Chapter 8: Time For Thinking

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter too. This chapter is going to be about her thinking and sorting of feelings and thoughts and her dinners with Charles, the Duke. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

This chapter is dedicated to the best boyfriend in the whole world. Thank you for always sticking by me and encouraging me to keep writing and do what I love to do. I know you would do anything for me and I would do anything for you too. I love you with all of my heart.

Chapter 8: Time For Thinking


 I wake up to the sun lighting the room, my room. I wipe my eyes and look around me. It looks the same as it did before, but it seems different somehow. I sit up in my bed and the memories of yesterday rush back to me almost knocking me unconscious. Making the deal with Charles and seeing some of his land. Dinner last night, it was delicious. The smells wafting from the kitchen making my stomach growl with hunger for the delicious food to come. I remember tasting the soup Rosie made, what was it again? Pea soup? No, not pea soup. Honey dill soup? Maybe, that sounds good, maybe that was it. Ah, yes, I remember what it was now, it was cabbage soup with beef crumbles in it. It was a fantastic group of flavors. 

I also remember the fluffy, croissant rolls with cream inside, mmmmmm, for dessert. I just couldn't stop myself from having a second one. There was also some time after supper that Charles and I spent talking about anything and everything. I really enjoyed that time, we got to know more about each other and our pasts, although, he didn't give away very much that I remember. After the talking and such we did, he wanted to walk me to my room and I let him. He stood in front of me, his huge masculine hands laid gently upon my hips, not making any further advances, but it was somehow comforting. 

I felt the heat between us and I felt how much he wanted to kiss me. He leaned his head in, but didn't meet my lips, he didn't kiss me. He only set it up so that if I wanted to kiss him, I could and he was showing me that I could, if it's what I wanted. He didn't force me into anything, didn't even encourage it in any way, he just gave me the opportunity to do as I pleased. He was showing me that I could make the decision instead of him, he was showing me respect, respect of the most intimate kind. 

I felt the need to wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his in a way of showing him that I accept his offering of leadership split between us, half and half. That is exactly what I did. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips down on mine, kissing him with all I was worth. At first he didn't respond to the kiss, just let me kiss him, not wanting to scare me away maybe, or giving me time to change my mind if I wanted to. I was not going to change my mind, I got myself into this on purpose. I wanted to kiss him, to have him kiss me back. 

Then after a few minutes, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body to his tightly. Holding me there as he ravished my mouth. He bit my bottom lip and I gasped in surprise, allowing him to slide his tongue inside my mouth, tasting my mouth in the most complete way. He never made any further advances and I could feel how hard it was for him, but he was doing it for me. He didn't want to take things too far for my complete virgin body, I mean he was even my first kiss. 

So, we just stood there kissing and holding each other tightly in our arms. Never feeling the need to stop and talk or to think about it. Never wanting it to end, or stop. Not wanting to lose this feeling with each other, this amazing feeling of our mouths connecting and our bodies so closely pressed together. After the kiss, he kissed both of my cheeks and pecked my on the mouth before turning away and saying goodnight. I watched him walk to his bedroom, look back at me, smile and then open his bedroom door and disappear inside. 

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