Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 51

42 5 0
By Monsi_Salcedo

Demi was walking down the hallways as it was finally Thursday. The day that her photoshoot and interview was taking place. The others had already had their as none of their questions were the same. Very similar but not the exact copy, Demi was nervous as she didn't know what to expect. Looking down at what she was wearing as she had a black skirt, black flats, a flower top and her white leather jacket. Also adding curls to her hair this morning as she took a shower in the morning which meant she woke up at five in order to give herself a lot of time to get ready. By the time she finish she like how she looks, and head outside of the house with her stuff.
From what the Perrie told her that her interview will be first and then her photoshoot will take place. Demi was nervous but extremely excited for it to begin. With two class period already pass by as they were calling kids down to one of the gyms. Demi couldn't help but play with the sleeve of her jacket as she kept nervous. She had applied a little bit of makeup as she wanted to be presentable. Her dad, the boys and Harry told her that she didn't need makeup as she already beautiful. Moving her lips together as she could feel the lipglosses on the tip of her tongue. Trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying but all she could hear was the whispers from the students behind her about how his interview went. Demi was hoping that her interview would be before lunch as she fear that her nerves would get the better of her. Pulling on her jacket as the teacher gave them a worksheet that have words that they would see with in the next few weeks. Looking at the words as they all became a soup letter as she couldn't focus on anything. Not until she knows if she got in or not. Hearing the door open as everyone head turn to the direction of man who walk in with a clipboard in his hand. Looking at Demi's teacher as he apologizes for interrupting his class.

"I came to grab the next kid that is scheduled for the interview."

He quickly took a look at his paper as he flip the paper over to see the other one.

"Demetria Lovato"

He said in his deep voice as the whole class turn to her direction. They really help her with trying to kill her nerve. Collecting her things as she move out of the classroom with the stranger. Placing the backpack strap on her shoulder as they walk down the empty hallway.  They made their way towards the gym that they would have pep rally's as Demi never really like them. Demi and Liam always struggled to find Perrie and Niall when they entered the gymnasium. Remembering that Harry didn't like them either, he would always stay in his class while those are happening. She would be jealous of him as he stay grading papers then to see the "School's spirit". Taking Harry off her mind as she entered as they had completely transform the whole gym to make it look nice. The first thing she notice is that they had a poster with the School's name on it.

Demi couldn't help but smile as the School's name. Soon her were being to wonder around as she could see then working quickly setting up the photoshoot.

"Okay you're here. You're going to be sitting here will the presenter of the show will be the one asking you questions."

The man said as he show Demi the desk as he walk away from her. Demi took a seat as she turn the chair to the desk. Placing her backpack on the ground next to her as she push her hair forward. A middle-age women approach Demi as she was holding something small in her hands.

"Here's your microphone."

She said as she began to place it on Demi. Clipping it into Demi's jacket as she took the cords around and click it to the bottom of her jacket. Lucky it wasn't heavy as Demi could barely feel it. Demi telling her thank you as she was left alone again. Beginning to play with her sleeve as she kept her eyes wondering. She could see many people running around with either a clipboard or different kind of stuff for what looks like a photoshoot. Demi let out a breath as she look down at her hands as she began to think that this wasn't a good idea to audition for the school. Her nerves were getting the better of her and she hated it.

Stay calm Demi.

She said to herself as she could see everybody starting to calm down. They put more lights on her, the cameras moving to her direction, as they were now whispering. At that moment she heard footsteps getting closer to her as she looks and sees a man with cue cards in his hands. Demi could only see the back of them and could see the School's name.
The Gifted Academy (fine arts)
Taking her eyes to the man standing in front of her as he extended out his arm to give her hand shake. He had a warm smile as it made Demi's nerves disappear into thin air.

"Ryan Seacrest, I'm going to be the one giving you the interview."

Ryan said as he took a seat on the other chair. He place the cue cards facing downwards as he place his hands on top of them. He look down at Demi's hands as saw that she was picking at her nail.

"Try to remain calm. This are only going to be questions based on the information that we receive from the file you filled out in December."

Ryan said as Demi only said yes sir as she place her hands below her thighs. Demi felt little embarrassed as he was able to pick up on her nervous behavior.

"This interview will be over before you know it. Then I will be directing you to your photoshoot. This will be fun and you actually might enjoy it."

Ryan said as he smile at Demi. Hearing Ryan being called as they both turn their heads to the person that belong to the voice. Demi recognize him as he was putting away his phone inside his dress pants.

"Excuse me, Demetria."

Ryan said as he got off the little stage for the interview. Demi watch him go as he got closer to his boss.

"Yeah Simon?"

After that Demi couldn't hear anything as she took her eyes off of them. Letting out a breath as she began to try to calm down and relax. Taking her eyes to the photoshoot as she could see two women running with a rack of clothes. Not being able to see anything annoys Demi could as she didn't like surprise. Yet from the looks of it all of the clothes are black with a hint of color in some areas. Demi didn't know much time she's been trying to figure out how the set as she heard footsteps approaching her. Turning her head to them as Ryan, Simon, and Phil were now standing in front of her. They were all smiling at her as it was slowly killing her nerves but there was only one smile that vanish her nerves and make her feel butterflies.

"Are you excited?"

Phil ask as Demi said yes.

"But I'm also very nervous."

They began to talk to her telling her that there's nothing to be nervous about. They kept her company until Demi finally left comfort with them.

"In five we start the interview."

A women said behind the camera as Phil and Simon walk off set and Ryan took his seat in front of Demi. Ryan smile at Demi as she couldn't help but return it.


Ryan said as he grab his index cards and Demi said yes. Hearing the count down as the lights turn to their direction illuminating the place.

"I'm Ryan Seacrest the host of the Gifted Academy talent show. With me right now is a girl that caught the attention of all of the people from the academy including myself. The very talented and beautiful Demetria Lovato. Welcome Demi."

Ryan said as they move the camera that was in the middle to Demi.

Demi smile at him as she thank him for the interview.

"When the whole crew heard your voice they couldn't believe it was a 15 year old girl. You have an amazing voice. What inspired you to start singing?"

Ryan ask as Demi place her hands on the desk.

"I always love music. I'm a very shy person when I couldn't find the way to say words. I could always find a way to sing it. Music turn into the voice in the back of my head that wants to be let out free. I could find a song that says what on my mind."

Ryan smile at her after she answer his question.

"So music speaks for you when words fail."

He continue to ask more questions as he ask if she knew how to write music, play instruments and then the people who inspired her.

"What music artists inspired you to sing with all of your heart?"

Ryan asked as Demi smile thinking back at all of her artists she had in her phone.

"Christina Aguilera and Kelly Clarkson. Those are the two that I really look up to growing up."

Ryan's eyebrows raise as he couldn't help but smile.

"I love how soulful Kelly sounds in her albums. My favorite album of hers is Breakaway. I spend so many hours and hours and hours practicing the notes she was hitting on all of those songs. I can't tell you how many times I sang all of those songs from the album.
And Christina one of my idols growing up and still is. Her voice is incredible and in Stripped you can get to hear that. The breakout album that transformed her into the icon that she is today."

Ryan was surprise on who she pick for as her idols.

"You did pick two of best singers that the music industry have at this moment."

They continue to ask questions as to if Demi could write songs and how often if she does. How has music help her in her life. To her biggest dreams on becoming a very well know singer to even just a music teacher as she would want to inspire other to sing. The topics were almost endless as Ryan and Demi had a small bond talking about the her lyrics.

"Is there a lyrics that means a lot to you that you hold close to your heart?"

Ryan ask as he place the card behind the others. Demi thought for a moment as Harry's lyrics pop to her head. But she couldn't pick those as she didn't write them. Thinking back at her mom as Nightingale pop into her head.

"I don't know what I'd do without you. Your words are like a whisper come through. As long as you are with me here tonight I'm good."

Demi said as she tried her best to keep her emotions hidden but she couldn't help but get her eyes watering. Ryan could see the emotions in her eyes as he grew concern for the young teen.

"Do you mind if I ask why they have a close place to you?"

Ryan ask as he made eye contact with Demi as she tried to force a smile.

"My mother pass away last year and I never knew why until a few months ago. When she was gone is was like my whole world scattered into pieces. I didn't know who to hold on to. My dad was going to the same pain but he got to suffer more as he watch her slowly vanish away from him. They had send me to my grandparents place as my mom didn't want me to see her like that.
It took me some time to understand why she decided that. As time pass by I slowly began to understand why. She just wanted me to keep good memories of her were she's happy and not suffering. She never like to show weaknesses to anybody. Not even when she took her last breath. She's always will be a strong woman that I grew up watching. I love her and know that she's in a better place."

Demi said with tears in her eyes. She felt one ran down her cheek as she quickly wipe it away with her finger. Ryan gave her a warm smile as he said that she send the song as one of her audition types.

"It was such a personal song to me and it speaks with so many emotions. It felt right, I wanted to show that I just don't want to do a song that will be play for the radio. I like it when the singer gets vulnerable situations as that when their feelings come out. I like songs where I can just sing my heart out. It just a sad situation but that when the best music comes out of an artist. It's more powerful then to sing about going out and partying. It's relatable to some one but not everyone."

Demi spoke as Ryan said that he couldn't agree more then what she just said. Questions kept on going back and forth as soon Demi had answer the last question that he had. Saying goodbye to the cameras as soon they heard the word clear. They got out of the chair as Ryan shows Demi the way to her dressing room.

"Here is where you are going to change."

Ryan said as he pull aside the curtains to show Demi a small dressing room. Demi recognize some of the outfits as that pass by her when she entered the gym.

"There's a small paper on the couch with directions for you to follow. The outfits are place in order to the ones you will be wearing. The cosmetologist will be with you shortly. There's a rode there on the couch for you to change into."

Ryan said as they both heard his name being called. He said goodbye to Demi as she took a step inside as the curtain fall behind her. Walking to the paper as she began to read what they had place in. There's a small bathroom with a sink and different types of skin care products that they wanted her to put on as it will hydrate her face before putting on makeup on her. She read the whole page as she place it on the table. Doing at told as she got undress and putting on the robe over her underclothes. Turn on the water making sure that it was warm as she began to place the cleaning product on her face. Soon after five products she felt refresh and clean. Turning off the water as she wipe her face with a clean white towel. Returning to the room as she took a seat on the chair. After five minutes of waiting the door was being open by two women as they quickly began to work on Demi.
One was washing Demi's hair while the other was painting Demi's nails. It took them less time then would take Demi to finish as soon she's getting a blowout and makeup was being placed on her. Demi was amazing on how fast they are working as soon she already had hair styled and her makeup is completely done. Soon they both step away as they look at Demi and smile at her.


They said at the same time as Demi could finally look at herself in the mirror. Her hair had touched of waves in them as her makeup was dark in the eyes but everything else was almost neutral. Turning to them as Demi thank them as she saw that they already had her outfit in their hands. It was a black dress with purple tights. Getting up front the chair as Demi grab the clothes before disappearing into the bathroom to change. Soon coming out as one of them handed her the heels she'll be wearing and the other the jewelry. Exiting her dressing room as she was shown the way to the shoot. A curtain was pull away as she could see the set as it took her breath away.

A smile couldn't help but appear on Demi's face as she love the set. The photographer soon directed her to the boat as he told her how to pose. Handing her a phone with a cord as he told her what he wanted from her. Doing as told as Demi look off set with a face that he was  describing.

"Perfect Demetria."

He said as he took more of the same pose as soon he took away the phone. Telling her a different pose as Demi followed directions.

Taking more pictures with the outfit as he soon directed her to change into her other outfit. Demi got up from her spot as she return to her dressing room as she put on a black dress with a pink bow on the back. They change her lipstick color as she was putting on different kind of jewelry.
Soon returning to the shoot as the photographer directed her to the set.

"They didn't tell me what they wanted for that dress. Do whatever you want, kid."

He said as it took Demi by surprise. Beginning to look around the room as she saw a couple of  disco ball laying around. Heading to one of them as she grab them and began to pose with it. Bring it closer to her chest as she turn her body away from the photographer before turning her head towards him. He began to take pictures for every second that pass as he look at the picture that appear on his computer. He couldn't help but smile at it. Looking over at Demi as he told her to come look at her picture. Walking to him as he show her the picture. Demi couldn't help but smile at it.

"You're good. Now what's next."

He said as he look down at her.

"Get a close up with the disco ball."

Demi said as she return to the set as he grab a smaller camera. Following Demi on set as Demi let the disco ball cover half of her face. Soon hearing a click as he look down at his camera as he couldn't help but smile. Showing it to Demi as she smile.

Demi place down the disco ball as she began to look around and saw a much bigger one in the corner. Heading towards it as she took it to the middle of the shoot. Taking a seat on it as she told him to take pictures. He did as she kept on changing how she had her arms or face expression. Letting Demi see the picture as Demi couldn't help but giggle as she felt silly doing this.

Taking a look around the set as she found an umbrella in the far corner. Walking towards it as she look around the place trying to find a chair or a stool to sit down on. Finding her spot as she grab the umbrella as she open it and walk to the chair. Taking a set as she nods to the photographer.

Hearing the word perfect as Demi felt a rush of excitement washing through her body. Closing the umbrella and standing up as she placed it again in it's place. Finding a feather as she told him to grab his one as a close up. Following directions from a teenager as he couldn't help but smile at her as he could see how excited she was. Snapping the picture as he watch it appear on his computer.

They kept on taking many more as he told her that one more before she can head back to the dressing room. Demi nodded as she saw a set of balloons off set. Pointing at them as she asked if she could use them. He quickly turn his head snapping his fingers as he told the guy to give it to Demi. Soon Demi was being handed the balloons as she look up at them.

"Whenever you are ready."

He said as Demi place all of her weight into one leg as she look directly to the camera.

He lowered down his camera as he shakes his body.

"Ooh that one gave me chills."

He said as Demi couldn't help but giggle. They took a few more as soon it was time to Demi go change as it was the next kid turn. Getting off set as one of the assistant quickly walked to Demi.

"We're going to be making a poster for you when you perform as it will be on the screen throughout most of your time on stage. And they wanted to have everybody signatures on it."

She said as she handed Demi a pink pen. Demi quickly wrote her name in cursive as she place a heart on top of the I on Demi. Handing back the pen as she made her way back to the dressing room to change. Changing back to her outfit as she was placing on her shoes as could see makeup remover on the desk. Quickly taking off the makeup as she thought it overwhelms her with the simple outfit she was wearing. Soon being handed a hallway pass as she left the gym with all of her belongings. 
Tomorrow was the big day as she felt excited and couldn't wait for it to come. Heading to her next class as she want nothing more but to show off her talent.

I know this chapter is mainly pictures. What do you guys think?

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