The Wolf and The Witch

By DeathNice12

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~Cover by me~ WARNING: I created this book years ago so it is a bit um cringy I am working on a new version o... More

Evan Dawn Pierce
Finding her
Her name is Evan
Evan abused? Maybe?
Evan's big smile
She's gone He's gone
Evie and Bell
I can't
Evan ran away again...
I think...I'm Falling for...
We kissed?
Evan's Date
Ballanie's Date
Moving in...
Moving in part 2
Something sweet
Not Again...
She's perfect
This is War!
The End is just the Beginning
Short #1

We can't accept you

104 6 2
By DeathNice12

Evans P.O.V:

Me and Bell take our water and drink it slowly. After a few moments Josey walked back in.

"I am so sorry let's get you girls home" she said nicely helping me and Bell up. I looked at Bell and when we reached the door it swung open hitting me in the face.

"They are not leaving" Ian yelled.

I was on the floor holding my nose with blood coming out.

"Evie you okay" Bell came to my side.

"I'll go get some paper towels" Josey said running off.

"Evan I'm so sorry" Ian crouched in front of me.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and titled my head back I know I could potentially choke on my blood but I don't want to get blood on the floor. Josey came back, I grabbed the paper towel and held in over my nose.


"Get away from her" Bell yelled.

Ian moved back a bit "I'm so so sorry Evan I didn't mean too I just..."

"It's okay" I said cutting him off.

I saw the pain in his eyes and for some reason I felt bad for making him feel that way.

Ian grabbed my shoulders despite Bells protests "but you're not leaving me"

I looked up at him "why" I was picked up off the floor and moved to the couch.

Ian squatted in front of me his hands were resting on his knees and he was just staring at me. A few tears must have fallen from my eyes because Ian ran his thumb over my face.

"Ian they don't deserve this kind of treatment" Josey's voice broke the silence. Ian closed his eyes and sighed.

"No they don't but it's the only way"

"They only way for what" Bell said sounding annoyed.

I looked up to see Bell folding her arms over her chest glaring at Ian and Micheal standing next to her staring at her with a look of love and longing I think. I mean Bell is pretty so I can see why he would long after her but love? I don't think I'm as good as reading people as I think because love that can't be right.

Bell glanced at Micheal and he looked away. A cough brought my attention back to Ian.

"Allow me to explain why you two can't leave"

I nodded.

"Finally" Bell said while throwing her arms up and walking over to to me.

Ian stood up "let's talk in my office" he held his hand out but instead of taking it I stood up and grabbed Bells arm. I saw his eyes narrow on Bell obviously not liking that I ignored his hand. Bell started following Ian dragging me with her and Micheal following close behind.

We entered a fairly large room with an expensive looking desk and a leather chair behind it. The room was a pale gray with book cases all long the walls and dark wood floors matching the book cases. There was a long glass table surrounded by chairs in the center at least eight of them.

Ian motioned for us to sit in the ebony Black leather couch in front. Still holding on to Bell me and her made our way and sat down. Micheal stood leaning on the desk next to Ian.

"Let's play the question game you guys get to ask one question and we get to ask one question and we'll go back and forth until we all get the questions we've all been wanting to ask" Me and Bell looked at each other before nodding.

"But we get to pass if we don't want to answer the question" I said at the boys.

Bell nodded.

"No" Ian said coldly.

This time it was my turn to glare "I personally have things I don't want to share so either you agree or no one gets their questions answered" I said.

Ian and Micheal looked at me a little shocked I was the one who said that.

"I agree" Bell said coldly "I too have things that I don't want people to know" I looked at her giving her a knowing look.

"Fine" Ian scowled "you go first"

"what's a pack" Bell blurted out.

"A pack is a group of werewolves that come together to protect each other" Micheal answered

"In a pack there are different ranks Alpha and Luna are the highest they run the pack and make sure everyone is contributing then there's Beta the male Beta helps the Alpha while the female Beta helps the Luna or if something happens too the Alpha he takes over the Gamma helps both the Betas and the Alphas along with the head worrier who trains everyone and makes sure everyone can fight" Ian said.

I nodded understanding.

"How are you witches" Ian asked I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Well you see when two people love each other very much-" Bell said like she was talking to a child.

Ian growled "I mean witches are supposed to be extinct so how are you two still alive"

"what do you mean still alive" Bell asked.

"He means all the witches died in the war you must be extremely old and wise to still be alive" Micheal said.

I stared at them eyes wide how old do they think we are.

"Before we answer how old do you guys think we are" I asked.

"you got to be around three hundred years old if not older" Ian said.

Me and Bell laughed a bit "um yeah so we're not that old and I don't know my mother never mentioned anything about how she survived whatever it is you're talking about" Bell said.

"And you" Ian said raising his eyebrow at me.

"um I um..."

"She's the.." Bell interrupted me but Ian interrupted her.

"I was asking Evan"

I looked from Bell to Micheal to Ian then I looked to my hands I mumbled a few words I'm sure they couldn't hear me.

"What was that" Ian said "I couldn't understand you" then I remembered.

"Pass" I said quietly.

"Evan" I looked up "I don't accept your pass" Bell started rubbing my arms comforting.

"She said pass and you agreed to the passes" Bell said "so just drop it"

I took a deep breathe in I know it's been years but I'm not ready to talk about her.

"How do you decide who is in what rank" Bell said changing the subject.

"Well usually the Alpha is the strongest or smartest one in the pack sometimes its a combination of both but the pack can choose their Alpha at least in this pack it might work differently in others. The Beta, Gamma, and head warrior are picked based from the Alphas personal opinion" Ian answered.

"Luna along with the female Beta and female Gamma are usually the mates of the males" Micheal added.

Mates? what the?

"How old are you guys" Bell said.

" I'm 20" Ian said.

"I'm 19" Micheal said.

I nodded wait... Ian's 20!! I mean it makes sense cause he was a senior when I meet him and it has been two years so but still 20 I can't believe it.

"how old are you" Micheal asked directing it more towards Bell.

"18" Bell said.

"18" I said.

"so you two are the same age" I nodded.

"What are mates" I asked.

A moment passed and no one talked "you guys said that the female ranks are usually the mates of the males is it like a friend? Are you guys Australian? Is that the mates you're talking about" I rambled.

Ian chuckled "no not exactly a mate in the werewolf world is short for soul mate so when we say mate we mean the person we are meant to be with forever our perfect match we can't live without them so we treat them as such" I nodded in understatement "don't you want to know if we've found our mates" Ian said raising his eyebrow.

"Why would we care who our kidnappers soul mates are" Bell said making air quotes with her fingers on soul mates I stifled a laugh.

I looked up to see Micheal looking slightly hurt and Ian watching me carefully probably wondering if I was going to say anything.

"your turn" Bell said mockingly.

Ian scowled at Bell "what are your full names" Micheal asked.

"Why are asking for our full names" Bell asked glaring at Micheal.

"I'm just curious if you had a middle name Bell white" he said while shrugging.

"Okay first you are not allowed to call me Bell only people I like get to call me Bell second..."

"Then what can I call you" Micheal said interrupting her.

"Can we go home now" Bell half yelled. Micheal's eyes softened.

"No" Ian said coldly "and stop asking it's not going to happen" I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"You explained what you are but as far as I can see there is no reason to keep us here so why don't you just let us leave we haven't threatened anyone or thing nor have we shown that we are a threat" I said in a curious tone.

"Evan you are my mate" Ian said voice softening.

My eyes widened "that's impossible I'm not a werewolf" I said talking more to myself.

"It does happen it's just..."

"Maybe you made a mistake" I blurted out and he growled.

"I know for a fact that you are my mate" he spoke each word slow and clear.


"It's hard to explain.."

"You know that's all fine and dandy but you said mates are supposed to treat each other perfectly so why did you kidnap Evan and me I'm not your mate or was I just in your way"

Micheal scrunched his eyebrows together in anger "of course you're not Ian's mate you are my mate" he said staring at Bell.

"Seriously" she said one eyebrow raised looking Micheal up and down with her nose scrunched up slightly.

Her face softened and she stared at his chest a bit longer while biting her lip.

"Yes..why?" I think I saw a light shade of pink reach his cheeks.

"Don't get me wrong Micheal was it? You are attractive and I probably would go for you" I saw his face light up.

"But you did kidnap not only me but Evan and I can't accept that"

I saw Micheal's face turn to a solemn look.

"Same with you Ian you are also very attractive and I'm almost positive that if you had tried to date Evan without the whole kidnapping me thing I'm sure you and her would be making out on your couch right now...right Evan?"

My face was red I was what you would call blushing hard. "Bell" I whispered.

"What it's true isn't it Ian's hot you can't deny that"

Micheal was growling "Bell.."

"Yeah yeah I'm yours well bull crap okay I am my own and let me tell you I am allowed to have my own opinion"

I don't know if it was possible but I think my face was redder.

"Evan let me talk to you alone" I turned to Bell she shook her head. I need to hear what he has to say I turned back to him and was about to answer him "that's not a request" he grabbed my arm and dragged me out.

That jerk didn't even know what I was going to say does he assume I always listen to Bell? I can think for myself.

He pulled me into the room I had woken up in his room. He shut the door behind me and turned on the lights. He picks me up and set me on a couch in the room and crouched in front of me.

"Evan I can't let you leave me but I also can't have you hating me" Ian said a sad expression on his face he grabbed a strand of my hair and twirled it between his fingers "please accept me" he pleaded.

I watched him "Ian I.. I can't" he rested his hands on either side of me.

"What do I have to do for you to accept me" I looked at him he seems a little desperate then again I'm his supposed mate and he did say that werewolves can't live without their mates. I don't want him to die because I couldn't accept him but then again he did kidnap me and Bell.

"If you let me go.."

"No" he stood up "I told you you're not leaving how do I know if I let you go home you won't leave again" he yelled, I flinched.

"What do you mean again" I asked.

"I've known since high school that you are my mate since I first laid eyes on you that day I saw you walking home I didn't know for sure but I did when I saw you in the hallway I knew"

I remember that was the day the three demons first bullied me and ran to him. If he knew then why didn't he help me. He must not have seen it or if he did he didn't know what was going on but whatever it's not his fault. Ian rested his hand on my face.


"what Evan"

"why didn't you stop them" I said tilting my head.

"Stop who"

"Those three girls and their bullying"

"What three girls" he said eyebrows furrowed.

"The first day in that hallway the blonde, brunette, and redhead"

"Brittany, Jessie, and Tiffany" Ian asked.

I nodded

"They bullied you"

I nodded again looking down.

"Angel look at me"

I complied and met his strong gaze. He stared at me for a bit.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea they were bullying you" he grabbed my hands and brought them up to his forehead in frustration. I pulled my hands away

"Angel" his eyes looked hurt.

"I'm sorry but if you knew that I was your..." I trailed off.

"Mate" Ian finished.

"Yeah that but if you knew and you didn't help me at all during the time I was here"

"I know I'm sorry" Ian said.

"Ian I know you're sorry and I don't blame you but I want to go home" he stood up and growled which now that I know he's a werewolf it makes sense that he growls.

"I already told you you are never leaving me" I stood up and crossed my arms.


I stomped off to the door I got a few feet down the hallway when I realized I had no idea where I was going, all the hallways looked the same. I stopped and looked around trying to figure out were the office Ian took me from. I turned around and saw Ian leaning against the wall with his arms cross and a smirk.

"Need help" I huffed. "it's this way" he started leading me down halls.

Bellanie's P.O.V:

Ian dragged Evan out to talk to her leaving me alone with Micheal they had been gone a while when Micheal broke the silence.

"So Bell"

"Only Evan can call me Bell" I glared at him.

"Then what do I get to call you" Micheal asked nicely.

"How about you don't call me"

he laughed "I have to call you something"

I sighed "Bellanie"

"Why Bell Annie" Micheal said.

"Not Bell Annie Bellanie" I said.

"That's what I said Bell Annie is Annie your middle name"

"No Bellanie no space between Bell and Annie just Bellanie is my name" I said raising my voice

"That is kind of a dumb name" Ian said.

I turned around and saw that Evan and Ian came back. I glared at him.

"Well good thing I don't care about your opinion" I said.

I watched as Evie glared at Ian he didn't seem to notice it though.

"Bellanie can you and Evan accept us" Micheal said.

I turned back to Evan and Ian did the same his face was priceless when he noticed Evan glaring at him, I didn't think a grown man that big and scary looking could be scared but he looked slightly scarred of Evan. Evan walked over to me and took charge.

"As I told Ian me and Bell can not accept you"

Yeah! Go Evan! Finally taking charge! I knew you could do it! I cheered mentally..I don't wanna ruin her big moment.

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