W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

22.8K 1.3K 412

The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Four

516 43 13
By xwalkergirlx

My heart stopped beating for one more time, hastily starting after one second if shocked.

Hey please tell me you're alive!

The voice with the obvious Australian accent sounded slightly panicked.

"I'm... alive I guess..." I muttered quietly, trying out if this was the way how to answer a god damn voice in my head, really trying not to move my mouth.

I really hit my head or I'm dead and God has an Australian accent.

Suddenly I was pulled out of my body and found myself levitating above it, all the pain has gone.

Okay now I'm dead. It was God and not an Aussie talking in my head.

I noticed sarcastically, wondering if this is really how it feels like to be dead.

I heard that.

Gosh I'm really going crazy at the moment.

Okay one thing before you'll kill me with questions, promise me you won't panic okay?

Ew... I just know you, whoever you are, for ten seconds but okay, I'll do mate.

"Okay." I tried to stay calm and moved forward to Kathi, wanting to hug her.

But I was held back by an invisible hand, I couldn't get to her and I was pulled back to my lifeless and motionless body.

First thing. You may notice that you're flying. Obviously. I plugged you into the WV, so you can hear to me without feeling the pain, alright? Don't freak out, takk.

I blinked a few times surprised, I never heard someone talking Norwegian, or saying a Norwegian word in a normal sentence before.

Yes, I'm speaking Norwegian even if I'm native Australian. Okay next point. Do you know why I can talk to you, what the WV is or why you have been killed?

"You just told me all the questions I wanted to ask you, random Aussie voice in my head."

I heard him laughing and suddenly I saw a hologram in front of me, standing next to my body. Surprised I stepped back and ignored that I actually went through Blackheads body, who was checking on my body, if I'm still alive.

The hologram, a brown haired, young and good looking man with hazel, mischievously sparkling eyes, looked at my dead body, then he looked at me again.

He frowned in confusion slightly, then went on with his confusing explanations.

Okay, now that I know, that I saved your ass in the last second, good. I'm Ryan Taylor. Nice to meet ya.

He grinned friendly. "Eh.... Hi...?" I answered slightly shy, glancing down at my body again.

Like I said, I plugged you into the WV, I'll explain you later what that is, to save your ass before getting killed another time and it looks like I just got here in time... God damn idiot watch where you're driving drittsekk! Are all Germans idiots on the streets like this one?

He laughed and I shook my head grinning to say no. "Not everybody luckily! At least as far as I know..." Ryan's eyes slightly lightened up in amusement.

Okay keep continuing in the text, what I wanted to say is, that I'll try to answer everything, after we got your ass out of there, I don't want you to get burned actually. I'm sorry for that what happened, and that we weren't there in time...

I looked back at my body. "It's fine. Better a broken neck, than getting shot..." I muttered hesitating.

What? His voice trembled. They planned for you to get shot?! My eyes widened in shock by the fear in his voice. "I think so... But somehow I tried to free myself..."

Ryan was quiet for a while. Tell me later, now we're coming to get you out there.

"You're always saying 'we' but who's with you, except you?" I asked quietly but also interested.

I didn't told you? I'm #18 and you might know the other two... #5947 is coming with me and... He stopped.


If I would have been back in my body, this would have been the moment my heart would stop beating. Because I definitely knew who was hiding behind this specific ID very well.

"#0...? Or did I misunderstand something?" I whispered, trying to make sure. Ryan looked away, chewing the inside of his mouth, down at my body again.

Nope you, didn't misunderstand anything... he wanted to participate in the Saving Mission even though it's the riskiest thing he ever did...

He looked back at me, his eyes were worried and ran through his hair sighing.

"He's the reason why they're doing this here right?" I asked quietly and pointed at the tents, the crowd, the guards.

Ryan looked away and shook his head to say no. I looked at him confused, crossing my arms.

"But they were shocked when they saw his logo... Okay they did a blood test, and whatever they tested, it was positive..."I told him, thinking about what happened.

My opposites eyes widened even more, shock and confusion flooding them. They took a blood test?! He asked with a slight shocked tone.

I looked at him, slightly worried by now. "Is that bad...? I mean they're thinking that I'm dead so it shouldn't be that important...?" I added quietly and emphatically.

Ryan looked over his shoulder. I'll explain it to you later. We'll be here soon, so I'm sorry that I have to pull you back in your body but please... Can you play the dead one for one more time? Please... After that I promise there will be no pain... He whispered and tried catching my eye, when I lowered my glance.

I looked at my lifeless body, then I looked back at him. "Yes I can do it... I was killed one time, another time they won't get me again!" I answered calmly and closed my eyes, to prepare myself for the pain.

A almost unhearable 'swish' sound was the only thing I heard, and then the pain was back.

It flooded through my body, from my feet through my neck to my head and if I was be able to move I would have gasped.

But I wasn't able to move, I couldn't move my eyes or breathe, confusion hanging in my mind like a rain cloud.

I'm sorry if you're confused, that you don't have to breathe, I... I'll explain it later, unfortunately I can't take you the pain, sorry. We'll be here in five minutes.

He paused for a second, taking a breath.

When we're there I'll plug you back into the WV. Everything is going to be better, I promise.

His voice trembled a bit, and the only thing I was able to answer somehow, was the feeling of slight hope.

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