Next To Me

By sour_pink29

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(Female reader x various male characters) [Y/n] [L/n] has always been told her quirk was nothing special. De... More

Chapter 1: Goodmorning
Chapter 3: Quirk Time
Chapter 4: Carry Me Home
Chapter 5: Big Ass Pie Hole
Chapter 6: The Ugly Underbelly
Chapter 7: Love at First Robot Fight
Chapter 8: Movie Night
Chapter 9: Special Consideration
Chapter 10: Rub Salt in My Wound Why Don't You
Chapter 11: How Are You so Fast?!
Chapter 12: Virgin Angel
Chapter 13: Sit Next To Me
Chapter 14: Ya Done Fucked Up
Chapter 15: The Dark Side
Chapter 16: Can I Hold Onto You?
Chapter 17: Beach Bois
Chapter 18: Slippery Rocks
Chapter 19: Clueless Yet Caring
Chapter 20: Scary Nurse
Chapter 21: Shoto ily but stfu
Chapter 22: *Kaminari's girlish screams*
Chapter 23: With the All Might's Watching
Chapter 24: Don't Let Her Leave Your Sight
Chapter 25: Be a Hero
Chapter 26: Steroid Bird Monster
Chapter 27: Snack is Life (literally)
Chapter 28: Butterfingers
Chapter 29: Hot potato, pass it on
Chapter 30: Hospital
Chapter 31: as Bright as the Sun
Chapter 32: Two-metre radius
Chapter 33: Enough Apologizing

Chapter 2: Alley

35.4K 1.3K 2.5K
By sour_pink29

Updated: 24/09/2023

The school day soon came to an end, much to [Y/n]'s enjoyment. The morning's intensity and tension diffused down by the middle of the day and soon, everyone seemed to forget what happened that morning. 

Everyone except [Y/n], Izuku, and Katsuki that is. 

Katsuki refused to say anything to [Y/n] for the entire school day, only ever glaring over his shoulder at her once in a while. Which she would ignore. 

Most of their classmates had already left the classroom by the time [Y/n] started packing her books into her backpack when she heard Izuku muttering to himself beside her. He had been scrolling through the news on his phone for almost the entire day.

"Hey, Izuku," [Y/n] said, grabbing his attention "Do you wanna walk home together?" She asked, tilting her head and giving him a closed-eyed smile.

Izuku's face immediately erupted in a harsh blush. He scratched the back of his head nervously. 

"W-well actually, y-you see I was planning on staying back after school for a little bit to finish updating my journal from t-today's events. N-NOT TO SAY THAT I DON'T WANT TO WALK WITH YOU, I-I JUST, WAnted to you know, um...finish what I was doing before I forget about it." Izuku explained, flailing his arms around frantically in front of [Y/n].

[Y/n] giggled at his nervousness, but couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. 

"That's okay, Izuku! You don't have to explain yourself; I get it!" [Y/n] reassured. This earned a soft sigh of relief from the tense boy. "I'll see ya later!" she said, throwing her backpack over one shoulder. She gave him a small wave goodbye as she began to walk towards the door.

Katsuki and two of his friends had been hanging around the doorway, waiting for everyone to leave. Katsuki's friends were busy talking about God knows what, while he had been trying to listen in on what [Y/n] and Izuku had been talking about. Why did he care? He didn't know. He didn't even realize he was listening in until their conversation was over. As [Y/n] approached the doorway, Katsuki's friends fell silent. [Y/n] glanced up at Katsuki as she slipped through the door, giving him a small smile and slight nod before disappearing into the crowded hallway. Katsuki clicked his tongue and looked away, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks.


The city's shopping district was full of people that afternoon. The sun was shining bright, warming the exposed skin of pedestrians and inviting people to spend time outside. [Y/n] was no exception. When she returned to her apartment, she discovered she was completely out of food, and decided it was a perfect afternoon to go grocery shopping at the local farmers market. Strolling slowly down the market, her (f/c) dress swayed slightly, as she looked thoughtfully at each produce stand and ran through recipes and ingredients in her head.

Unbeknownst to [Y/n], Katsuki and his two friends were standing in a nearby alley. Katsuki had been complaining about Izuku for quite some time, while his friends just listened. He angrily kicked a plastic soda bottle that still had some thick green liquid inside it.

"Hey, I got an idea!" One of his friends suddenly said, "we should go to the arcade, get your mind off Midoriya, ya know?"

"Or," His other friend suggested with a smirk "we can sneak into the bar at the station, pick up some ladies."

Before Katsuki was able to yell at his friends about how idiotic that idea was, he noticed one of them looking off into the street.

"Hey speaking of ladies, isn't that [L/n] [Y/n] over there?"

Katsuki instantly turned around to see where his friend had been looking. [Y/n] was standing on the other side of the street at a fresh produce stand talking to the owner. She held a large woven basket in both hands, smiling as she spoke with the woman. Her (f/c) dress and (h/c) hair slightly swaying in the breeze. [Y/n]'s (s/c) skin looked so soft and smooth in the summer sun. Katsuki couldn't help but stare for a few lingering moments. 

"This is the first time I think I've ever seen her without her school uniform on. Damn, she looks good." Katsuki's friend added. 

Katsuki quirked a surprised eyebrow up at this comment but didn't bothering looking back at his friends. 

"Damn, I can't believe she goes to our school. She's gotta be the hottest girl there." The other friend commented.

"And I can't believe you get to talk to her Katsuki, you're so lucky. I bet she doesn't even know who I am."

Katsuki's head snapped in their direction this time, a small blush creeping onto his features.

"She's nothing special! I don't know why anyone would want to waste their time talking to her! I sure don't!" Katsuki spat, trying to get his friends to drop the subject.

"Man, I don't know about that."

"Yeah, have you seen her ass?" His other friend added. "It's so perfect! And she has the sexiest legs!"

"What I would do to see her naked. I bet she has some perky tits too." The two boys snickered as their perverted teenage thoughts intensified.

"Every time she bends over to pick something up in that little school uniform of hers it makes me wanna-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Katsuki yelled while exploding a can he had previously been holding in his hand. 

His face was now the colour of an apple after listening to their comments. Their ideas shamefully brewed in his mind. 

"THERE'S NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT THAT LITTLE BALLSACK! SO SHUT UP!" he screamed, his breath coming out shaky. Not only was he embarrassed to be associated with such delinquents, but his whole body tensed uncomfortably as he listened to their perverted comments. 

They don't even know her, he thought bitterly.

Suddenly, the soft sound of a giggle filled Katsuki's ears. He felt as though an electric current had run down his back and his cheeks turned to an even deeper shade of red. He felt like he had just been caught doing something he shouldn't have. 

"I thought I heard the familiar, angry yelling of Katsuki Bakugo!" [Y/n] proclaimed, a smirk adorning her face as she stared up at Katsuki with bog (e/c) eyes. 

Katsuki looked over his shoulder at the smirking girl. She was standing in the alley with them, only a few meters away. Katuski noticed his friends also blush at her presence. He tensed. 

"YEAH WELL, WHAT'S IT TO YA?!" He yelled, clenching his fists at his side. "Just go back to doing your dumb girly shopping or whatever!" he turned back around to try and hide his pink face. Why the fuck am I blushing right now?!

[Y/n] tilted her body to the side to get a better view of Katsuki's friends. She had seen him with these two guys a lot, but they never said that much to her, even when she would try to make conversation.

"Hey! Is this meanie always this rude to you guys too?" She asked, pouting her lower lip at the end and sending Katsuki's back a playful glance.

His friends didn't skip a beat to try and respond now that she addressed them. 

"Ah, this asshole? Nah, he's actually way worse!" One laughed as he walked closer to the (h/c) girl.

Katsuki's rage increased upon hearing this.

"Yeah, don't mind him though. Whatcha got in the basket [Y/n]? Shopping for your boyfriend or something?" His other friend boldly asked, also walking closer to [Y/n]. 

Katsuki slightly turned around, angry that his friends were talking to her after what they had just said about her but also curious about the girl's answer. He never thought of [Y/n] having a boyfriend before or really cared to think of it at all.

[Y/n] didn't expect this type of reaction from the two boys but decided it'd be better to just go with it. Letting out an awkward laugh she responded "Ah! N-no! I don't have a boyfriend! I was just buying some groceries!"

Katsuki reached in between his friends and grabbed onto their shoulders, pushing them aside to insert himself in front of her. His friends ran into either side of the alley's walls and let out curses under their breaths. Katsuki had had enough of [Y/n] giving them her attention instead of giving it to him. 

"Groceries?" he sneered "Don't your parents buy those?"

[Y/n] tensed up at his question. "Uuuhhhh.... well t-they asked me to come buy them! Yeah! They gave me some money and asked me to go buy some food!" [Y/n] answered, nervously stuttering.

Katsuki eyed the girl suspiciously, raking his eyes up and down her body before deciding he believed her. For now. He peered into her basket full of bread and vegetables.

"Well, that was a shitty response, but whatever, like I care anyways. So, what kind of crap do you got in here?! What is this shit?!" He yelled scowling at her carrots.

"They're called vegetables, Katsuki," [Y/n] dryly stated like he was an idiot, causing a tic mark to appear on the boy's head.

"I FUCKING KNOW THAT YOU DIPSHIT! THAT'S NOT WHAT I WAS ASKING!" He screamed. [Y/n] couldn't help but let out a few laughs at his reaction. "GO HOME ALREADY, NOBODY EVEN INVITED YOU HERE!"

[Y/n] giggled and lifted one hand that wasn't holding her basket, up in defence "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt the sausage fest going on in here. I'll just be leaving now~"

"HAAH?!" Katsuki yelled at her words. [Y/n]'s smiling face made his ears feel hot all of a sudden. "FUCK OFF YOU WEIRDO! I'LL KILL YOU!" He said leaping forward, his hands reaching out to grab her. 

[Y/n] let out a loud laugh as she ran away in the opposite direction, down the alley, towards the sidewalk. Katsuki adamantly followed her, basically running on her heels.

"W-wait! W-what's that?!" Katsuki heard one of his friends suddenly yell, fear cracking in his voice.

He was staring down the alley, where Katsuki was chasing [Y/n]. [Y/n] barely heard what he had said and continued to run away playfully from her angry blond friend.

Suddenly, [Y/n] felt her foot step in something thick and slimy. She looked down at it in disgust as she felt the wet slime coat her ankle. It was a green sludge that began quickly crawling up the rest of her leg. Katsuki stopped running towards her as he noticed a large dark shadow cast over [Y/n]'s body. The slime continued to grow up [Y/n]'s leg, each second doubling in size until a huge green slime villain appeared and towered over her. All four students stood frozen in place, staring in disbelief and horror at the villain that had seemingly appeared out of thin air.

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