Chapter 24: The Proposal

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It will be shorter than my pervious chapters because of the title of it and I will add just a few extra things into it. I think after the proposal I will have them go to town for brunch or something together. I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!

Chapter 24: The Proposal


 I open my eyes to my dark room, I sure hope that I woke up early enough. I will knock on Emalia's door to wake her up and tell her to be outside in a half hour, that should be enough time for me to get everything ready. I get out of bed and pull the blankets back over the bed.

I slip on a nice pair of trousers and a nice shirt. I search through the pockets in my trousers from last night and find the small blue velvet box. I open it up to make sure the ring is still in it and close the box again, after confirming that the ring is still safely nestled inside the box.

I slip the box into the pocket of my trousers and turn to my wash basin. I pool water in my hands and splash it on my face a few times. I grab the towel sitting on the side and dry my face and hands. I turn to the door and open it.

As I make my way down the hallway toward Emalia's room, I think about what she might wear or if she has any clues or hints as to what her surprise is. I march up to her bedroom door and knock on it. I hear some shuffling from the other side and then a loud thump that sounds like someone fell and then the door opens.

She rubs her eyes with her hand, "Good morning, Charles, is something wrong? You are up awfully early this morning."

"Yes, I am, Emalia could I ask one thing of you on this fine early morning?"

"Sure, I suppose, is it important?"

"It is very important."

"Alright, what do you need? Do you need me to wait longer?"

"No, I would never ask that of you, not after having to wait so long already. I only ask that you meet me outside in let's say a half hour then you will get your surprise."

"Okay, just don't be angry if I am a few minutes late. That is a short time for me to dress and do my hair."

"You do not have to do your hair, just leave it the way you want it. Just brush it and leave it free if you want to, just meet me outside in a half hour."

"Okay, Charles, I can do that."

"Thank you, Emalia, I will see you then," I quickly place a kiss on her cheek and rush down the hallway. I pump my arms vigorously at my sides, helping to push me along. I stomp down the stairs, my feet hardly making contact with each step as I race my way down them as if I were a horse running from an abusive master.

I make my way towards the door and swing it open. I slam it shut behind me and rush down the steps of my house, not bothering with a coat for I will be back inside soon anyhow. I run down the path towards the stables, trying to go as fast as I can with the wind pushing against me. The blasts of the cold air, waking me up is starting to anger me.

I push forward towards the store shed. As I come up to the door, I open it a crack and th wind takes it the rest of the way open, making it bang against the outside wall of the shed with a loud banging sound. I pull the cart out of the shed and start on detatching the arch from the ties that hold it down.

After getting the arch loose from its binds, I carefully pull it from the back of the cart and set it on the ground and push the cart back into the shed. I look up at the sky and see a few dark blues and purples making their way up the horizon.

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