Forbidden (A Luke Castellan L...

By WriterManiac1

405K 12.3K 2.3K

Avery Hawkins had been orphaned nearly her whole life. But when things started to look normal for her, everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Contest!! *CLOSED*
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 34
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Author Note
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Chapter 92

Chapter 66

3.4K 119 71
By WriterManiac1

Avery’s POV
            Grey and I walked out of the cabin to see mass chaos occurring.
            Campers were running around either screaming, crying, looking panicked, or all three.
            Both Grey and I gave each other a worried look before running toward the nearest camper who happened to be Steven, from the Demeter cabin. “Steven!” I called to him. He looked over at me with wild eyes and a terrified expression.
            “Avery!” He called back then rushed towards us and clamped his hands onto my shoulders. “Thunder and… lightning and…and rain! It…that’s not supposed to happen,” He stuttered. “That shouldn’t happened with…with the barrier over the camp!”
              “Calm down, Steven.” I said, trying to get his voice steady “What has Chiron said?”
            “He said to gather in the mess hall.” Steven managed to say, his eyes not looking at me but instead at a tree that had been electrocuted only feet from the Hades cabin, which made my eyes grow wide. If I wouldn’t have stopped everything, that could have been Grey.
            Grey caught into the conversation, seeing that I was distracted. “Why don’t we just go to the pavilion and Chiron will set everything straight, okay?”
            Steven nodded fearfully and held onto my shoulders tightly, making me wince. Trying to calm him down, I put my arm through his and walked towards the mess hall, one step at a time and giving Steven words of comfort to stop him from shaking.
            When we finally made it to the mess hall, I gave Steven to one of his sisters who was able to calm him down completely. After I made sure he was fine, I walked back to my own cabin table and sat down besides Jacie, whose eyes were wide. I took her hand and squeezed it tightly.
            “Avery?” I heard someone call my name frantically.
            Immediately I turned around to find an anxious Luke looking around for me. When he spotted me, he called my name again, sounding relieved. “Avery.” HE said and quickly rushed to me and took me in his arms, putting his chin on my head and squeezing me tightly. “Oh Gods,” He muttered, so just we could hear. Though he probably could have talked normally with how many people were screaming and freaking out.
            “I couldn’t find you anywhere and…” He just shook his head as if banishing the thought and hugged me tighter. 
            “I’m fine.” I told him and hugged him back tightly, inhaling his scent.          
            He pulled me away so I could see his worried stricken blue eyes. “What happened?” He asked me.
            Before I could even open my mouth and try to explain, we turned our heads to Chiron banging his hoof on the stage. “Campers!” He’s voice echoed, commandingly throughout the mess hall. “Campers quite down!”
            Everyone slowly started to stop talking until it was completely silent. Not even the little kids / the Stoll brothers, messing around. Complete and utter silence hovered over the campers while each of us stared intently at Chiron, waiting for what he would say.
            Chiron looked around the campers before heaving a big sigh. “Now I know what we have all gone through. I know that there was thunder and lightning as well as rain that happened to pass the boarder. It seems-”
            He was cut off by Mark from the Ares cabin. “That’s not supposed to happen Chiron! How did they manage to pass through?”
            Mark’s siblings started to agree with him and Chiron had to stomp on the stage to quite everyone down again. “
            Once Chiron had everyone’s attention, he looked directly at Mark. “I am very well aware that these elements should not have come down upon the camp, if you would let me finish Mr. Reed, I shall continue.” He gave a hard stare at Mark and when Mark had backed off, Chiron continued. “Even though the rain and lightning shouldn’t have crossed the border, I need to assure you that all is well.”
            “All is well?” Clarisse argued, standing up. “All is well? Tell me exactly how ‘all is well?’, Chiron. Nothing is supposed to cross the boarders, how would that happen? Lightning struck things in the camp and the rain raised the lake almost an inch! Tell me now how all is well?” She demanded. “Not even Thalia could stop what was happening.”
            Heads turned towards Thalia and she took a breath in from all the attention, startled but finally recovered and nodded, “I couldn’t stop anything. It was as I was a child of Aphrodite trying to control Zeus’ powers. Absolutely worthless.”
            Everyone started to talk again, people shouting things out.
            “We’re not safe!”
            “Will it come back?”
            “How did it happen?”
            “Is Zeus punishing us for something that we’ve done?”
            “Silence!” Chiron screamed over all the voice, his patience taunt. His eyes glared over the campers once they were quiet again, “This is not of Zeus’ doing. An oath, sworn on the river Styx was being broken.”
            The camp gasped and complete silence rang throughout the camp as everyone waiting for what would happen next.
            Chiron took another breath before continuing. “Now you can see what happens if an oath is being broken. This time, the oath was even taken back because of…circumstances.” He slightly glanced at me but I don’t think anyone noticed. Thank the Gods. “This shall be a warning to you of how deep an oath is. This oath wasn’t even broken completely, so you can image the horror of if you completely broke an oath as sacred as this.” His eyes looked over the campers that had all wide eyes at how something so violent would happen and the oath wasn’t even broken. Another breath and Chiron started to continue, movement caught my eyes before he spoke and I saw Luna’s ears perk like she heard something.
             “Now I’d like-” Chiron was suddenly cut off as a shimmering came from the stage. Light, that had a nightly glow to it, crossed across the campers seated and twisted until it came together on the far right of the stage where the simmering was. Everyone’s eyes were wide, including Chiron’s, but I noticed that Dionysius rolled his eyes then squinted his eyes as if questioning something.
            The light and sparkling suddenly burst to reveal a woman standing from where the light and shimmering started. Gasps rang out from the campers but I was too busy taking in how she looked. The woman was breathtakingly beautiful and had auburn hair and a kind, but stern, smile. She had a youthful look on her face and a slight, silvery aura surrounded her. A quiver with silver arrows were on her back while she wore a Greek tunic that went to her knees. The woman looked around the camp but I couldn’t catch her eyes.
            Around me, I heard surprised whispers. They were so low that I couldn’t hear the people saying, “Lady Artemis,” Others simply staring at her with awe. It was only when I realized that people started to get down on one knee when Jacie elbowed me, telling me to kneel like she was.
            Once I was kneeling I whispered to Jacie. “Who is she?” I asked as the lady smiled, overlooking the campers.
            Jacie’s eyes grew wide upon hearing my question. I tore my gaze away from the woman and looked at Jacie. “Avery,” She whispered to me. “That’s Lady Artemis, Goddess of the moon and the hunt!”
            My eyes widened upon hearing that she was a goddess. “But why is everyone so shocked?” I asked confused, my voice still low. “I mean we see a god every day right? Mr. D is always here?”
            Jacie looked around wildly, holding her hand to my mouth. “Avery, don’t say that!” She scolded, her voice quiet. “Gods don’t ever visit the camp unless something is really important! Having a God or Goddess in camp is a huge honor!” A small ‘oh’ in realization left my lips. “Shhh… listen.” Jacie told me once the Goddess started to speak.
            “Camp Half Blood.” She greets, smiling and I shiver at her voice. There was something that hurt in my head, like I was trying to remember something but the memory was gone. “Please stand up.” She commanded, but it seemed more like she was asking. Everyone stood up and sat back down at their cabin tables, still silent.
            My eyes suddenly flicker to Chiron to see surprise and fear is etched into is face but for what I don’t know. His face was almost as pale as Grey’s face as he continued to look up at the sky, as if searching for something but doesn’t find what he’s looking for.
            Lady Artemis smiled at the group again then finally opens her mouth to speak. “I have come on account of something very important.” She paused and looks around the camp. “Averill Rae Hawkins, if you would please step forward.”
            If I thought it couldn’t have gotten any more silent than it was, I was wrong. Immediately all eyes turned to me while my cheeks flamed from all the attention, and my eyes wide from being called up from a Goddess.
            My heart was beating fast in my chest and I could feel my hands shake upon being called by someone so important. Before I stood up, I looked at Luke for a reassuring look, my eyes wide with fear. He gives me a small nod, telling me to walk and gives me a smile to tell me that everything is okay. My eyes travel to Luna, who sat at my side. Her intelligent blue eyes looked into mine and she nodded her tail wagging. I take a deep breathe ready to stand, but I still needed to see some reassurance from one more person that I trust.
            My eyes travel to the Hades cabin and land on Grey but my eyes narrow in confusion as Grey has her eyes closed and is muttering something under her breath that sounds like a prayer.
            A Hermes kid nudges me and I realize that I still need to stand up and walk towards the stage.
            Shakily, I stand up from my seated position at the table and slowly, make my way towards the stage, my hands shaking and my heart beating as if I had just ran a marathon. My palms are sweaty and my breathing is ragged but I manage to make the long walk towards the stage, climbing the stairs until I stand about 3 feet away from the Goddess.
            During the walk, I looked out at the campers and didn’t once look at the stage, not even when I finally came to stand near the Goddess. Curious, I move my eyes to sneak a peek at the Goddess but I quickly turn my eyes away to find that she was already looking at me.
            Once again, feeling braver than the last time, I cast my eyes upwards and my eyes locked with the Goddess’. Unintentionally, I raise my hand up to my face and touch just under my eyes as I stare at the her eyes. Lady Artemis’ eyes were silvery and I realized that they looked just like mine, only mine were slightly darker, not with a yellowy tint like the moon.
            I couldn’t tear my eyes away from hers while I see that her eyes are shining a bright, yet aa sad and longing smile on her pink lips.
            Chiron’s voice shakes as he asks, “To what do we owe this pleasure, Lady Artemis?”
            She glances at the centaur and so do I. I find Chiron slightly shaking his head and glaring at her as if telling her not to do something. Artemis gives him a look that I can’t read as she shakes her head slightly too then ignores his question and looks down at me, making me jump.
            “I understand it’s your birthday, child, yes?” She asks her voice soothing.
            Confused, I nod my head and her smile grows bigger.
            “Eighteen is a rather important age.” I nod slightly, still scared out of my mind. “Eighteen is the age you officially become a women, yes?” Once again I nod.
            Artemis looks at me with an soft expression that I can’t read. Slowly she reaches out and touches my cheek. On instinct, I wanted to flinch away but I froze as a memory came into my mind.
            “Mama!” I cried, tears streaming down my small 5 year old cheeks as I raced towards the warm arms of my savior.
            “What is it?” Mama asked, her voice gentle and soft as she ran her long slender fingers through my brown hair after I embraced her.
            “I hurt my arm.” I whimpered, trying not to sob even more.
            “Let me take a look,” She told me and gently picked me up in her arms, looking over my wrist. I slightly flinched but Mama kissed my cheek and whispered soothing things while she placed her fingers gently over the wound then placed a small wolf and hawk Band-Aid on it then kissed the Band-Aid that covered the wound. “All better.” Mama told me and turned me so that I faced her.
            “Thank you Mama!” I exclaimed, and wrapped my small arms around her frame.
            A gentle laugh that sounded like moonlight came from Mama as she hugged my tiny figure. “You are very welcome, Moonbeam.”
            Smiling, I pulled back and looked into Mama’s silver eyes. I reached up and touched just under her eye. “They look like mine Mama.” I told her happily and she laughed once more.
            “Yes they do, huntress.”
            “Why does my hair not look like yours?” I asked, my curious eyes inspecting my mothers.
            A small sigh came from Mama but she smiled, though I was not old enough to realize how much pain it had in it. “You have the hair of your father, my sweet girl. You look much like your father. You have his nose,” She poked my nose and I giggled, “His hair, his lips and his laugh.” Mama said then started to tickle me while I laughed and Mama laughed too.
            Once Mama had stopped tickling me I looked up at Mama, my eyes growing sad. “I miss Papa.” I said, my voice low as I looked away from Mama.
            Mama’s warm, slender hand brushed my cheek tenderly as she moved my face to look at her. “I miss him too, Moonbeam.” Mama said sadly then kissed my forehead. “I miss him too.” She said softly then said on a happier note, “Papa would be proud of you though.”
            I smiled, wide and big. “He would?” I asked, hopefully.

            Another laugh came from Mama, “Yes he would, Star. Papa would be proud of you, very proud of you.” She held my head, sweeping away my hair and kissed my forehead before brushing her fingers on my cheek again. “Very proud, just like I am.”
            “I love you, Mama.” I told her, closing my eyes as I hugged her tightly.
            Her arms wrapped around me tightly, “And I love you, Averill, very much.” Her voice seemed sad, like she wouldn’t have much time with me, but my four year old self was too naïve to ever think that my mother could be taken away from me. “Very much.” She repeated, her eyes closed as she hugged me tightly, her hand still brushing against my cheeks tenderly while I stayed wrapped in the comfort of my mother’s arms, not a happier place in the world.
*End of Flashback*
            My eyes widen from the memory and I looked at Artemis. “You were so young, Star,” she whispers, hardly audible, “Now look at the beautiful woman you’ve become….”
            I flinched away from her, the memory so shocking and real as I held my cheek where Artemis had touched it as if it was burning. Artemis gives me one last smile then takes me by my shoulders and turns me around to face the campers with my eyes wide and my hand still on my cheek. Every camper looked just as shocked as I was.
            Everything around me, I seemed to be aware of, that is everything except Chiron who gave Artemis a look as if to say, ‘Are you sure you want to do this?” Artemis simply adverted her eyes and looked out into the camp, a smile on her face.
            Her hands were warm on my shoulders and I wished I could shrug them off but I figured a Goddess would take kindly to that.
            “Please welcome, my daughter….” She glanced as the sky as if searching for something after she hears the gasps from the campers as well as from me as they realized that Artemis, the Virgin Goddess, had a daughter. Lady Artemis starts again. “Welcome my daughter…” She glances down at me with a smile and I tense up, “Averill Rae Hawkins.” She finishes and my body goes stiff with shock my eyes wide.
            The whole camp lets out huge gasps as some stand up immediately shocked by what Artemis said. She had broken her oath. [A/N: Technically it was Zeus who swore on the oath to never force Artemis to marry or have kids but they don’t know that. Just an FYI.] Artemis, the virgin Goddess, had broken her oath and had a kid who was…me.
            Chiron looked around the camp then at Artemis and she nodded at him. He sighed then got down on his knees, kneeling. The campers all seemed to follow, and kneeled down in respect.
            Shocked, I looked up at Artemis…my….my mom, with my eyes wide. Artemis simply gave me a small smile before saying. “She shall be moved from the Hermes cabin immediately and shall move to my cabin.” With that, she nodded once more at the camp then took two steps away from me and disappeared in a shaft of moonlight and stars.
            I stood, watching the space where she had disappeared, my eyes not being able to leave. Slowly, I turned around to find everyone still kneeling. That’s when I realized they were kneeling at… me. Not knowing what to do, I took two shocked steps backwards, my eyes wider than all of the campers.
            Chiron stood up and walked towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch, remembering that my…my mom’s hand...was just there. “All hail…” He bit his lip, looking down at me and meeting my stunned gaze before looking back at the camp. “Averill Rae Hawkins, daughter of….” He glanced down at me again and finished staring down at me. “Artemis.”
A/N: HOLY FLIP EVERYONE!!! THERE IT IS!!!! NOW YOU KNOW WHO AVERY"S PARENT IS!!! To those who guessed correctly, nice job!!! There is still more to Avery's backstory, so keep reading. I know that most of you might stop reading because "Artemis doesn't have kids" but please continue to read. The backstory gets really good, I swear. Thanks everyone!!!

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