
By Beenot42

207K 8.6K 3.3K

It all started the day Jungkook was offered a personal assistant, aka. Park Jimin. A hard working guy that fi... More

Authour's Note
1 - Jimin
2 - Jennie
3 - Lunch
4 - Namjoon and Jin
5 - Reunion
6 - Sir
7 - Drunk
8 - Jungkook
9 - Talking
10 - Yejun
12 - Police Station
13 - Play with me
14 - Cock-block
15 - Control
16 - Mr. Jeon
17 - Hawaii
18 - Safe Space
19 - The Jeon Hotel
20 - Gorilla masks

11 - Wine

8.7K 379 133
By Beenot42

Jimin found Jungkook waiting for him by a pillar at the first floor. He looked very good with his hands stuffed into his dress pants, which hugged his strong legs perfectly. Jimin's heart skipped a beat as the though of Jungkook's body only in boxers grinding against him flashed his mind. It was hard to forget someone with a body like that, even in a drunken state.

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare, or are you coming" Jungkook teased him and gestured him to follow. Jimin nodded, feeling his cheeks burn up as he hurried after.

When they got to the plaza outside, Jimin instantly tensed as he saw a yellow cab across the area. Unconsciously jimin shuffled closer to Jungkook, their shoulders brushing over each other, staring into the ground.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook said, feeling like something was off.

Jimin shook his head, it was stupid really, we was probably just being paranoid.

"It's nothing, I just don't like that cab."

Jungkook made an "ah" and placed a gentle hand on the small of Jimin's back as they walked around the corner to the parking lot at the other side. Jimin breathed out and smiled up at the other.

Jungkook couldn't really believe what was going on. Originally Jungkook had flirted with jimin purely because he was pretty and jungkook was bored. But since they fucked he'd started to notice smaller things. Not to mention how incredibly addictive and cute Jimin could be in addition to a walking sex bomb.
Jungkook knew it wasn't good. because if he kept being this perfect, Jungkook was going to fall in love with him, which he knew could be painful pretty fast.

Yet he couldn't help himself, even though jimin said harsh things and seemed rejecting. He certainly was not when he was drunk and he'd always kissed back, even if it was just briefly.

Jimin shoved his elbow to Jungkook's side, to indicate he wanted him to stop and let him go when they reached Sebastian's car.

Jungkook did obediently and smiled brightly, opening the door for Jimin to get in. He did as he was told and Jungkook following closely after.

They stopped at a mall on the way to Jungkook's and walked together to the food section. It was a strange feeling for the both of them.

They didn't talk too much, before they had to discuss what to eat, which was such a strange topic for the two. Not that it was a big discussion. Jungkook suggested and Jimin said yes or no. Whatever Jimin choose that's what he got. It made Jimin very satisfied in some way, as if Jungkook gave him the power. Jimin knew he did it on purpose, but he still liked it.

Whilst In reality, Jungkook was busy fan-girling about how coupley it all seemed. Jimin walking closely behind, playing with the stickers on things and complaining in the cutest way. Jungkook couldn't wipe the smile off his face, he felt like he could buy him whatever he wanted, just to see his eyes disappearing into happy twinkling lines and his plump delicious lips stretch out to expose those perfect white teeth.

In the end they ended up with kimchi ramen and rice.

Everything was more than fine, they got in the cab and Sebastian drove off.

-Everything was fine until Jimin got out after Jungkook and walked with him into the tall fancy building he once woke up in, newly fucked.

He swallowed thickly as they got into the elevator. Jimin slowly starting to realize what he had said yes to. A whole evening alone with jungkook, in his house.. with his big gorgeous bed... and shower.. and kitchen... where they were gonna make food.

Thankfully they weren't alone in the elevator. Because Jimin was staring so hard at the floor that it would've been a hole hadn't Jungkook stepped closer, giving Jimin a taste of his fragrance.

Internally Jimin tried to curse himself out for having such a dirty mind.

When they reached the top floor, Jungkook chuckled and shoved his elbow playfully at jimin, snapping him back to reality as he Jimin stumbled and got out first. 

Jungkook's apartment was a pent house apartment spread out on two floors.

Jimin felt nervous as they entered. But was quickly relieved. The place didn't look like it did last time at all. The sky outside was darker and slowly growing orange. Therefore, as half of the place was windows and the rest was white or gray to black, everything caught it's colour. It was mesmerizing.

"I'm starving!" Jungkook said out loud and pulled off his jacket and shoes at entrance. To Jimin's dread exposing that muscled back as he only wore a white shirt and black dress pant now. He walked into the room with the shopping bags, placing them on the Kitchen island.
Jimin did the same, only slower. Caught up in the view and how jungkook threw his tie at the living room table and jumped around in the kitchen afterwards. One by one, he pulled out the ingredients and stuffed away the bag. By then Jimin had loosened his tie too and joined him, looking at the other in expectations.
Concealing how his heart was drumming like an orchestra inside him.

Jungkook was slightly stunned this far, at how obedient jimin kept being, not to mention sexy and cute.

"You can cut the ingredients while I make the meat?" Jungkook suggest, receiving a nod from the blonde.

Jimin separated the things and dumped the meat before jungkook. Slowly, as jimin started to cut the things, he was calming down. The silence wasn't awkward and the whole place was calming and beautiful on it's own.

"How did the new assignment I gave you today go?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

"Uh- it's fine. Although I'm afraid it will take some time. People are busy you know."

"You just be bossy with them. Remember, your rank is higher. They are obligated to follow your order. If they're not, they are just being whiny. You need to put then in their place."

Jimin smiled, Jungkook could be such a child one second and a boss the next. However Jimin's breath suddenly hitched as jungkook slipped beside him, grabbing some spices that was standing at the kitchen island he was cutting at.

They looked at each other.

Jungkook smiled and brushed his shoulder against the smaller, before smoothly slipping back to the oven again. Jimin blushed to himself.

He needed to collect himself. Or thing's could get awkward really fast.

"And you? What are you doing?" He asked.

Jungkook sighted, "Too much. I'm helping dad sort out some things, with the hawaii trip. And I also have about four other jobs too... when you're done, bring it to me so we can Wok it."

"Uhm.. I'll hurry up and be done with my stuff then, so I can help you more." Jimin said, as he put down the knife, shuffling hesitantly over to jungkook. Accidentally checking out his ass in the process.
Jungkook grinned and tuned to The other, gripping the trencher so their fingers touched. Jimin felt shivers run up his body.

"You shouldn't worry yourself with that. You're already helping me." Jungkook said kindly and shoved the vegetables into the pan.

Jimin watched as he stirred it around, pushing his hair back as the steam made him hot. It parted his fringe even more and made it messy. Jimin wanted to scream.

Jungkook was so attractive. His whole posture looked amazing. Jungkook's eye twinkled as he caught jimin looking at him, closely.

"I'm trying very hard not to say "like what you see" again Jimin.." jungkook said in a low but playfully voice, his smirk back on his pink lips.

The entirety if Jimin's heart must've made a jump. He didn't answer he just walked away and flopped down on the island again. He was actually really tired, but he wasn't one to complain. Jimin thought he still had a long way to go.

Jungkook had to strain himself not to smack Jimin's butt at that moment. Instead he picked up the pan, and walked passed him.

"It's done! Grab the casserole piece will you?"

Jimin shot up and looked around before spotting a plain piece at the counter, around where he once sat and moaned, calling Jungkook's name as he came.

Jimin hurried after jungkook, finding a beautiful modern dining room just around the corner. It was shaped like an uneven triangle and two of the walls were just plain glass. Jimin placed the piece at the middle of the table and jungkook sat the wok on top.
Thereafter they hurried back and got the rice, plates and some water. Jungkook offered wine but Jimin declined. Thinking it was best to stay sober in this household.

The second Jimin sat down on that table opposite Jungkook, in that pretty lighting. Jimin's lost his cool. He officially didn't know how to function anymore. Jungkook's skin was sun kissed and beautiful along with everything else on his face...

He smiled and hesitantly reached for the spoon. "Give me your plate.." Jungkook said, his voice silent and smooth as honey.

Jimin gave it to him on autopilot and started eating quietly right after. Making jungkook chuckle at his cuteness. They ate in silence for a minute. Until jungkook drank some water and finally seemed to have covered his hunger enough to speak.

"So," he started, making jimin look at him again, his cheeks full of food, looking like a chipmunk.

"We're taking the flight at friday, 9:40pm. It takes a few hours. I'll show you our time table later."

Jimin nodded, shewing slowly. Jungkook chuckled, exposing his perfect white bunny smile right before Jimin.

"When we get there, we have to wait around a lot. I was hoping I could drag you around with me."

Jimin lulled his head up and down in a nod and Jungkook couldn't stop giggling. Jimin was being weird, he should've at least asked what that consisted of, Jungkook noted.

"Okaay. Then we'll probably have to deal with the minor bosses, prevent them from- you know, killing dad Whilst talking to big bro.."

Jimin nodded again.

"Are you okay jimin?" Jungkook cut in, now staring to seriously wonder.

Jimin breathed in a bit unsteadily.
"Can I get some wine after all?" He said weakly.

Jungkook frowned at him, but with a smile and walked over to the fancy glass wine container at the back of the wall. Taking out a wine and gracefully pouring it into Jimin's tall glass.

Jimin didn't smile. He just gulped it down, ignoring jungkook's confused stare.

"Are you not wondering what any of these things consist of?" He asked as he sat down.

How the hell could he so calm, when he was the one who was supposed to be whipped, not jimin?!

"Of course I do.." jimin muttered.

"Yeah?" Jungkook leaned back in his chair and staring at jimin.

"Please tell me!" Jimin wined "do I have to beg?"

Jungkook laughed, "yes please!" but he leaned forwards starting to eat again quickly when Jimin didn't respond.

"No.. I know several people there, so we are going on a cruise and I'm taking you on a date." Jungkook stated.

Jimin sighted heavily and drank more. "Oh are you now..." he said, disbelief reaching his voice.

Jungkook sipped his own wine and smiled, but only slightly.
"When it comes to the less fun part, my dad hasn't calmed down the company yet. So people will be pissed. We need to gather information, maybe find someone professional who can help us interrogate the personnel. Not the least, we also have to talk to the press..."

"Sound like a lot.." jimin said, swallowing down a few of the last pieces. "I'll do what you ask to my best ability, so it will all run smoothly."

"You're so obedient today.." jungkook smiled. He was done with his food.

Jimin frowned and drank more, feeling like it already made him braver.

"Jimin.." jungkook leaned forwards, with the wine glass in his hands.

Jimin kept eating, he did not for the love of god dare look up yet.


"You don't have to tell me what happened this morning. But I'm curious, so I'll ask again."

Such a clever way to put it, Jimin chuckled down at his plate. There was silence. He decided tell him.

"Do you remember the cab driver I don't like?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah.." jungkook sipped from his wineglass, watching Jimin eat the last two pieces on his plate.

"His cab was outside my house this morning, so I got into it.. I didn't think it was him, because he's usually at the plaza. But well.. yeah." Jimin explained weakly.

He drank up what was left in his glass. Feeling a lot calmer as he slowly looked up at Jungkook.

He frowned deeply,  "That's creepy. Do you think he's stalking you?"

Jimin shrugged, playing with his empty glass. "Maybe... He didn't let me out of his car this time.." Jimin shivered at the memory, "he touched me, said I had to promise to see him again.. And..." Jimin stared into nothing, "he knew my name, even thought I told him a fake name. I mean my full name."

It became dead silent between the two guys. Jungkook couldn't believe what he heard, he was stunned by the news. He knew something was up. But not that it was this bad.

After staring at each other, jungkook finally spoke in a deep and very serious tone, maybe the most serious Jimin had ever heard him.

"You're staying here tonight. Take the guest room. We're going to the police station tomorrow. I'm not letting that creep touch you ever again."

Jimin felt his chest tighten. Jungkook wasn't giving him a choice, but staying here for the night was not happening. Although there was something about his protectiveness that softened jimin.

"No.. I'll be fine, As long as I can use your cab driver man.." Jimin muttered shyly, feeling his cheeks burn.

But Jungkook didn't budge, "Jimin.. I'm saying this as your boss. This is serious. The guy knows your full name, where you live and has obviously lacking social judgment as he's comfortable locking you in his car and... touching you. That's against the law."

Jimin was a little taken aback, "yeah but..." he started. However, Jungkook's expression did not brake and Jimin didn't know what to say next.

"I would've been shit scared if I were you. How can I let you go alone to a place he knows you are, when he's obviously trying to get you. You flinched just at the sight of a cab today.. this is serious Jimin."

Jimin looked down at his lap, he wasn't expecting this protective behaviour from jungkook. And the worst part was that he was right. That guy had been drooling at him when he drew his filthy hands over his cheek. Jimin never felt comfortable in that cab, not for a second.

Jimin nodded slowly.
"I'll take the guest room then... Thank you.."

Jungkook nodded too. They sat there in silence until Jungkook got up and gathered their stuff. He smiled kindly again. "It tasted good though."

Jimin giggled, "yeah, it did."

When jungkook was out, Jimin poured himself a tiny dash more wine. Just because it was good and he loved the way his brain felt lighter.

Jungkook came back and picked the pan up too. Jimin had emptied what was left before that and picked up Jungkook's glass too, following after him this time.

Once they were done cleaning up, they sat down and looked over the time table. It was a pretty cramped at some places and pretty open at others. Jungkook drew in some of his "cozy plans" as he called them.
Jimin decided to just not comment on the suspicious "date day" he'd set up.

When they were done. Jungkook stretched and leaned back, staring into thin air. Jimin checked his phone, it showed 9:30.

"What now?" Jungkook said, "we still have time right?"

Jimin nodded, sitting back too. He looked out, the sky was deep red now.

"Netflix and chill?" Jungkook smirked over at jimin.

Jimin shivered and started laughing, "I can't believe I'm hiding here. You're the one I should be afraid of."

Jungkook gasped with a smile, "How dare you! I'm your boss!"

Jimin rolled his eyes comically, and rested his head at the back of his chair, looking over at Jungkook.

"Exactly!" He giggled.

Jungkook huffed and got up, walking straight passed Jimin and up towards the stairs.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" Jimin yelled after him, watching as he stomped up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Yes!" He cried out like a kid.

Jimin laughed out loud this time. The sound filling the huge room like music.

Jungkook came out again. "Wanna borrow some comfortable clothing?"

Jimin shrugged, "sure, I might as well.."

Jungkook grinned and disappeared again, coming back shortly after dressed in a gray hoodie and some red shorts. Jimin tried hard not to stare at his toned muscles as he lightly hurried down the stairs again. He tipped Jimin's chair back and dumped the clothing in his lap making jimin yelp cutely.

"Come with me, I'll show you your room." Jungkook said.

Jimin groaned and got up, following closely after Jungkook. It was the door right by the Bathroom. Jungkook opened it like a gentleman, despite looking more like a normal kid than ever. The room was also amazing, even though it was smaller.

"If it's too small you can always come up to me" jungkook sang, right behind Jimin as he'd stopped in the door frame. Jimin shivered and hit him playfully with the clothes, uttering "Stop it!" and shutting the door before him.

The room was in no way too small, it was twice the size his own bedroom and that wasn't small either. It also had tall windows with an incredible view. He dropped the clothes on the bed and stripped before pulling the new once on. They were too big on him. A dark gray shirt and a pair black sweatpants. Sighting, Jimin walked out into the living room.
However, stopping in the middle of the floor to give Jungkook a deep scowl.

The dark haired burst out laughing and squirming around like a dork, "cuuutee!!" Was all he managed to say.

Jimin rubbed his temple laughing quietly, cursing at his short hight.

"Didn't you have anything smaller?!" Jimin exclaimed, trying to make it sound mad but failing miserably.

Jungkook was wheezing, shaking his head no. "Maybe, but I'm not giving it to you, " he wiped away an imaginary tear. "You look too good."

Jimin shuffled over to the couch, scowling at him accusingly.
"These pants would literally have fallen down, hadn't it been for my butt."

"You do gave the best ass" Jungkook laughed, immediately defending himself for the coming punishment.

"Inappropriate!" Jimin laughed and kicked him playfully three times, proceeding to plump down in the couch, far away from jungkook.

Jungkook had a proud grin on his face and Jimin had a suppressed laugh formed into a deep pout. They stared at each other, both leaning back as if declaring an unsaid staring war.

"If you won't Netflix and chill with me, then how about just a movie?"

Jimin scowled, the smile creeping into the corner of his lips. "Sure.. as long as you stay at your side of this.." he pointed to the cushion between them.

Jungkook grinned and immediately jumped on to it, his foot a good twenty centimeters over on Jimin's line.

Jimin whined loudly at the dark haired. Trying to shove him away with his feet. Jungkook was laughing again, but not moving an inch. After a minute of trying to move him with his feet it started to get embarrassing.

Jimin Sighted and gave up rather rapidly, so jungkook instead fell more towards him. They stared at each other yet again. It was dark outside now, and Jimin was enjoying himself more than he should've.

"Are you gonna sit there now?" Jimin growled.

Jungkook nodded proudly. "You've still got more than enough space!" He said and reached for the remote.

Jimin huffed and turned away from him, pulling his feet under himself in a cute but comfortable position, whispering "creep" over at jungkook with a smirk.

They found a short movie about some space shit. It was absolutely horrible. Both laughed and actively commentated with sarcastic and brutal remarks.

At some point Jungkook had managed to sneak closer to say something. But Jimin smacked his tight when his knee rubbed against his foot, like it so often seemed to do.

"What?" Jungkook said, acting clueless.

Jimin fiercely pointed to his knee than to him and then to the cushion.

"I don't know what you're pointing at" Jungkook sniggered.

Jimin felt his cheeks burn. If he wasn't his boss right now, Jimin would have been sitting on him, strangling him with maybe a bit more of that delicious whine in his system and..

Jungkook was looking at him again. He wiggled his eyebrows mouthing the famous "like what you see?"

That's it. Jimin cracked a smile and fell back into the couch. Turning around and hiding his hot face in the back of the couch. Ignoring jungkook's raw laugh.
He was evil. He'd managed to make Jimin weak. How was he gonna survive this job, one of them was definitely gonna get hurt... if not both.

Jungkook couldn't help himself, he stepped on one of Jimin's juicy butt cheeks, wiggling it around. Jimin groaned lightly, but didn't move.

"Jimminieee" He sang in a angelic but tired voice.

Jimin whined and squirmed around like a fish on land and Jungkook giggled.

"Do you want to sleep?" He asked.

Jimin shook his head and spoke into the couch "Hwhat's thwe trimeh?"

"What's the time?" Jungkook said, teasing him.


Jungkook grabbed Jimin's phone further away on the table.

"It's 11:00 pm"


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