you.

'All I wanted to do was to get my bag...'

The shorter girl with tiny eyebrows then faced you.

"I'm sorry about his behavior, boys like him never learn.."

"I'm with ya.."

"Hey~! (N/N)! What's taking so long!?"

Oliver whined clearly getting bored for waiting for your return. You turned around and shouted back an answer.

"Just wait a little longer and then I'll be over there!"

He pouted and put his head in hands on the circle table. Nathanael gave you an apologetic smile and nodded. You turned back to Izumo and alerted her about the news.

"It seems like my friend is getting a lil impatient..

The red eyed girl nodded.

"I should get back to my group of friends also, it was nice speaking with you.."

"You too, see you whenever!"

The girl gave a mini-wave and headed off to her unique group of friends. You went to your locker and put the key in. (You put the key in your swimsuit) Finally taking out your bag, you headed over to your two companions.

"Finally, we can eat!"

You flicked the teal-eyed boy's forehead. He scrunched his nose and rubbed the throbbing spot.

"Ow, that actually hurt! You work out your fingers or something?.."

"Nah, just pure, natural strength..I guess..."

The three of you then got up and headed towards the food line. You looked up at menu with wide eyes.

'Oh hell no.. 4 dollars for a cheeseburger!? Yeesh!'

 Both Nathanael and Oliver then looked agitated.

"O-oh, I forgot to my wallet in my locker!"

"Me too!"

You smirked at the two. You then decided to mock their misfortune.

"Oh, too bad, too sad! Better hurry up 'fore the line gets any longer!"

"Yeah, yeah! The lockers aren't even that far!"

You blew a raspberry at the two. Oliver groaned while Nathan sent you a playful glare. The too of them rushed off to their own lockers. You turned around to see a big gap in front of you, caused  from not moving with the lines pace.

'Damn, who ever's back there is moving fast..'

You walked up, closing the gap. You were one person away from from the cashier. After the person that was in front of you payed for what they ordered they moved to the left, waiting for their food which was immediately served by a boy with messy navy blue hair, ocean blue eyes and defined canines. He looked like quite the character since he gave off a happy-go-lucky vibe. He caught your gaze and gave wave and a cheery, full teethed smile. You laughed and smiled back.

'He's cute!'

"Uh, excuse me?"

You averted your eyes to the cashier, who was quite the looker. He almost bore the same resemblance as the chef but he had short chocolate hair, teal eyes withe black glasses, and three moles. Two in a vertical line under his right eye and one on the bottom corner on the left side of his face, near his lip.

"Oh! Sorry! Can I uh, (B O N E L E S S P I Z Z A) (*F/F), (*2 F/F) and a can/bottle of (F/D)."

"That'll be $9:50, ma'am..",

'How polite..'

You nodded and took out your wallet from the beach bag. Taking out a ten dollar bill, you handed  to the taller male. He then gave you your change, aka 2 quarters.

"T-thanks, uh.."

"Yukio, call me Yukio."

"Yeah, uh thanks Yukio.."

He then gave you a handsome smile which made blush. You then asked him a bold question.

"You do know you're pretty attractive, right?"

"Eh? K-kind of, I, uh, have a little fanbase from where I'm from.. "

Yukio scratched the back of his head with pink cheeks and averted eyes. 

"I wouldn't be surprised, sorry if I came off blunt, I'm curious about a lot of things.."

"That's a weird subject to be curious about.."

"Oi, four-eyes, Are you gonna keep on flirting with the customer or actually do your job?"

The navy blue-haired boy set down the food you ordered and mocked his counterpart. 'Four-eyes' snapped his head at the shorter male.

"You have no room to talk, Rin!"

You then decided to mock the boy, Rin, for Yukio.

"Isn't that a females' name?"

The navy blue-haired male gritted his teeth and sweat-dropped.

"I g-guess.. Just take your stuff!"

You laughed and took your food. You were about 10 feet away when you heard Rin call out to you.

"Hey stranger! You forgot this!"

"Just throw it!"

The male threw the can/bottle. Your eyes widened at how fast the can/bottle was traveling. You quickly snatched the drink that was still in mid-air.

"Nice catch!"

"Nice throw!"

You waved and went to go sit down at red the table you were previously sitting at. As soon as you put your can/bottle to your lips, both Nathanael and Oliver walked back over sulking. They both sat down with depressed faces.

"The hell's wrong with you two?"

Oliver than piped up.

"No swearing, poppet!"

"Hell's not a curse!"

"It depends on how you're using the word!"

You blew another raspberry at him. Nathanael then folded his arms and put them on the table. Plopping his head in his arms, he answered your question.

"The both of us left our wallets home.."

"Bummer, hey, how about this.."

You pulled out your wallet and took out a twenty dollar bill. You then handed it to Oliver.

"Both of you share the twenty, and if there's any change, just give the extra money back to me."

They both nodded.


"Thank you poppet!"

You nodded and went back to enjoying to your drink. You set the beverage down and sighed.

'The shit I'd do for friends.. I better have more than a quarter left..'




Time Skip by: People setting off Fireworks too early

The three of you walked back to your house since the two males deemed it was 'too dangerous for a girl to be walking by herself at night.' You sighed, tired from today's events so you just let them come with. You pouted and mini-conversation in your head, though it was one-sided.

'Ugh, I'm perfectly capable of handling myself! I'm like the Avatar! Taking on any foe with the power to control any element!'

Too caught up in your thoughts, you tripped and ended up falling face first into a lamp post. You got up and started rubbing your nose to sooth the pain. Both of the males rushed over towards you.

"(N/N), are you okay!?"

You snapped your head at Nathanael, annoyed by his question. You then sarcastically said,

"Oh no~, I'm fine! I fell face first into a pillow!"

The shorter male flinched and bowed his head.

"S-sorry, dumb question.."

Instantly regretting what you said, you hugged the male with your free arm and ruffled his reddish-orange locks.

"My fault, you were just tryna check on me.."

Oliver watched from the sidelines and pouted. He then jumped in the touching moment.

"Lemme apply pressure to it!"

"H-hey wait! It isn't bleeding though!"

He did so anyway, making you screech in agony. Snapping out of his jealous mental dispute, Oliver immediately apologized.

"S-sorry, poppet! I didn't mean too!"

The male then had tears brim at the corner of his corneas. Your right eye twitched while looking at the behavior he was displaying.

'Shouldn't I be the one on the verge of crying? My nose feels like it's fucking broken!'

You then let go of your nose and patted Oliver's head, calming him down easily.

"Not much harm was done.. C'mon you two, the sky's turning pink!"

They nodded and stood up with you following right after them. You three then proceed to walk back to your house. You coincidentally encountered the mother of the daughter you rescued again. She was sitting on a bench with her daughter. Recognizing you, she waved  with a cheery smile. You, of course, waved back at the woman. Nathanael then questioned your relation with her.

"Is she a friend of yours?"

You looked the other way, opposite of his direction and shrugged.

"You could uh, say that.."

The little girl finally noticed who her mother was waving at and smiled brightly. Hopping off the bench, she ran towards you and the two males. The chibi then hugged one of your legs. Her cute doe like eyes looked up to you with admiration.

"Thank you again for saving me, Miss!"

You crouched down, making the little girl available to attach herself to you, giving you a hug. She nuzzled her face in the crook over your next. You giggled and picked the child up causing her to cuddle into your neck even more. You walked over to the mother and sat down on the bench, your two friends followed after and stood next to it. You sat her down on your lap, making the girl bury her face into your chest. The mother, slightly embarrassed, scolded her little one.

"Maia! Stop that this instant!"

Said girl removed her head from your chest and put the side of her face on your chest instead.

"But mommy! These pillows feel really nice!"

Both you and the mother's faces glowed red from embarrassment. Nathanael hid his laughter by putting his palm over his mouth while Oliver played it off as if he was coughing. You glared at the two who then uncontrollably started to laugh loudly. The tiny girl stared at the two, confused and curious of the cause of their laughter. The mother then took her daughter from your lap. She whined and put her arms out, wanting to be back in your lap once more. The grown woman sighed and gave you an apologetic smile.

"I'm very sorry about Maia's behavior, she just gets comfortable with people a little too fast.."

You nodded and smiled at her, wanting to ease down the embarrassment that radiated off of her.

"It's fine, children have the best judgement of one's character."

The woman stared you with stars in her eyes.

"You're not a hero but psychological one too! That's even more impressive!"

Blushing, you closed your eyes and scratched your cheek.

"I wouldn't g-go that far! I'm just an average, everyday hero but thanks for the compliment anyways Miss..uh,"

"My names Dymitrii Corvus, but just call me Dimi!"

"R-right! Uh, the names (Y/N) (S/N), but just call me (N/N).."

Dimi laughed and put a hand on her daughters head.

"My, you quite are shy!"

"Not shy, just a weird kind of awkward.."

"Good enough answer."

A black 2018 Mercedes-Benz pulled up in the front of you five. A man came from out of the drivers side and boy, did he look rich. The man was pale with semi-long black slicked back hair, red eyes and was wearing glasses, a black suit and topping it off with a golden watch. (He was obviously attractive too) The little girl jumped down from her mothers lap and ran towards the man with open arms.


You, Nathanael, and Oliver all choked on your spit and all had the same thought,


The man crouched down and scooped up his daughter, making her giggle. He then walked over to you four. Dimi smiled and walked over to the man, whom you presumed is her husband, kissed his cheek and suddenly introduced you.

"This is the girl I was talking about! Her names (Y/N), (N/N) meet my husband Sebastian !"

You shyly waved at him and blushed.

'It's always the taken one's...'

He gave you a charming smile and set his daughter down. He then got on one knee and placed his hand on his heart.

"I want to personally thank you for saving my little one's life, I don't know what I would do if the outcome had changed and you weren't there.."


You blushed harder and just stared at the man in front of you. Glares pierced Sebastian to which he only turned his head at the two males and smirked, angering both Nathanael and Oliver further.

"Uh, n-n-no problem Mr. Corvu-us..."

He then took your hand and gave your knuckles a smooch. Your whole face erupted a bright red with steam coming out of your ears, nervously, you snatched your hand away from his lips. Dimi's smile twitched and she almost whacked her husband on the top of his head if he had not caught it.

"What are you!? A pedophile!? Don't go kissing the hands of underage girls!"

She then apologized once more.

"I'm so sorry! Y-ya see it kinda runs i-in the family I guess!"

Dimi laughed nervously, not wanting you to be freaked out by her husband's behavior towards you. You gave her a tired smile and nodded. Shen then leaned down and grasped your hands with a cheery smile.

"How about we exchange numbers!? We can have girl-to-girl talks! And go shopping and-"

Sebastian then placed a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Honey, please ease yourself.."

She blinked and nodded.

"S-sorry! I got carried away, I just got so excited because I don't have many female friends and-and I'm rambling again.. Uh just take out your phone!"

You nodded, afraid to refuse her demand not wanting to see what other kinds of sides of her she had. You took out your phone from your beach bag, unlocked it and pressed contacts. Dimi gave you her phone. Finished with putting your number in, you set your nickname as '#1 Hero'. The two of you then switched back phones and you immediately noticed that Dimi's number included three sixes in the second digit of numbers. She then squealed and gave you a bone crushing hug.

"I hope to see you again (N/N)!"

"You too Dimi! See you later!"

Maia then ran up to up you and motioned for you to lean down. You did so and the tiny girl kissed your cheek and ran back to her father. Sebastian mischievously winked at you, unnoticed by his wife. You blushed even harder than the last time and looked down. Three then hopped in the Mercedes, Maia in the back, Dimi in the passengers seat and Sebastian in the drivers seat. 

Both Maia and Dymitrii rolled down their windows and waved at you. Looking up, you cheerily waved back at the two watching as they drove off. You then felt a depressed aura behind you. Looking back, you noticed both of the two males were sulking again. You sighed and started walking again with the two males trailing after you.

Finally reaching your home, the three of you bid your farewells. Nathanael went first. Nathanael hugged you though.

"W-well today was quite an eventful day.. Uh see you later (N/N).."

"See you later Nathan, and get home safe.."

Nathanael nodded as you two hugged. Soon he let go and starting walking down the block, not without waving. Both you and Oliver waved back at him. Out of nowhere ,you felt a pinch on your arm, startling you. Already knowing who did it, you glared at Oliver who only cheekily smiled at you. You sighed and hugged him too.

"See ya later Oliver.."

"Likewise poppet, I'm going to miss you.."

"You do know you can visit me anytime, right?"

"I do.. But I'm still going to miss your presence just for a day.."

You laughed and nodded. Oliver was the first to let go, he the spun around and started walking away. You waved at him as he walked away, he then stopped walking. Confused, you watched as he ran back to you, panting easily. Oliver than grabbed your hands.

"I have some something to confess!"

"W-what is it?"

"I'm in love with you! I love everything about you! To your hair, to smile, to your laughter a-and..your body too.."

You blushed and looked down. You gained the courage to look back up. Oliver stared at you with doe likes and with stars shining in them. 

"D-do you except my feelings?"

You smirked at him. 

"Is the sky blue~?"

Oliver nodded joyously and leaned up a little to kiss you. You both closed your eyes and melted into the kiss even more. Cliche enough to say, you really did feel sparks fly as you kissed him.


The both of you then snapped your heads to the owner of the voice. Luckliy enough, it was your mother in the doorway with a taunting smile. Shen then cooed,

"Did I interrupt something~?"

You blushed and nodded your head. Oliver then buried his face in the crook of your neck.





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