Legends of Tomorrow One Shots

By ladyawesome45321

28.4K 890 1.1K

A series of one shots about the Legends of Tomorrow, their kids, and occasionally their friends from the othe... More

Mother's Day
Don't Touch the Thermostat!
Other Dimensions
Arrowverse Halloween Special
More Angst
Mick and English Class
Atom Wave as Parents
Jax and Lisa Greif
Gone Too Soon Song Fic
Inside the mind of a Snart
Kendra x Cleopatra
How the Legend Kids Saved Christmas
Sun Stroke and Black Ice
Captain Canary Reborn
Atom Wave : Adoption Day
New Years Kiss: Legend Kids
The Legend Kids and Cards Against Humanity
Ben Heywood: Coming Out part one
Ben Heywood: Coming Out part two
Mick Rory and the Joker
Legend Kids: Valentine's Day ...Er...Night
Walk a Little Straighter Daddy Song Fic
Let it Go Song Fic
Who I am Song Fic
Theory Thursday
Pi Day
Waste of Space
When Finding out About Your Kid's Significant Other Do Not Offer Them a Condom
Fights and Suspension
Juvie Days
Mother's Day 2.0 LK Addition
The Law
Original account
Pride Month Drag Show
We're Boyfriends
Independence Day
Shit the LK do for Fun
Social Media in 2043
Mythics Universe Mash Up pt 1
Seeing Double
The One Who got Away
MU Mash Up pt 2 (Chapter 50 Special!!)
MU Mash Up pt 3
MU Mash Up pt 4
Sneak Peek of Just and Act
Alternative Ending to Independence Day
The Skateboard Act
They Get What They Deserve
6K Celebration
Alternative Legend Kids
Random Observation
Thanksgiving Day 2018
No One Does
Arrowverse Christmas Jingle (2018)
Ethan: Childhood
Atom Wave Valentine's Day 2019
earth two LK
Sick Fics with Sandstorm
Never the Same Again
Rebecca Silver Reveal
Rant because I'm Bored
30 Days of Pride Days 1-3
30 Days of Pride Days 4 -- 11
The First Heist Without Him
30 Days of Pride 12 --20
30 Days of Pride Day 21 -- 30

Coming Out, Featuring...the Rest of the LK

246 11 14
By ladyawesome45321

So a while back I did a two part coming out story for my oc Ben Heywood. And since I'm bored as shit, I've decided to do one for everyone else. (Omitting Catriona and Ethan since they're hetero and heteros don't do that for some inexplicable reason...But let's not get into that...)

Kaleb and Laurel

The Snarts were settling down for dinner. The day had been a fairly hectic one, as the Legends had spent the better half of the day out fighting the cities' latest baddies.

The twins were setting up the table, as Sara, their mother, dug through the take out bags she and Leonard, their father, had brought home. (The Snarts were a lazy bunch, and they couldn't be bothered with trivial things like cooking.)

Once the meals had been sorted out and everyone was sitting down with their food, Kaleb cleared his throat awkwardly. It got everyone's attention.

"I have something to say," he told them.

"Okay," Sara nodded. "Shoot."

Kaleb shifted nervously. Coming out was always a hard thing to do, even if you're pretty sure they'll be supportive. "Well," he said. "Um...I've been thinking...And well...I don't think I like girls. I like...guys..."

Laurel blinked. "You're gay?" she grinned.

"Um, yes?" Kaleb said slowly.

"No shit!" his sister laughed. "Me too!"

"Wait? What? Seriously?!" Kaleb blinked.

"Yes!" Laurel laughed again.

Sara and Leonard exchanged an unimpressed look.

"Is that it?" Leonard asked.

"...Yes?" Kaleb said.

"Honey...we already knew that," Sara told him.

"Oh. Really?"

"Yes. We knew both of you were before you even realized it."

"Wow, okay," Laurel said. "Stalker much?"

"Eat your food," Sara told her.


Ryan sat in the living room, contemplating his latest dilemma. Years ago, he had sat in this same room, when he had first discovered he was a meta human. He had sat for hours, trying think up a way to break the news to his parents. In the end it hadn't actually been a big deal at all.

Now, he sat, similarly, trying to come up with another clever way to tell them the truth. However, this time it would be a little different, he thought. This would be a huge part of who he was as a person. It could, essentially, change everything, once the truth was out.

Plus, his parents were born in a completely different time period - Ancient Egypt. Now, Ryan didn't know a lot about history, but he was pretty sure that was one of the most close minded eras there were. So, yeah. He was kind of nervous.

But he had thought it over, running it through his mind over and over for years. He'd never found girls remotely interesting, even when he tried. He just could not be attracted to women. Period.

So his conclusion?

Obviously, he's gay, right?

And obviously he has to tell his parents, because who wants to go through life with a big ass secret like that?

Ryan got up from where he was perched on the sofa. He started pacing around, waiting for his parents to get home. He ran a whole speech through his head, practicing it over and over so that he wouldn't forget....Except as soon as Carter and Kendra, his mom and dad, walked in, he blanked. Everything he had prepared to say was suddenly gone.

"Ryan?" Kendra frowned, when she noticed his panicked expression. "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah," Ryan said. "No! I mean..." He sighed. "I need to say something, and I need you to listen....but don't respond immediately. Because I need you to think about it, and I need you to understand it...before you respond. Okay?"

Carter and Kendra exchanged looks. "Okay...?"

"Okay," Ryan said. "Uh...I..." He hesitated, shifting awkwardly. "I am...gay."

He eyed them a moment, measuring their reactions. They looked at each other, obviously thinking it over, as he had asked them to.

"Okay, I'll just let you process now, bye!" Ryan said. He turned to leave the room, planning to hide in his room for the rest of forever.

"Hold on," Carter said, stopping his son in his tracks. Ryan turned to face him, looking completely and utterly terrified. Rightfully so. There was nothing more awful than hateful words.

Fortunately, all the former Egyptian prince had to say was, "You're mother and I have lived in some biggoted eras. We may know next to nothing about this kind of thing, but you're still our son."

"And we'll love you no matter what," Kendra added. She smiled. "I'm glad you told us."

Ryan sighed in relief. Slowly, a grin spread across his face. "Okay," he said. "That's...that's good."


JJ sat in her back yard. Unlike the rest of the Legend Kids, she hadn't planned on coming out that night. It just sort of...happened.

They'd been hanging out in the court yard behind their apartment. Martina had come home from college, and so of course that meant pretending family time was normal.

Brandon was running around the yard, chasing a butterfly. The rest of the family was standing around, talking. JJ was sitting on the bench, texting a pretending to be engaged.

"Are you still rooming with that gay girl?" JJ's mother, Taylor, asked suddenly.

"Nikki?" Martina asked. "Uh, yeah..."

"Hm..." Taylor said. She didn't say it out right, but it was pretty obvious she didn't approve.

"She's cool," Martina insisted.

"Yes, but isn't it...I don't know, weird that she's...you know..."

Jax gave his wife a strange look. "Wait a minute. Are you saying you have a problem with gay people?"

"No!" Taylor insisted. "I don't have a problem with them. It's just...I don't know." She shrugged. "Don't they make you feel awkward?"

"Well, two of my friends are gay," Jax said. "And one one of them is bisexual, so no. Not really."

"I'm bi," JJ said, not even really thinking it through.

Everyone went silent. The girl didn't look up from her phone, until she felt the piercing eyes of her family on her.

"What?" she said, when she finally did look up. Her mother looked kind of wounded, like maybe the words "I'm bi" physically hurt her some how. But Jax and Martina smiled at her lovingly.

"Nothing," Martina told her. "Go back to texting."
JJ shrugged and did just that.

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