Next To Me

By sour_pink29

776K 29.7K 30K

(Female reader x various male characters) [Y/n] [L/n] has always been told her quirk was nothing special. De... More

Chapter 1: Goodmorning
Chapter 2: Alley
Chapter 3: Quirk Time
Chapter 4: Carry Me Home
Chapter 5: Big Ass Pie Hole
Chapter 6: The Ugly Underbelly
Chapter 7: Love at First Robot Fight
Chapter 8: Movie Night
Chapter 9: Special Consideration
Chapter 11: How Are You so Fast?!
Chapter 12: Virgin Angel
Chapter 13: Sit Next To Me
Chapter 14: Ya Done Fucked Up
Chapter 15: The Dark Side
Chapter 16: Can I Hold Onto You?
Chapter 17: Beach Bois
Chapter 18: Slippery Rocks
Chapter 19: Clueless Yet Caring
Chapter 20: Scary Nurse
Chapter 21: Shoto ily but stfu
Chapter 22: *Kaminari's girlish screams*
Chapter 23: With the All Might's Watching
Chapter 24: Don't Let Her Leave Your Sight
Chapter 25: Be a Hero
Chapter 26: Steroid Bird Monster
Chapter 27: Snack is Life (literally)
Chapter 28: Butterfingers
Chapter 29: Hot potato, pass it on
Chapter 30: Hospital
Chapter 31: as Bright as the Sun
Chapter 32: Two-metre radius
Chapter 33: Enough Apologizing

Chapter 10: Rub Salt in My Wound Why Don't You

25.7K 1K 759
By sour_pink29

~ Revised: 20/01/2023~

"You ready to go?"

Miksuki poked her head into [Y/n]'s room. Her eyes fell onto the (h/c) haired girl, who was nervously adjusting her uniform in front of the mirror. [Y/n] looked over her shoulder at Miksuki and hastily nodded.

"Yeah, I think so!" She nervously said.

[Y/n] never had any difficulties making friends in the past. But something about U.A. made her feel intimidated and nervous. She knew all her classmates were going to be just as serious as her when it came to being a pro.

Mitsuki smiled before walking away, down the hallway. [Y/n] looked back at herself in the mirror. Turning around she glanced over her shoulder to look at her backside. The skirt was a little short, but she requested tall socks, hoping they would help cover up a little bit more skin.

[Y/n] grabbed her backpack and walked out her bedroom door. She skipped down the stairs and was surprised to see Katsuki waiting at the front door. He glared at her, his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

"Well," [Y/n] said, doing a small twirl when she reached the bottom of the stairs "What do you think?" She smiled at Katsuki, who just glared back at her. "How do I look?"

"You look like an idiot, now let's go."

[Y/n] pouted at his answer. She knew he was never one to give out compliments, but she was at least hoping for a grunt or nod in response.

"Well, you don't even have your tie on!" [Y/n] retaliated. Katsuki rolled his eyes as he opened the door.

[Y/n] slipped on her shoes and followed him out the door. He walked ahead of her down their neighbourhood street. His hands resumed their place back into his pant pockets. [Y/n] walked beside the blond, admiring all the blooming cherry blossoms. She thought about what her classmates were going to be like, which pro-hero her teacher would be, and what kind of classes they would have. Her nerves slightly pricked at her skin as she continued to think.

Katsuki simply glared at the ground under his feet. He wasn't as worried as the (h/c) girl beside him. His ego was inflated after he discovered he placed first in the entrance exam finals. After that, he felt like his classmates were below him in everything. He wasn't worried about what they would be like because he didn't care. He felt like he already knew; they were all like Deku, weak and pathetic.

The two walked in silence to the school. Katsuki opened the large entrance door and walked in without holding it open for [Y/n]. The girl barely noticed as she followed him through.

The layout of the building was huge and seemed like a maze to [Y/n]. She couldn't help but feel like she'd get lost just trying to find a bathroom.

And as if fate had listened to the girl's worrying, [Y/n] felt a sudden pressure in her abdomen.

"Uhhh....." She awkwardly sighed, catching Katsuki's attention. He glanced back at her through glaring crimson eyes. "I have to go to the ladies' room..." She stated slightly embarrassed.

Katsuki blinked before turning back around and continuing to walk in the direction he had been before.

"Then fucking go. I don't care." He said, not looking back at the annoyed girl.

[Y/n] slouched her shoulders and let out an annoyed huff. Fine, not like I wanted you to wait for me anyway! Not like I don't know my way around this labyrinth of a high school or anything! Just continue to be a douche and walk away! It's fine...totally fine...I'm fine...

[Y/n] was annoyed. She continued to angrily berate Katsuki in her head as she searched for the bathrooms. The hallways in the school were long and lined with large lockers and doors. Large enough for a giant, [Y/n] thought. The floors had separated lines running along it, as as if it were a road. [Y/n] became increasingly distracted by the fact that the walls facing the exterior of the building were all glass windows. The view reached the beach and over the city's buildings. [Y/n] had to force herself to stay focused on her bladder. She peered her head into one door but discovered it was a janitor's closet.

After finally finding the holy grail that was the ladies' bathroom, and finishing her business, she realized she still did not know where she was. Or, more importantly, where her classroom, 1A, was.

Okay...well I came from that direction...and the map said that 1A was located on the north side of the building... so ...then I should turn...left? No... right? Wait... what's down this hallway? UGH! Too many options, I'll be 45 by the time I figure out where this room is located!

Suddenly, [Y/n] saw the first sign of human life other than herself in the hallways. A large, mop of purple hair stuck itself straight out from behind a locker. The person it belonged to was hidden behind the locker door. They seemed to be putting something inside, maybe emptying their backpack.

[Y/n] began to lightly jog toward the person. "Hey! Excuse me?!" She called to them, extending one of her arms to try to grab their attention towards her.

The locker door closed and revealed a tall, exhausted-looking teenage boy. He stood a foot above [Y/n] and had deep dark circles under his eyes. His wild purple hair grew out of his head the way long grass did by a river. He looked down at [Y/n] as she approached him.

[Y/n] stood beside him, sending him a friendly smile. He continued to stare at her with a blank, unreadable expression.

"I'm sorry to bother you! But do you know where the 1A classroom is located?"

Upon mentioning the room, the boy's whole body physically stiffened, as if he had just stepped in something unthinkably grotesque. His eyes hardened on the girl.

"Oh... you mean the hero department's classroom?" He said, his voice came out deeper and more hostile than [Y/n] expected. He shoved his hands into his pockets and clenched his jaw.

She kept smiling, but her face paled slightly at his tone. "Um...yeah! Are you a student in that class too?" She asked as friendly as she could.

"No," He spat, clearly angry. Although, [Y/n] wasn't really sure why. He stared bitterly at his feet as [Y/n] suddenly felt very awkward.

"Oh, I see... um, well I-"

"Can't believe I get to meet one of you brats right off the bat, lucky me." The boy said, balling his fist inside his pocket.

"Um...I...guess?" [Y/n] chuckled awkwardly, her smile not wavering at his harsh attitude. After all, she did live with Katsuki Bakuguou, she was used to harsh tones.

I should introduce myself... maybe it'll help deflate some of this awkwardness...

"I'm [L/n] [Y/n], by the way." [Y/n] held out her hand for him to shake. "And you are...?" She said, waiting for him to introduce himself.

The boy looked down at her outstretched hand before turning around and walking away. [Y/n] felt like she had been struck by lightning. He's ignoring me?! SO RUDE! She stood in her spot stunned, her arm still extended.

"H-hey!" [Y/n] yelled as she jogged to catch up with him. The boy never looked over at the girl as he continued to walk. "You know, " she said pointing out her finger in a factual manner "It's pretty rude to not introduce yourself back... I mean, normally in those situations you say your name, then we have a polite exchange and then leave."

The boy said nothing. [Y/n]'s eyebrows knitted together as she continued to match his pace.

"What's your deal, man? We're both students here, don't you want to get to know your fellow schoolmates?" She asked, hopeful by the end of her sentence.

"No," he responded coldly. He slowly stopped walking and leaned up against a wall. [Y/n] was confused by this action, but thought it was so they could talk. It wasn't until she noticed they were standing in front of the general education department's classroom that she put the pieces together.

He let out a bored sigh and stared at the girl. [Y/n] looked at him, hoping he would say something else, like his name!

"I especially don't want to get to know you hero students." He said. This time, [Y/n] felt slightly offended.

"W-what? Why? What's wrong with us?" She asked, a little defensively.

The boy crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his gaze at [Y/n]. She stood her ground as she stared right back at him.

"I just don't like you pricks, okay? Now get lost..."

[Y/n] was shocked at his response. One, because it made no sense to her. And two, because she detected the slightest hint of hurt behind his words. Her eyes softened and she instinctively took a step closer to him, their bodies merely a few inches away. The boy awkwardly looked away, his cheeks suddenly flushing at their proximity. 

"I don't remember doing anything to make you not like me. And you just met me! How can you say I'm a prick when you don't even know me?"

He narrowed his eyebrows at her. "Can't you take a hint and leave me alone already? You specifically are annoying. Your class as a whole are pricks. "

[Y/n] pouted. "I-I'm sorry! I really wasn't trying to be annoying, I just wanted to get to know you... and find my way to class..." Her head fell as she sadly stared at the ground. Day one and she had already made someone dislike her. "I really didn't mean to be such a bother. I'm sorry for whatever my class has done to make you so angry at us..."

The boy's navy blue eyes looked down at her. He suddenly felt a slight pang of guilt. She was right, this girl hadn't done anything wrong, but just the thought of class 1A pissed him off beyond words. He readjusted his stance against the lockers.

"You don't realize how blessed you are. " His words cut through the awkwardness like a hot knife to butter. [Y/n] glanced up at him through her hair, only slightly lifting her head. His eyes bore into her as he continued. "You were able to make it into the course, and now you look down on those who couldn't."

[Y/n] stared at his bitter expression for a few seconds, trying to register what he was getting at. Her mouth made an 'O' shape as she finally put the pieces together.

"Ohhh... so you're here 'cause you're in general ed...because you didn't pass the entrance exam..."

"Way to rub salt in an already festering wound." He grimaced.

[Y/n] shot her hands up in defence and frantically waved them around. "AH! NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I WAS-"

"Whatever." He looked up at the ceiling, already feeling tired from their interaction so far. "It's just annoying to see people be gifted with quirks that are perfect for being a hero. You bastards are practically born heroes. And then there are people like me, who get the short end of the stick."

[Y/n] slightly gasped as she listened to his pained words. She took a step forward, closing in more distance between them. Her chest hovering in front of his. His eyes darted down to her in confusion.

"I know exactly how you feel!" She said, a small smile creeping onto her lips. The boy clicked his tongue in annoyance and looked away again. "No, seriously I do! All my life I have been told that I was only meant to be a support worker! Everyone told me that I was crazy for wanting to be a hero! That my quirk would only ever be useful in the support departments!" The boy slowly glanced down at her, her words resonated with him. Her cheerful voice continued. "I can understand how you feel! I wasn't graced with a perfect hero quirk either! Look, I'll save you the inspirational 'hard work pays off' speech cause you seem like you've already heard it before. And I'm sure you did work hard for the exam and all. But all I will say is that your quirk doesn't define who you are! I believe you can become whoever you want to become, no matter the obstacle! Besides, your chances of being in the hero course aren't over! I mean you attend U.A. for Christ's sake! The number one school for hero education! Who's to say you still can't become a part of the department?!"

The boy stared at her smiling face. Something inside him felt warm from her words. His cheeks dusted a light red blush as he looked down at her. Surprisingly enough, the anger and hostility he had shown before had practically disappeared. For the first time in forever, he felt like he found someone who genuinely understood where he was coming from. Even if they were in the hero department. Her words replayed themselves in his head.


[Y/n] narrowed her smiling eyes in confusion. "I'm sorry..?"

"My name," He muttered "It's Shinsou Hitoshi. You seem...okay... for a heroics student."

[Y/n] smiled even brighter as she heard this, ignoring the last part. She felt like she had broken through a huge barrier. She clasped her hand onto his and began to shake it.

"Well, it's so nice to meet you, Shinsou! I hope we can get along better from now on!"

He retracted his hand out of her grip and lightly pushed her away from him, so their noses weren't inches away anymore.

"Jeez, you always get this close and touchy with people you just meet?"

[Y/n] stood smiling, unaffected by his words. She suddenly noticed that more students had begun to trickle into the hallways. Then the crashing feeling of her remembering she still never figured out where her classroom was rushed into her system. "Well, I'm so glad I got to meet you Shinsou! But I really have to get going to class! Hopefully, I'll see ya around!"

[Y/n] waved as she began to walk back in the direction she had came from. Shinsou's gaze lingered on her form until she completely disappeared behind the sea of students.


Okay...okay... look for someone who could be in your class? Maybe? Someone around my age....a physical quirk would be helpful....anyone that looks like their shitting their pants and also lost... someone that looks like... Izuku!!!

[Y/n] spotted the boy standing in front of a large door with '1A' painted on it. [Y/n] mentally deadpanned at the obviousness of the classroom's door and her obliviousness to seeing it before.

"Izuku!" She called, approaching and standing next to him. He had been hunched over, muttering intensely to himself, no doubt out of sheer nervousness.

He snapped out of his thoughts as [Y/n]'s soft voice rang through his ears. He looked over to see her standing next to him, a large smile plastered on her face. He felt himself calm down just from being around her. He sent her a smile back, his cheeks lightly tinted with a blush.

"Oh! Hey, [Y/n]! I'm so glad we ended up being in the same class together!"

"Me too, Izuku! You feeling nervous?" She asked, although, his trembling body already answered her question.

Izuku awkwardly laughed. "Yeah, a little! Are you?"

[Y/n] looked up at the large classroom door. Her (e/c) eyes were filled with excitement and determination. "I was at first, but now I think I'm more excited than nervous. Especially knowing that you'll be in my class!"

Izuku's face burst into a hot blush at her innocent words. His mouth hung agape as he tried to form a sentence. [Y/n] looked over at him with a closed-eyed smile.

"Y-yeah! There's nothing to be nervous about...Besides, everyone in here is probably nice..." Izuku said sliding open the door.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!"


[Y/n] and Izuku physically sweat dropped as they both watched a tall, muscular boy with glasses yell at Katsuki. Who, in fact, had his feet resting on the top of his desk. Katsuki cockily smiled up at the boy lecturing him. [Y/n] knew that look, he was looking for a fight.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

"You're kidding me right?! Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?!"

[Y/n] slapped her hand against her forehead as Izuku paled next to her.

Glad to see he's making friends, she thought sarcastically.

The dark-haired boy stopped himself from saying something back to Katsuki as he placed his hand over his chest. "Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Shoma Private Academy." He introduced.

"Shoma, huh?!" Katsuki aggressively yelled, taking the boy named Iida by surprise. "So you must think you're better than me?! I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one!"

Iida gasped and stepped back, surprised at Katsuki's hostility. Katsuki grunted and looked over to where Izuku and [Y/n] were standing as if finally noticing their presence. [Y/n] smiled sweetly at Iida, the corners of her lips dropping slightly as she looked at Katsuki.

"It's him..." Iida said, grabbing the attention of the rest of the students in the room. They all snapped their necks to look at Izuku. [Y/n] also felt herself look over at the boy.

He quickly became flustered. He called out a nervous "Hi~" as he avoided eye contact with the entire class.

"Good morning!" Iida strongly yelled as he confidently stomped over to Izuku. "My name is Tenya Iida!-"

"Y-yeah I know!" Izuku stuttered out, feeling uncomfortable in the spotlight. Iida stopped walking as he stared at Izuku. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you." His voice came out shaky.

Iida suddenly began apologizing and praising Izuku for something that happened during their entrance exams. [Y/n] figured they must have taken it in the same mock city as each other. She decided to let them talk, her presence feeling slightly unneeded. She made her way across the front of the class and scanned over the desks for an empty seat. She spotted one next to Katsuki. As she approached it, she could feel Katsuki's intense glare on her face.

She placed her bag on top of her desk and sat down.

"Well, it's about time you showed up shithead!" Katsuki commented.

[Y/n] sent him a side glance. "Well for your information, fireworks, SOMEONE left me alone back in the hallway and it took me some time to figure out where the class was located, since I was LOST."

Katsuki clicked his tongue, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared straight ahead at the chalkboard. He flexed his jawline, which looked sharp enough to slice through a diamond "Well it's not my fault you're too stupid to find a single classroom!"

[Y/n] decided to just look away. She could feel her patience thinning and she didn't want to make any smart-ass comments in case her other classmates heard.

As she looked back at the door where Izuku and Iida were standing, she noticed the brunette girl from the entrance exam standing with them. She was the one who caught Izuku before he face-planted on the cement. Izuku's face was the same colour as a tomato as he talked to her. [Y/n] felt a pang of ...something... in her stomach. She wished she had been standing with them, getting to know Iida and the brunette, instead of getting annoyed with Katsuki.

"If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now." A sudden, deep male voice sounded from the hallway.

[Y/n] saw Izuku and the brunette pale as a fully grown man in a yellow sleeping bag lay on the floor behind them.

"It took you all more than eight seconds to shut up, that won't do." He began stepping out of his sleeping bag.

The man looked to be in his early 30s to [Y/n]. He had long black hair and a stubbly mustache and beard. He wore grey and black clothes with long white bandages wrapped loosely around his shoulders and neck.

He looked over to the rest of the class as he stood at the front. "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."

Everyone in the class seemed genuinely shocked. Some students even gasped upon hearing this. [Y/n] had to admit she was surprised too, but she half expected it as he was the only adult around.

"Right, let's get to it," He continued, his voice laced with disinterest. He pulled out a full-body U.A. tracksuit. 

"Put these on and get outside."

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