The Wolf and The Witch

By DeathNice12

4.5K 187 37

~Cover by me~ WARNING: I created this book years ago so it is a bit um cringy I am working on a new version o... More

Evan Dawn Pierce
Finding her
Her name is Evan
Evan's big smile
She's gone He's gone
Evie and Bell
We can't accept you
I can't
Evan ran away again...
I think...I'm Falling for...
We kissed?
Evan's Date
Ballanie's Date
Moving in...
Moving in part 2
Something sweet
Not Again...
She's perfect
This is War!
The End is just the Beginning
Short #1

Evan abused? Maybe?

228 10 2
By DeathNice12

Ian's P.O.V:

When I got home my dad wanted to see me I knocked on the door

"Enter" he boomed I sat down in one of the leather seats in front of his desk.

"So how'd it go" he asked.

"Well her name is Evan"

"That's a bit manly are you sure she's a girl" he chuckled

"Anyway yes I am sure she's a girl but when I asked if we could start over she said she didn't want to make friends and left"

"That's a bit strange"

I nodded "and then she wasn't at school today"

my dad thought long and hard

"Didn't you say she was incredibly thin"

I nodded "well it's kinda hard to tell she wears baggy cloths all the time but she does have a defined jawline and collarbone why? what are you getting at" my dad closed his eyes.

"Maybe she's getting abused at home" this made me growl at the thought.

My dad lifted his hand "think about it she wears baggy cloths, she's really thin, she has a boys name, and she doesn't want to make friends plus I can almost guarantee she doesn't talk much at school right" I nodded it does seem like it and she does walk home instead of getting a ride.

I stood up making the chair fall over and I started to leave.

"Wait" my dad yelled, I stopped "remember this is just an idea there's other options too  wait a while after you've calmed down before going and visiting her" I growled

"What if she's getting beat right now I could stop it" my dad narrowed his eyes.

"And what if she is simply went on a vacation or she accidentally slept in and skipped school you've done it" I huffed

"Fine I'll wait until tomorrow" I went down stairs and ate dinner afterwards I went up showered and slept.

Evan's P.O.V:

I slept the whole day and let me tell you it was amazing well the sleep was but after breakfast I had started puking again and so my stomach was empty. I tried eating again this time just a piece of toast and I couldn't even keep that down so I gave up trying to eat I'll try again tomorrow.

The sun a was setting and I crawled out of bed but when I stood up I fell back down my legs felt weak. I stood up again this time holding onto the wall I made it too my window and admired the beautiful light as it streamed through the trees.

I couldn't help but think about Ian he was so weird.

First he does all that weird creepy stuff and then he wants to start over like dude you didn't even apologize well he kinda did emphasis on the kinda he left out the I'm sorry for being creepy part but he did ask to start over to be honest I'm not sure why.

But whatever hopefully what I said will push him away though something in me felt sad thinking about him leaving me alone.

I rolled my eyes and went back to bed.

I got up in the middle of the night my throat felt like it was burning I got up a little too fast and fell back down I stood up slower this time and got a glass of water. About half way into finishing I needed to throw up again and I ran to the bathroom to do just that.

I hadn't eaten much all day and the food I did eat I had already thrown up and so instead of food I was throwing up water which you wouldn't believe but is actually grosser than throwing up food.

My father came in and started rubbing my back again.

"Maybe we should take you to the doctor" he said moving my hair away from my face.

"No" I croaked.

"But I don't know what's wrong with you and you can't even keep water down for crying out loud" I took a deep breathe.

"I'm just sick this isn't the first time this has happened and it won't be the last" my father nodded.

"True you are a sickly child" I smiled a little.

"Do you remember that time when we were in Kansas and that lady called child services on you for starving me" he laughed.

"I remember that it took a while to explain to them you get sick like this occasionally" I giggled.

"Yeah it's happening a lot less as I get older though" my father nodded.

"Yes it is now get some rest and we'll see how you feel tomorrow" and carried me to my bed.

Ian's P.O.V:

I awoke the next day and immediately threw on the first thing I found which was a raven black long sleeved shirt and the same pair of jeans as yesterday and raced to school eager to see Evan.

When I got to school it was the same thing she was gone. This made me mad and all I could think about was finding her just to see her my wolf was going a little crazy thinking she could be in danger.

When school finally ended and I got back home I came into my dads office.

"She wasn't here today either" I growled.

"Well as much as I would love to help you find her even though I still think she's fine rouges have been spotted on the land and I need you to go and interrogate them"

I went down to the dungeons to interrogate the rouge.

When I got down there I saw a small boy looked maybe 15 if that.

"What is this" I growled to the guard.

"This is the rouge we caught he was the slowest out of the group" I nodded and entered the cell.

The boy looked scared maybe if I play nice he'll tell me what I need to know on the other hand it'll be more fun to torture him. After thinking I decided to go in the middle.

"What's your name rouge" I glared the boy swallowed.


"Well Justin are you going to tell me what I want to know or do I have to beat it out of you" I growled.

Justin smirked "depends on what you want to know" I smiled this boy is confident.

"How old are you" his smirk went away "14" oh so I was close.

"Why did you cross my boarders" Justin blinked sweat started to run down his forehead

"Look" he pleaded "I don't know what the others have planned I was just going along with them it was supposed to be a mission to gather food and I went along just to help carry things back but then they attacked I didn't know what was going on"

I stared at the boy before growling "is this all you know"

Justin nodded his head.

"Because if I find out your holding any vital information from me I will personally make sure you die a slow excruciating death"

He then looked between the guard and me my cold gaze still on him.

He swallowed again "if I tell you everything what can you do for me in exchange" is this boy serious I just threatened to kill him and he's trying to bargain.

After the interrogation I went up to the office it was getting pretty late.

"So what did you learn from him?" I breathed in.

"The boy claims he didn't know what was going on that they were just getting food but then the others in his party attacked and he was forced to go along with it" my dad nodded.

"Anything else"

I sighed "the boy wants a bargain" after I said that my dad started laughing but stopped when he saw I wasn't.

"How old is the boy"

"Fourteen" my dads eyes widened.

"He's just s child what were they thinking locking him up in the dungeon" I nodded

"That's why I'm up here figuring out a solution instead of beating him" my dad closed his eyes

"We could offer a chance to join our pack" my dad opened his eyes 

"Could be a wise solution but it can be dangerous" and with that I left to bargain with the boy.

After a while of negotiating with Justin I was exhausted. I showered and changed into a pair of sweatpants and went to bed hoping I'd get to see Evan tomorrow. 

The next day after showering and getting a plain black t-shirt and a pair of dark wash jeans I went to school.

When I got there I instantly but my nose to the air and when I couldn't get her scent I ran outside.

"Ian what are you doing" Micheal called but I didn't stop until he grabbed my arm "Ian we can go see her after school" I growled.

"I've waited long enough" and with that I left jumping in my Metallic black Maserati GranTurismo MC Coupe and drove to her apartment.

After pulling up to the parking lot I parked and started smelling around I know she was on one of the top floors and hopefully she's still there.

Her scent was getting stronger as I went up the stairs and stood in front of the door.

On the other side of this door is my beautiful mate so why can't I move I couldn't even knock I just stood there staring at her door until I heard voices.

"Evan you can't go to school like that you need to rest" it was a mans voice.

"But dad I can't miss anymore school I'm fine see" that was a voice that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside so I knew it was Evans.

"Evan...." he was cut off when I heard running and then someone throwing up "it's okay there there" the boy voice was saying "see you shouldn't go to school when your this sick" I heard a groan.

"Okay fine I'll stay in bed one more day" my beautiful mate said.

She's sick. I can't believe it. How did she get sick? Would she get mad if I said I came to help her?...Probably.

I was about to leave when the door opened and there was a man he looked about 5' 10" and looked just like Evan but he was a boy and had blue eyes also looked to be in his 30's or 40's.

"Can I help you" it was the same voice that was helping Evan.

"I'm a friend of Evan from school and was wondering why she hasn't been at school lately" the man eyes narrowed.

"Evan doesn't like to make friends" I just stared at him despite him only being a few inches shorter than me I was still bigger and broader than him. "please leave" the man said coldly

"Please just let me talk to her" the man looked at me for a moment.

"Evan there someone that wants to talk to you" he stopped and a bundle of blankets came out I looked closely and saw that it was Evan but her hair was tangled and messy, she looked exhausted, her face was glistening from sweat, and it at all possible I think she was a bit thinner.

She waddled over to the door.

"What do you want" she croaked her voice raspy.

"Can I come in" she looked at the man "I'm not leaving until I talk to you" she sighed opening the door to let me in.

She plopped down onto the couch and I took a seat next to her.

Her apartment was small but it looked big probably because there wasn't much in it a couch, coffee table and a TV in the living room area, the kitchen just had the necessities, and there were three doors one I'm guessing led to the bathroom the other two led to bedrooms.

"What do you want" my head snapped back to Evan.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay" I stated.

"Well I'm okay can you leave now? I just want to go back to bed"

I smirked "I could take a nap with you."

Evan blushed adding a small hint of pink to her face this made me smile but before I could say anything else she ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.

I ran in with her holding her hair back but after a bit the man came in and shoved me aside replacing where I had been. I growled but stopped when I saw Evan breathing heavily.

"You need to leave" the man said while trying to shove me out the door.

He succeed in pushing out of the bathroom but I stood still when we reached the living room area.

"Is there anyway I can help" I asked.

"You can leave my daughter is trying to get through a severe illness and you being here doesn't help"

"Why does it matter if I'm here or not I just want to help" I said.

"Well you can't now please leave" Evan's dad said calmly.

"Why don't you want anyone here? Why doesn't she have any friends? Why is she this sick? Why is she so thin? Are you abusing her?" I roared.

Evan's dad stared at me wide eyed "why would you think that?" and I turned and there was Evan

"Evan is he abusing you?" I asked.

"Again why would you think that?"

"Evan it's okay you can tell me I'll protect you" I said reassuringly

"You are an idiot" she said quietly and I blinked a few times

"Evan" her dad said sternly.

"I'm sorry but I can't be nice he was kicking you out so he could take care of me I don't have friends because I don't want any I'm this sick because I don't have a good immune system I'm thin because that's my body type sorry I'm not curvy and to answer the last question my dad has never and will never abuse me in fact I'm still alive because of him and you will never understand so stay out of my damn business" she ranted and took a deep breathe I just stared at her "now get out" her jaw was clenched and with that I left.

Evan's P.O.V:

After my little rant I collapsed to floor in a coughing fit my dad immediately picked me up and set me on the couch.

My throat was on fire but I couldn't stop coughing after a few minutes I took a deep breathe in air finally being able to fill my lungs. I took a sip of my water before going to bed.

After waking up from my long nap I ate dinner my dad had made tomato soup my favorite and I kept that down thank goodness for that because if I had thrown up I don't think I would ever eat that soup again. After showering and changing into my sapphire sweatshirt I went back to bed.

The next morning I felt so much better and I actually managed to keep water and a couple pieces of toast down.

I looked at the time "you know if you hurry I think you can still make it" I looked at my dad "well If I drive you" dad never offered me a ride he always had work come to think of it he hasn't gone to his morning job in a while.

"Dad why haven't you been working in the mornings?" he sighed.

"I got fired" I looked down "but don't worry I have a job interview" I looked up.


"In a few weeks but it's in California so I'll be gone for a while" I nodded maybe we'll leave sooner than I thought.

I walked upstairs and threw on a smokey gray hoodie that covered my butt along with a pair of dark washed skinny jeans I jumped in my dad old, beat up, Skoda Citigo hatchpack and we drove to school.

Once I got out I waved goodbye and speed walked to class since running is against the rules. I entered just after the bell rang and everyone was staring at me with wide eyes. I ignored them and sat down and started to do the assignments that I missed.

After class I was pulled to the side and I was met with a tall and muscular man he had messy chocolate brown hair that reached above his shoulders and striking dark blue eyes.

"Hello Evan" he said with a smile.

"Hi?" I said awkwardly.

"My name's Micheal" I just stared at him. "I'm a friend of Ians" I took a deep breathe.

"Okay what do you want" I said coldly any friend of Ians has to also be a jerk.

"I wanted to apologize Ian can be a little hot headed and I'm sorry for that"

Maybe he isn't so bad but then again I don't know much about either of them not that I want to know any of them but at least Micheal knows how to apologize.

"Ian was just worried about you he may not know you very well but he cares for you" Micheal said.

"Why is that? Ian doesn't even know me" I asked.

Micheal sighed "look I got to go I don't want to be late for class" I said and left.

After school I went home and laid down I was still recovering from being sick and my head hurt a bit. My dad came walking in but he was on the phone.

"Yes I can do that....I'd be more than happy to come down....Next week?...sure" and with that he hung up and looked at me "Evan I'm leaving next week"

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