Gilmore Girls - What Should H...

By Erin_Chilton

22.3K 1K 190

This story is about what could have happened had Lorelai not run away with Rory as a baby but had still not m... More

1. At Last
2. Spreading Like Wild Fire
3. School Work, Dinner's, Intention's and Goodnights
4. Long Weekend Surprise
5. Good Day's
7. Birthday shenanigans
8. So Much To Celebrate
9. Holiday's and Sweet 16
10. Birthday Boy
11. Tell Me More and Valentines
12. Arrangements and Loopholes
13. Australia
14. Final Prep and Arrivals
15. Last 48 Hours
16. Till Death Do Us Part
17. Honeymoon Hijinks
18. Honeymoon's Over
19. Holiday Festivities
20. Summer Break
21. Graduating with Honors
22. Summer Getaway
23. The Big Announcement
AN: sorry
24. Fall Fun
25. Holiday's Away.
26. Love Is In The Air
27. Babies Galore
28. Babies and Baby shower's
29. New Years New Titles
30. Not A Fool
31. Happy Times and Sad Events
32. Life's Surprises

6. Birthday Fun

653 40 3
By Erin_Chilton

Logan's driver showed up 5 minute's earlier than he usually did to pick Rory up for school, Logan didn't come to the door to get her, and he wasn't in the car either.

"Why isn't Logan with you today? he didn't tell me he was sick or anything" Rory asked

"He didn't say, he just told me to make sure you got to school on time," The driver says

"Ok thank you," Rory says

~I wonder what Logan is up to is something wrong. I hope he makes it to school~

Once Rory arrived at school the driver opened the door for her and Finn was waiting to help her out of the car

"Happy birthday Love, may I take your bag?" Finn asks

"Sure, have you seen or talked to Logan today?" Rory asks

"He called me and asked if I could escort you from the car to your locker," Finn says

"Oh, he didn't say anything else?" Rory asks

"No, why is something wrong?" Finn asks

"Its just odd that he didn't pick me up himself or even meet me at the car, he has picked me up from home every day since the second day back to school," Rory says worriedly

"I'm sure everything is fine. maybe he's just running late" Finn says

"Maybe," Rory asks

"Oh that reminds me I have something for you," Finn says pulling a card out from his bag

"Oh thank you," Rory says smiling

"Don't thank me yet, open it" Finn says

~Rory opens the card~

"Oh Finn your so sweet, I didn't even know they were open yet," Rory says pulling out a voucher to dinner for two at Marcels

"They aren't, My dad owns the hotel and restaurant and he agreed that any night you choose even if we aren't open or are fully booked up you will receive dinner for two free of charge," Finn says

"Wow, I love this thank your father for me to please," Rory says

"I will be sure to let him know," Finn says as they get to her locker

~Rory opens her locker~

"It appears you got another card," Finn says pointing to the envelope

~Rory opens the envelope~

"I must get going, I have to get ready for class," Finn says walking away

*Meet me at your favourite quiet spot on campus ~ L *

"Finnnnnn come back here," Rory calls

"Sorry love, I cant hear you" Finn shouts back

~I knew it, he's up to something~ Rory thinks as she heads to their quiet spot on the school grounds

Once Rory was outside she started to look around for Logan and she spotted Tristan holding a second envelope

"Tristan what are you doing out here we have class. Wait have you seen Logan?" Rory asks

"He said to give this to you," Tristan says handing it to her

"Ugh.. I have to get to class" Rory whines

"Read that first then I will go to class," Tristan says

*Go to the spot your favourite flower is planted at. Now Isn't this fun, you looking for me on your birthday, don't worry about class it's taken care of just come to me ~ L*

"Pain in the ass, what does he mean that class is taken care of?" Rory asks

"I don't know, you should ask him when you see him" Tristan says smirking

"Knowledgeless boys today, Ugh," Rory says aggravated

"Hey, Hey I know a lot of things I just play dumb sometimes," Tristan says walking away

"Dumb doesn't suit you Trissy" Rory calls behind her

~Rory walks into the hothouse in the garden~

"I swear to god Logan you better be in here its way to hot to be playing games in here" Rory calls out

"No sorry just me" Honor says

"Your brother is infuriating sometimes," Rory says

"I know, I live with him but trust me you're going to love this" Honor says holding an envelope out to Rory

*I promise the next stop I will be there. Now you're going for a walk with Honor, you will need this blindfold once you get to the doors. Don't whine or fight it*

"Looks like your taking me for a walk then blinding me," Rory says

"Ya that's about right, let's go," Honor says grabbing Rory by the arm linking it with hers

Once Honor and Rory get to the doors Honor pulls the blindfold on Rory and spins her a few times

"That should do it, now keep the blindfold on and walk with me," Honor says

~Honor walks Rory about 30 feet away and then tells her they are going to climb into a golf cart, Rory sits on the back next to Honor while Finn and Tristan are up front.~

"Honor where are we going now?" Rory asks

"I don't know I'm not the driver, I'm just along for the ride like you, "Honor says

"Who's driving?" Rory asks

"I am," Colin says

"Did he get all the boy's involved in this chase?" Rory asks

"I'm not sure, who else did he involve?" Colin asks smirking

"First it was Finn picking me up from the car and taking me to my locker then it was Tristan at the football field and then Honor in the hothouse now you," Rory says

"Well then I guess he involved us all" Colin says

"How the hell did he get us excused from class," Rory asks

"I'm not sure, but according to the school today I'm sick. My school work is being faxed to me until I'm better" Colin says laughing

"How the heck did he do that?" Rory asks

"I have no clue, but I know my dad didn't call the school as he is out of town on business," Colin says

"So where are you taking me to?' Rory asks

"To Logan," Colin says

"Where exactly is he?" Rory asks

"He's waiting for us," Colin says

"Ok, you are a pain. Seriously can you not tell me anything?" Rory asks

"I could, but I'm not at liberty to say," Colin says

"You're going to be a lawyer aren't you, If not your skills of annoyance will be a waste," Rory says trying to shoot dagger at him

"Oh Colin if looks could kill I'm sure you would be dead if she weren't currently blind," Honor says

"I think I have become immune to those looks. I got them from the many mommies I have had" Colin says laughing

"You're going to be like him in the wife department too I'm sure, Beautiful, No brain and easily divorced," Rory says

"I don't plan on ever getting married, so I can't have many wives just many beautiful brainless bimbos and maybe the occasional smart girl," Colin says winking at Steph

"Pig," Rory says

"Ace, are you done being in reporter mode?" Logan asks

"Wait... how long have you been here?" Rory asks

"Colin has been driving in circles for a few minutes, so I have been listening, and yes Colin you will one day get married I just hope she's not like one of the many hot step mom's you have had," Logan says

"On to me again can I take this damn blindfold off yet," Rory asks

"Nope not yet, I'm going to lift you up off the cart and into your next seat," Logan says

"Ummm alright," Rory says

Once Logan moved Rory, and everyone else was in place Rory, a door closed and locked.

"Logan what's going on," Rory asked nervously

"You can take the blindfold off now, we are going for a drive," Logan says

"Logan we have classes to go to," Rory says

"Actually no, we cant be in the school, it seems like a few minutes after you headed to the bleacher the school was informed of a security risk and class' were excused until it's fixed," Logan says

"Uh huh.... Hey Colin what did you say Robert's family was in?" Rory asked with her eyes narrowed

"Security," Colin says

"Uh huh and by any chance is that company in charge of Chilton's security?" Rory asks

"Possibly why?" Colin asks snickering

"Seriously Colin, did you get him to call the school and say there was a security risk?" Rory asks

"Actually no the security risk is real, It just happens that we had a prank planned to happen about 5 minute's into first period that we no longer need to do," Colin says

"Wait, a prank... and you didn't involve me?" Rory asks

"Well now when we use it we can involve you. We had planned on the sprinkler system malfunctioning by going off a few times, Turns out today is the schools Australian landscapers anniversary with his wife and tomorrow is their sick daughters birthday so he was more then willing to help us out for of course paying his wages and for the trouble" Finn says

"You're kidding me, Finn, you three talked him into helping you with the prank?" Rory asked

"Yes, He said every girl should get a good fun day off school for her birthday," Logan says

"That's crazy but thank you. How are you going to involve me next time?" Rory asks

"You can pick the colour of the water and if it bubbles," Colin says

"How about copper water and in the pool a colour that will dye the swimmers," Rory says smirking, 

"you think evil.... Logan was gone for two years how the hell did he corrupt you from so far away" Honor asks

"I'm the guilty party but honestly she is the brains behind the Braun," Tristan says

"I'm never getting on her bad side," Steph says

"Smart idea, she's deadly... Remember Missy Peter's little hair incident?" Paris asks

"Yes, she had short pink hair for a week and tried to hide the color and said she decided to go for a change in styles," Honor says

"Not so much, Let's just say she tried to get Logan to sleep with her and told Rory they had slept together the weekend before..... Missy's shampoo made her hair go fuchsia. It turns out she is not a natural blonde and tried to blame it on her hairdresser. They even tried to take the colour out, and all her hair did was go dark pink from the end to about 3 inches from her scalp. The 3 inches to her scalp were just a very light pink, so she cut off all the dark hair because it would only damage her hair more to keep trying to get it out." Paris says

"Oh.. Rory did you???" Honor asks

"Yup, my mom's hairdresser knew what color the shampoo and conditioner missy uses is and mixed the dye with them, I just happen to know the combo to her gym locker and that she practices tennis during her study hall and switched them out. It also came in handy that missy leaves the conditioner in while she finishes her shower so it gave it a lot of time to get dark" Rory says smiling

"Oh, your evil.... How did you get her locker combination" Rory asked

"That would be me, I hit on her a little bit and mentioned I had some mini "Mouthwash" and asked if she needed any, and she told me to put them in her gym locker in the gym bag," Finn says

"Oh you little boozer, your smart" Honor says

"Even better she never got anything, i just said the combo didn't work," Finn says

"They are very devious when someone threatens to do harm to someone in the group," Paris says

"Oh crap, I have to let my mom know I'm ok, If she hears about the security risk at school and can't find me, she will panic." Rory says suddenly

"Here use my cell, I tell her earlier and said we where going to kidnap you for your birthday," Honor says

"Your kidding and she didn't tell me anything, of course, she would be ok with it... crap she's been trying to get me to skip school for my birthday for years, now shes used logan to get me to do it," Rory says smirking

"Oh I left a message with her secretary to call me and she did from the office, But at least tell her about the change in our whole plan" Honor says

"Well that explains why she didn't seem off this morning" Rory says

~Rory dials her moms office~

"Miss Gilmore speaking" Lorelai answers

"Hey I have the same name" Rory says

"Hey kid, How's it going?" Lorelai asks

"Don't act like you don't know they kidnapped me" Rory says laughing

"Ok guilty, I didn't know if it all went down yet or not, she was vague on the timing," Lorelai says

"Ya that's fine, So I'm calling to let you know that you may be receiving a call or email from Chilton.... Turns out there is a security risk at school that had been called in about 5 minute's after I left my locker to do the scavenger hunt of Logan's, and yes it's legit but I was never in danger the guys had eyes on me the whole time. I just didn't want you to freak out not being able to get ahold of me. I'm safe we are in a limo, and I have no idea what we are doing because they are all sealed up like a freaking vault" Rory says

"Alright, I know your safe. Now tell Honor I said it's ok, in those exact word's" Lorelai says

"Ok... Honor my mom said it's ok" Rory says looking confused

"Thank you Lorelai" Honor squeals handing Rory a box

"What is it?" Rory asks

"Open it up and see," Lorelai says

"Ugh...." Rory grunts

~Rory hands the phone to Logan to hold as she opens the box~

Squeal "Mom, is it for me to keep?" Rory shouts

"Did you hear that Lorelai?" Logan asks

"Yup, tell her it's all for her, Make sure you help her program all your guy's numbers in it today for her so she can contact you at anytime," Lorelai says

"I will Lorelai," Logan says and hangs up

"Oh ya, I forgot there's a big in the trunk I need," Honor says

"Alfred can you pull over quickly and grab the Red bag for me please," Honor says

"Yes miss Honor," Alfred says and does as asked

"Here you go Miss Honor" Alfred says handing her the bag

"Thank you Alfred" Honor says

"Ok kiddies gather around me," Honor says with a chuckle

"Why?" Colin asks

"I have gift's for each of you, in less you don't want them that is," Honor says

"No, No we would like presents," Steph says

"Ok, One for Steph, One for Finn, One for Colin, One for Paris, One for Tristan, Oh and lastly one for Logan, Now open them," Honor says

Logan got his box opened first.

"Your kidding dad got us each one?" Logan asks

"Well dad got you one, and the rest of the parent's agreed it would be best if you all had them as your all getting older and are wondering out without nannies and such," Honor says

When everyone had their box's open they were all smiling.

"Oh I forgot to mention I'm kidnapping all of the kidnapper's and the birthday girl to take you to get some stuff to personalize your cell's," Honor says

"Honor we cant, We will be late," Logan says

"No we won't, I pushed our arrival back a bit," Honor says smiling as they pull into a store the girls frequent a lot to personalize their stuff

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