Big Time Rush preference

By prefercence1999

234K 2.9K 198


Big Time Rush
1: How you to meet
2: His nicknames for you
3: How he proposes
4: Your first anniversary
5: You find out/tell him you're pregnant.
12: He defends you from twitter hate
13: You babysit together
14: He meets your family.
15: How you two sleep together
16: You give him the silent treatment.
17: He surprises you by picking you up early from school for a date
18: You moved to LA with him you're feeling home sick and he comforts you.
20: How he comforts you when you're homesick
21: He introduces you to his family.
22: You two visit your family for Christmas.
23: Pregnancy Scare.
26: He PIcks You Up Early From School
27: Your First Time
28: kissing
29: You feel as though you aren't girly enough for him part 1
30: You're mistaken as a couple part 1
31: You're mistaken as a couple part 2
33: Pregnancy Series - Doctor's Appointment/Ultrasound
34:Pregnancy Series - You tell your family/friends you're pregnant.
35: Pregnancy Series - How you tell the fans you're pregnant.
36: Pregnancy Series - "Do you think we're ready?"
37: Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness.
38: Pregnancy Series - Body Troubles
39: Pregnancy Series - Cravings.
40: How you react after watching Big Time Dreams.
41: He compares you to an ex.
42: A moment in time.

43: You don't feel "girly" enough for him (part two).

5.2K 76 8
By prefercence1999

Carlos: After about four hours of beautifying, the front door opened signalling that Carlos was home from work. You took one last glance in the bathroom mirror and wandered out to see him. Your old light pink dress still sat perfectly over your stunning frame, while your make up accentuated your facial features much more than they'd ever been. You couldn't wait to see the look on Carlos' face when he saw you. 
"Baby, I'm- wow!" he stopped upon seeing your new appearance. 
"Hey sweetheart, how was work?" you smiled, walking up and kissing his cheek lightly. He looked you up and down as you blushed.
"Fine..." he dragged out. "But it looks like you've had fun today?" he more asked, than said, as though he was unsure of your new look.
"Do you like it?" you asked, feeling a little disappointed that he didn't seem as excited as you thought. He smiled.
"Of course I do, you look gorgeous, as always, but... why the change?" he asked, a small look of confusion on his face. You walked over to the magazine that lay on the floor and handed it to him. Carlos skimmed the article before looking up into your eyes that were now brimming with tears. "Awh, baby." he cooed, holding his hands out to take you in his arms, but you stopped him.
"I just wanted to be good enough for you." you let a small tear fall down your cheek, Carlos wiped it away quickly.
"No, none of that. You are perfect. There isn't one thing that I would change about you. Not now, not ever, do you hear me?" he said softly, speaking only loud enough for you to hear him, a symbol to show you that you were all that mattered to him. "I love you so much, but right now, you're not the girl I fell in love with, you're trying to cover her up, and I'd prefer if you didn't." he grinned at you, causing your face to break out in a smile.
"So, I don't have to do this everyday?" you asked hopefully, he shook his head with a chuckle. You let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank god! It was exhausting!" you laughed, before cuddling up into Carlos' arms and soaking up each others company, being the real you.

James: A couple of hours later, there was a knock at your front door. You were confused, wondering who could be knocking at this hour, seeing as you weren't expecting company. With your freshly straightened hair and made up face, you wandered out to the front door to see who it could be. 
"I'm coming!" you shouted as another knock sounded through your apartment. "James?" you gasped, not really expecting him to be showing up on your doorstep. You felt your cheeks heat with a slight blush, feeling embarrassed as you were experimenting with a new look.
"(Y/N), wh-what are you doing?" he asked, staring at you with a confused expression. You dipped your head with embarrassment, turning and walking inside your apartment.
"Um, I'm just... experimenting." You sat down on the couch, looking down at your hands in your lap. "So... what's up? What brings you here?" you smiled lightly, trying to make conversation.
"I saw some of the tweets that people had been sending you, so I thought I'd come and see if you were okay. It didn't seem right to ask over a text..." he admitted, keeping his gaze fixed on you. "Why were you... experimenting? You're so beautiful (Y/N)." you let out a small chuckle. 
"Yeah, now..." you mumbled, pushing your hair behind your ear. James sat down next you you, pulling you into his lap.
"Listen to me (Y/N), you are honestly, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. With, or without make up, you're absolutely gorgeous and I wish you could see that in yourself." he whispered, pressing his lips against your temple softly.
"What about what the fans were saying about me?" you asked quietly, trying not to sound complaisant.
"They have no idea what they're talking about. Because the girl they criticised is the girl I fell in love with. And I don't know about you, but I don't give a damn what they say." you looked deep into his eyes and knew he was sincere. In that moment, all you could do is kiss him passionately before snuggling into his chest. A silent thank you that meant more to him than anything.

Kendall: You had been invited to go to an awards show with Kendall and the guys. You were excited to show off your new look and see how people would react to the new image you were showing off. You glanced in the mirror one last time in your stunning, floor length gown with your hair pinned to the side of your head. You were, for the first time in a long time, dressed to impress, something you hadn't done often in your life. You weren't really sure how to react to your own make over, but decided that if this was what would make you more feminine, this is what you'd do. You were finally done when a knock sounded through your house. You quickly rushed out to greet your best friends.
"Hey guys!" you grinned excitedly, signalling them inside. They slowly made their way inside, their mouths hanging open in shock.
"Wow, (Y/N), you look..." James started, staring at your new outfit.
"Hot!" Logan exclaimed, earning a small punch and a glare from Kendall. You chuckled lightly, liking the obvious jealousy coming from your boyfriend; it was practically dripping off him.
"(Y/N), you look... stunning!" Kendall breathed looking you up and down. "But why the change?" he asked, meeting your confused gaze.
"What do you mean?" you asked, your brows furrowed in confusion.
"I mean, you don't normally dress up quite this... fancy." he said softy, afraid of your reaction. You looked at him a little hurt, but you tried not to show it. There was a murmur o we'll meet you in the car's before the others shuffled out of your house, leaving you and Kendall alone. Kendall noticed your hurt expression and walked towards you, his eyes wide. "I didn't mean it like that (Y/N), babe. I just meant that I fell in love with the old you, not this you." he smiled lightly, his dimples showing lightly. You couldn't possibly be mad at him.
"One night?" you asked, hoping just to show off to everyone just how feminine you could be.
"One night." he agreed, smiling as he pecked your cheek, pulling you off to the car to show off his gorgeous girlfriend to the world.

Logan: You and Logan had planned to go shopping together today, so you knew people would be watching and judging your every move. You decided that since it was a nice day out, you would wear something a little more feminine. You decided on a short, flowy skirt with a loose fitting blouse with a pair of flats. You were meeting Logan at your favourite shop. While you were waiting for him, you started looking for a few cute little dresses in the store. You had picked up a few to try on when Logan came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"Hey babe." he kissed you, turning you to face him. "What are all those?" he asked, noticing the sudden change in your appearance and the clothes you were looking at.
"Just a few dresses, you know." you said casually, not really taking that much notice of the concern in his eyes. "I'm gonna try these on, okay?" you smiled, kissing his cheek as he followed you to the dressing rooms in the back. You were about to start trying on the dresses you'd picked when Logan tapped on the door.
"You don't have to try those on, I already know that you're beautiful without them." he sad through the door, making your stomach drop. 
"I just want to try them on." you mumbled, leaning against the door.
"I saw what they wrote about you. None of it's true you know." he told you, hoping you'd open up. You opened the door and fell into his arms as he pulled you back into the stall. "Baby, I don't care about the way you dress, or the things you do. I love you for you, not for who everyone wants you to be. I love you just the way you are." he said sincerely, kissing your nose gently. You smiled up at him before returning the dresses.
"Come on, let's get out of here." you smiled, walking outside hand in hand with your amazing boyfriend.

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