Exotic Butters(Hetalia High S...

Από cocklesandmuscles

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Hey quick author's note, please proceed with caution because this story is something I deem problematic. If y... Περισσότερα

Mischief and Mayhem
Young and Indifferent
On The First Day Of School
Therefore, Arthur Is Not Allowed In The Kitchen
Pandora's Box
A Note from Author Chan(Please Read!!!)
The 'Family' Visits
Fangirls and Fanboys are Everywhere...
Unlucky Events, But It Led To Something Wonderful~
Toni and Gil's Adventures!
Now All He's Missing Is The Maid's Outfit
The Calm Before the Storm
Til Death Do Us Part
Hangovers Are A Bitch
The Definition Of Perfection
And That's Exactly What He Got
All That Glitters Is Not Gold
Hopefully, Blood Won't Be Shed...
The Domino Effect
Promises You Can't Keep
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Caught In A Predicament
Just Right

The Green-Eyed Monster

1K 44 607
Από cocklesandmuscles

Monday morning, first period was when his living hell started.

Arthur was sitting at his desk like a good child, unlike the others who were standing and running and some who were even standing on the desks.

Francis was of course, kneeling by Arthur's desk with his hands balanced on the table, trying to woo the Brit, but Arthur of course, was ignoring him and reading.

Suddenly, the doorknob of the class room door was twisted around, making all the students out of their seats rush to them quickly, including Francis which Arthur silently thanked the deities above for.

In came a young girl with dirty blonde hair and striking teal eyes. She had a bright smile on her face that didn't falter even when she noticed everyone in the room was staring her down.

The students continued staring, some motioning to empty seats beside them where she could sit, but she walked in and sat down in the unoccupied seat beside Francis, disappointing them but Francis smiled sweetly at her. Too sweetly, if Arthur had a say in it.

"Bonjour mademoiselle!" Francis greeted politely.

"Vous parlez français?"(you speak French?) The new girl asked surprisedly to her neighbour.

"Je suis français,"(I am French) Francis told her with a smirk.

"Génial! Je suis française aussi!" The blonde stated and the pair then continued talking and talking in their mother tongue, which irritated Arthur to no end to hear the two people sitting beside him conversing in the froggy language. He (tried) distracted himself by doodling on the back of his notebook.

Ten minutes later the teacher arrived and Maths class commenced. They were soon asked to split up into pairs for group work, and Arthur's eyes wandered over to his roommate as Francis was always begging him to work together. Of course, Arthur played hard to get all the time but in the end he always succumbed to the elder.

He was waiting for the French to ask again always does these days, but that's when he saw his typical partner had already gone off and was laughing and talking with the new girl, it seemed like they were partners already.

Ouch. It really felt like a blow to his chest.

Arthur reluctantly ended up as Antonio's partner as Gilbert was absent that day for unknown reasons, he probably was just too lazy.

Throughout the activity they were supposed to do, Arthur's attention kept snapping back to the French pair beside him. They seemed to be working so greatly together, Arthur was envious.

Wait, no. He wasn't jealous! It's just... Antonio was such an idiot that he'd rather Francis as his partner as he could actually do some work. Yeah...

He tried to concentrate on the maths equations on his sheet but his eyes kept on going back to the blonds. Ugh, they were too sappy.

"Earth to Arthur, I repeat, Earth to Arthur can you hear me?" Antonio waved his hand in front of the Brit's face, snapping him out of his trance.

"What?!" Arthur shouted.

"You were staring at Francis and the new girl for like twenty minutes now, estas bien?" The Spaniard enquired because he's a good person.

"Yeah, yeah, fine." He shooed Antonio away with a flick of his hands.

Antonio looked at him comfusedly with a neglected pout and then a knowing smirk formed on his face and decided not to let him be.

"You jealous?" The brunet asked instantly gaining a reaction from the younger.

"What?! No, of course not!"

"Uh huh," the taller smiled cheekily as Arthur stared intently at the sum on his page, pretending like he was solving it when it actually was just a simple addition which even a five year old could solve within seconds.

"Why don't you get back to work and stop being such a lazy ass!" Arthur said and started writing, Antonio chuckling before going back to work as well.

'But was Antonio onto something? I feel resent towards Francis, who the hell was he to replace me with her! Am I not... Good enough? No, I can't think like that. Just ignore that strange feeling clawing at you, and calm down.'

A little while later the bell rang, signaling class was over but to Arthur it felt like decades passed before it rang.

He got up and packed his stuff, then waited for the French teen outside the door of the classroom.

Next period was science for him, which he didn't have with Francis, but Francis always walked him up to his class like the gentleman he was, before rushing off to his own. Even though he wouldn't admit it, he really enjoyed when the older would do that.

This time though, when Francis walked out of the class, he smiled and waved at him nicely before walking off with the new girl like it was the most normal thing ever.

Arthur stared, wide-eyed as the French left, moments later turning angry.

'If he's gonna ignore me, then I'll do the same! I don't need that bloody frog anyway!" Arthur thought to himself, then sharply turned on his heel and stalked off to class, annoyed.

************Time Skip!************

It was last period before lunch and one he actually shared with Francis, but he kept to his word and pretending like he didn't see the French teen at all, which was pretty hard considering he was right next to him in class and was staring at him a lot.

As his luck would have it, the teacher wasn't in and so it was a free period, with a nice enough teacher supervising them to let them talk and use their phones. And why is that a bad thing, you may ask?

Well, while the others in the class were talking to friends and being social, Arthur was sitting like a manequin, staring at his book and trying to avoid Francis' eye contact.

Every once in a while he'd glance to his left to check if Francis was looking, and every single time he saw the French staring at him with a smirk on his face, and he'd instantly look back to his book, blushing.

'Ugh, I'm acting like a lovestruck teenage school girl! Get your head together!' he voiced in his head, slapping his forehead in hopes of coming back to his senses.

"Hey, Arthur?" Francis uttered, suddenly.


"Are you mad at me?"

"Erm..... No...?" Arthur said unsurely. He really didn't know. Was he mad at Francis, or at the girl he replaced him with? Or maybe both of them, but for some reason he didn't feel that burning anger he had before.

"Well, you're trying to avoid me, right? So I was curious," stated the blond.

"Just shut up, I'm trying to read!" Arthur shouted and pretending to be reading.

"No you're not, you've been stuck staring at that page for like twenty minutes now."

"What do you want?" The Brit sighed in defeat.

"I want you to stop ignoring me."

"Fine. Now leave me alone."

"That means we have to talk!"

"No, no we don't."

"But I'm bored!"

"Then go use your phone or talk to someone else!"

"But I wanna talk to you!"

"Why me?! What's so special about me?" He really wanted to say more, like 'why don't you go talk to that damned new kid like you always do' or 'you don't even want to talk to me, it's just because the new girl isn't here so I'm a substitute, right?' but he didn't. He couldn't.

"Everything, chéri," Francis smirked and winked making Arthur roll his eyes. What a liar.

"Class is just about to end, why can't you just sit silently like you did for most of the class?"

Francis pouted, but didn't pursue him any further.

As Arthur had said, the bell rang shortly, and the students all became rabid pack animals instantly. Everyone filed out of the classroom within seconds, eager to go to lunch. Arthur and Francis followed suit, walking to the cafeteria in silence. Antonio and Lovino soon tagged along, and they encountered the North American twins and the 'Axis Powers' as they nicknamed them, on their way.

Alfred was explaining about how they could prevent global warming if they made a huge robot superhero to kick it away or something stupid like that and most of the members of their table were trying to listen without saying anything rude, which was a really hard feat.

Arthur of course, was saying it was bullshit like he always did for Alfred's ideas, which caused a fight to break out between the two cousins. Typical of them.

Ludwig and Feliciano were being all lovey dovey with each other as usual, and Lovino was making gagging actions at the pair.

Antonio was trying to make Lovino agree to a date, but Lovi kept  on rejecting him and was occasionally throwing his food at him.

Matthew was trying to settle the fight between his brother and cousin, failing miserably.

And Kiku was... Drawing? He had a weird face on him as he sketched frantically, but no one questioned it as it was normal and everyone regarded it as Kiku being Kiku.

Francis was primping his hair when he spotted his new friend in the reflection of the mirror he was using. He turned around and waved wildly, which perked her attention as she smiled and came over to the jam-packed table.

Everyone paused what they were doing to look at the new arrival.

"Everyone, this is Joan. She's a new student! Joan, these are all my friends," Francis introduced.

All them had different reactions to the French girl.

Antonio, the supposed 'leader' of their group smiled brightly at her and started blabbering about who's here and basically the intro that he used when Francis and Arthur were new, with a few add-ons of course. Does he use that every time?

Lovino just summoned up a small smile and then went back to being grumpy.

Feliciano was very friendly, he greeted her with a huge Italian grin and offered her pizza and pasta, to which she kindly declined with a laugh at his giddy behaviour.

Ludwig very formally introduced himself, but that was it.

Matthew smiled sweetly at the female and introduced himself in French, because somehow Matthew is magical and realised she was French.

Alfred ecstatically jumped up from his seat and shook her hand vigorously and beamed at her cheesily.

Kiku covered his drawing and stood up, bowing at a 90° angle before sitting back down and going straight back to work.

And Arthur was looking irritated, a sour scowl on his face as he instinctively moved a few inches closer to Francis until their shoulders were touching.

"Ooh, can Joan sit here with us?" Francis asked excitedly to Antonio.

"Of course! If there's space, any friend of your's can sit at our table!" Antonio exclaimed.

"Ah, but there's no space." Arthur interrupted.

"Oh, I'm sure we can make some space if everyone scooches over a bit!" The French said and tried moving over, but Arthur wouldn't budge.

"Stop! I said there's no space!" Arthur claimed even though there was enough space for one person in between him and Kiku which was usually occupied by Gilbert, but thankfully Kiku was too distracted with drawing to notice what was going on around him.

"But what about Gilbert's spa- ow!" Alfred yelped when he was interrupted by Arthur stepping down on his foot, hard. From his stern expression, the American realised that he should probably shut his mouth. 

Joan understood that Arthur clearly didn't want her there so she decided to take her leave before things get worse.

"It's okay Francis. I made some friends from the last class and they'd be happy to have me at their table. Thank you for inviting me to your's anyway! It was a pleasure meeting you all!" She assured Francis and smiled at the others on the table.

Joan locked eyes with Arthur for just a second to see the envy and anger aimed at her and the relief and satisfaction at getting rid of her in them before he quickly looked the other way. Then, she hurried off to a table of some girls.

"Ah, she seems like a very nice girl," Antonio stated, earning a glare from his tsundere.

"What do you mean?! You better not like her!" Lovino shouted, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

"Of course not! My little Lovi is the only one for me!~" the Spaniard explained and squeezed the younger's cheeks cutely.

Lovino smacked him upside the head and started scolding him for being cheesy.

Lunch continued as normal, with Francis and Arthur exchanging short glances occasionally, which was being watched by none other than Kiku as he continued drawing berserkly with a weird look in his eyes.

************Time Skip!************

Francis and Arthur were sitting in their living room, Arthur reading Othello and Francis doing something on his phone, probably texting considering his thumbs could be seen dancing across the bottom of the screen.

"Hey Arthur?"

"What?" The shorter replied, not looking up from his book.

"Can Joan come over to our house some day this week?"

Arthur's eyes stopped darting across the page, a sullen look taking over his face, and he glared to his side at Francis instead.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes? Why wouldn't I be? So can she please come over?" The older begged.

"No! I don't like inviting strangers over!"

"But Joan's not a stranger! She's my friend!"

Arthur just huffed in annoyance and turned the page.

"Arthur!" The French teen whined and moved closer to the younger, wrapping himself around Arthur's arm.

"Get off of me! I said no, which means no!" Arthur yelled and flapped his arm around crazily to get the other blond off.

Francis sulked, and made other plans in his mind about how he could get the Brit to agree.

"What are you planning?" The British blond questioned suspiciously, immediately noticing Francis in his thoughtful expression.

"Nothing, cher! You said no, so I'm not inviting her, happy?"

"You better not. I know how sneaky you are. If I find out-"

"You won't find out anything, chaton! Don't get your fur all ruffled for nothing," Francis smiled and messed up Arthur's hair in a fond manner.

"Hey, stop it! I'm trying to read!"

"Heh, you said that twice today, and that time you weren't reading."

"For God's sake, Francis! Why don't you go and watch some porn or something?" Arthur said, making Francis laugh.

"That's very funny chéri," Francis expressed sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"I know, now shoo!" He smacked Francis with the heavy book he was reading, finally succeeding in making the French leave.

Tuesday was practically a re-run of Monday, but managed to make him even more frustrated than the day before.

At lunch, Arthur noticed Francis wasn't at their table so he excused himself and went searching for him.

'What could he be doing, taking this long to get to lunch? I wonder if he's with... Joan?' he shuddered as he voiced her name in his head and sped up his walking.

'He has to be, he wouldn't leave me otherwise. Stupid Joan! Well I won't let them hang out like this!' Arthur stated confidently to himself.

After long, tedious minutes of searching Arthur spotted him, and found he was with Joan, roaming the halls. As he predicted.

"Francis?! Why did you not come to lunch?"

The French pair turned around immediately, and Francis grinned and brought his hands up to his chin cutely while Joan directed a smile towards him.

Arthur clenched his teeth and if it was possible, his gaze would have seared right through her.

"Aww, I'm so happy you noticed! You do care after all!" He exclaimed and cocked his head merrily.

"Pfft, it's not that I care about you! It's becau-"

"You don't need to give me a reason, lapin. I understand~" the blond stated.

"Anyway, I was giving Joan a tour of the school. Would you like to join us?" He proposed nicely.

Arthur didn't know if he should say yes, or no. If he said yes, he could stay with them and make sure nothing happens, and also make sure the 'tour' can be finished quicker and drag Francis away, and if he said no he doesn't have to deal with this crap and can eat in peace. Hard decision...

"You're taking too long to decide! You're coming with us then!" Francis told him, and grabbed his hand and the three walked on.

No matter how much he tried, he couldn't quicken Francis' pace at giving the tour at all. They went through most of the rooms, and were faced with what was hopefully the last room after like twenty minutes.

"And this is the music room," Francis slightly opened the door and peeked inside before opening it fully.

"Wow, this music room is way bigger than the one in my old school! And look at all these instruments!" Joan marvelled at the wide plethora of instruments lining the room.

She slid her fingers gently over the side of the shiny black, grand piano in the corner of the room, gaping at it's beauty.

"Ooh! I can play!" The long haired blond proclaimed and sat down on the seat in front of the piano. He stretched his hands out in front of him, then readied himself before he started playing a sweet tune.

'He's playing music for her now?! Seriously, he's trying so hard to impress her!' Arthur stated in his thougts angrily and crossed his arms over his chest.

'Why won't he do that for me?'

Joan stared in awe and had a reflective look on her countenance.

"I feel like I've heard that song somewhere..." she thought to herself out loud.

"Clair de Lune." Arthur answered her query with a 'what an idiot?' look on his face.

"Oui! How do you know, cher?"

"Because I do. And I also know that you made a few mistakes there," the Brit told him and came over to the piano.

"It's actually this way, and you missed the D here," Arthur said as he played over the part the other messed up.

"Why don't you play with me, then? I admit, I'm an amateur but you seem quite skilled!"

"Ha, you're giving me a bit too much credit, but I'm definitely better than you! How will you ever keep up?"

"We'll see about that," Francis grinned and moved over for the younger male to sit down too. Arthur forgot about all his worries and instead gained a competitive smirk on his countenance and sat down beside the blond.

At first, they continued peacefully with Clair de Lune, Francis taking the role of the left hand and Arthur being the right. Until, Arthur found some piano sheets and urged Francis to play with those.

Soon, Chopin's 'The Minute Waltz' was atop the music rack and Joan was gawking in surprise at how well they played together. The right hand's dainty fingers were gliding across the keys at a rapid pace, playing the main part of the music, while the left hand's elegant fingers were moving smoothly as a perfect accompaniment to the right hand.

They sounded wonderful together. Without the right hand, the left would sound plain and dull, and without the left, the right hand wouldn't be complete and would be boring. Just like their personalities; different from each other but without each other they're not complete.

Once they finished, Joan started applauding.

"That was amazing! You guys were playing so perfectly together! It's like you'd practiced beforehand." she congratulated, looking at the French teen for a few seconds longer than necessary and smiled, making Arthur huff in annoyance.

Francis laughed embarrassedly, while Arthur simply looked down at the ground.

"We better be heading back. We did spend a lot of time here," Arthur stated and led the others out the door.

"Where were you guys all this time?" Antonio asked when the trio went back to the cafeteria.

"We were giving Joan a tour of the school!" Francis replied.

"Even Arthur was helping?!" Alfred questioned.

"Yeah, surprisingly." The French agreed.

"Hey! What's so surprising if I decided to help out?!" The stubborn Brit asked angrily.

Everyone just laughed like they all were part of some inside joke that Arthur didn't know about. The British teen kept denying it furiously.

"Would you look at the time, we gotta get to class!" Gilbert made up and excuse which made everyone disperse and separate to their respective classes, still not giving Arthur an answer.

***********Time Skip!***********

"Arthur, are you done yet?" Francis questioned as he waited patiently for the British blond to finish getting books from his locker. He'd been waiting for like fifteen minutes and everyone else in the school was probably already gone.

"I never asked you to wait for me! You can go home if you want, you idiot!" Arthur told him as he shoved books into his bag and took a few moments to contemplate which ones he needed.

"Well, I guess I'll walk home with Joan the-"

"I'm done! Let's go!" The younger teen yelled hurriedly as he heard the unmentionable name, quickly zipping up his bag and slammed his locker shut, not caring if he forgot any of his books because who the hell cares?!

He threw his bag over his shoulder, and ran out the school, Francis following behind, until they were a good distance away. Hopefully, Joan had either left before them, or hadn't left yet, because he was not in the mood to confront her.

As both stopped and hunched over to catch their breath, they heard a familiar voice call for them.

"Joan!" Francis identified the voice as his newest friend and shouted happily to her, while Arthur sighed deeply and cursed under his breath. Just his luck that they would meet the petite French girl here. Why does she even walk this way?!

"You walk this way?" Francis asked the female.

"Oui," she answered gleefully as the now trio started walking again.

'Of course she does! She is the demon who turned up to make my already messed up life even more displeasing!' Arthur thought to himself and growled under his breath.

Francis and Joan started talking, thankfully it was in English so at least they considered the fact that Arthur was here, but it didn't make it any less awkward that they weren't including him in the conversation.

'I can't wait to get home and be able to not deal with all this crap. Why did that stupid Joan have to come to this school?! I really don't even know why I have a hatred towards her... And I'm not jealous! Why would I be, anyway? It's not like I... like Francis or anything!......Right?'

'No, of course not. Somehow, I have a strange feeling like I've met her before... Maybe in a different life? I feel like in that life I didn't like her either, so maybe that's why... Yeah...'

"Arthur? You listening?" Francis' voice rang out, alerting him that he was day dreaming.

"Er- w-what? Sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Oh Joan was saying how she doesn't know much about you, so why don't you two talk and get to know each other?" Francis suggested.

Arthur's eyes widened and he looked to Joan, who looked back at him with a smile, which tried to look nice but his intimidating glare made it falter.

"I... I don't-"

"For me? Pleeeeaaase?" The French teen pouted cutely and batted his eyelashes.

"F-fine! But... But it's not because you asked, it's because I-"

"You don't need to give me a reason, Arthur. I'm just glad you're willing!"

"Anyway, you two talk, I'll just be here...." Francis walked a bit in front of the pair so they could get some privacy.

"Um... So.... Hi! My name's Joan d'Arc, what's your name?" The girl asked politely.

He didn't want to do this. It was only for Francis, but it was making him feel awful inside.

"Arthur Kirkland." The Brit replied finally, in an uninterested tone.

"Well, it's nice to meet you!"

"Charmed, I'm sure." He uttered, with a lacing of sarcasm.

What... Do you like to do for fun? I like writing, painting and fencing," the dirty blond explained.

"I like reading." He answered plainly. It was obvious Joan was struggling for questions now.

"Erm... What's your relationship with Francis?"


"What's your relationship with Francis? Like stranger, acquaintance, friend, best friend, enemy, lover, etc." Joan described.

"Uh... Why would I tell you?"

"I was just curious! Sorry..."

An awkward silence spread over  them until:

"Do you like him?" The French girl asked, crossing Arthur's boundary.

"I... Why the hell are you asking stuff like that?! It none of your business anyway!" Arthur barked out.

"You's seem close, so I just wanted to know... Heh," she muttered.

This conversation was going downhill; and fast.

Arthur held his breath for a few moments, then let it go. He had made his decision.

"I'm leaving." He declared and walked away from the girl.

"Wait, what?!" she asked, shocked. Arthur kept walking with his head hung, and didn't bother to answer.

"I'm sorry!" he heard Joan apologising but he ignored her pleas.

"Arthur!" Francis shouted, and grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. 

"Ah!- Oi! Let go!" The Brit ordered and forced Francis' hand off him then quickly walked away again, bursting into a jog to get away faster.

"I'm gonna follow him, you be safe okay?" Francis said to Joan, who nodded in response, and followed after his roommate.

Arthur had already disappeared around the corner and when Francis made it there, he had already crossed the road and was rushing to their house.

Francis fled across the road(more like dodged cars that came way too close for comfort) and got to the house just as the door was slammed in his face.

"Arthur!" Francis yelled, trying at the handle and banging on the door and that's when he realised that he had a key of his own.

He immediately dug through his pockets and fished out the object, unlocked the door then went searching for the Brit.

"Arthur? Where are you?" Francis yelled and listened for any response.

He then heard something smacking into book case, the sound of multiple books falling, and a loud "ow!" so he ran to Arthur's bedroom, like Baymax would at that trigger word.

"Cher, open the door."

"Ugh..." Arthur groaned, which was the only reply he got.

Francis realised he wasn't gonna get an answer, so he pondered his options. He could either:

A. Kick it down and have to face all the consequences that come with that, and the high probability that he wouldn't even be able to and would probably just land up with some broken bones. Yeah, not doing that.

B. Just try to open it the way it's supposed to be opened; with the handle. It's most likely locked, but hey, it's worth a shot! There's nothing to lose!

He decided to pick option b, and just his luck, it wasn't actually locked!

He opened the door to find the clumsy Brit had smacked into his bookcase, causing all of books to topple off the shelves, and fall on top of him.

Now, he was laying awkwardly in the middle of the pile, looking like the King of Books or something stupid like that.

Francis tried stifling laughs, but failed miserably and burst into laughter at the sight before him. Arthur glared madly at him.

"Can you stop laughing and help me up, you damn wanker?! This hurts!" He whined and and tried to move some books that were digging into him.

"Oui, your highness of being a klutz," he teased and carefully pulled the blond up by the hand, pulling him close to his chest.

Arthur pushed away from Francis instantly, going red at the contact and dusted himself off. He stuck his nose up in the air haughtily and crossed his arms.

"Chéri, are you okay? You ran away quite abruptly there," Francis said, placing a hand on the British teen's shoulder.

Surprisingly, the younger just sighed and didn't swat away Francis' hand.

"I'm fine, it's just... I just over reacted, don't worry about it," he told him.

"No, tell me. Did she make you uncomfortable? I shouldn't have forced you to talk to her. It's my fault."

"No! It's fine! It's not your fault, okay?" Arthur convinced him.

"Okay, okay! But let me do something to make it up to you. Would you like something? A special dinner perhaps?"

"I don't want anything, thank you."

"Non, I insist I do something. So tell me what you would like, lapin." Francis stated firmly.

"Um... What about you make me some tea?" He asked finally.

"Done!" The French exclaimed with a click of his fingers and headed to the kitchen, Arthur following urgently behind him because he knew the French would make his tea taste too... 'French' if he didn't supervise him.

Wednesday was... Worse. Way, way worse.

All throughout the next morning Francis' eyes were glued to his phone. He woke up and got ready, then was instantly on his phone. He got given out to by Arthur because he hadn't even made breakfast yet and they only had less than ten minutes till they had to start walking, and he was starving.

In the end, Francis stalled and didn't make breakfast so Arthur just grabbed an apple and the pair headed out.

On the way to school, Francis was still super-glued stuck to his phone and Arthur had a bad feeling that all that typing wasn't him writing a nice fanfic, but was texting. Normally he wouldn't be bothered, but the person who he was texting all day was most probably Joan. And he was more or less right.

He was so obsessed at typing that Arthur practically had to drag him to school because if he let him walk independently he'd just stand still and take baby steps once in a while with the chance of getting run over by some annoyed driver.

Once they got to class, Francis was talking with Joan almost immediately. It was innocent jabber, but Arthur didn't like it one bit.

He couldn't explain how much he missed Francis' (mostly) no harm intended flirty comments, his annoying him to no end attitude, and his ability to have a one sided conversation with the Brit while Arthur pretended he wasn't there. He wanted those days back...

When Francis started spending more time with Joan did he realised that he actually had no one he could talk to. Antonio and Gilbert were the others in their class, and they were always talking about... Weird stuff so he didn't want to engage with them without Francis for support.

At lunch, Alfred was trying his hardest to flirt with the Japanese boy by using lame pick up lines, and Matthew was chatting with Gilbert, the pair looking into each other's eyes lovingly.

Feliciano and Ludwig were obviously acting lovey dovey as usual, and Lovino was telling Antonio why he had to sleep on the couch that night while Antonio tried to persuade him not to make him.

And that left Arthur alone, and forced to take his fury out on the poor piece of tomato in his salad because Francis was too busy talking to Joan over at her table. Yeah, he ditched the whole table itself just to go talk to her!

The Brit got up out of his seat, completely fed up because of all the drama and went to the bathroom because all this sappy love was making him irritated.

He got to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face, hoping to wash away his worries with the action but it was clearly not working.

He brushed his bangs out of his face and set his hands on the sides of the sink to steady himself. He then looked into the mirror, reflecting on his thoughts.(hehe, get it?)

"You seem upset." A masculine voice stated out of nowhere, frightening Arthur.

"Wha- who are you?" He asked the mysterious light blond haired male, who stared at him with his dull, purple gaze which seemed like he was looking into your soul.

"Name's Bondevik. Lukas Bondevik," he answered plainly.

"A-Arthur Kirkland," he introduced himself, and spotted a fairy that flew behind Lukas.

"A fai- nevermind." Arthur was about to point out, but then dismissed himself, thinking that Lukas couldn't see the fairies so it would be useless to tell him about it.

"So tell me, what's wrong with you?" Lukas questioned.

"Why would I tell you? We're practically strangers!"

"A stranger is someone who you don't know, right? Well, you know my name's Lukas, you know I go to school here and additional fact, I'm in your grade but we don't have any classes together. That's quite a lot you know about me already," he stated.

Arthur thought about it for a few seconds, he seemed trustworthy for some reason even though he was real mysterious, and it might be nice to seek some advice from another.

"Fine. But don't tell anyone, I mean, anyone about anything we talk about." Arthur warned.

Lukas' lips slightly twitched upwards into a smile, but as soon as it came, it disappeared. He nodded as to tell him to start.

"Um... Well, let's say that person A and person B are... Friends. Person A is practically person B's only friend, actually. Then person C arrives, befriends person A and the two spend a lot of time together. So much in fact that person B gets left out as person A doesn't hang with him as much anymore. That makes person B feel... Sad... Person B doesn't understand what's going on. What's your analysis on that?" Arthur asked.

"Hmm... Firstly, I would say person B is jealous."

"What!? No I'm no- I mean, person B isn't jealous!" Arthur denied.

"It's quite obvious actually. Person B's probably just stubborn and he doesn't want to admit it. It only a natural reaction so there's nothing to be ashamed about," the blond eyed Arthur and smirked, knowing he hit the bullseye.

Arthur struggled for words, in the end sighing and accepting it.

"What else do you have to say about it?" He questioned.

"Hmm... How much does person B miss person A? What kind of thoughts run through his head?" Lukas asked.

"Um... Why is that relevant?"

"Because it is."

Arthur knew he wouldn't get a clearer answer from the blank faced male so he decided to give an answer.

"I guess person B... Misses him a bit. He feels... Inadequate, like person A doesn't care about him anymore, and person C is more important than him to person A... person A was the only one who cared for person B before... But person B doesn't like person A or anything, okay?! He's only upset about it because-"

"I think that person B likes person A. As more than a friend." Lukas interrupted him and concluded.

"Also is person A Francis Bonnefoy?"

If Arthur was drinking something at the moment, he would have spit it out in surprise.

"Nonsense! Francis isn't person A! And I definitely don't like Francis!" He shouted, and immediately covered his mouth as he realised he just contradicted himself but the deed was done. Lukas' smirk grew at his outburst.

"Well that clears up a lot. Person B is obviously you, person A is confirmed to be Francis and person C must be... That new girl, Joan? Was that her name?"

"How do you know?!" Arthur questioned, unbelievably.

"Francis and Joan are in one of my classes, and I knew that Francis always hangs out with you. I also noticed that Francis started hanging with Joan more once she arrived so I get a clearer picture now." He explained.

"I... You... what kind of sorcery is this?!" Arthur asked, like he didn't hear his explanation.

"The Norwegian kind. Now tell me, what do you need my advice with?"

Arthur just opened and closed his mouth over and over like an idiot and then shook his head as if it'll clear up his shock.

"You're confused about Francis aren't you? You're confused about why you hate Joan for no apparent reason and why her contact with Francis enrages you?" Said the blond.

"Y-yeah, I am. I'm also still confused about you being psychic and knowing all this, but whatever."

"Don't get mad at me, but you have feelings for Francis, right?"

Arthur flushed bright red and figdeted with his fingers.

"No!... I don't think so, anyway. I mean, he really annoys the heck out of me sometimes, and other times he's nice and all but... I don't think I l-like... him like that." Arthur blushed beet red as he said it.

"But when Joan takes up his time what do you feel like?"

Arthur's face paled, and contorted to one of rage when Lukas uttered Joan's name, proving to the Norwegian that he was indeed jealous.

"I feel angry at him, but also upset that Francis is replacing me with her. Am I not good enough? Was he just... Using me, like a substitute for until a better candidate comes along?!" The short male expressed angrily.

"Arthur, he's not replacing you. If my analysis is right, he likes you too and he's just trying to make you jealous."

Arthur suddenly looked up at him, a hopeful gleam in his eyes that Lukas wasn't going to address for obvious safety reasons. Although it manifested that Arthur did undeniably have feelings for the Frenchman.

"But... Why would he like me? We fight a lot for no real reasons, but somehow we stay friends. That's about it though."

"Doesn't he always flirt with you though?"

Arthur blushed and looked at him questioningly.

"How do you know?!"

"As I told you before, I'm in your school and have seen you around before. You think the things you two do are invisible to other people? To make it worse you're so loud and always shouting at Francis, and Francis is extremely flamboyant and stands out like a rose in the middle of a daffodil field."

"I-I guess that's true... but he doesn't like me and I for sure don't like him! Okay?!"

Lukas rolled his eyes at the British male's tsundereness.

"You can't keep on denying it, Arthur. But whatever, doesn't concern me. Your loss. Just remember that jealousy is born in love and it's fear that the person doesn't love you back that forms it further."

"That's quite cryptic," Arthur stated.

"I like being cryptic. So I'm out, lunch is almost over. You have fun getting over your love troubles, okay?"

"I'm not in love! I- wait, lunch is nearly over?! Oh god!" He shouted and prepared to leave, before turning around to face Lukas again.

"T-thank you... I guess. Talking with you was nice," he showed his gratitude, then quickly ran away.

'They'd make a cute couple,' he thought to himself with a quiet laugh and left too, not intending to be late for class.

***********Time Skip!***********

Arthur was confused. Purely, utterly, helplessly confused.

No way in hell did he like Francis, but why did he feel all tingly inside when they came in contact? Why did he blush whenever Francis flirted with him? Why did he feel so mad when Francis did the same with Joan?

Ugh! This was driving him crazy!

Arthur and Francis were silently eating dinner, well, more like Francis was watching the younger blond with wide eyes as the latter tossed around a single piece of macaroni with an angry look on his face, his thoughts irritating him non-stop.

"Arthur... Chéri, are you alright?" Francis enquired worriedly, making Arthur look up from his uneaten dinner.

"Yeah, fine." He answered and went back to bullying his food.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I told you I'm fine!" He argued, stabbing the innocent piece of pasta. Feliciano sneezed at that.

"Arthur, you're obviously not feeling alright. Now will you please tell me what's bugging you?"

Arthur stated silent and continued to play with his food nonchalantly.

Francis watched with a concerned look.

Had he gone too far?

"Um... Arthur... Are you gonna eat or will I be stuck eating dinner with a manequin?" Francis joked, trying to lift the mood but succeeding in making Arthur even more angry.

"Is that it!? Fine, then I'll leave so you can have dinner peacefully!" Arthur sneered and got up violently from the table, quickly walking off to his room.

"No, that's not what I meant!" Francis exclaimed and headed after the Brit.

"Hey!" Arthur yelped as the French teen caught him and pushed him against the wall, holding his hands in place with a gentle, yet firm grip. No matter how much he struggled to get out, he couldn't.

"Cher, please tell me what's wrong?! Is it me? I'm the cause of the problem, amn't I?"

"L-let go of me!" Arthur yelled, trying to make it sound like a command but it was weak and didn't seem to faze the older.

Francis looked down pleadingly into his eyes, begging him to answer.

Arthur gulped, their faces were so close that he could feel the French teen's golden hair brush against his face. Francis didn't seem at all uncomfortable, completely opposite to the shorter blond who felt like his knees could give out from underneath him.

It seemed like his bright, cerulean eyes were leading him into a daze; he felt safe and sound looking into them, he wanted to stare into those gorgeous blue orbs for longer but he knew it was dangerous.

Oh god.

He was falling for Francis.

Arthur hung his head, cheeks flushing with embarassement and he hid his eyes behind his stringy blond bangs.

Oh, how he wanted to burst into tears at that moment.

Francis let go of Arthur's left arm and reached down to brush the British male's hair away from his eyes as a nice gesture but...

Arthur took the opportunity of having a hand free and punched Francis in the face. It was his left hand so it was not as strong as though he would have used his right, but it did have the result he wanted as Francis let go of him, letting him run away to his room.

Francis continued to stare at where the Brit ran off to, and face palmed himself because of his stupidity.

He totally took this too far...

Was that a nice ending? I don't know... Is it too confusing? Meh, whatever. I tried!

So I included Joan! Yay!~ Jealousy victim!

I have to say, I love the title of this chapter. Hopefully people get it!

And no, she will not be killed in this story, I'm not that evil!
*Looking at you, noona*

Next chapter is really something to look forward to, I don't know how quickly I can post it but I'm working on it. Hopefully I can get it done before school starts.... J-Hopefully... :)

Love y'all!~ ❤️

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