Chapter 12: Exploding

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, but I hope you won't hate me with what happens in this one and how they act toward each other. I know they have made progress, but everyone will have their ups and downs whether in a good relationship or not. ENJOY!!!!!!!!

Chapter 12: Exploding


I wake up with a smile on my face and memories of what had happened last night. Emalia all, but begged me to stay last night, here in her room with her. I feel movement on my arm and I turn to see Emalia snuggled in her bed, facing away from me and my arm underneath her. She stirs slightly and I hear a few little noises escape her lips. Those noises sound so cute coming from her. She makes my heart melt. I lay there, unmoving for more than several minutes, just watching her sleep.

I smile at her sleeping form. I lift my other hand and trace small lines and circles over her exposed shoulder. Her skin feel so soft and heavenly against mine. She turns over in her sleep so that she is now facing me and sleeping. Her face looks so sweet and innocent. I love admiring the way that the light hits her face at such an accenting angel. It makes her look that much younger and sweeter and more innocent. 

I can't help, but trace the back of my hand over her cheek. It's so soft under my touch and it is flushed pink with sleepiness. I trace my hand down from her cheek to her jaw and down to trace over her neck. My gaze hovers over her lips and I trace a finger over her bottom lip. So soft and lush and sweet they must taste. I would do a great many things to taste those lips and have her willing to oblige to it. 

She stirs once more and gentle opens her eyes. Her eyelashes fluttering across her cheeks. I smile down at her and she smiles up at me. Suddenly her eyes go wide and I think she has only now realized just how exposed she is, even being under the blankets. I was afraid that she would regret this.

"Emalia, do not be afraid, I did not force myself on you or in your bed. I swear to that, you offered, actually you more then offered. You asked if I would stay and after that, you almost begged me to stay the night. You said that you would feel safer if I was close to you last night."

"I know," she says blankly. "I am not upset about that. I am upset about here your hand is right now. You would do well to find out where it is and remove it immediately." She demands.

"Emalia, my hand is not anywhere inappropriate. I am not doing anything bad, let alone done anything bad this morning or last night. I assure you that what you are feeling is not my hand."

"Really Charles?" she touches my hand and I realize where it is. I hadn't even felt where it was. It was resting on her breast. "You are telling me that this is not your hand. Because it sure feels like it is your hand," she states sternly. "No, if you would be so kind as to please remove it from where it is, I would be very grateful to you." I move my hand, but to an even worse spot. The way that she is laying, makes it really hard not to touch her in an inappropriate place., in many inappropriate places. My mind is really getting ahead of me, I better settle that down a bit.

My hand lands on her ripe buttocks. "Ohhh!" She gasps, "Get your hand off me right now, Charles. I do not remember giving you permission to touch me! Especially not there! Remove your hand immediately!"

I do so, but again my luck has run out. My hand lands in the last unforgiving place on her body and I did not have permission to do so. Although, this time it is particularly worse because it is the worst place to touch her without her say so over it. "Charles, you god dammed pig! Remove your hand at once before I remove it for you, permanently!" She shouts at me. I remove my hand immediately and she jumps from the comfort of the bed.

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