The Wolf and The Witch

By DeathNice12

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~Cover by me~ WARNING: I created this book years ago so it is a bit um cringy I am working on a new version o... More

Evan Dawn Pierce
Finding her
Her name is Evan
Evan abused? Maybe?
Evan's big smile
She's gone He's gone
Evie and Bell
We can't accept you
I can't
Evan ran away again...
I think...I'm Falling for...
We kissed?
Evan's Date
Ballanie's Date
Moving in...
Moving in part 2
Something sweet
Not Again...
She's perfect
This is War!
The End is just the Beginning
Short #1


156 7 1
By DeathNice12

Ians P.O.V:

I howled signaling to attack I was currently trying to deal with rouges.

"um Alpha the Luna is gone"


"The window was open and she was gone I think she jumped"

"no way she'd die if not seriously injure herself"

"but she...." "

find her"

The guards lost her and she ran away I took my extra anger out on the rogues.

If Evan did run away she couldn't have gotten far especially if she jumped.

Taking all the pain I had now that Evan was gone..again me and my men finished the rouges quickly.

I ran back to the house bursting through the room I saw what the men had informed me an empty room and an open window I looked out I could definitely smell her here. If she did run away she would run to the closets part of the forest but she is smart so maybe she figured out a general direction of the town.

I wish I knew her better I might be able to figure out where she would have gone. Then again she's human so she couldn't have gotten very far even if she left a while ago.

I growled it's dangerous for her out there.

I ran outside more determined to find her my wolf whined at the thought of her hurt and so did I. I stood under the window but her smell was faded as if far away.

What the heck I tried going further and the smell disappeared

"we should tell her" Damon said.

"as soon as we get her back we'll talk to her" I said

"you better I want my mate"

and with that we left attempting to track her which was hard her smell was basically gone like she had left a few days ago or she flew. I laughed at the thought it still doesn't make sense how could she have jumped without getting hurt. There was no blood no indication of someone landing or falling in that area it made no sense.

I sent warriors in all directions while I headed towards town. If we can't follow her scent we'll look for her the old fashion way.

After a bit I was worried I was going the wrong way but then I smelt her scent but stronger it was in a tree, I shifted and climbed up. I could smell her but she wasn't here, jumping down I shifted.

I had found a few other spots about the same they had her scent I followed them to a road and that's when I saw her walking she was a few miles away from town.

"how the heck did she get clear out here" Micheal mind linked me

"let's get her back"

Evans P.O.V:

I started walking down the road towards town.

I kept walking I was only a few miles away I turned around to make sure I was okay and there were my kidnappers they were a ways away but still they were running and gaining fast. I started running trying to get as much distance as possible.

Suddenly a SUV pulled up to me.

"get in" it was Bell.

I ran to the car but before I could get in I was tackled.

"Bell" I shouted.

She jumped out of the car and ran to come to my aid but she was pulled back my a man.

"Evie" she shouted and elbowed the guy in the face and ran to me.

I was being pulled up from the ground and I flung my leg and kicked the man holding me in the head.

Bell mumbled an incantation and suddenly a fireball threw from her hand hitting the guy holding me in the legs making him and me fall I got up and ran to Bell. I looked around and we were surrounded.

"you know what to do" Bell whispered I nodded.

I held my hand in front of me and mumbled a quick spell and a bright light shone. Me and Bell immediately ran for the car.

"you could have killed me with that fire spell Bell" I whined.

"but I didn't" she replied we ere both out of breathe.

"we should really exercise more" I huffed.

"we exercise plenty we just never run" Bell responded.

I took a deep breath in "thanks Bell you saved me"

"no problem but jeez Evie you attract trouble like moths to a flame" I looked down she was right I do attract trouble.

"I'm sorry"

"hey you could drag me to hell and back we made a bond remember from dusk till dawn"

"from dawn till dusk"

"protect till death do us part" I smiled we had this down.

"how'd we even come up with such a weird phrase" I laughed.

"that's rude it's golden" Bell said laughing.

"well the first part is it's the last part" Bell slapped my arm.

"that's the best part it means we'll never fail each other.

We laughed "we stole that ending from a wedding vow" I said as we pulled up to the apartment

"so who cares were we got it" Bell said.

When we got in

"can we stay together tonight" I asked.

Bell smiled "you are so cute of course we can" she said in a baby voice.

"never mind then"

"no no no I'm sorry for making fun of you" she said frantically.

I huffed "I'm sowwy pwease forgive me" she said I glared at her.

"you're lucky I love you" she smiled.

"I love you too Evie" with that I showered and changed into a loose gray t-shirt that almost covered my dark gray pajama shorts.

Bell had the same shorts on but she had an over sized azure blue long sleeved shirt that almost covered her shorts.

"you're bleeding" Bell said pointing to my leg.

"I must have gotten it when I got tackled" I said.

Bell sighed and grabbed the first add kit "sit" she said pointing to the counter.

I jumped up and let her disinfect the cuts on my legs and a few I had gotten on my arms wincing every so often.

When she finished cleaning them she wrapped them.

"they don't know where we live right" I asked fear breaking through.

Bell shook her head "I don't think so" I nodded.

We kept talking while eating cereal since we were both too lazy to cook.

We both were about to clean up and go to bed when the doorbell rang.

"it's Martha" Bell said and opened the door.

"oh hello girls I just wanted to let you know a few men stopped by and asked if you lived here" we scrunched our eyebrows together.

"who" Bell asked.

"I think there names were Dan and Sam there were a few other waiting outside dressed just like them and honestly they looked a little scary"

"thanks Martha" and Bell closed the door.

"it could be them" I said.

Bell nodded "let's go visit our parents for a while" she said while grabbing her keys.

I followed her out still in out pj's and there we saw a black SUV pull up and Ian and no Micheal!?

Even Micheal is helping Ian kidnap me! I turned to Bell with fearful eyes.

"no no no" Bell said watching in horror I followed her gaze and there was Ian walking over to me.  Bell grabbed my hand.

"it's going to be okay" I nodded.

Before we could get two words out they were behind us and putting a cloth over our mouths.

I held my breath and started wiggling around I looked over and my eyes widened Micheal was standing behind Bell.

"please just come with us peacefully" Micheal said.

Bell whispered and a fire ball appeared she shoved in in Micheal's stomach and started running for me. I repeated her motions we ran to each other.

"I'm so sorry Bell I dragged you into this" she smiled at me but before she could say anything we were pulled away from each other.

"mine" Ian and Micheal growled at the same time.

But Micheal was holding Bell suddenly I saw Micheal put a cloth over Bell.

She struggled but eventually she was out laying limp in his arms. Ian was about to put the cloth on me when I screamed and struggled but he too got it over my mouth I held my breathe.

I felt shivers run down my spine when Ian whispered in my ear.

"come on breath" I could feel my face start to turn blue and I knew my lungs would betray me. Last thing I heard was "you will never leave me again"

Bellanies P.O.V:

I woke up in a big soft bed sun shining threw must be morning. I jumped up and looked around Evan wasn't with me.

I ran to a door a bathroom, the next one was a closet, I ran to the last one and it led to a hallway.

I ran down looking in every room I could some where locked. I know this is dangerous to be running around unknown territory but I'm very protective of Evan she's like a sister to me.

Suddenly I ran into a strong, warm body I looked up and of course a gorgeous guy.

He had tanned skin and fairly long chocolate brown hair pulled up into a pony tail. He had gorgeous light blue eyes that I got lost in that is until he laughed.

"checking me out" his voice wasn't as deep as Ians nor was he has big but he was definitely hot. This is the one that pulled me away from Evan. With this thought in my head I glared at him

"where is Evan" I said threatening.

"you can't see her now lets go back and I'll get you some food" I gritted my teeth.

"I want to see Evan"

"well you can't maybe if you're good you can see her"

"no now I want.." I was interrupted when I was suddenly thrown over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry but Ian told me to keep you two separate for now" I punched his back.

"put me down" I yelled. I was set down on the bed in the room I just came from. I huffed in annoyance.

"why don't you go shower and relax I'll be back soon" the dreamy man said. I glared at him he held his hands up in surrender "it was just a suggestion" and he left.

I got up I need to get to Evan she's probably scared out of her mind I mean she told me she knew these guys that's gotta be worse for her having someone you know and trusted kidnap you. Well I don't know if she trusted them but she said she knew them pretty well.

I went back to the door and jiggled the handle it was locked. I went to open the window it was locked too. I sat back down on the bed awaiting my doom.

The door opened a few minutes later and that guy came back in. I narrowed my eyes on him watching him carefully as he brought a tray over.

"here you must be hungry" I glanced at the food it was some kind of soup I looked back up at him refusing to eat.

He sighed "my name is Micheal" well that's a pretty attractive name it fits. I just kept watching him "are you going to talk" I looked at him.

"I will not speak, eat, or sleep until Evan is with me" I said and looked away.

Evans P.O.V:

As soon as I woke up I knew where I was I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and puked up my cereal from last night. I stayed there for a while and puked up some more. My stomach was completely empty. But I didn't move.

"Evan where are you" Ian yelled.

I couldn't move let alone speak I heard a growl and then load footsteps and doors being thrown open until he found me in the bathroom. I glanced up from my place my head was resting on my arm which was on the rim of the toilet I know it's super gross but I can't help it right now.

His eyes were filled with pity.

"what's wrong" he asked getting closer and that's when I puked again. I rolled back falling on the floor "Evan" he said shaking me a little. I groaned in response "what can I do to help you" he said worry in his voice why is he worrying.

"Bell" I mumbled and fell asleep.

Ian's P.O.V:

I picked her up off of the bathroom floor and carried her to the pack doctor I don't know if he could do anything about a human sickness since werewolves don't get sick but it's worth a try. After reaching Dr. Johnson's clinic I set her on a bed.

"Doctor she was throwing up then fell on the floor and fainted" I said.

"Alpha I don't know how to treat a human sickness" he said "only a human would know" I nodded and carried her back to my room. I don't think she's human though no way a human could produce fire and bright lights but then what is she?

"Micheal what do you think they are" no answer

"Micheal!" I yelled through the link

"yes Alpha"

"what do you think they are"

"I don't know"

"why are you acting like this"

"my mate said she won't eat, talk, or sleep until Evan is with her"

"what's your mates name again"


"well Bell will eventually give in to temptation no one has that kind of will power"


A few days later and what Bell said is true she hasn't talked, eaten, or slept and it's killing Micheal and me since Evan has done the same thing.

She lays in bed serious bags under her eyes she drinks water but she keeps puking.

She said Bell can help her but they might plot to escape I mean we barley got them here in the first place.

I sighed I walked over to Evan and she was just staring at the ceiling she smiled a bit I don't know if it was cause I did something or what but it made my heart skip a beat.

"can Bell really help you" I asked. Evan turned her head and nodded "fine I'll let you too stay together on one condition" she looked at me hopeful "me and Micheal have to watch you at all times" and her face fell.

"why won't you just let me and Bell go" she whispered. I got up ignoring her

"Micheal bring Bell to my room you come too" a little bit later and Bell came in running to Evan she looked down

"what the hell did you do to my Evie" Bell yelled at me and Micheal. Micheal looked up and started smiling probably from hearing his mates voice. I on the other hand got a little angry Evan is mine not hers and how dare she accuse me of hurting my mate.

"I didn't do anything to her" I said.

"obviously you did she looks like a zombie rolled around in trash" she yelled.

"thanks for the compliment Bell" Evan said laughing a bit. Now it was my turn to smile a bit

"Evan said you could help her" I said.

"I need lots of water and I mean lots" Bell said.

"as well as some toast and a bowl of warm water" she ordered

"I don't like to be ordered around especially by a human" Damon growled

"I don't like it either but it's to help Evan" I mind linked the chef and told her what I needed.

A few minutes later Sam came in carrying a case of water bottles and Dan was carrying a plate of toast and a bowl. Bell came over and grabbed the toast and bowl she ran over to Evan.

"Evie you need to eat" Evan nodded and sat up with Bells help I walked over to help.

"what are yo doing" Bell said glaring at me.

"I came over to help" I said.

"you can't so go and stand back over by the other jerk" she said pointing over to Micheal who whimpered.

Sam and Dan started laughing I pushed them out of the room.

"what did you do to those poor girls" they said I glared at them and Micheal came out.

"he kidnapped them" he said answering there question.

They looked at me and Micheal eyes wide.

"you what" I heard Eleanore Jaces mate yelled.

My eyes widened and she came over and smacked me and Micheal on the head.

"you kidnapped your mates" she yelled angry.

Just then the door opened and Bell was glaring at everyone.

"I don't care if your jerks that kidnapped us it's your fault Evan sick the least you can do is shut up or take your arguments else were" she yelled and slammed the door shut.

We stared stunned "dang Bell is a bit scary" Sam said then smacked Micheals back "good luck" and walked away.

Dan laughed "so Ian what's her name"

"yeah" Eleanore said.

"Evan" I said.

"Evan what" my sister and mother said in unison.

"Evan Pierce" they nodded.

Me and Micheal re-entered the room and saw Bell with a towel wiping away the sweat form Evans face

"I'm sorry Bell I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess and I'm sorry that you always have to take care of me" I heard Evans voice break.

"shhh you didn't drag me and I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to the bond and to be your friend" Bell said quietly "from dusk till dawn" she whispered.

"from dawn till dusk" Evan whispered.

"protect till death do us part" they said in unison.

I wonder what it means "now get some sleep" Bell said.

I watched and Evan fell asleep "is.." Bell shook her head and pointed outside indicating to follow.

After Bell closed the door "she needs lots of rest I've never seen her this weak" she said.

"how did she get sick" I asked and Bell glared at me and Micheal.

"her body was put under stress"

"does this happen a lot" I asked.

"I don't see how that's any of your business" I growled she's holding information about my mate form me.

I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard footsteps followed by puking. Bell ran in to the room and into the bathroom I followed behind Micheal behind me.

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