Chapter 22: How Did It Happen?

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter too. I hope I can finish this book and fulfill and dreams to be able to read the whole thing. :)

Chapter 22: How Did It Happen?


Ther front door opens and I embrace Emalia in a tight hug. One that makes me feel as though I am flying or hovering in air. I hold her against me, not wanting to let go. I pull back slightly, just enough to see her face and for her to see mine. "How was the beginning of your day, Emalia? What did you do? Did you have fun?" I ask, not being able to stop the smile from spreading across my lips.

"It was uhhh, it was fine, I suppose. I wanted to find something to occupy my time, so, I went out venturing your land and found myself following a path towards a trail in the forest. I followed the trail, wondering where it may lead and wanting to see some of the inside of the forest, but then......." She trails off and I am left wondering what had happened.

"Emalia, then what?"

She seems to shake herself from a trance, "I'm sorry, Charles? I didn't catch that." She looks at me confused as to what she should say or do.

"You said 'but then,' but then what?" I ask, feeling a little annoyed at her two sided attention span right now.

"I....Uhhh..... Charles, there is something I have to tell you, but please don't have a heart attack before I am able to explain. I do not want you thinking the worst of me."

"I will make no promises, but I will try."

"Well, I hope that if you burst, that you know I will be leaving because you will want me to leave if you jump to conclusions. I do not wish to leave and I presume you do not wish it either."

"I do not, I will do my best to control myself and give you time you explain."

"Thank you, Charles. Alright, what happened was, I heard noises and I just shurgged it off, thinking that it was just a few wild animals that ventured closer to me, but that wasn't the case. At first when I heard the first few footsteps, I thought that it ight be you, but then I heard the man yell out my name and something about looking for me and needing me for something or other. So, I hide from the intruder and tried to wait him out, but then he told me her was going to count to ten before he came after me and he threatened me. He threatened that if he had to come and find me, it would not be gentle or pretty.

He shouted out numbers until he got to number seven. I had made up my mind, that I was going to face my intruder and not cower away from him. He counted number eight and that's when I shouted back at him, something about shutting up because we had all heard enough of his big mouth. I know it isn't a very good idea to insult a intruder, especially one that is bigger than I am, but that is what I said to him, nevertheless. Although, when I stood up to face the intruder, I found my childhood friend, Adam."

"Adam, oh hell, he is going to wish his mother never had him!"

"Charles, please, you promised."

"I promised to try, Emalia and I am trying, but it sort of slipped out. I am sorry, please continue."

"Thank you, Charles, as I was saying, I got really angry that Adam had come looking for me and that he had tried to scare me like that. He had told me that he never would have hurt me, he was just doing it to get me to come out of hiding. He told me that he had an offer for me. He said her heard I had been deflowered and that he was the only man willing to marry me. He told me that her would marry me and give me a more pure life, he said he would marry me lawfully and then make me his on our wedding night. He told me I would have all his children."

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