Lively. {Larry}

By Still_young

30.7K 2K 509

Sequel to Deadly. This story includes the aftermath of Catherine's terrible curse on our favorite chestnut ha... More

Twenty One
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three

Twenty Two

750 59 3
By Still_young

"First of all, you know this doesn't do shit to me, right?" Harry chuckled as Catherine tied both him and Danielle to chairs with their backs facing each other. The woman had a gag in her mouth from her incessant screaming while the killer easily chatted with the desperate witch.

"Oh, Harry. Cut the shit." The witch spat, pacing in front of her captives as she tapped her finger against her lips. "I know this tough guy act is just something that you do as a coping mechanism."

"What did you do this whole year? Take a course on psychology?" The brunette joked, laughing to himself because he usually wasn't this witty. Maybe it was because he knew that he had finally gotten to her. "What's next? Are you going to tell me I have anger issues and classify me with whatever disorder comes to mind?"

Catherine merely glared at him as he mocked her. It was annoying her how nonchalant he was about being taken captive in his own home with his lover.

He should be angry that she bursted into his personal safe haven. Not cool and collected as she tied them up in the living room with ease.

"I would say OCD, in the organization and repetitive behaviors portion, but I feel as if I'm leaning more towards being Bi-Polar-"

"Just shut the fuck up!" She shouted, a pocket knife appearing out of thin air in her hand as she charged towards him. She held the blade against his neck, purposefully pressing the metal too close to the skin to cause a droplet of blood to trail down his smooth skin.

Harry tilted his head back as he tried to back away from the weapon, only because he knew that he was not able to heal from wounds inflicted by her. Meaning that whatever she would do to him is permanent.

"Tell me where he is." She commanded, raising the blade until it was pressed against the man's cheek, adding more tension to the scene.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled, his ruby eyes scanning her face with both fear and confidence. "I thought you wanted me to shut the fuck up."

He could hear Danielle grumble about him being annoying from behind, making him roll his eyes and smile until he was reminded that there was a knife to his face.

"I promise you, no one will ever find you funny. Especially after I mess up this pretty face of yours." Catherine seethed, pressing the blade against his skin to create a gash right below his eye.

Harry clenched his jaw at the sharp pain from his face, his hands forming into fists as he angrily squirmed against his restraints.

"You fucking bitch." He breathed as the witch stepped back to see what she had done. Blood poured from the wound as his face tensed in pain, dripping down to his jawline.

It looked as if he came from a horror film scene. His glowing red eyes made him look possessed while his face revealed pure anger. Usually the moods of a stressed out serial killer.

"What about you?" Catherine questions as she tip toed towards Danielle, aggressively dragging the bandana gag down to the girl's neck so that she could speak. "Do you know where Louis is?"

The woman furrowed her eyebrows at the question, struggling in her chair before shaking her head. "Who the fuck is Louis?" She replied, making Harry smile because he had successfully kept his past hidden until now.

Well, actually the two of them had meet earlier at Luke's party but he knew she would forget the name and face.

"You really didn't tell her?"

"Obviously not, Catherine. Excellent observational skills you have there." The curly haired man snapped caustically, a grunt leaving his lips as his head was yanked back harshly by his hand while the blade returned to his neck.

"Wait!" Danielle shouted, turning her head so that she could see as best as she could. "Louis was the guy from the party right?"

The witch must have decided to take a second and actually listen to whatever she had to say, taking a step back from Harry as she went back to standing in front of the woman.

"We haven't seen him since then."

Catherine laughed at that, going to the other side to see Harry's facial expression as his lies were beginning to come to light. His features were blank as he stared forward instead of looking at his captor.

"Maybe you haven't." Her smooth voice purred as she waved her hands to make their chairs magically turn to face each other. She ignored when Danielle asked her how she had done such a thing, feeling like she was on a roll for ruining Harry's life. "You're lover, on the other hand, has seen him on many occasions. Even having him in the bed where you two lay."

The brown eyed woman squinted as she thought over her words, shaking her head in disbelief. She searched Harry for any clue that whatever this woman was saying was a lie but all the man was doing was slumping in his seat and avoiding eye contact.

Her voice was shaking as she asked him if it was true, her eyes watering as he merely nodded in response.

"You know what I am going to do for you, sweetie?" Catherine cooed because at this point, she was beginning to feel terrible for the woman. She snapped her fingers, making Danielle's restraints fall limply to the floor. "Have your revenge."

With that she offered her the small knife, motioning for her to take the weapon which she did after just a few moments.

The woman was severely conflicted as she looked down at the blade. Every part in her body wanted to give it back but she was just so angry at the man.

From how he has treated her all this time, to his skeevy actions behind her back. It was time for him to pay.

"Danny," Harry begged, his red eyes fearfully watching as she moved in front of him with deadly intent in mind. "Please."

It was strange to Catherine, seeing such a powerful man with murderous potential, become a weak and sobbing mess. Her glowing eyes watched as he pleaded for his life.

The brunette honestly didn't know where to strike until she looked at his chest, smirking as she plotted before hurriedly using the knife to cut into the shirt fabric and expose his bare skin.

He blushed as his scar was visible for all in the room to see, a shameful look on his face as he closed his eyes. His chest was heaving which revealed that he was just as anxious as she was.

He was right when he said that she didn't have to do it. But he truly did deserve it.

With the blade, she pressed against the skin of his chest where his heart should me, carving an 'X' into the skin.

"Because you have no heart." She explained, handing the blade back to Catherine as she examined her artwork. "I don't care what you do to him. But I don't want to be here to see it. Please. Just let me go."

The witch wanted to deny her request but it was clear that she would be no help and eventually, she would get in the way. So, she let her leave the apartment without a second glance. Putting all her attention on Harry who was looking down at the bleeding mark.

His bottom lip shook as he tried to collect his breaths. Usually, he would try to stay calm in all life or death situations such as this one but at the moment, he felt like he was going to have a panic attack.

"What happened here?" Catherine asked, his fingers tracing the dent in the middle of his chest.

"Fuck off." Harry sighed, closing his eyes as he began to feel light headed from the loss of blood. He had a bit of energy for an attempted escape but it was obvious that it was a one shot thing. So he had to conserve.

"I'll kill you right here and just go find Louis myself, if you don't start talking." She threatened, taking a seat in the one that was perviously occupied. Her fingers twisted the knife handle in her grasp, playing with the weapon until she had drastically leaned forward and stabbed the man directly into the thigh.

The curly haired man cried out at the action, tears pouring down his face as he bit his bottom lip.

He wanted to keep fighting. He needed to stay strong but he knew that this was the last fight with Catherine, and she would be giving him her all. And she was winning.

"I-I tried to kill myself." His deep voice rumbled, his tongue swiping outward to moisturize his lips before his face contorted in disgust at the taste of his own blood. "I succeeded but Louis brought me back."

"Hm," she hummed, looking upward as if she was deep in thought. Then, she sprung up from her seat and snapped his restraints off like she did with Danielle. "Go clean yourself up and get dressed. Jesus, you look like a mess."

Harry clenched his jaw as he stood to his feet, glaring at her from the side of his eye as he rushed into the bathroom. His body instinctively going to locate the medical kit he had made for Louis.

Once he found the box that was in the cabinet under the sink, he hurriedly opened it to grab a large bandaid for the wound on his face, along with some rubbing alcohol.

"And when you're done. You're going to take me to Louis, understood?" Catherine's stern voice stated as she spoke to him from the other side of the door.

"Fuck you," he muttered under his breath as he poured the fluid on his face. He winced at the burning sensation, applying the bandage before going to the marking on his chest.

"What was that?" She snapped, making him jump at the sudden turning of the door knob.

"Understood!" He quickly replied, shaking his head as he used the water from the sink to wash off the trails of blood.


Eh, i'm feeling good after my finals.

Why not put out another update    ¯\_()_/¯

Also, I need more social media friends and i'm sure some of y'all do too, so here's some of my users.

Twitter: Briii_Rosadoo

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