The Letter I Wrote To The Duk...

By mrscuteness

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I have edited the first couple of chapters so far. There are going to be mature scenes in this book because i... More

The Letter I Wrote To The Duke
Chapter 1: Writing The Letter
Chapter 2: Meeting The Duke
Chapter 3: The Duke's Decision
Chapter 4: New Feelings
About My Next Chapter
Chapter 5: A Special Dinner
Chapter 6: Acting On Feelings
Chapter 7: What Is Happening!
Chapter 8: Time For Thinking
Chapter 9: Dinner With Duke Charles
Chapter 10: My True Feelings
Chapter 12: Exploding
Chapter 13: Forgiveness
Chapter 14: Market Day
Chapter 15: Restoring The Land
Chapter 16: The Big Reveal
Chapter 17: Earning Trust
Chapter 18: A New Beginning
Chapter 19: We All Make Mistakes
Chapter 20: Some Dreams Come True
Chapter 21: Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 22: How Did It Happen?
Chapter 23: The Proposal Preparation
Chapter 24: The Proposal
Chapter 25: Before The Wedding
Chapter 26: Wedding Day

Chapter 11: The Visitor

84 3 0
By mrscuteness

I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far!!!!!! I am really excited about it and I hope to get it published I hope that I will be able to continue making this book a success in your eyes. :) ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I am sorry for this chapter gets confusing at all, there is a lot of switching between points of view. 

 I have dedicated this chapter to my very amazing and supportive and encouraging boyfriend. Honey you make my writing better!!!!

Chapter 11: The Visitor


I wake up to the sound of the knocker on my front door.Not wanting to make Emalia get up to answer it, I reluctantly get out of my bed and walk barefoot across my bedroom floor. I fling the door open and walk down the hall to the staircase. When I get there, I march down the stairs and right to the front door. 

I throw the front door open. I see a figure standing in front of the sunlight and I can't see the face. The sun is blinding me and keeping me from seeing my disturber. As though the figure read my mind, it steps into my house. I can make out the face now, it is, Adam from town. He is the next to rule behind Emalia. He must have already taken her spot, I think to myself. He must be living in her house or what used to be her house right now. As far as I am concerned he is far too young to be ruling the town. He has not yet had enough experience to make the best decisions for the sake of the town.

"Hi, Adam, what can I do for you so early in the morning?"

"Uhh... Sir, it is afternoon, no longer morning. Oh and as for what you can do for me, I was wondering if I could speak with you, somewhere private, I was hoping. I am more than certain you have a place like that where we can go to speak."

"I do, yes, but I am tired Adam, I was up late last night."

"Oh, a woman I presume had your attentions?"

"Maybe, follow me." He steps inside my house and I close the door firmly. "Just over here," I lead him to my office. I close the door and I sit behind the desk. I gesture with my hand for him to pick one of the three seats placed in front of my desk. He picks a seat and sits. 

"So, what is it you were wanting to speak with me about, Adam?"

He visibly tries to regain his composure from being intimidated by me sitting behind my big desk. "I was wondering if you would have any use for any more horses or any animals? I was wondering because I am having trouble selling all the livestock and horses for the townsfolk and they are getting antsy. Would you be able to help me out?"

"Well, Adam, you do know that I don't farm here. That isn't what this is. I have horses because I am passionate about horses. And in order for me to buy any kind of horse from you, I would need to see it and try it first. I cannot just buy a horse without knowing how it acts or feels when I ride it. Or how good and strong of a horse it really is."

"Hmmm..... I will see if I can work something out with that, okay, but I can't promise you anything. It will take me a few days to see if I can get that arranged let alone arranging for it to happen. Those few days just might get me ripped apart by the townsfolk, I don't have that much time, Charles."


I wake up to the sound of the front door slamming shut. I jolt awake, momentarily frightened by the loud thud of the door. I throw the covers off and get out of my bed. I walk across the room to my window. I open the curtains and peer out. The sun is shining and it is high in the sky. That means it must be afternoon, how can it be afternoon? I never sleep later than late morning at the very most. The wind looks to be blowing a nice breeze and the clouds in the blue sky are white. There are birds flying in the air and singing songs that would be music to my ears if I could hear them.

I want to talk to Charles, so I walk out of my room and just go to the next door. I knock and try the doorknob. The door opens, but to my dismay, I find it empty or any presence. I close the door and slowly walk down the staircase, not wanting to trip in my sleepy haze. Once safely at the bottom, I turn to see that Charles's office door isn't quite open, but it isn't closed either. That is odd, it is always closed when he is not using it and always open when he is. 

I decide to go and investigate. I walk over to the door and tap on it with my fingers. It doesn't move or swing open like I thought it would. I grab the doorknob and turn it, the door opens with no sound at all and I slowly open it completely.


I see Emalia, the door is open and she has her hand on the doorknob. She is half leaning on the door and half standing upright. She looks completely shocked by either seeing me in here or noticing another man in her with me. Surprise is written all over her face, I guess she was expecting to find it vacant, but unfortunately that is not the case. I wonder what my expression must look like if hers looks like that. 

She looks really good in that silk chemise she is wearing. I never thought I'd ever see so much of her. It is just barely not see-through and I do not know how she can be so comfortable standing right there in just that. It is showing practically everything she has. The curve of her breasts and her hips, such a womanly figure for a young maiden such as herself. I am impressed. 

"Mr. Anderson, are you going to answer me?"

"Oh, ummm......Actually Adam, I think it would be best if you left now, I am sorry, but I have someone who needs me right now." I look at her and smile, "Hi, Miss Emalia."

"Who is, Emalia? Charles are you going insane too?"

"No, Adam, I assure you, I am not going insane. I am perfectly sane, in fact I am more than sane and you really need to leave. It was so kind of you to stop by though, and I certainly do not look forward to a second visit."

Adam turns around and looks at Emalia. Oh, no, now I know I am in trouble, big, bad trouble. "Adam," I all but scream at him, "This is, Emalia, the princess. You should know her, you are the one that wants to take her spot in ruling." I purposely insult him to try and get his attention off Emalia before I lose it.


I open the door and find Charles behind his desk and another man sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk. A man I have never seen before, not very surprising though, I have seen very little men in my life. I can count them all on the fingers of my right hand. I see that Charles has noticed me. 

The man sitting in the chair in front of Charles's desk says, "Mr. Anderson, are you going to answer me?"

Charles quickly tries to regain his composure and he does it fairly well, "Oh, ummm......Actually Adam, I think it would be best if you left now, I am sorry, but I have someone who needs me right now." He smiles at me, an evil sort of smile and I know exactly what he is planning. "Hi, Miss Emalia." Oh no, he did not just do that.

"Who is, Emalia? Charles are you going insane too?" The other man asks him. 

"No, Adam, I assure you, I am not going insane. I am perfectly sane, in fact I am more than sane and you really need to leave. It was so kind of you to stop by though, and I certainly do not look forward to a second visit." What, he is going to send him on his way with me still out here?! I don't want him seeing me. 

The man called Adam turns around and looks at me. Oh, no, I realize that I am standing here in nothing besides my chemise, my under-dress. Now I know I am in trouble, big, bad trouble. "Adam," Charles all but screams at the Adam man, "This is, Emalia, the princess. You should know her, you are the one that wants to take her spot in ruling." Charles insult the man and within seconds his ugly gaze sets back on Charles and he is mad. 

I take that as my chance to get away. I hurry away from the door and run up the stairs, taking them two at a time to make a faster get away. I don't stop running till I get to my bed room. I hear the front door slam shut again and I relax, he must be gone. I lean mu back against my closed door and sigh  with relief. 


"Who is that gorgeous woman, Charles? Actually I think the question is will you share her? She is very, hmmm now what is the word I am looking for, oh I know, verdant, she will make many babies if I get a hold of that one." Oh, gross, this man is sick and I never realized just how sick until now.

"That, Adam is none of your business and no, I will not share her. She is not a toy to play with. She is a human being, Adam. She does not deserve to be treated like an object and like I said before. I want you to leave now, I have other things to do." I state firmly, leaving no room for budging. I glance at the door and find that Emalia is no longer there. My heart sinks a little, but I am glad because I don't want her here when this asshole is here. She doesn't need to go through that.

"Fine, alright, I'll leave." Adam holds his hands up in surrender.

"And because of that little stunt, I will not be buying anything from  you. I would prefer to watch you dig your own grave with the townsfolk."

We walk out of my office and to the front door. Adam opens it, "Oh, come on Charles, she is just a woman. They aren't good for anything other than sex and a way to keep the family going. A maid can do the same jobs as her minus the sex and kids."

I punch him in the face and push him out of my house. "Woman are not only for sex and kids, Adam, you would do well to remember that fact." I slam the door in his face and punch it trying to get all my anger out. I want to talk to Emalia and ask if she is alright, but I think I should give her a few more minutes.

 After about five minutes of standing in front of the front door, I ascend the stairs. I don't stop walking until I am standing in front of Emalia's bedroom door. I knock "Emalia? Are you in there? Do you want to talk? I am just wondering if you are okay. Are you? Was that too much for you? I'm sorry, Emalia. I really didn't mean for that to happen." After I finish talking, I lean my forehead against the door.


I hear a knock at my door and Charles start speaking, "Emalia? Are you in there? Do you want to talk? I am just wondering if you are okay. Are you? Was that too much for you? I'm sorry, Emalia. I really didn't mean for that to happen." That almost broke me, tears well up in my eyes. 

After several minutes of silence from the other side of the door, I speak, hoping that he left and won't hear this moment of weakness. "Charles, I know that it wasn't your fault, but I have never had a man look at me the way that he did. It made me feel dirty and used almost even though nothing happened. I hope you will not hate me."

There is silence once more from both side of the door and then comes another knock. "Will you let me in, Emalia. All I want to do is help you."

"I am fine, Charles. You needn't look after me every second. I am perfectly fine."

"Okay," my heart wrenches and almost breaks at the sound of his voice. He sounds so completely broken. 

I start to hear slow thumps walking away. I can't let it end like this. I can't let things be this way and then have both of us walk away when it's this bad. I quietly open my bedroom door and stare down the hall at the retreating form. "Charles wait," he turns and looks at me, his eyes hopeful in the dark lighting of the hall. "Charles, will you please come in? There will not be a lot of talking tonight because I do not feel alright, but I would feel a lot better, a lot safer if you were here."

He smiles a light, pitiful smile and starts walking toward me. He stops just in front of me. I can feel his hot breath fanning over my face. "Emalia, do you really want me to come in?"

"Yes, Charles, as hard as it might be for you to believe, I do genuinely want you to stay with me tonight. I do not want to be by myself tonight. I would fee a lot safer if you were here with me. If you will do my that favor."

"I will gladly stay here with you tonight, Emalia, if you need me to. It is not a favor I am doing for you though, it is a favor that you are doing for me."

I step aside and he still stands just outside my bedroom door. I reach out and grab a hold of his hand. I pull him into my room and he obliges without fuss. I close the door behind him and I turn and walk towards my bed. I sit down on the edge and pat the bed beside me. Charles understands and comes to sit next to me. "I know that it isn't dark out yet and it is hardly evening, but I feel exhausted, Charles. I won't make you stay if you aren't tired, but I would really love it if you did stay."

"Miss Emalia, I am most likely just as tired as you. That man you saw, Mr. Roland, Adam Roland, he causes trouble for me and makes me tired and annoyed. I am more than willing to go to sleep right now."

"Okay," is all I say back to him. 

 "So, I will go and get some blankets for myself, I will make up a bed on the floor and you can sleep in your bed." He smiles so genuinely at me, he really doesn't want to do anything that could possibly anger or hurt me. 

"No, Charles," I find myself saying. "You can sleep in my bed with me, just as long as there isn't anything going to go on."

"Emalia, it would be bad of your name if anyone were to see us." He insists.

"Charles, if anyone is to see us, then we will say that we are husband and wife. We can say that we had a private wedding with just us, a preacher and Rosie. They don't need to know anymore than that." I smile kindly at him. "If we do that, then there will be no damage to my name. It will just spread around that I am the wife of Duke Charles. That does not at all bother me, not one bit."

"If you insist, Emalia, but I just want to make sure that you aren't making a mistake and that you actually want this. Because if you do not and you wake up to me in your bed tomorrow morning, you will be very angry with me and I do not wish for that."

"I know you don't, Charles and I assure you that it won't happen. All I want is to have you close to me tonight."

"If it is what you desire, Emalia, then I will sleep in the bed with you tonight. I will hold you in my arms and keep you safe, but I Will do nothing further than that. I promise you, that is as far as I will go."

"Thank you, Charles. It makes me feel better knowing that if anything were to happen tonight, that you are right there beside me. I am going to put on a night dress now, Charles. If you will be so kind as to turn your back, I will be more than grateful." He does so and I walk over to my linen closet and grab the first night dress I spot. I take my dress and chemise off and slip the night dress over my head. After making certain that everything is covered properly I allow him to look.

"That is a really nice colour on you, Emalia. If you do not mind I will go to my room to get changes into my sleepwear."

"You are dismissed for that reason, Charles." He rushes to the door and quickly slips out, only lightly closing the door behind him. I walk over to my dressing table and sit on the small stool in front of it. I start to take my hair out of the braids and twists that was my hairdo today. After my hair is all hanging down over my shoulders, I start to brush it. 

Charles walks in, "If you need help brushing your hair , Emalia, I may be able to be of assistance."

I hand the brush over to him and he brushes slow, smooth strokes through my hair, getting rid of all the knots and stragglers. After my hair is all neatly brushed, I smile at him in the mirror. He hands me the brush and I place is delicately in it's spot of my dressing table. I stand up from the stool and walk over to my bed. Charles walks over to the other side and together, we pull the blankets aside. 

Charles climbs onto my bed and then into it and waits for me to do the same. I sit on the edge and swing my legs over. I maneuver myself so that I am farther on the bed and closer to Charles. I move until I get comfortable and then we pull the blankets back over us. I face my back towards him and feel him come closer to me. 

I start moving closer to him too. I feel his hands on my hips and they move up to my stomach, where they rest. He pulls me back against his chest and holds me. I relax into his comforting arms and lay my head down. I close my eyes and think about what I am just gotten myself into. What if I wake up tomorrow morning scared out of my wits by this man holding me in my bed. 

Well, whatever happens tomorrow will be dealt with tomorrow. I snuggle back against Charles and I can feel his lips softly kiss the back of my head and whisper, "Goodnight, my Emalia."

I mutter something back that must have been, "Goodnight, Charles," and I fall into a deep dream-filled sleep. Feeling a warm embrace around and engulf me.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter too!!!!!!! I am really getting a lot done on this book, it is so exciting!!!!! I cannot wait to finish it. 


 The next chapter will be very interesting, I just hope that you guys won't hate me for whast I have planned in it. 

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