Chapter 5: A Special Dinner

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as the others!!!!!! I am really excited about this book!!!! I really hope that I will stick with it and finish this one then maybe ine day I'll be able to get published!!!!!! That is my biggest dreams!!!!!! I want to get a book of mine published!!!!!!!

Chapter 5: A Special Dinner


I walk into the kitchen, the staff kitchen and am amazed by how clean and tidy it looks even though, Rosie is cooking dinner. She really knows how to keep a kitchen clean, it's even cleaner then when she first started working for me here. When she first started working, my last house lady hadn't been much of a cleaner. So, she'd just clean what I demanded she cleaned and would leave the rest, but Rosie doesn't put anything off for later. If she sees something needs to be done, she does it without question. She keeps my house, my space, clean and tidy as she does her own. She makes sure that all things are in their right places at all times. 

"It smells rather delicious in here, Rosie," I smile at her as she turns around, noticing me standing by the door.

She smiles back at me, "Oh, Sir Charles! Would you like to taste a sample or what I have planned for your meal tonight?"

"No thanks, Rosie, I'm okay. I'll leave it all to surprise besides the smell. You are doing a fantastic job though, don't let me keep you from your cooking."

"Oh, you aren't, Sir Charles," she smiles.

"What have I told you before, Rosie. Please, call me, Charles, just Charles," I smile bigger at her. She is the best house lady I've never had and she works hard. She is also very polite, but she is more then just that to me. She is family, so, she has the right to call me by my name as I call her by hers. 

"Yes, Sir... Uhh, Charles," she smiles sweetly. 

i then left the room to go and check to see if , Princess Emalia was finished getting ready for the diner tonight or if she needed my help with something again. I walk up the stairs and down the corridor of bed chamber rooms. when I come to hers, the biggest door aside from mine which is just across hers, I knock. three times I knock and then I wait. She comes to the door and opens it, gods in the heavens, she looks wonderful. She looks so full and beautiful and lovely in every kind of way and she looks sweet and delectable as any of the greatest food I've ever tasted. 

I bow my head to her and hold out my hand as a gesture for her to take hold of it while I escort her to the dining hall. She takes me hand and I look back up at her. "You look lovely, Emalia, you really do look wonderful this evening and every day." I smile and she smiles back and starts blushing. It's so hard to control myself when she act this way, when she blushes like the innocence she is. When she lets out soft, almost unacknowledgable giggles under her breath and when she shows all her emotions in those pretty eyes of her. She's so hard to resist, dammit!

"Thank you, thank you very much, Duke Charles. I mean, Charles," he blushes again, harder this time at her saying just my name instead of calling me by my title. she's so cute when she blushes and not to mention, irresistible. 

"I will escort you to the dining hall if you are finished getting ready for dinner," I whisper softly to her as I move my face closer to hers to hear her whispered response in return.

"I am done, Charles, you may escort me."

"Then it is done," I say and turn around with her hand in mine and her following my movements in order to keep hold of my hand and not to trip at my pace. I slow down my pace a bit, remembering that I am a lot taller and have longer legs than this sweet little thing. She is able to keep up better with me now. I walk down the stairs as she does the same following from beside me.

The Letter I Wrote To The Duke (Seriously Editing Had A Huge Plot Hole)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu