Agent Arizona: Man or Machine?

By Fireslash97

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After the Great War between Humanity and the Covenant, we were at peace. The Elites had made a truce with Hum... More

Welcome To Project Freelancer
Everyone Meet....Who?
Does Someone Want To Explain What Just Happened?
First Mission
Hello Brother
The Heist
Hell's Angel
Words Speak Louder Than Actions
Truths and Realizations
Escape and Explanations
Fall From Heaven
Fighting Fire
What's The "I" Stand For?
Greenish-Blue With Envy
Three's A Crowd
Time Always Flies
Family Reunion


4.2K 50 38
By Fireslash97

"Victor move up!" A man in green Spartan V armor orders. 

"Cover me Rex!" Victor says as he runs through the field narrowly avoiding plasma fire. He then slides behind a large piece of a building. Rex then follows his lead reloading his assault rifle. 

"We gotta secure a landing zone for the Pelicans so can get the civilians outta here." Victor says avoiding another shot. 

"You get their attention, I'll take care of the snipers." Victor nods before they both run in opposite directions. Rex activates his sprint capability and increases his speed as he jumps up and climbs the side of another torn down building where two Jackals were firing. Victor then rolls out of cover and fires his battle rifle to get their attention; the Jackals notice and they aim their beam rifles. Rex then walks up behind them and smacks their heads together, they both fall unconscious. Rex jumps off and brings out his knife before striking it in the building, slowing his descent downward. Victor covers his back as they both run behind a wrecked car. 

"I'm almost out of ammo, we need to get those Wraiths or the Pelicans can't land." Victor says loading his last mag. 

"Alright same drill, I'll distract them you get them from behind and put a grenade in their drives." Rex then runs out and throws a grenade at the Wraith. It explodes turning their attention to the Spartan. Rex smirks before running over various rubble avoiding giants balls of blue energy. Victor sees his move and grabs on to the back of one of the Wraiths and shoves a plasma grenade inside. He pushes himself off the Wraith and races to the next one doing the exact same thing. The Covenant tanks both explode. 

"HAHA! Way to go Vic!" Vic then jumps on top off one of the damaged Wraiths and does a a General Washington pose. Rex just laughs even more before he sees a shimmer behind Victor. "VICTOR BEHIND-" Victor felt something drive through his chest. He then felt himself being lifted up as he saw two energy blades reveal themselves through his chest, he looks back and sees a Zealot had stabbed him with an energy sword. "NOOOOO!" The Zealot then through Vic aside and he collapsed on his stomach. Rex then yells as he tackles the Zealot off the Wraith and begins punching it in the face. The Zealot grabs his fist and throws him off, he takes out his plasma rifle but Rex smacks it away before he takes out his assault rifle and unloads an entire magazine on the Zealot before it falls dead. 

"VICTOR!" Rex runs to his friend's side. 

"I'm...okay Rex...I'm okay..." Rex carries his comrade bridal style as he runs into the last Pelican evacuating civilians. The door closes and lifts off the ground towards the sky. "R-Rex...?" 

"Just hang on bro, you're gonna be okay." Rex takes off his helmet along with Victor's. Victor has a black crew cut with hazel brown eyes. Blood begins to trickle down Victor's mouth as he gasps for air while tears began to stream down Rex's face. 

"Hey R-Rex?" 

"Yeah man I'm right here, what is it?" Victor using what little strength he had left, grabs Rex by his chest plate and brings him close. 

"Promise'll fight'll never stop being the man you are...and most of all...(Gasps)" 

"What Vic, what?" Rex asks. 

"Find a girl...already...would ya?" Vic chuckles before giving his last breath. Rex's eyes widen. 

"Vic? Vic? VICTOOORRR!" Rex cries Victor's chest.


Zone shoots open his and clutches his chest, he begins breathe hard until he slows down. ~Geez, I haven't had that dream in months.~ Zone looks at his surroundings and sees he's in the medical bay of the Mother of Invention. He groans before sitting up and leaning up against the wall. 

He looks and sees that his body is covered in bandages, some on his chest, some on his arms; he felt his neck and of course there was a bandage on his neck from where Sweetheart scarred him. At first he wondered why his vision wasn't so well so he felt his eye and there was a patch over it. ~Those Resistance guys sure did a number on me. Now I've lost half my sight, least York won't be the only one complaining about his eye.~ 

"EEEEEEEE! YOU'RE AWAKE! YOU'RE AWAKE!" A high pitched, feminine voice said. Zone groaned grabbing his head in pain from the yelling

~Who the freak'-~Suddenly a magenta and yellow figure appeared in front of Zone acting like a giddy teenager, jumping up and down. Zone tried to speak but nothing came out, he tried again. Only air. 

"Ohrightwellafteryourinjurythedocssaidthatyoursynthesizertookheavydamage.Butdon'tworry!  They'reworkingonit-" Zone clapped his hands to make her stop. 

"Oh sorry about that! Where are my manners I'm Xi! Your AI!" She says happily. Zone raises an eyebrow at her. "HEELLOOO! AI! Artificial Intelligence?" Zone rolled his eyes. 

"Oh right of course you know that! Well until they can fix your synthesizer, I'll be your voice!" Zone frowns at the AI as he lays back down on the bed. Xi disappears and then reappears on top of Zone's head in a laying position. "What's a matter grumpy face?" Xi says in a baby voice. Zone tries his best not to smirk, seeing as how he doesn't want to give Xi the satisfaction of making him smile. Which unfortunately he does. 

"There's a smile! See we're gonna get along great!" Xi says throwing her hands up. "Oh you've gotta visitor. I'll log off now!" Xi disappears and Zone just scoffs. Zone looks and Carolina enters in her under-suit without her armor. She sees Zone awake and he stands, smiling and showing his teeth. Carolina begins to shed tears as she runs and hugs him. Zone embraces her warmly. 

"Don't you ever scare me like that again." She says pounding his chest as he lets out a couple grunts. More tears fall down her face before she looks up at him and places her hand on the patch over his eye. "Those monsters, what did they do to you?" Zone places his hand over hers brings against his cheek. Carolina puts her other hand on his cheek and rubs it with her thumb. 

"Rex could...could you do me a favor?" Zone nods. "Close your eye." Zone raises an eyebrow before doing as he's told. Then he feels something soft against his lips. He opens his good eye and sees Carolina...kissing him! He closes it again and wraps his arms around her as she wraps her arms around his neck. When they let go for air, Carolina looks up at him as he was flustered just as much as she was. "Rex...I love you." Zone wraps his arms around her again and kisses her once more which she gladly returns. 

~Happy now Vic? I know you'd be proud that I finally fell for an amazing girl.~ Carolina and Zone let go and she smiles. Zone groans as he grabs his side, Carolina helps him back onto the bed. They both sit down as she feels the bandages all over his body. 

"It'll probably be a while before you're up to 100% again." Zone sighs as he pulls off the bandage on his neck. Carolina gasps when she sees the heart shaped scar on his neck. "Did that blonde ODST do that to you?" Zone nods as he traces it. Carolina hugs and rest her head on his shoulder. 

"Never leave me again Zone. Never again." Zone puts his arm around her and holds her close. 

~I promise I won't leave. Never again.~ 


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