FAIHA(Not edited‼️)

By Ummeetarh_

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Life Is Like A Book📙📚. Some Chapters Are Sad 😩, Some Happy 😁And Some Very Exciting😂😅. But If You Never... More

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By Ummeetarh_

She was taken to her mother by Aunty safiya(her late father's sister) and Aunty Mairo(mama's cousin sister), she hugged her tight crying , mama was also crying but tears only,I don't want to go mama please don't let me go she plead crying harder.
Faiha you have to go your husband's family are here to escourt you she said trying to pull away.

She was beautifully dressed in a blue Ankara which has orange, yellow and white flower prints, she was looking very beautiful with a big orange veil covering her face .

Am so happy and sad at the same time Darling, it was just like yesterday when I gave birth to you with your father around and always in the hospital to stay with us , am so happy that I got to see my two daughters wedding Alhamdullilah Allah thanks to Allah, Am also very sad my child that your father isn't here to celebrate this joyful occasion with us. He always dream big on how your wedding will be, how he will marry you off to the best man on earth, it's was very obvious that he loved you more among his children because you were born as a premature baby and he was so scared to carry you thinking you may slip and fall or even harm you in any way.

He will always just sit beside your bed and watch you as you sleep mama said smiling as she wipe away the tears that roll down her face. Faiha who was crying terribly looked at her mother with a sad face.

Insha Allah Mama he's in Aljannah firdausi, we will reunite insha Faiha said and insha Allah mama said.

Now stand up its time to leave she said as she stood up and walked into her room , then later came out with a small Brown box.

Take this My child it's a gift from your father mama said with a sad smile, as I said earlier he always dream big about your wedding so he also got a gift just for your Big day she said, And this letter is to his Son in law make sure you give him okay she said pecking faith's forehead , she nod her head taking the gift.

Momma, mami, mama, mama hajiya and some other ladies adviced her about marriage and then she was taken to her uncles both from maternal and paternal side before she was taken to the car which were waiting for the bride.

She was crying unconditionally even after they left their area and was driving to Anwar's family house.

It's okay My love, it's okay Aunty rumaisa said hugging her , she silently weeped in her arms until they reached tell Danbatta mansion.

It was full with Relatives, friends and family friends, they were all here to witness the happy occasion, the wedding of the only son of Alhaji Muhammad Danbatta. the house she never thought would mean anything to her. The cars zoomed in and they got out. She kept her head down as they walked into the house.

Her family and his family exchanged pleasantries ,After that his Aunties said a prayer and then her Aunties present the gara(foodstuffs gifted by the brides family to t
the grooms family).

After the presentation of the gara, she was brought forward as she kneeled in front of her mother in law.

She unveiled faiha With a smile spread across her lips ,Am so blessed to have such a wonderful girl as my daughter in law, Welcome to the family my child she smile.

She placed something in Faiha's hand and used the other hand to cover it.they adviced her once again before she was taking to a side downstairs. "Anwar's side" she couldn't help but stare at it in aww it was just so classy and unique.

Sister in law she heard Anna and the twins voice and before she could even turn to look at them she was pulled into a bone crushing hug. Oh my God I can't breath she said as they pull out of the hug.

OMG bestie am so happy Anna beamed smiling widely and she smile back. Welcome to the family sister in law iman, ihsan and fatima beamed , Thank you she smile as they all settled down on the bed, some of his cousins also came in and they exchanged pleasantries .

Her Aunties bid her good bye and then left afterward.
Anna told her about the dinner they were throwing later .she smile saying okay as they all left her alone telling her to rest.

She smile and they laid down on the bed thinking about how she is now a married girl,before she feel into a deep slumber.


Faiha, faiha wake up she heard Anna's voice waking her up, uhmm she groan as she open her eyes, wakeup it's magrib already Anna said and she nod her head as she sat up on the bed.

You should pray first then bath cause the make up artist will be hear on a few minutes she said and faiha replied with a simple okay as she got off the bed and straight into the bathroom, she looked at it in awe before proceeding to perform ablution.

She walked out of the bathroom to find a hijab and praying mat on the bed, Anna most have kept this for me she thought as she took it and then prayed her magrib prayer.

Afterward she went back into the bathroom and took a hot long bath she wore a black bathrobe she saw in the bathroom , tie a small towel around her head before walking out of the bathroom.

Anna and fatima were in the room along with
The makeup artist fati mamza were in the room a big white box was kept on the bed.

They exchanged pleasantries with fati mamza as she congratulated before she proceed on her work after faiha rub her body lotion.
They were done by 7:30 and gosh she looked very beautiful. Wow faiha you are looking very beautiful Anna and Fatima beamed she smile looking at her reflection in the mirror thank you she said smiling, it was a simple yet beautiful.

You will be wearing this Anna said as she open the large box bringing out a beautiful mint green & white lace which was beautifully sewn into a fitted gown, she smile as she took the dress from Anna saying thank you ,she changed into it and it fitted her very well she looked beautiful, fati mamza helped her with her head , she wore a simple silver jewelleries

You are looking very beautiful Anna said as she took a picture of her with her canon camera.
They thank fati as Anna passed her a check of 1million, it's my pleasure thank you Fati smile. Faiha insist she stay for the dinner and she agreed.

Anna where is farha I can't seem to find her Faiha said as she sat down on the bed using her phone as she was about to dial Anwar's number after seeing his two missed calls.

Yes of course you will ask of me , shegiya munafuka Allah ya fiki, Ashe haka kike aurema kawa saurayi a tirrr, I never thought you will do something like this to me farha yelled as she barged into the room looking shattered , wearing a simple material dress.

Farha...... Farha stated as she got up, shut up just keep quite or else I will like you right now , you selfish bitch, you very well know I love Anna's brother so much but what did you do Farha yelled .

I will kill you she yelled as she approach Faiha but Anna and fatima quickly stopped her by standing in between them.

Farha please listen to me Faiha started, keep quite ,just keep quite you selfish bitch Farha yelled as she tried to get out of Anna and Fatima's grip.

Farha please stop this you are causing a commotion Anna said .

I don't care just let me be farha yelled.

Faiha go to the next room I will be there in a while Anna said to Faiha who was now in tears.

Shegiya hawayen me kuma kikeyi I swear I will kill you and nothing will happen she said as she push Anna and fatima heading toward faiha as she gave her a hard slap across her face.

FARHA Anna yelled , You need to leave this house right now Anna said angrily, I won't leave this house until I kill this girl she said pointing at Faiha who is now crying.

Fatima pulled faiha out of the room to the second room in the apartment, the side was quite with only the four of them.

Sit down here fatima said as she motion her to sit on the bed, she sat down as she was still crying uncontrollably.

Keep quite please ,or should I call Anwar she ask looking at Faiha.

But still she was still crying ,Fatima I...I. ...she started .

It's okay Fatima said pulling her into a hug as Faiha cried in her arms.

After a few minutes Anna came in looking very angry. And then Aunt rumaisa trailing behind her.

My child Aunt rumaisa said pulling her into a hug, she hugged her crying harder and after zone few minutes she pulled away from the hug.

We will talk about this later Faiha it's 8:30 already and you have already ruin your makeup, and we will all be leaving now and the bride is needed.

Anna call fati Aunt rumaisa said and Anna nod her head going out after a while she came in with fati mamza behind her , she retouched Faiha's makeup and then they all left. Leaving her all alone as she was deep in her thoughts.

She was waiting in the living room, waiting for Anwar so that they can leave to the venue, she was so deep in her thought that she didn't notice when he came in .it was when he stood in front of her that she noticed him, she quickly stood up plastering a small smile on her lips.

He look at her , watching her closely. What's wrong with you , you have been crying right he ask taking her hand into his.

She shook her head in a negative way saying no something entered my eye she said with a smile but still he was not convince as she watch her .tell me faiha I know when you are lying he said .

Let's leave now Anwar people must be waiting for us she said looking at him.
No t.....he was cut off before he could finish his sentence due to his phone ringing. Mummy was the caller.

He answered the phone not saying a thing.

Faiz where are you guys ,do you know that peoole are waiting for you she said from really other side.

Mummy they can wait ,am having a little chat with my wife he said and faiha look at him eyes wide as saucer as she hit his chest while he wink.

Kaniyanka Faiz , so you mean I should also wait ko she ask

No mummy that's not what I mean he said but she cut him off saying .

Be here in less than 10mins or else I will deal with you and ten disconnected the call.

I guess we will have to leave right away he said and she roll her eyes saying "mara kunya".

Did you say something he ask looking at her and she shrug saying let's go. And that's when she noticed his dressing he was handsomely dressed in a kaftan and babban Riga with a matching cap , wrist watch and shoes

Eidul mubarak. Taqabalallahu minna wa minkum. May Allah make you witness more ramadan and eid in good health and iman. I wish you Allah's favour in all your endeavours. Happy celebration.

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