Next To Me

By sour_pink29

776K 29.7K 30K

(Female reader x various male characters) [Y/n] [L/n] has always been told her quirk was nothing special. De... More

Chapter 1: Goodmorning
Chapter 2: Alley
Chapter 4: Carry Me Home
Chapter 5: Big Ass Pie Hole
Chapter 6: The Ugly Underbelly
Chapter 7: Love at First Robot Fight
Chapter 8: Movie Night
Chapter 9: Special Consideration
Chapter 10: Rub Salt in My Wound Why Don't You
Chapter 11: How Are You so Fast?!
Chapter 12: Virgin Angel
Chapter 13: Sit Next To Me
Chapter 14: Ya Done Fucked Up
Chapter 15: The Dark Side
Chapter 16: Can I Hold Onto You?
Chapter 17: Beach Bois
Chapter 18: Slippery Rocks
Chapter 19: Clueless Yet Caring
Chapter 20: Scary Nurse
Chapter 21: Shoto ily but stfu
Chapter 22: *Kaminari's girlish screams*
Chapter 23: With the All Might's Watching
Chapter 24: Don't Let Her Leave Your Sight
Chapter 25: Be a Hero
Chapter 26: Steroid Bird Monster
Chapter 27: Snack is Life (literally)
Chapter 28: Butterfingers
Chapter 29: Hot potato, pass it on
Chapter 30: Hospital
Chapter 31: as Bright as the Sun
Chapter 32: Two-metre radius
Chapter 33: Enough Apologizing

Chapter 3: Quirk Time

33.7K 1.3K 950
By sour_pink29

Updated: 23/09/2023


"I like me a skin suit that's well-built!" The large green slime villain exclaimed while his body towered over [Y/n]. It casted a menacing and dark shadow across the boys and down the alleyway. 

Before [Y/n] had time to react, the villain jumped onto her and engulfed her body in theirs. Instinctually screaming, [Y/n] was instantly immobilized by the force and strength of the villain's gelatinous body around her. Her arms and legs were pinned to her side and panic set in deep within her chest. The villain was surprisingly warm but squeezed itself tighter around her body as each second passed. She looked frantically over at Katsuki, whose eyes were as wide as dinner plates, his body cemented in place.

"KATS-" [Y/n] tried to yell out for help but the villain was smart and used this opportunity to shove himself into her mouth the second she opened it.

Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she choked on the villain's slime. A guttural and acidic taste coated the inside of her mouth. She gagged as the slime thickly coated and travelled down the back of her throat and into her esophagus. The villain tightened his grip around her body, squeezing [Y/n] tighter. [Y/n] tried to activate her quirk. Her skin began to tingle and glow a bright hue from within the villain.

"OU! A regenerative quirk, eh? With this body, I'll be invincible! Not even All Might will be able to hurt me!" the villain yelled, absorbing the energy [Y/n] was releasing.

I might have an advantage if they think that's only what my quirk is. [Y/n] thought to herself. Her mind was racing with escape ideas. If I just continue to slowly heal myself, I might be able to survive long enough for a pro hero to arrive and get me out.

"AYE STOP IT! LET HER GO YOU SHITTY VILLAIN!" Katsuki yelled, no lack of confidence in his voice as he addressed the villain. 

[Y/n] started to feel small tinges of pain in her lungs as they begged for air. Thankfully due to her quirk, physical pain was an uncommon feeling. However, feeling it now in this situation made the panic in her chest bloom throughout her midsection, increasing her heart rate significantly. Once pain began to set in, that meant her quirk was becoming gradually less powerful. It was then that she realized her rationing of food recently had left her with less energy than normal. Which her quirk heavily relied on.

Katsuki jumped onto the villain where [Y/n]'s body was engulfed in. Her head stuck out of the slime as she looked at him, scared for what he was trying to do; and for their lives. He was intensely concentrated and determined, but his eyes kept darting frantically back to her face. He stuck his hands inside the slime trying to grab [Y/n]'s body to pull her out, but the villain easily slapped him off and onto the pavement like a bug. [Y/n] let out a muffled cry, as she watched.

She suddenly began to feel dizzy and her line of vision slowly began to go in and out of focus. Small white and black dots danced across her peripheral vision.

SHIT SHIT SHIT! I can't run out of energy now!! This can't happen! I have to fight! I can't faint right now!" [Y/n] thought. She knew her quirk relied on energy, and the villain was sapping it out of her like a mosquito sucking fresh blood. The less energy she had, the less she could use her quirk and the more likely she was to pass out.

Slime continuously pushed itself through her mouth, into her body.

"TAKE ME INSTEAD!!" Katsuki yelled as he stood from the pavement.

[Y/n]'s eyes widened. She couldn't believe what he had just said. They weren't even that close, and yet here he was trying to save her. Sure, they were friends and she liked to tease him a lot. But she never thought he'd try to take her place in a potentially life-threatening situation.

"I'M WAY MORE POWERFUL THAN THAT SHITHEAD YOU'VE GOT IN THERE! I'M THE ONE YOU REALLY WANT!" His muscular shoulders heaved up and down as his body shook angrily. 

If looks could kill, his crimson-eyed glare would have left the villain gone in a flash. His palms began to let off smoke due to the amount of sweat his stress was producing. 

NO! KATSUKI YOU IDIOT! What are you thinking?! [Y/n] thought. Her face contorted into a distraught expression, trying to tell him to stop. 

But it was too late. The villain was convinced by his conviction. Quickly dumping her body harshly onto the ground, the villain launched himself at Katsuki.

[Y/n] collided hard with the pavement, taking what little breath she had away. She was facing a brick wall and desperately gasping, trying to catch her breath. Eventually, a harsh cough brought the remaining slime from her lungs out onto the pavement below her. [Y/n]'s lungs sighed in relief as clear air returned. Groaning loudly, she tried to roll over on her side to see what happened to Katsuki. Her arms wobbled from exhaustion and her head felt like it was underwater as everything sounded far away and muffled. She fought to stay conscious.

That villain drained all my energy, I can't even heal myself right now... 

[Y/n] looked around and saw that the villain had left, taking Katsuki along with them. Her eyes widened as she heard an explosion go off behind her in the market street. More quickly followed, along with the sound of buildings collapsing and people screaming.

[Y/n] placed her palms on the pavement and tried to push herself to her feet. But she was already so weak she could barely lift herself. She felt like a huge weight was pressed on her chest, making her muscles sore and shaky. Explosion after explosion was detonating in the street behind her. A bead of sweat ran down her temples.

This is bad! Fuck, come on body! MOVE!

[Y/n] exhaled a shaky breath as she tried again to stand. Her arms continued to shake and her muscles screamed in pain. She groaned as she quickly moved her leg, placing her knee under her chest and her foot against the ground. She pushed up and slowly stood on both legs, using the wall in front of her to steady herself. Her knees popped as they stretched. [Y/n] immediately felt more lightheaded as she stood, her head feeling fuzzy and heavy, her vision blurring. She leaned her body against the brick wall for complete support. Her (h/c) hair fell in front of her face as her breathing slowed down. Her body slowly fell more and more limp. It was telling her to give up and pass out, and she was listening.

An explosion went off again, this time, closer to where [Y/n] was. Her (e/c) eyes widened.

I can't give up now. I have. To. Keep. Going! Katsuki fought for I...should...too. [Y/n] frantically thought to herself. She forced her breathing to become more regular as she slowly pushed herself off the wall and stood, shakily on her feet. Katsuki! He helped me get out but now, where is he? These explosions have to be his, right?!

[Y/n]'s ears were met with a familiar angry scream.


[Y/n] took a couple of steps out of the alley and toward the road. Her thigh muscles tightened in pain and the heaviness in her head returned. She looked out onto the destroyed street. Small fires littered the roads and buildings, while debris fell everywhere. A crowd of on lookers watched as a few pro heroes attempted to stop the slime villain. [Y/n] watched as the villain let off explosions from its body. The heroes quickly retreated, being too busy trying to save innocent people to stop the villain, who was left to rampage more of the street.

A glimpse of ash blond hair caught [Y/n]'s attention. It was sticking out of the villain's body as it flailed everywhere. [Y/n] felt her heart sink as the villain turned and she could clearly see Katsuki's head sticking out of its body. His eyes were wide, full of anger and fear. He was clenching his teeth as the villain attempted to cover his mouth with slime.

Suddenly at that moment, [Y/n]'s body got a surge of energy and her legs sprinted her forward, straight toward the villain. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she stared at Katsuki's sweating, scared face.

I HAVE TO GET HIM OUT, I HAVE TO GET HIM OUT, I HAVE TO GET HIM OUT! She frantically thought as she ran forward. Her lungs burned as they struggled to get in enough air. 

"Ka-" her voice came out more hoarse than usual, "KATSUKI!" She desperately yelled as she ran forward.

"Hey! Someone get that kid out of there!" A pro hero yelled from the distance. 

The villain ferociously turned towards [Y/n]. Katsuki's muffled screams filled [Y/n]'s ears as she neared them. His crimson eyes glared at her with such intensity they could set a forest on fire. But through all of that, she saw fear fill his eyes.

Suddenly, from the left of them, they all heard another scream.

"KACCHAN!" Izuku screamed as he ran towards the villain.


The villain turned toward Izuku as he threw his backpack at it. The villain turned away in surprise as its contents spilled out and hit them across the face. Their slime moved away from in front of Katsuki's face, enabling him to breathe again. Katsuki inhaled and coughed hoarsely as Izuku frantically jumped onto the villain's body and began crawling at their body, trying to dig Katsuki out. [Y/n] was stunned at his actions. He was quirkless, yet he jumped into the face of danger.

"WHAT THE HELL? WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Katsuki spat at him.

"I don't know!" Izuku answered nervously " My legs! They just started moving!"

The villain's body began to slowly engulf itself back around Katsuki's face. "What the!! Wait! [Y/N]! WHERE DID SHE GO?" He yelled before the slime completely covered his mouth.

Hearing this, [Y/N] sprang forward, running up beside Izuku. He gasped when he saw how tired she looked. Her skin was dirty and her body hung limp on itself like it was going to collapse any second. But her (e/c) eyes held determination.

"[Y-y/n]?!! What are you doing here?! Are you okay?! What happened to you?!"

She ignored him and began crawling at the villain's body as well, trying to help Izuku. But it was to no avail, it seemed the more they crawled, the more the villain's body would grow back. After a couple of seconds, it seemed hopeless. Nothing they were doing was helping. Katsuki's body was being engulfed the more they tried to help. Katsui screamed and thrashed around as much as he could. [Y/n] and Izuku could feel the rage emanating from him. 

[Y/n]'s arms grew tired, sweat ran down her face and her breathing was becoming uneven. She turned to Izuku.

"Nothing... is ... working, Izuku," [Y/n] said in between heavy breaths. He looked at her with wide green eyes.

"We can't give up! I can't just watch Kacchan die!" Izuku yelled as he continued to crawl at the slime.

"Just a little longer, kid!" The villain announced with sick enjoyment, "And soon I'll be done with you!"

"SAVE THE KID! DON'T LET THE BOY DIE!" A hero yelled from behind [Y/n].

Her body felt like it went cold as she continued to stare at Katsuki's body suffering from inside the villain. She never thought he could die here, now. Sure, the potential was there, but she thought a hero would surely come and save him before that could happen.

Katsuki ... could...die?! I can't let him die! This isn't happening! I have to do something more... I have to use my quirk! I have to do something!!

[Y/n] quickly focused and could feel what little energy she had left in her body. Her heart was pounding in her ears. She had never felt so scared in her life. She was witnessing the near death of her childhood friend. She couldn't let this happen.

Suddenly, the tips of her right fingers started to turn black, as if black paint dripped into a can of water. The darkness spread up her fingers, across her knuckles and into her palm. 

Izuku looked over at her, slightly terrified. He had never seen this side of her quirk before.

What the..? Usually, when she heals people or herself, she has a bright glow, but this?! This is black? What could that mean?!

[Y/n] pulled her hand back behind her head, ready to attack. If she could just touch the villain she could incapacitate him. Her quirk used the biomolecular energy in her body to completely control biological molecules within her body and others. This meant, that not only could she heal others, but she could also hurt them; take their health away; infect them; sicken them; paralyze them, induce organ failure, and the list goes on. But with the little energy she had right now, she was just hoping to make him nauseated enough to maybe puke Katsuki out.

[Y/n] swung her jet-black hand forward and slapped it against the villain's body. Instantly the slime around her hand shrivelled away. She felt her body weigh down in itself. Her vision darkened and blurred. All sounds around her escaped her ears. The last thing she saw was the villain being punched away into various tiny bits by a giant muscular hand before everything went black.

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