BreakingPoint [h.s]

By stylsLvr

9.6K 231 26

"There are people I no longer want to associate with, by that I mean I don't want to sit in hour long lessons... More

chapter. 1
chapter. 2
chapter. 3
chapter. 7
Please read
chapter.13 part1
chapter.13 part2
chapter.15 part1
chapter.15 part2
Important note.
Final Author's Note
One more lol


422 11 1
By stylsLvr

Eliza POV

"Liz!" Julie shrieks when she sees me approach her. My pace picks up and I walk up to her and  her arms are wide open. She embraces me in a warm hug and squeezes me before letting go. 

"Hey." I smile genuinely. 

"How was Gym?" she asked me. 

"That Harry kid you told me about..." I began as we walked to the lunch line.

"What about him?" she said skeptically.

"He have a sister?" I asked, still strung on the girl he walked out with.


"Short, blonde..?" I say.

"Short, yes. But last time I saw her she wasn't blonde. But she does like to die her hair a lot." she xplained while grabbing a tray.

"How do you know so much about his family?" I laughed a little.

"We we're friends I guess when he transfered but then he started sleeping with all these girls so I stopped talking to him." she explained.

"Oh. Makes sense." I shrugged after we got out of the line. 

I looked around the room to see an empty table. I spot a table and look to tell Julie. But it seems I am tooIlate because she is already on her way to a table right in the middle of the whole room. I quickly catch up with her and sit next to her at the empty table.

"So I was hoping to look around the school after last period. Will I get in trouble or something?" I ask her before eating one of my fries. 

"No, no , no." she laughs a little. "After about 4:30 the gaurds go around and start checking to see if people are still around before they lock everything up." she informs me.

"Oh okay then." I tell her. I open up my water bottle and take a sip. As I set the bottle back on my tray I hear a chair next to me being pulled out. I look to my left and find Sam sitting next to me.

"Hey little one." he said, probably reffering to my age.

"Hi grandpa." I retort.

"So you have met Juls." he says.

"And you've met my asshat of a step-brother." Julie laughed at him.

"Step siblings?" I ask them both.

"Dad married Juls mom when I was about five." Sam explained. "I've been stuck with that brat ever since." he said gesturing to Julie. 

"You love me." Julie said smiling at him.

"Yea, yea." he laughed.

 I sat there laughing as the two bickered.  It was amazing that a situation like this could make me laugh so hard, especially after the incident that started my insanity. 

"Okay." Julie said quieting down her laughs. "We have Algebra 2 next. It's on the opposite end of the school. So we should leave now." with that she scooped up her bag and carried her tray to the trash. I quickly followed her and was practically heaving because of the quick pace. 

"You know, you really should start taking bigger steps if you want to keep up with me." she looked at me. "You're so short, I swear." she laughed, putting her arm around my shoulder and hauling me behind her.

"Hey not everyone can be like five foot ten or something. I'm only five foot five. Even with heels I'm shorter than you, and then add on that you have heels on. I'm no mathc." I shrugged. 

She just laguhed. I swear the whole way to the class she just laughed. When we got to the class, she led to me to the niddle of the desk cluster and we sat down.

"So there's this party this weekened. You should come. Me and Sam will be there and we can pick you up and you could stay with me! It will be so fun, you have to do it!" she practically begged. 

"Maybe." I laughed a little.

"Awesome." she smiled. 

With that the bell rang and the class began. 

The teacher talked. Talked for an hour. Procedure. Supplies. Lesson plan. Semester projects. 

It was literally all about what we were doing through the year. It's not that I mind, I was just bored out of my mind. 


The rest of the day drug by slowly. After Algebra 2 I had AP History, followed by Chemistry with Julie and then I had drawing, which was combined with the art class. 

"This semester we will be working together as one class. Then second semester we will be splitting across the room. I will be giving you guys a choice as well. The drawing and sculpting class is more rigorous and demanding. But the art class is more of a laid back and easy going pace. So if you start in the art and want more of a challenge you can continue the year in the drawing and sculpting class, and vise-verse. So pay close attention to how well you progress during the first semster." Mr.Fern.

"He's so fucking attractive." Julie said staring at the teacher as if she was inlove. 

"I guess." I shrugged.

"You're joking right? You don't think he's hot?" she gushed. 

"He's attractive yea. But he's like what... thirty something. And we're fifteen. He could be our father." I laguhed a little.

"You're right. But I don't care." that's the moment she got up and walked up to his desk, which he was sitting at looing through papers.

I sat there aimlessly looking around the room. I could feel someone staring at me though. I look around and see the green eyed devil looking at me. His lips curve up and his left eye drops in a wink before he looks away and smirks towards the front of the room. I shook my head and looked down at the desk. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and scrolled through twitter and busied myself until the chair next to me was pulled out. 

"How'd it go?" laughed, locking my phone before turning to look at the weird person who has seemed to befriend me.

"Splendid. No ring." she sang, holding up her left hand and wiggling her ring finger. 

"You're somethin' else." I laughed at her.

We sat for the rest of the period talking and laughing here and there. I told Julie that I had no idea what to wear to a party and that I didn't believe I owned anything suitable for a house party. She then assured me that she would help me pick an outfit when her and Sam came to pick me up on Friday. With that the final bell rang and the school day was over. 

Julie and I said our goodbyes outside of the classroom and I made my way through the mass to my locker. I put all my books in my locker and organized them in order of class.  I hung up a mini calender and a mirror. I took the jacket I had stuffed in my bag out and hung it on the hook in my locker. Under the calender and above the mirror I put a small dry-erase board. I clipped one of my blue pens, I only use blue pens, to the calender and a purple marker to the erase board. I set some sticky notes on the top shelf followed by some extra highlighters and pens. I pulled some notebooks out of my bag and set them next to my books. Once everything was straightened out I did a look through to make sure everything was there and let out a breath of relief. 

"Organized." a deep voice said behind me. I jumped slightly and turned around. Harry. I slowly closed my locker and put my bag on my shoulder. 

"I like things neat." I said, my eyes searching his face and his doing the same to me. 

"That's cute. So like OCD?" he laughed a little.

"Yea. Problem?" I asked, who the fuck is he to make fun of a medical disorder. 

"Nope." he said raising his hands in defense.

"Good." I said flashing a fake smile before turning to walk away. 

"Hey." a hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back, keeping a grip once I was infront of him. "You didn't come to the library." he said looking down at me. 

He has to be at least six foot. 

"Did you?" I fired back.

"Yes actually. I did." he said smiling.

"Well, isn't that sweet." I said before pulling my hand away and turned to walk away again.

"Why didn't you show?" he asked grabbing my wrist again and pulling me into his chest. 

"Why should I have?" I questioned. "How was I supposed to know you'd show. You've quite the reputation Harry." I sneered. 

"And what exactly have you heard?" he said his face getting closer to mine.

"You like to sleep around." I shrugged. "Are they wrong?" I asked. He smiled.

"A good shag never hurt anyone." he shrugged. I scuffed. "Just because I had a lot of sex last year doesn't mean I'm like that now." he said slowly.

"You sure about that?" I said looking him in the eyes. "Because I know for a fact that once a guy continuously gets it in he can't just stop." I said, remebering the night everything happened.

"Actually sweetheart, contrary to what many believe, a guy has more control than many think. A guy could stop having sex if he found something that meant enough." he said quietly.

"So you've found that then? Something that means enough?" I ask. 

"Not yet. But i've got my eyes on it." he looked me up and down then smiled.

"You're so full of it." I laughed, throwing my head back. I looked at him and shook my head while laughing. "You're good. Do you say this to all the girls? Give them you're little 'I'll change for you' speech. It must work, right. If everyone knows what you're like but still give it up." I say. 

"Do you always make it this hard for a lad?" he chuckled. I shrugged. "Lighten up babe."

"No thanks, babe." I said before getting my hand free and successfully walking away.


I managed to get around the school, looking through each of the three floors. I repeatedly walked the route from each of my classes. By the time I had finished my walk through and made it out to the front of the school it was 3:50. My mother's car was already waiting for me. i loved how she knew to arrive early.

I opened the passenger door and climbed in, buckling myself in.

"How was your first day?" she asked.

"It went well. I made a friend, I guess." I said looking down at my hands, smiling to myself.

"Sweety that wonderful!" my mom smiled. 

"She invited me to stay the night at her house on Friday." I said looking out the window. "Is that alright?" i asked.

"That's fine honey. I'll be working late on Friday anyways." she said. 

My mother is a doctor. A surgeon actually. SO her hours aren't always the best, which is why I can't wait to get my lisence so I can drive myself. 

"Okay." I said.

The rest of the ride was quiet. I didn't mind. A lot of the time quiet was what I craved. I can't deny that I am happy that I am friends with Julie now and maybe even Sam. I suppose Julie was correct about Harry and that I should stay away from him. But I also can't deny that I am quite intrigued by him and his mysterious demeanor. I only hope I am able to keep this friend and not let my issues get in the way.


an Heyyyyyy. I hope you like. I was going to put more but I figured it would be too long lol.


Mr.Fern is played by Chris Pine 

Don't forget to favorite and vote

Also check out my other stories...

First Wish and Promises. they are both Harry stories.

Bye lovlies

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