Hoewrecker 2


7.4K 308 22

-BOOK 2- Summary: Pepi and Keith are together and now have kids but are they living happily ever after? Previ... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Fourty one
fourty two
fourty three
Fourty four
Fourty five
Fourty six
Fourty seven
Fourty eight
Fourty nine

Twenty six

148 8 2

Woody POV
I got to the strip club at the same time I did last time I came here,just to make sure I would see Corie.

Then I stood near the back door waiting for Corie to come out.Not long later she did come out.

Woody:"Corie Corie stop let me talk to you!..please!"
She stops walking and comes over to me
Corie:"what woody?"she said sounding irritated
Woody:"why you working here Cor?"
Corie:"why not it pays well"
Woody:"there are many other jobs that pay well"
Corie:"well I enjoy doing this job"
Woody:"Corie why are back with him he's no good for you"
Corie:"he takes care of me..."
Woody:"what the hell Corie he ain't your dad and you don't need him to take care of you,You grown"
Corie:"look am gonna have to leave,he's probably already seen you talking to me from his car and is pissed"
Woody:"wait um let me get your new number first"

she hands me her phone and i give her mine,putting our numbers in each others phone.                       

Corie went to khalils car and i went back to mine driving home.

Corie POV
i got into Khalil's car and put my head down waiting from him drive us home,but he just sat there staring at me.My heart was beating real fast ii just didnt know what he was gonna do or say.

i looked up and he finally spoke
khalil:"why was you talking to him"
Corie:"Khalil he came to talk to me and i told him to leave me alone"
Khalil:"good"he says which causes me to relax a bit.
Khalil:"baby you do know i love you right"
i nod my head yes,he grabs my face roughly and kisses me.It was kinda forceful but I eventually kissed back.

The fact that am afraid of Khalil is terrible,I shouldn't be afraid of someone I should love.But after Khalil found out I went to live back with my parents he persuaded me to go live back with him,promising he would stop beating and cheating on me.Which he didn't,he still hits me when things don't go his way and he still cheats,just discreetly.

Although that doesn't mean am gonna go running back to Woody,after he didn't check on me once for years until now.
The next day
Ranaye POV
I was jogging around the tracks with a couple girls who are on the athletics team with me when I spot Kayton who's also on the team.

He was jogging with some of the boys on the team a little bit ahead of us.So I sprint till I catch up to him.

Ranaye:"hey Kayton"I say jogging next to him,causing him to jog a bit ahead,so I just catch up to him again.
Ranaye:"Kayton your being real cold for no reason right now"
Kayton:"and your being real annoying for no reason so go away damn"he ran a bit more to get further away from me.

One of the boys Kayton was running with came next to me.
Omari:"he'll come around he always does with you"
Ranaye:"I hope so"
Omari:"we're going to this party later tonight you should come,maybe you can try talk to him there"
Ranaye:"yeah yeah for sure"
Omari:"you've got my number right?"
Ranaye:"yep,you wouldn't leave me alone on the first day here until I took it"
Omari:"ha yeah well I'll text you the details"

I stop running hold on my knees breathing in and out,I was exhausted.Omari continues going round,so I go back to the girls who were heading to the gym so I go with them.
Keith POV
Phone call
Mckayla-"um hello"
Keith-"hello is this Jamal's sister?"
Mckayla-"yeah that's me"
Keith-"we'll I've found a local acting class online that seems really good but it's kinda expensive"
Mckayla-"oh that's fine my parents are balling"
I was really confused when she said that cause Jamal's dad's not around and his mom doesn't work.All the money provided in his household is from his older brother,Maybe he meant sister as in close friend.
Keith-"uh right um okay,well have you told your parents about the classes yet"
Mckayla-"nope But I was hoping you could persuade my mom into letting me go"
Mckayla handed the phone to her mother and it turns out she's been a fan of mine since she was young and didn't think to say no after I told her how important it was to her daughter to do this.

I sent Mckayla the location so she could go find the place with her mom and sign up.

I was sitting on the living room couch when Pepi came out the kitchen.
Keith:"hey Pepi you good"
Pepi:"yeah I think am gonna go grocery shopping"
Keith:"uh yeah sure that would be good I haven't got round to doing that for awhile"
Pepi:"i can tell"she says walking to the front door
As soon as she closes the door I grab my phone and text Ryan.

Keith-you can come over now if you want

Seconds later she texts back as if she was sitting by her phone waiting for me to pop up to her.

Ryan💋-am on my way x

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