Oliver (Vocaloid) x Reader

By Panda_chan12

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Working on a new description and this book is being rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know that Oliver is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Special Chapter: It's your birthday!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27.5
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
So sorry ;-;
Chapter 41

Chapter 40

323 13 252
By Panda_chan12

Oliver POV~

I walked in the classroom full of chaotic people that I call my friends. Len arguing with Rin something about bananas I assume. Kaito in the corner of the room crying while shoving a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. Meiko and Haku in the corner drinking 'water.' Gumi was writing something in a notebook. Miku who was looking at her notebook either full of pictures of me and (Y/N) which was creepy...or it could be her ideas. Which is scary. SeeU and Luka were out doing presidential business which I don't understand nor will I ever. Pico and Gakupo playing cards. Fukase sleeping in the corner of the room.

I walk over in worry, seeing the sobbing man stuffing his mouth with ice cream worries me. I crouch down, leaning against a desk while watching him carefully pour his woes onto his bucket of heaven, "A-are you ok Kaito?"

"S-she made me....watch it again..."

"Watch what?"

"B-Boku no Pico..."

"WHO SAID MY NAME?!" Piko yelled in the back, looking around with cards in his hand.

"N-NOT YOU IDIOT!" Kaito yelled, while sniffing and wiping tears, "PICO!"

Piko looked at Kaito with a perplexed face, "Pico? Who is Pico? That sounds exactly my name! Pico. Piko. Too confu-...." Piko suddenly realized something as he sat there flushed, "A-are you talking about-?"

Kaito nodded knowing what he was thinking, "Yes."

Piko stared for a second before hiding his face into his cards, "G-goldfish." Gakupo eyed him for a second before grabbing a card from the card deck that sat on the desk in the middle of them.

I watched the two have silent arguments using only facial expressions. If I must say, it was the weirdest. Their faces turned to an 'Are you serious?' look, to a 'Bloody hell?' to, shaking their heads in disbelief then soon both started to cry. Weird.

"What's Boku no Pico?" I asked but soon regretted as the blue haired man choked on a spoonful of ice cream, "W-well it's a s-show, that's it."

"Is it scary?"

"...well I mean yea the stuff they do is scary..."

"Then...I wanna watch it with you!"


I flinched from the sudden raise of his voice, "You're the same age as me! Why can't I?!"

Kaito bit his lip for a second, "Well...you're innocent!"


"Yea! I mean half of the stuff will corrupt you!" Kaito then smiled before grabbing another spoon stuffing his appointment.

"Is it that bad?"


"But I wanna watch it with you so you don't be scared no more! Then I can ease you!" I clenched my fists, I felt determined for some reason.

"Aww that's so sweet..." Kaito realized what escaped from his lips before shaking his head, "No no no! It's not something you would like anyways!"

"Fine..." I sighed in defeat, I mean it can't be that bad right?

Seems like Kaito was fine, still crying for no reason but I suppose it can't be helped? I stood up, staring at the rest of the group. One thing I noticed was a blonde haired teen was having his head on desk. I walked over hearing faint mumbles from him. I kneeled down by the desk by him. Hearing his sighs from inside his arms which where wrapped around his head, "Are you ok Len?"

He twitched, Maybe I scared him?

"Does this sound like Rin..." He suddenly mumbled, "Eating all the bananas and sticking them back in the cabinets to terrify me?"

"Did she do that?"

"Yes. Now she is mad at me for accusing her that she did, what a baka. I mean if you're gonna do a crime scene at least don't leave evidence. Especially not orange peels."

"Well...I'm sure she'll apologize!"

Len looked up, staring at me with a raise eyebrow, "It's Rin...she'll never apologize."

I quickly then thought of an idea, "Maybe she needs help?"

"Ha she sure does!"

"What? No I mean needs help apologizing?"

Len then laughed, "Yea good luck!"

I huffed before taking his hand, forcing him to stand up, "Let's see if (Y/N) can help!"

Len chuckled, "Maybe YOU need help."

I stopped in my tracks, I looked back at him with a perplexed expression, "What do you mean?"

Len pulled his hand back away from mine, "I mean I never heard you call a woman so informally~ you never called her (Y/N)-CHAN."

I twiddled my fingers together, "w-well...uh..."

"Well?" He raised an eyebrow looking down on me. Why must he be so tall and I be short?!

"I'm too nervous to say it! I mean I know I'm supposed to be polite but...I'm still confused on Japanese honorifics!" I lied, I knew them well.

"You're lying. Just come on and I'll help you!" Len dragged me helplessly across the room, placing me in front of the (H/C) girl. She turned around, facing us while lightly leaning against the desk. Len pushed me in front of her, "Oliver has something is say."

I stepped back, bumping into Len which made him shove me forward almost making me trip and probably fall on her. My breathe began to get heavy, my heart pounding, my thoughts driving me crazy, my cheeks feeling hot. Why do I always feel this way whenever I'm near or even close to her?!

Len paused, placing a finger on his chin while giving an ominous smirk, he quickly whispered in my ear "If you can't call her (Y/N)-chan than call her senpai~"

I covered my mouth, instead of my cheeks being on fire it was my entire face. I turned around, "I-I can't call her that. I-I don't even h-have the courage to!"

"Oh so you would?!"

"N-no! I-I mean...well..."

Len then patted my shoulder, "Fine. You don't have to call her that. You can use your British names~"

"My British names?"

"Yes! Call her love or dear." He chuckled at my reaction, which was basically a shocked expression, "Call her that you tea lover~"

"Tea lover?!"

"Don't act like I saw you have tea bags and cups in your locker!"

"...Well I get thirsty during school.." I shifted a little, knowing I should be embarrassing. It is true, I do have tea in my locker. Usually the school cafeteria ladies let me use the stove to warm up my water. There's also many things I have in there like-

"I wouldn't even be surprised if I saw a top hat and a monocle in there! And even maybe a picture of the queen." HE KNOWS!

"Don't judge me!...w-we do love our queen.."

"Maybe too much."

"What do you mean?"

"Well remember the first day you came here, you saw a rainbow and started running around like crazy yelling, 'WHERE'S THE QUEEN! GET THE QUEEN!' How embarrassing it was for you~

"It was my first time seeing a rainbow! Japan has odd weather than England!" I yelled while cringing back. What a terrible first day that was.

"Also...Is Fukase British too?"

"No why?"

"Well in the back, he was running around too but was yelling, 'I GOT THE TEA AND CRUMPETS LET'S GO! GET THE FUCKING QUEEN!'"

"...he thinks he's British since he drinks tea." I looked in the corner of the room, there he was. He was finally awake, drinking something out of a cup, while doing his 'fancy laugh.' "JUST BECAUSE YOU DRINK TEA DOESNT MEAN YOU'RE BRITISH!" I yelled at him which caught his attention, he looked shocked.




"I would like you to be neither..." I sighed turning back to Len, "Yea he's something. But don't mind him."

Len stood there trying to figure out what just happened, "Well then..." He paused, regaining his thoughts, "But anyways at least be polite! Maybe just call her (Y/N)-SAMA or (Y/N)-CHAN or even senpai!"

My face quickly flustered at the thought of calling her those names, "I-I..."

"...I-I don't mind any name he calls me...or it doesn't really matter if he uses chan at the end of my name. It's fine!" (Y/N) chirped happily while giving me a warm smile.

"B-but I need to be polite so...(-(-(Y/N)...c-chan! (Y/N)-chan! Ha! I did it!" I clenched my fists together, cheering mentally, praising my own self.

"Good job teapot!"

"Please don't hang with Fukase too much..." I mumbled, Fukase calls me that a lot which is really bothersome.

"QUELLE?!" Fukase yelled in the back.

I shooked my head before walking away, walking away from Len and (Y/N). The aurora was really heavy, me being awkward and embarrassed made it worse.

I looked around, seeing Meiko strangely holding a rope, she then yelled, "I HAVE AN OBSESSION WITH ROPES!" She then started to cuddle with it, pressing it against her cheeks. I watched her weirdly, wondering if she was intoxicated or not.

I looked to my side seeing Gumi writing in her note book. I walked over, peaking over her shoulder seeing what she was doing. On the white lined paper, I saw her writing a poem. A short written in poem. I leaned in, reading what was written.

As I let the flames envelope my being
Let the heat burn my insides
Yearning the beautiful dark twisted flames
Sounds of hellfire is all I can hear
Such a gorgeous place the Abyss is

I stared blankly, trying to figure what it meant. Which is basically what poems are for but this. This was different. It feels like it has a meaning, a deep dark meaning. But I don't know what. It also seemed off, it was written with a red pen. The ink bled through the paper, as if she pressed down hard. A few parts in it the pen actually pieced through the paper making small holes.  I tapped Gumi's shoulder, making her shriek and drop her pen. The liquid inside spilt, making a red puddle on the floor, "Y-you scared me Oliver!"

I quickly picked up the pen, handing it to her, "S-sorry..."

She did a quick smile, grabbing the pen and shoving it quickly in her bag, "It's alright."

Her voice. Her voice seemed...off. Along with her. Usually she's with Miku or Rin. Laughing like usual. But today, she's in the corner of the room writing something strange. This is not like her, "You ok Gumi-chan?"

She looked up tiredly, a small smile crept into her face, "Yea. Of course. Just worried."

"About what?"

"You know how there's so much fire going around?" Lately so much fire has been spreading around the country, burning forests, towns, and cities. It's a tragedy. Millions of people loosing their homes, lives, or even loved ones. I feel like crying when I think about it. Just even the thought of it makes water fill my eyes.

I replied with a weak, "Yea."

"Well... What if a fire started here? What if it surrounded all of us? What would we do? Would we burn together? Die together? I mean... It's scary to think but... It's a beautiful way to die." She spoke while drawing another pen across the paper, this time it was black. She made curves around her poem, making small scribbles around it. Filling in the white spaces with scribbles. She stared deeply at it while speaking, "Letting the fire burn you. Melting you like ice cream on a hot sidewalk. Such beauty. Do you think so?"

I stared at Gumi. This wasn't her. Not at all. The Gumi who was always happy, cheering over everything. Making everyone's day brighter. Always saying that 'yaoi' is her life. Which I don't know what that meant but, as long as it made her happy I didn't care what it was. But today she was off. This isn't Gumi. The poem of hers was something she wouldn't say at all. Only Alyss. The only girl that is able to make everyone insane. The only one to be the cause of this. She must be the reason for SeeU's lost of weight, Gumi's strange thing about fire and almost burning her self, Meiko's obsession to ropes, Rin being stabbed, Kaito's only eating cold things. These are the ways they are going to die. Those hallucinations I've been having are coming true. I must stop it. I can't stop her like that. She's too powerful for me to do anything. But I can stop the killer. Her servant that she has. She's supposed to make these happen right? Make my friends kill themselves or...make them be murdered. I can't let that happen. Not at all. I must stop Alyss and the killer!

"Nee Oliver?" Gumi suddenly pressed the pen down harder, black ink bleeding harshly onto the paper, circling around roughly the words written in red, "When will you go to her? She's waiting for you. You promised her you would be there for her. If you want to see your dead parents then I suggest you go... Before we all die."

Gumi suddenly dropped the pen, it rolled off the desk. Dropping into the red puddle. She looked around confused, as if she didn't know where she was. She looked at the paper in front of her. Reading the poem she stared blankly at it, she then looked at me, "Ollie?" She then looked around seeing the others doing whatever, "...I'm at school?"

"You don't remember?"

She shook her head, "I don't even remember getting out of bed! Well...whatever. I must've sleep walked or something."

"You sleep walked your way to school?"

"Well apparently! But hey it's just a theory!"

"A theory?"


"I don't think that happens often, I mean you wrote a poem."

Gumi gasps, "I never write poems! They're too hard to write! Plus they're hard to understand! Like your songs!"

"My songs?"

"Yes! I mean they are beautiful but I cant understand them! You're like a smol Edgar Allen Poe! But cuter of course!" She giggled while squeezing my cheeks. She jumped up, before noticing the poems on the desk, she picked it up. Reading it once again before shrugging her shoulders, "You want it?" She asked, handing me the poem. I shook my head, waving me hand signing her that i don't want it, "Well then time to through it in the trash! Bye Ollie!" She waved before running off.

That was definitely Gumi. Before that wasn't her. Gumi always calls me 'Ollie' instead of Oliver.

I stood there in deep thought not knowing Miku was yelling for attention, "OLIVER!" She yelled, scaring me to death, "Are we all having an obsession with something?! Is your obsession walls?! You were staring at the wall for five minutes straight! I'm surprised it wasn't (Y/N)-chan this time!"


"Now that I have everyone's attention! Time for concert planning! It's in a week! I hope everyone has their songs and dances mesmerized!" Everyone nodded. "Good! Now I've set the location and everything! It's gonna be-" she drummed to pencils on a desk resembling drums, "On a boat!"

Everyone gasped.

"On a boat?!"

"I'm gonna get sea sick!"

"Do they allow drinks on there?"

"Are there going to be girls in bikinis?"

"Can I reenact the Titanic scene?!"

"Can I be a singing mermaid princess?!"

"I wanna be a singing jellyfish!"


"Wow Miku you're gonna be a DEEP SEA GIRL! HAHAHA!"

Miku stood there, "Very punny Gumi... Making your lame jokes AGAIN! Now go around in CIRCLES back to your seat and sit in silence. Not one sound or ECHO will come out ok?" Gumi glared at her before sitting down, grabbing her manga.

Miku cleared her throat, "Anyways the location is on a boat or a cruise ship! Though I will need help decorating and setting up, I would ask all of you but you all would fool around... So I asked some others! Those include Piko-"

"PRESENT!" Piko yelled in the back, Miku stared at him for a second before going back reading the list, "Gakupo." Gakupo raised his hand silently before going back to the card games with Piko. "Haku." Haku raised a glass of sake in the air as if she was cheering for someone. "IA-" everyone got up cheering, "IAAAAAAA MY GIRL!" "MY BUDDY!" "AUTHOR DIDNT FORGET HER!" "WILL YOU PLEASE STOP INTERRUPTING ME?!" Miku yelled, everyone soon grew quiet. "ANYWAYS...Lily, Teto, Sweet Ann, Big Al, Cul, Maika, and Flower! They will help us with decorating and setting up for the concert. Questions?"

Fukase then raised his hand, "Can I go to zhe restroom?"

Miku sighed, "...Yes."

Fukase got up while casually strolling to the door, "AU REVOIR MI AMOR!"

"THAT'S SPANISH FUKASE!" I yelled at him. He turned around realizing, "MY APOLOGIES I MEAN ME... petite fraises?"

"...yea don't speak French no more..." I sighed, Fukase shrugged while continuing walking.

"You French fry Oliver?" Meiko slurred while sitting next to me.

"No but I just no what he said was nonsense even I don't know what the meaning is..."

"Good! Because if you was French fry...you be playboy...a frenchie playboy that probably stalk you..." Meiko giggled continuously while drinking more 'water.'

I stared at her for a moment before looking around, Miku raised her voice once again, getting everyone's attention, "So I will text you the address to the boat and meet me there at noon."


I got the text and I was out heading there to the boat. It's a walking distance so I didn't need to call Luka to drive me. For some reason I was really excited. I was excited that I'll be seeing the ocean. In my spare time I do visit there, sitting on the beach alone, watching the seas sway gently. The soft sounds of it. It was the most relaxing thing, James being the 'tough' one he tries to pick fits with crabs. Unfortunately he gets pinched on his feet, then he gets dramatic by falling over acting dead. What a dramatic bird.

I walked onto the bridge that goes over the water, look below seeing me high above it. I walked to the end, sitting down at the edge. Swinging me feet out, letting it hang over. It was hot, sun being harshly on me but I didn't care. It's been so long since I've been here. Been so long since I've felt this calm. So long since I've been above the water.

"OLIVER!!" Everyone yelled behind me, I jumped up hitting my knee on the sides of the fence.

Miku skipped over, "Where you thinking about (Y/N)-chan that hard?!"

I blushed, standing up giving her no answer cause if I do she'll pick on me, "C-come on let's just g-get on the boat!"


I would have uploaded this sooner but wattpad didn't want to save my drafts so rewriting was a pain~

But enjoy ;)


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