Chapter 16: The Big Reveal

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter too guys. In this chapter Emalia will reveal all of her hard work on Charles's land because he never help her with any of it. Read about how he reacts towards what she has done to decorate his land. 

Chapter 16: The Big Reveal


I wake up to some rattling just outside my door and then it opens and in walks Rosie. I wonder what ion the name of the world, she is doing up her this early and with a tray for that matter. "What is it, Rosie? It better be something important if you had to wake me from a very pleasent dream I was having about that cute little Cherie just in the other room."

"It is important Charles and she isn't in the next room. Emalia got up really early this morning asking me for breakfast so that she could get a head start fixing everything up outside this morning. I for one, thought she was crazy for being up that eary in the morning, but she insisted. So, I got up and made her a very healthy and strong breakfast and she has been outside ever since then. 

"Well why in the samhill, would she ever want to be up that early in the dammed morning just for the stupid land and decorating it. It really beats me how she could even do that with all the sleep she has apparently been needing since she got here. Why would she want to start getting up early now just because of a plan for the land that she has?"

"I do not know, Charles, but I would like to go back downstairs and finish up the chores so that I can go and take a nice nap before lunch and then an even longer nap after lunch. I am tired from having been woken so early  by your, our guest of honor. Charles, please do not let this happen again. if I am woken too early, I am unable to work and function properly. I need enough sleep to do so and right now I hardly have enough just to do the dishes let alone the seeping and mopping and washing the laundry and dusting and polishing the precious china. It is in desperate need of dusting of late."

"I am sorry, Rosie and I assure you, it will not be happening again because the next time that it does, Emalia will be forced to spend the night in my bed and by my rules. That will teach her, although, I would have to make up rules that I wouldn't even normally have as rules for anything or anyone, but that is how it will work out. I promise, it won't happen again and if it does then it won't ever happen a third time."

"Thank you, Charles, how kind of you to offer such an option. I will go and finish those things now and then I will be off to bed. If you need anything, feel free to go and get it on your own."

"Okay, I will, Roise and I will Emalia know of this. I will see to it that you not be disturbed for any reason. In fact, there is no need for you to even wake up before lunch. Emalia and myself will find our own lunch while you sleep soundly." I smile at Rosie and send her on her way, with her muttering her big thanks to my generosity, but actually in my mind, it was just a plan to get closer to Emalia. It is so hard to keep away from her with her tight feminine body just begging to be touched and held or at least that's the impression it's giving me. 

 I get out of bed and get dressed into real clothes not just night clothes. I wash my face in the wash basin in my room and dry my face with a towel. And place it over the edge of the basin to dry and be reused. I look into the mirror and run my hand along my chin and my cheeks. My stubble is coming in, I really need to shave. I wonder if Emalia would like the feel of my stubble on her fae when she kisses me or if it would annoy her.

With those thought in my head, I walk out of my room and down the hall to the staircase. I climb down the stairs and go into the dining room in need of something to eat and to satisfy my hunger. Although, my hunger isn't just for food, it's for Emalia. I walk around the table and open the door to the kitchen and walk inside. 

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