By NamiSowdagar

720K 31K 13.8K

It was his engagement party, with a bride-to-be of his choice. Yet, he was captivated by someone else through... More

Chapter 1: Thrown into the adult world
Chapter 2: Thrown into his world
Chapter 3: Trapped into his world
Chapter 4: Eyes on him
Chapter 5: That night
Chapter 6: Testing his limits
Chapter 7: The Kongthanin
Chapter 8: Avoiding Mr Kongthanin
Chapter 9: Spoiled brat
Chapter 10: To the point of insanity
Chapter 11: The Scandal
Chapter 12: Creepy crazy stalker
Chapter 13: Where he belongs
Chapter 14: Defining the limit
Chapter 15: The new fear
Chapter 16: Losing his mind
Chapter 17: In a golden cage
Chapter 18: Step into war
Chapter 19: Back to work
Chapter 20: The truth is out
Chapter 21: The family dinner of hell (Part 1)
Chapter 21: The family dinner of hell (Part 2)
Chapter 22: The sex talk
Chapter 23: The excursion
Chapter 25: Tiresome tantrum
Chapter 26: The big battle
Chapter 27: Succumbing to the darkness
Chapter 28: New best... friend?
Chapter 29: Kidnapped and dumped
Chapter 30: Back into his arms
Chapter 31: The sweet union
Chapter 32: Overtime
Chapter 33: Stubborn devilish stalker
Chapter 34: Weak illusion
Chapter 35: Birthday boy
Chapter 36: The negotiation
Chapter 37: Fallen from grace
Chapter 38: The Proposal
Chapter 39: The grand day
Ending note

Chapter 24: New experiences

13.6K 636 257
By NamiSowdagar

Hello my lovelies, I'm so sorry but I had to create another Instagram account because my first account was blocked, I don't know why and how😑. So my new account is nami_sowdagar12. Now let's get back to the story.

"Here taste this one," Yo stuffed another snack into Pha's mouth and watched his reaction closely in anticipation. Pha chewed slowly and grimaced, "they are all the same, full of salt and fake flavours. I prefer real food love."

Yo slumped his shoulders and gave up trying to get Pha back into a good mood. The music was loud, the people around even louder and on top of that Ming and Josh were constantly trying to get his attention. All these were making Pha's mood turn darker and darker as they approached the beach. Yo sighed heavily and looked back at Ming who was flirting with all the women around and Josh was the same too. Forth was sitting like a statue, no one dared to disturb or talk to him. In fact he was worst than Pha, at least Pha was responding when Yo was talking to him.

The little boy was not disheartened, he took out his phone and nudged Pha gently.

"Let's take a selfie P'Pha. I want to post your moody face on Instagram."

Pha instinctively leaned closer to him and Yo quickly took several pictures of him smiling and making faces at an unemotional Pha. He scrolled through the pictures and smiled feeling satisfied. Glancing at Pha from the corner of his eyes he saw him glaring at anyone who dared to laugh or talk too loudly. The happy atmosphere inside the bus was slowly receding as more and more staffs started noticing Pha's dark stare. They were afraid of offending him further since he was the boss and Yo was sure that they must be resenting him for joining them in the bus. Afterall who needed a joy killer among them?

Yo lifted his hand and caressed the side of his face softly, Pha turned to him in surprise and Yo smiled cutely.

"I know you are hating it but at least try a little more, for my sake. Once you will accept it, you will find that their talks and laughter isn't annoying. In fact it's refreshing from the stress of everyday work. They are all unwinding and you should too. So promise me to try and appreciate this outing with us, I know it's a far cry from your daily life but you need a break badly."

Pha stared at him from underneath his eyelashes then scooped him closer, "I know baby. It's just that I never had a break before. My dad always used to tell us that outings were a waste of time and it stuck on my mind somehow. Even now I can't stop thinking about what work I would have been doing at the office right now and how much I would have completed already."

Yo's face soften in comprehension, he knew that it was not possible of him to expect Pha to change completely out of the blue. It would take time to break his workaholic habits and to get him to breathe properly. Pha has been moulded into a working machine since he was a child and in this process he lost his touch to the outside world. Yo glanced at Forth and noticed that he was still sitting very stiffly and looked uncomfortable in his surroundings. So the brothers were the same, all of this was alien to them.

He let his head rest on Pha's chest and promised himself that he would try his best to make them enjoy this holiday to the maximum no matter what. Finally after a gruelling two hours they finally arrived and Pha breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up stretching his sore body and turned to Yo who was stuffing all of his snacks hastily into his bag. Josh turned over and winked at him as Ming started demanding his attention. Pha groaned and reached out a hand for Yo.

His baby looked at him curiously but Pha just signalled for him to get up as he took his bag. Tugging him along, he bypassed all of his staffs and got out from the bus first.

"P'Pha....where are you taking me?"

Pha grunted, "away from these attention seekers. They kept talking and smiling at you. I didn't like it at all."

Yo stopped all of a sudden causing Pha to stumble. He straightened himself and looked at the little guy curiously who was watching him with a solemn expression. Yo heaved a heavy sigh and circled Pha's waist with his arms. Looking up at him he tried to explain, "but P'Pha, they only want to talk to me like normal friends. If you would have replied to their questions or make small talks with them then you would have noticed that they treat me the same as you, that is as a friend."

Pha frowned as he put his head on top of Yo's, "I don't like the way they demand your attention."

"Well, you have to deal with it because we are all here together and we will also have fun together. Please P'Pha, I want you to make some efforts for me. I know you're not used to this but try to open your heart and see. You will find that they are not annoying, they are simply friendly. From now on, we are going to be with them, we are going to talk, eat and even dance. Let's see what you think by the end of the night, ok?"

Pha stared off into distance as he thought on it, then finally he gave a single nod. Yo's heart instantly felt light, he was afraid that this vacation was turning out too much for Pha. He knew that for someone like him, this outing might be overwhelming but it has to be done. Pha was going to have his first ever break and Yo hoped like hell that he didn't make a mistake by bringing him here. He wasn't sure about Pha's reaction to all this, in reality he was feeling very insecure inside but he has to show himself very confident in order to convince Pha.

He took his hand smilling confidently and brought him back to where all of the staffs were gathered. Yo searched around for Forth and found him a little distance away, hands in pockets and facing the ocean in deep thoughts. He decided to let him be for the moment, because Forth did had a lot of things to contemplate about.

"P'Pha , let's go and help them bring out all the stuffs from the bus." Pha glanced towards it where several staffs were taking out boxes of food, packs of water, and the tents that has to be installed. He slowly approached them and grabbed a bag of snacks, "here you take this." He gave it to Yo and proceeded to lift 2 packs of water.

Yo scowled at him, "why did you give me the lightest? I'm not a girl P'Pha, let me take the water."

Pha shook his head tightly as he passed by him, "no, I don't want you to do any hard work. Your small and soft hands have no business lifting heavy things like this."

Yo scoffed at him as Ming started laughing like a hyena behind him. Yo turned to glare at him then he threw the bag of snacks at him, "take that to where all the food are kept." He turned back and looked for something else to carry. Noticing a box full of alcohol he was going to lift it when Josh beat him to it. Lifting the box he winked at him, "your soft hands won't be able to lift that."

Yo turned red as he stomped his feet in anger, he huffed and attempted to snatch the box back, "of course I can. Give me that, I will show you."

Josh brushed him away signalling to a smaller box, "you can take that. It will fit perfectly in your small hands."

He gave a cry of frustration as Pha came back and glared at Josh, "don't tease my boyfriend."

Josh took a step back and gave a small salute, "yes boss, but what can I do? He was trying to do the man's job."

"I am a man!" Yo shouted as he lunged at him but Pha stopped him as Josh ran away laughing. Pha back hugged him and kissed his neck, "he is just teasing you baby. Of course you are man, a very cute and handsome one."

Yo blushed at his compliments. He turned his neck to look at him and Pha quickly gave him a small peck making Yo blush fiery, "not in front of people P'Pha."

Pha smiled lovingly, "I can't help it. Your cherry mouth is too irresistible and you always taste so good, like chocolate and rose."

Yo got lost into his eyes and he wished that they weren't among so many people. He would have happily kissed Pha at that very moment. But Forth broke the spell when he approached and cleared his voice, "am I disturbing?"

Yo quickly shook his head, "no P," as Pha nodded, "you know you did."

Yo punched Pha playfully as he turned back to Forth shyly. Pha groaned as he complained to Forth, "See! My boyfriend is even hitting me because of you."

Forth gave out a little laugh as he started helping out. They all worked together setting up the tent, with Yo trailing behind Pha and offering him assistance like passing him the hammer and giving him cold water. Pha wouldn't let him do any other work and he didn't even let him give out water to the others. Not that the others minded, Ming and Josh were enjoying being pampered by the beautiful women who had the main job of making sure that the men were hydrated and they even prepared bread and cheese as snacks for them.

Despite Pha was somehow not engaging in any group, he enjoyed building the tents with the other. He wasn't smiling or talking but Yo knew that he wasn't bored or angry either. It was just Pha in work mode, and he was always comfortable in the latter. After putting everything into place they divided into groups to fetch pieces of wood to get a bonfire started. Pha pushed Josh, Ming and Forth away when they wanted to join them. He told them that only he and Yo was enough and then he quickly dragged him away before they changed their minds and started following them.

It was nearing evening as they walked around searching. The sun was settling creating an orange hue on the beach. Yo and Pha strolled hand in hand, enjoying the fresh air and the quiet romantic moment. Yo tightened his fingers around Pha's hand and turned to him smiling, "so do you regret coming here?"

Pha looked at him pensively, "it's not as bad as I would have thought. I won't say I am enjoying tremendously but I'm not bored either so I guess that counts for something."

Yo nodded happily, "It counts P'Pha and the night is still young. We have so much to do so let's hurry to find these dry pieces of wood."

Pha looked around before leading him by hand behind a huge tree. "There are so many of them searching, so if we do not bring any it won't count."

Yo bit his lips as he circled his neck with his arms and whispered, "so what should we do if we are not searching?"

Pha leaned down seductively as he passed a hand down his back and came to rest on his butt, "I have some ideas love."

Without wasting any time, he claimed Yo's lips and groaned aloud at the heavenly feel of it. Yo moaned as Pha's tongue entered inside his mouth and he gripped his butt tightly approaching him to his hardened member. Pha rubbed himself teasingly against Yo as he deepened the kiss. They continued with their make out session until Yo was completely breathless and weak. Pha took him into his arms as they both gathered themselves before deciding that it was time to go back. Upon returning they received a lot of whistles and knowing glances as Yo made his way embarrassingly to Ming and Pha went to join Forth.

They already had a bonfire on and the barbecue was going strong on several grills. Some women were walking by offering beer and snacks as the men grilled the goodies. Pha and Forth were at one grill and Yo was standing beside Ming drinking his beer while his friend grilled the sausages expertly. Soon Josh joined them, "here you are cutie pie. We thought about sending out a rescue team but then we remembered that you went with P'Pha."

Ming nudged Josh with his elbow and indicated towards Pha, "be careful. Your cousin is watching us like a hawk from over there. A slight change in Yo's expression and he will come here flying to take him away."

Josh followed his gaze and saw that indeed Pha's cold eyes were fixated on them. He gave a fake shiver and agreed to not tease Yo anymore. After the grilling they all sat down to eat. Yo was already half full since he ate all snacks that passed by him and he tried to sneakily eat the grilled beef from the grill itself. Pha also spoiled him by bringing to him all that he barbecued for him to try first. They sat in a tight circle around the bonfire as they passed around the food. They were all very cozy and it wasn't cold since they were so many to sit together, sharing their warmth. Yo sat between Pha's legs and they kept feeding each other under the amazed eyes of everyone. They never saw Pha being so openly affectionate to anyone before therefore they were finally convinced that Yo was the right one for him. Forth just watched them longingly as keep drinking one after another.

The atmosphere was very warm and romantic. Pha placed a kiss on Yo's head whispering, "you were right. I have never spent such a moment with so many people before but I am not hating it. It seemed like everyone are friends here, no one is acting shy or reserve, that baffled me because I'm sure that not all of them have met before."

Yo shook his head, "not them P'Pha, it is we! We are all one here and that's the beauty of going on a vacation with friends. For this short time, no one is a stranger. There is no enemy or rivalry, we laugh, talk and share for this one night. Tomorrow is unknown, maybe we will return back to strangers again but all that counts is the memories that we are making right now, right here."

"Sometime I get the feeling that you are so much older and then I remembered that you're a young boy but with great wisdom."

Yo smiled shyly, "don't flatter me P, even I don't know where these words come from." They were both so absorbed into each other that they didn't realised that someone has brought over a guitar and was playing. They watched fascinated as several couples got up and started moving to the romantic beat. Yo suddenly jumped up and extended his hands excitingly to Pha, "let's dance P'Pha."

Pha shook his head gravely, "I don't dance baby."

"Come on," Yo started tugging him up using all of his force, "it's not difficult. I will teach you."

Pha got up reluctantly but nearly gave up when Ming started cheering and soon the others joined in. Some even had their phones out and were recording. Yo grabbed Pha's hand and led him to the center.

"Don't look at them P'Pha, look only at me." He took Pha's hands and placed them around his waist then circled his own hands around Pha's broad shoulders. He started moving slowly and soon Pha followed his lead. They stared into each other's eyes as they lost themselves to the beat of the song. Yo put his head on his shoulder and Pha hugged him closer. They stayed like that for long until the music stopped. They looked around and saw that Josh was pushing the guitar towards Forth who kept refusing it.

"P'Forth can sing and play?" Yo asked very surprised. Pha nodded hesitately, "he used to when we were children but dad made him stopped because he thought that music was getting in the way of his studies."

Yo let go of Pha and shouted, "Go for it P'Forth, we will be cheering you." Forth looked startled as everyone started noticing him after Yo's shout. He shook his head as more shouts and cheers came his way, encouraging him. He looked at the guitar panicked but then he put down his glass and took it hesitately. Everyone started clapping including Pha. Forth looked a little tipsy, maybe alcohol has fuelled his courage as he put the guitar into position and started singing.

Yo drew into a sharp breath as Pha's mouth fell opened. Forth has a amazing voice and Josh almost fell from the shock of hearing it. Everyone went still in shock and wonder as Forth sang a beautiful but sad song. His voice started breaking as the song progressed. He sang about heartbreak, about giving up and losing hope. They were so captivated that some of them even had tears running down their cheeks. Yo wiped his tears unconsciously as the song came to an end. He turned around immediately and wiped his tears and snot on Pha's shirt. Forth's pain was clearly evident from his song and by the end of it he sneakily wiped a single drop from the corner of his eyes. Everyone was clapping madly as Forth stood up and disappeared into the darkness, his dark silhouette screamed loneliness as he walked away from them.

After that a heavy atmosphere came upon them but they soon lightened up again. They ate the remaining food and cleaned everything to get settled in for the night. They took turns getting into the bathroom and changed. There was two tents, one for the women and one for the men. They prepared their makeshift bed and Yo tucked in next to Pha, feeling very comfortable in his arms. Much to Pha's irritation, Ming decided to sleep next to Yo and Josh slept next to him. They left a place for Forth and he came in late at night when everyone was sleeping. He got in and fell in an uneasy sleep immediately.

Yo had the best night of his life sleeping in Pha's arms and seeing his face the first thing in the morning was a blessing. Most of them woke up early for a swim in the fresh and cold water. They changed after that and started preparing breakfast. By then Forth has returned to normal and he even smiled a little. Everyone helped in breaking the tents and they gathered everything before loading them in the bus. As they traveled back, Yo couldn't help from smiling. He literaly had the best vacation ever and he can't wait to have it again. Even Pha was relaxed and he didn't glare at anyone for talking too loudly this time.

Arriving back at the office, everyone went on their own way, saying goodbye loudly and air kissing everyone.

"Yo, let's go. I have my car here." Ming indicated to his car which he left in the parking lot.

"You really have to go baby?" Pha murmured as he looked at him with deeply.

"We had a wonderful time P'Pha but now I have to go back. I will be back here tomorrow morning for work ok? Oh yes Ming wait for me, I left my laptop in the office. I will fetch it quickly then come back."

Ming nodded as he went to his car, Pha and Yo went inside as they walked calmly to his office. Once in, Pha placed his bag in a corner and massaged his neck already thinking about work. Glancing at Yo he found him frozen. He walked worriedly to him and ask gently, "what happpened love?'

"P...p....P'Pha...where is it?"

Pha blinked, "where is what?"

Yo lifted a hand and pointed forward, Pha looked up and paused before he finally got it. Yo's desk has disappeared! There was a blank space where his big desk should have been.

Yo walked forward looking around wildly. He saw his jacket and laptop on Pha's desk along with a piece of pink note. Lifting the more he read out loud,

"I took back what's mine, I'm even craving my name on it in big capital letters so that you won't ever touch it again but don't worry, I'm not that heartless. I did replace my beauty with a desk suitable for you."

Yo glanced around and recoiled back in disgust at the ugly, brown desk. It was so old that its paint was off. He crumbled the paper in his hand with repressed anger and shouted.

"This is fucking war!"

Author's note:

Did you like the update? More to come soon😁. And did get the hint from this chapter?



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