Gilmore Girls - What Should H...

By Erin_Chilton

21.7K 1K 190

This story is about what could have happened had Lorelai not run away with Rory as a baby but had still not m... More

1. At Last
2. Spreading Like Wild Fire
3. School Work, Dinner's, Intention's and Goodnights
4. Long Weekend Surprise
5. Good Day's
6. Birthday Fun
7. Birthday shenanigans
8. So Much To Celebrate
9. Holiday's and Sweet 16
10. Birthday Boy
11. Tell Me More and Valentines
12. Arrangements and Loopholes
13. Australia
15. Last 48 Hours
16. Till Death Do Us Part
17. Honeymoon Hijinks
18. Honeymoon's Over
19. Holiday Festivities
20. Summer Break
21. Graduating with Honors
22. Summer Getaway
23. The Big Announcement
AN: sorry
24. Fall Fun
25. Holiday's Away.
26. Love Is In The Air
27. Babies Galore
28. Babies and Baby shower's
29. New Years New Titles
30. Not A Fool
31. Happy Times and Sad Events
32. Life's Surprises

14. Final Prep and Arrivals

524 33 2
By Erin_Chilton

June 15th, 2002

Over the last week the girls have been dress shopping like crazy for the wedding, they found the perfect dresses and were getting their first fitting. The boys, of course, had to find the complete outfits for their wedding attire too, Logan and Rory had decided it was going to be a more casual wedding on the beach so the guys would be wearing board shorts, undershirts and unbuttoned shirts and the girls in summer dresses all In sandals or bare feet.

Frankford and Lizzie have been putting together all the details for the small wedding and reception after knowing that some of it may not go as expected, mainly Lorelai's acceptance of the marriage. Lizzie had a plan that in the event Lorelai didn't agree she could smooth it over and get her to accept it.

July 2nd, 2002

Today Luke and Lorelai land in Australia for a week-long visit, Everything is all set up for them, and all the wedding stuff is arranged.

~Luke and Lorelai talking while getting off the plane~

"Is it just me or do you feel like something major is going to happen this week?" Lorelai asks

"Something major had already happened, you got me to take a week away from the diner to fly across the world to relax in paradise," Luke says

"Yes, I know that's big but I think something else is coming, I don't know why Lizzie and Frankford would invite us to Australia just to visit Rory," Lorelai says

"calm down Lorelai I'm sure nothing major will happen," Luke says raising a brow

"I'm sure your right, I just let my mind get away with me. Now let's go find the fruit of my loins and her pretty boy" Lorelai says

"Geez, I wish you wouldn't call them that," Luke says

"Well it's the truth, so that's their nicknames," Lorelai says as Luke rolls his eyes

Rory and Logan at the Airport

"I really hope my mom doesn't suspect anything, she has always had scenes for things," Rory says

"It's just a vacation with a little unity party, nothing to suspect," Logan says

"Oh ya a little union party... More like a teen wedding and not just any teen her 16-year-old daughter" Rory says rolling her eyes ay Logan

"Hey we could always tell her in less than a week I will be her son in law," Logan says smirking

"Oh no, she would kill us, hell she may kill us anyways but I hope she understands," Rory says

"I think she may be ok with it, everyone knows we would end up married at some point so it won't be a huge shock its just happening a little sooner then we all expected," Logan says

"I know, she may even want a few conditions to agree to be ok with this all" Rory says

"I know, now shush, I see them and your running to your mom now... OK" Logan trails off as Rory runs at the sight of her mom and Luke

~Rory and Lorelai run to each other~

"Fruit of my loins oh I have missed you," Lorelai says dramatically

"Mom, don't call me that its gross. Hello, I missed you too over the month we have been separated...." Rory says

"Hello Luke," Rory says hugging Luke

"Hey kiddo, Logan," Luke says hugging Rory and shaking logans hand

"Hello pretty boy," Lorelai says

"Hello future mother-in-law," Logan says smirking

"You can be my son-in-law as long as she doesn't make me a grandmother before she's old enough to drink, deal?" Lorelai asks

"Deal," Logan says smiling

"Now that's dealt with, where is our ride?" Lorelai asks

"Mother, It's just outside," Rory says

"Is it a hummer, Land Rover, BMW, escalade?" Lorelai asks

"You will see," Logan says

~the 4 walk towards the pickup zone~

"OMG, are we taking a limo to the house?" Lorelai asks

"Yes, Lizzie didn't want us too have to worry about getting lost and wanted us to all relax when we got here," Logan says

~A man opens a trunk when he see's Logan and Rory approaching~

"It's an SUV limo... I GET TO RIDE IN A SUV LIMO" Lorelai squealed

"She gets excited easily" Logan laughs

"This is nothing, wait till she see's where they are staying she won't ever want to leave," Rory says "Aren't we just going to a beach house?" Luke asks

"Oh ya you're going to a beach house alright," Rory says smirking

"Ohh I need details," Lorelai says

"Nope sorry, you will see when we get there," Rory says laughing

"Mean, your keeping secrets from your mommy" Lorelai whines

"Yes, I am. You didn't expect me to ruin all the surprises did you?" Rory asks

"Yes, yes I did. Mommy doesn't like surprises" Lorelai whines

"Oh just sit back and relax Lorelai, remember that's what this trip is all about," Luke says

"Fine" Lorelai pouts

~Arriving at the Morgan estate~

"Wow the house is beautiful, but I don't see why you thought I wouldn't ever want to leave," Lorelai says

"Mom, that's not where you and Luke are staying... You see the house over there?" Rory asks pointing to the 2 bedroom cabin 5 feet from the beach

"Yes, it's cute. Looks like a boathouse" Lorelai says

"Mom, that's where you and Luke are staying, the rest of us are in the big house," Rory says

"What... You mean privacy, I walk out the door into the sand and is within a small walking distance of my daughter and her friends?" Lorelai squeals

"Yes, they even have a cook to make anything to eat you would like, a huge breakfast every day and amazing exotic coffee you will love. It's not Luke's, but it's close" Logan says

"We will see," Lorelai says

~Luke and Logan take the bags into the cabin~

"Unpack, get situated, and when you're ready, you can join the rest of us on the beach and if you want I can give you both a tour," Rory says

"We will for sure join you on the beach and then get the tour, and of course we need to see Lizzie and Frankford because it's been a while since I have seen them," Lorelai says

"No problem, Logan will be I'm sure playing some game with the guys and I will be with the girls relaxing," Rory says laughing

On the beach

"How did the pick up go Love?" Finn asks

"great, they are just settling into the cabin, and they will be coming here, and then the tour begins," Rory says

"The pick up was good, her mom called me her future son-in-law and said I could marry Rory as long as Rory doesn't become a mother before she can legally drink," Logan says

"You don't think..." Paris asks

"No, I don't think she realizes, but she did agree without me needing to ask," Logan says

"It's going to be huge, I just hope she's ok," Colin says

After 15 minutes of the girls lounging in the sun and the guys throwing a Frisbee around Luke and Lorelai show up.

"Hello all, I am Queen Lorelai, you may call me Lorelai, and this is Luke," Lorelai says

~All of Logan and Rory's friends laugh~ 

"Hello Lorelai, Nice to see you, Luke, my loving husband." They all say in unison

"Now I remember you were telling me something about a royal tour, who is our guide," Lorelai asks

"We are all going inside for lunch but Logan and I will be your guides, and you will meet Finn's family," Rory says

"Oooooh, are they anything like our crazy Finn? I know how Lizzie and Frankford used to be but did they change at all?" Lorelai asks

"I will let you be the judge of that" Logan says laughing

Everyone walked into the Morgan house. Most went to the kitchen to check on lunch while Rory, Lorelai, Logan and Luke all went on the tour.

"Ok so you have seen everything but the kitchen so let's head there for food, and you can meet the rest of the Morgan's," Logan says

In The Kitchen

"Lizzie, Frankford. I would like you to meet my mom Lorelai and her boyfriend Luke" Rory says

"Nice to meet you Luke, Long time no see Lorelai," Frankford says to Luke and Lorelai and shakes their hands

"It's nice to meet you, Luke, Lorelai it's been a long time I would say about 16 years," Lizzie says shaking Luke's hand and taking Lorelai in for a hug

"Ya, it wasn't too long before I left Hartford I last saw you: Lorelai says sheepishly

" Yes, right before Fredrick was born. Trust me if myself and Frankford could have followed you we would have. Speaking of Fredrick, here he is, and then there's Evangeline aka Evie, Ericka and baby Edison " Lizzie says

"Oh wow, you have six kids, that's amazing. I always knew the two of you would have a big family. How old are they" Lorelai says

"Finn and Francis are both 19, Fredrick is 16, Evie is 8, Ericka is 6, and baby Edison is 4," Frankford says

"Wow, there's some time between them" Lorelai laughs

"Well, after Fredrick we didn't think I could have more, but we left it all up to fait and along came Evie, Ericka and Edison, and honestly it was nice having three older kids then threw little ones, they were so helpful when the little ones came it's amazing. Finn didn't really like Fredrick when he was born, but he was amazing with Evie, Ericka and Edison" Lizzie says smiling

"That's great, and maybe he will be as good of a dad as his own" Lorelai says

"No that's alright I will just be crazy uncle Finn, no kids for me thank you" Finn chirps in and everyone laughs

"As you can tell my eldest son thinks he won't be a dad ever... Sounds like his father sometimes" Lizzie says

"I can see that, good luck with that kid. If your reputation is true, I don't see you not being a father lasting long" Lorelai says laughing at the horrified look on Finn's face

"It's amusing how you would have left if you could have, But I understand why you couldn't 3 kids under 3 would be crazy it was hard enough with one," Lorelai says

"Yes we would have, You were very brave to leave home so young with a baby. After you left, I broke down and confronted our parents, and my parents were so terrified we would leave without a word that they finally backed off and let us live our life's" Lizzie says

"I'm glad that I was able to help you both, I know you felt as controlled as I did," Lorelai says

"Wait, you all knew each other?" Rory asks

"Yes, both of our family's vacationed on the vineyard, Your mum was still pregnant with you, and I had Finn and Francis playing on the beach, and she approached us and asked if it was hard being a parent so young," Lizzie says

"Wow, So that means Finn met my mom before I was born and has known her longer then I have been in the world," Rory says

"Yes, Finn even knew you as a baby, the three of you had little play dates up until Lorelai left Hartford. " Frankford says

"What do you mean?" Logan asks

"Finn and Francis were born in Australia, but when they were a few months old we moved to Hartford for Frankford to go to Yale, we stayed till he graduated and we went back to Australia to work and for myself to go to college," Lizzie says

"So Fredrick was born in Connecticut?" Colin asks

"Oh no, I flew back here when I was 6 months along with him then that summer Frankford came here, and we stayed until Frankford had to go back to Yale, All 6 kids were born here," Lizzie says

~everyone ate lunch and talked about the events happening over the next few days~

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