Chapter 10: My True Feelings

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter too. I am so happy with how much I've been doing on this book the last few days!!!!!!!! At this rate I will be done sooner than I thought I would be. That is GREAT!!!!!!!!

Chapter 10: My True Feelings


She is so beautiful in the sunlight. When the light hits her just right I can almost see through her skin and the light makes her eyes sparkle. She looks so amazing, smiling all of the time and she is so cute when she blushes. She doesn't even know what her blushing does to me. It makes my heart and my mind race wildly with the intensity of an explosion. I always want to smile around her, her smile is contagious. And she makes you want to do anything to please her and to keep her as happy as always. 

I snap out of my thoughts when there is a knock at my office door. "Come in," I call. As I watch, the door slowly opens with delicate hands pushing it to reveal a very beautiful young woman standing in the doorway. The woman of my dreams, the one staying in  my home. "What can I do for you, Emalia?" I ask as I lower my feet from the top of my desk to the floor under it. 

"I.... Uhhhh... I'm not exactly sure why I am here just now. I just wanted to see you I suppose," she blushes at her own comment or most likely wanting to see me. 

"I was actually wanting to see you too, Emalia," that makes her blush even harder. Her blush is a deep pink now, spreading over her cheeks and down towards her neck. It makes me want to kiss it and drive it farther down and follow to wherever it leads. Maybe it leads to treasure, hmmmm, I could really go for some treasure, especially from Emalia. 

 "Wh...Why were you wanting to see me, Charles?" she asks me shying away. She looks at the floor and plays with her skirts in her hands. 

"Because I.... I cannot make up an excuse for just wanting to see you. I enjoy having you close, Emalia. I can't help the feelings I feel for you. I find that I like feeling them, they make you more interesting to me. I want to know everything about you and your friends and family. I want to know the real, Emalia. I want to at the very least be a friend of yours. Will that ever happen, Miss Emalia?"

"Charles, you are my friend, it already has happened. And I like you too, I enjoy being around you, talking and laughing. Even just talking about the most randomized things and having odd conversations with you is better then not being with you. "

"Emalia, I have been thinking about some things lately, things that I would love if they happened, but I will not force it, any of it. I am not even sure if you are ready to hear it, but I think I should keep it to myself for right now. It is nothing bad, not at all especially towards you. It might scare you off though, so I will bring it up when it deems more appropriate. Please trust me on this, Emalia."

"What is this about, Charles? Is there something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong, Emalia. I assure you, nothing is wrong, not at all."

"Okay, Charles. I will go up to my bedroom then alright?"

"Do as you wish, Emalia. I will see you when I see you." I smile at her, trying to reassure her that nothing is the matter. She nods her head and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. 

Man, I have made so many mistakes in my life, I will not let her be one of them. I will not let myself make a mistake with her, I can't, if I do, it may just cost me her.

The Letter I Wrote To The Duke (Seriously Editing Had A Huge Plot Hole)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن