Natasha and Draco One shots

Por NatashaDOstroph

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Cute one shot chapters of Draco and Natasha Más

First Sight
5th Year Dragon's Bride Part 1
Dragon's Bride Part 2 Summer
Sleeping Beauty Part 1
Sleeping Beauty Part 2
Sleeping Beauty part 3
Cold part 1
Cold Part 2
Cold Part 4
Christmas Kisses
Blast from the Future Part 1
Blast from the Future part 2
A Witch to Shag Part 1
A Witch To Shag Part 2
A Witch To Shag Part 3
A Witch To Shag Part 4
Truth or Dare Third Year Fall 1992
Three Weeks After Truth Or Dare Fall 1992
Train Sex 7th Year Repeat Year
Valentine's Day 1986 Before Hogwarts
Febuary 14th The Day After 1986
Celebrating 35 Together and 15 Years of Marriage
What? Part 1
What? Part 2
Natasha's Wishes
Draco's Wishes
Valentine's Day 1999 Repeat Year
Scorpius Age 7
February 15th 1999 The Day After
Natasha's Savior
May 3rd 1998
Sexual Advances Part 1
Sexual Advances Part 2
Saved By A Peacock
Draco's Girl Part 1
Draco's Girl Part 2
Draco's Girl Part 3
The Princess And The Dragon Part 1
The Princess and the Dragon Part 2
The Princess and the Dragon Part 3
Hot Kiss Part 1
Hot Kiss Part 2
Hot Kiss Part 3

Cold Part 3

124 4 0
Por NatashaDOstroph

It's been 13 weeks since Draco found out Natasha's truth. For the second part of her punishment he had her in the ceiling chains all day with her feet tied up. That part of the punishment is still going on. He never unchained or untied her until 9pm when it was nighttime. He had the house elves feed her and give her a drink when she needed one and let her use the bathroom if she had to. He didn't want her malnourished or dehydrated. The day after he fucked her vagina the first time he had two potions for her to take. One was a healing potion and the other was a contraceptive potion to prevent little ones. He even had the house elves sponge bathe her so she was clean and fresh when he came home. Every time he came home he always spanked her until her ass was red and sore. He never had rough sex with her cause sex was pleasure and no one gives sex as pleasure as their punishment.

At 9:00pm he always gave her a bath himself so her hair washed. He never fucked her ass or her vagina since that night. He never even said two words to her. He always scoffed and looked angrily at her with his icy grey eyes Draco was in his office going over paperwork for the muggle born witches that have been caught during a muggle raid. One of his laws was if the girl was muggle born and still going to Hogwarts they'd send her back to continue her schooling. Muggle born witches weren't meant to be pets to other wizards until the age of 18 years. Muggle born wizards are only making enough money to support themselves the muggle born wizards are given a scholarship at Hogwarts so they can pay for their school supplies muggle born witches have that same rule.

Draco was sitting in his office it was lunch time he had a house elf get him some lunch. He ate his green apples on and off throughout the day for a snack. While waiting on his lunch he was going over paperwork while reading his recent paperwork he heard heels clicking and clacking on the tile flooring of the ministry. Someone was coming but no one came to see him so he ignored it at first but then the door of his office bursted open Draco's head shot up and saw his mother. She looked angry and spoke to him.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy I'm very disappointed in you!" Narcissa roared at him Draco closed the door with his wand and locked it and put up silencing charms and spoke to his mother.

"Mother it's nice to see you." Draco said to Narcissa sincerely Narcissa shook her head angrily and spoke to him.

"Flattery will get you no where my son! How could you treat Natasha like that?" Narcissa roared out at him Draco answered her.

"Like what mother? What are you going on about?" Draco asked her Narcissa huffed and spoke to him.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about Draco Lucius Malfoy and don't play stupid with me! Treating Natasha like she's some kind of prisoner keeping her chained up all day. Not talking to her at all not even kind words to the girl. You should be ashamed of yourself!" Narcissa yelled out at him Draco sighed heavily and spoke to her.

"Mother she tried to use lessons on teaching me how to be slow and sweet so I'd be bored with her and let her go! I'm never letting her go mother she's my witch!" Draco yelled back Narcissa humphed and spoke to him.

"Well you certainly have a funny way of showing it! Treating the girl like that considering she's a half blood who was raised a muggle born! Chaining her up for 13 weeks is a bit extreme I can see 3 days for being a smart mouth but for 13 weeks when she told you the truth that's extensive! She even apologized and told you she was safer with you!" Narcissa yelled back to her son Draco's eyes widened and spoke to his mother.

"Mother how do you know all of this?" Draco asked sounding stunned Narcissa answered him.

"Severus told me and Lucius. Natasha had one of the house elves go get him so she can speak with him immediately. After Severus spoke to her he came straight to us and told us everything. Raping the girls ass the first night there you should be ashamed. Luckily we stopped you from taking her innocence that night Draco I would've been disgusted with you should you have done that to the girl!" Narcissa exclaimed Draco sighed and spoke to his mother.

"Mother I've apologized to her for that I've sent her 2 vases full of yellow roses she told me after the first week that she forgave me for that." Draco said to his mother Narcissa humphed and spoke to him.

"You're lucky she forgave you for that Draco. You need to look at her situation from her point of view she was scared she had to think of something to make staying with you much more easier for her. Granted she hoped you'd get bored with her and set her free and put her on the list to never be captured again. She told you the truth Draco she said she felt safe with you and apologized for even thinking of leaving you cause she was afraid of being caught again and taken to some ruthless heartless wizard who raped her all the time with no remorse of his actions! I'm surprised you haven't starved the poor girl to death!" Narcissa yelled at him Draco spoke to her.

"I wasn't gonna deprive her of food mother or water or sleep for that matter." Draco said to her Narcissa shook her head and spoke to him.

"Son she has been crying at night not making a sound. Her tears are falling but she isn't sobbing she figured that you weren't worth her sobs. She told Severus she wanted to be at home with him where she was properly looked after. Her wand probably has been snapped so she'll have to buy another one so she can protect herself." Narcissa said to him Draco sighed heavily and shook his head and spoke to his mother.

"Her wand isn't snapped mother I saved it from being snapped. It's in my vault at Gringotts for safe keeping I'm deciding on when I should give it to her." Draco said to her Narcissa sighed and spoke to him.

"Well at least you saved her wand son. If I were you I'd head home early and work from home for a while. Natasha has been eating but it's been small bites it's usually three spoonfuls of whatever the house elves made for her to eat. Severus worries about her immune system shutting down if she continues to eat like that. Son go home and be with her use some of those sweet lessons she showed you and maybe she'll come around. Son should you bond with her if you ask her during sex you have to be slow and sweet or the bond would not take. Once the bond takes you can be as you were with her rough like she likes it. Be with her son comfort her show her that you love her with every fiber of your being show her that her lessons of teaching you to be slow and sweet are paying off. Work from home a little while it might do you some good besides while working at home she might teach you how to have sex slow and gentle so should you decide to bond with her through sex then the bond would take if it was slow and sweet. You should really practice on that son should you bond with her through love making it had to be sweet and love or else the bond won't take. When you pick out her ring think of her and what she likes if you have trouble contact Severus he'll help you if he's angry for what's happened these past few weeks then don't ask him but you do have an alternative." Narcissa said to him Draco looked at her and spoke.

"I do?" Draco questioned Narcissa answered him.

"Yes son your alternative is Hermione Granger she is staying with Severus cause Severus knows that she is the girls best friend. So Severus came down here and brought Hermione to his home. He treats her with respect cause of her friendship with Natasha. The only thing he asked of her was that she never leaves the house without him in case she would get captured again cause of her actually being a muggle born. Now son when you speak with Hermione treat her with respect. Now son after lunch go home and let Natasha out of her chains and ties. Work at home for a bit she'll teach more into being sweet hopefully it can lead into something more for you. And son being sweet to someone you love doesn't make you weak it makes you stronger the more you care for her the more you'll want to protect her from everything and everyone and you'll go through any length to do so." Narcissa said to him Draco nodded understanding his mother he hugged her goodbye and she left him. Draco watched his mother leave with raised eyebrows he sat back down in his leather office chair. Draco put his hands in his face wondering if he went too far with the second part of Natasha's punishment. He heard footsteps again and this time he really chose to ignore it he was thinking of what he could do to make it up to Natasha for taking her punishment too far someone cleared their throat and Draco looked up and saw Blaise holding out his lunch for him Draco took his lunch and began eating Blaise spoke to Draco.

"Boss you have had a lot of sexual tension these past weeks. How's about we get you another virgin to take out your sexual frustrations on?" Blaise asked making a suggestion Draco scoffed and spoke to him.

"No thanks Blaise the witch I have is just fine. She's always so tight on my thick cock no matter how many times I fuck her tight pussy she's still so very tight. Not only is her pussy tight but her ass is as well." Draco said to him Blaise smirked and spoke to him.

"Well then maybe you can let me have a go at her. My cock is just itching to be inside of s tight witch both pussy and ass." Blaise said with lust in his voice Draco's head shot up and spoke to him.

"Well then get your own virgin then Blaise. Cause you ain't having mine. Make sure when you question the muggle borns you have Vertiserum in their drink and ask them if they're virgins they have to answer honestly. Besides the witch I have isn't allowed to be free she's mine!" Draco growled out Blaise looked at him wide eyed and spoke to him.

"Damn man you really should get yourself some and get it immediately I hate it when you get all snappy like you do." Blaise said to him Draco scoffed and spoke to him.

"Well at least when I fuck my muggle born witch she likes to be fucked while in chains both ass and pussy and her screams and cries music to my ears but I don't stop cause I'm a bastard." Draco said confidently and smoothly Blaise spoke to him.

"Ugh go home man and fuck the witch and don't come back until you're back to normal." Blaise said Draco smirked at him and spoke.

"Blaise I'm working from home for a while like 3 months so I can fuck my witch whenever I like and I'm leaving after I eat and Blaise don't show up." Draco said as he stuffed his fork of spaghetti in his mouth Blaise nodded at him understanding him Draco finished eating and headed home. He planned on fucking Natasha hardcore as he got home in both her pussy and her ass. He got home and one of his house elves greeted him Draco spoke to her.

"Minky progress report on the witch." He demanded Minky nodded and answered him.

"Yes master miss hasn't been eating much just three bites of food no matter if its breakfast lunch or dinner she only eats one bite of a fruit like she'll eat one strawberry and then doesn't want anymore. We house elves are worried about miss. She cries for the sweet master to come back and drifts off to sleep just hanging from the ceiling chains. Linky is with miss now trying to keep missus spirits up and to keep miss from falling asleep." Minky said to him Draco nodded and spoke to her.

"You may go now Minky I'm working from home for three months." Draco said Minky left him and Draco headed upstairs he headed towards his room and saw Natasha hanging from the chains as he put her there this morning Linky saw him and spoke to Natasha.

"Miss is there anything Linky can get for you?" Linky asked Natasha she answered him.

"No Linky the thing I want won't come back. You can leave now just check up on me later." Natasha said to him sadly Linky nodded and headed out the door. Draco magicked his clothes away from his body with his wand. He pointed to his clothes on the floor for the house elf to pick up Linky nodded and got his clothes and left. Draco closed the door silently so he didn't disturb Natasha. He walked over to her Natasha felt his presence Draco traced his fingers along her naked body sending shivers down her spine Draco spoke to her.

"You've hardly eaten." He told her Natasha spoke to him.

"You're home early." She replied back softly Draco sighed and spoke to her.

"Yes I am. I'm working from home for three months. While I'm working from home there's rules. I want you to always be naked for me. You also have to be ready for whenever I want to have sex with you. If a visitor is here then you are to be fully dressed if you are on your menstrual cycle you are to wear underwear a pad or tampon. After sex you will play with my cock by rubbing it with your hand at first then I'll teach you how to suck it you'll go slow at first until you are used to sucking my thick and massive cock. I'll finger your vagina then fuck it senseless I want to lick and drink your sweet and delicious juices. After each sexual contact of any kind you shall take a bath I want you fresh and clean so I can lick your clean and fresh skin from the bath. While I'm home you teach me how to be sweet and gentle during sex especially in your vagina. Mmm I'm so gonna enjoy seeing you naked all the time while I'm home love." Draco told her Natasha felt his hot breath down her neck and spoke to him.

"My lord." Was all she managed to say to him Draco chuckled and answered her.

"Draco love just call me Draco. None of this my lord or master stuff unless someone I work with is present now 13 weeks ago I called you my star didn't I?" Draco asked her Natasha spoke to him.

"Yes you did Draco." Natasha said as his hands moved slowly to the valley of her breasts sending her shivers Draco spoke to her.

"Well then my nickname for you is gonna be twinkle since you are my star you glowed so bright for me after ass sex and vagina sex while you hung from the ceiling so when I say twinkle you answer me. Okay twinkle?" Draco asked licking the outer shell of Natasha's ear Natasha's breath quivered and shook Draco bit her earlobe gently causing Natasha to moan. He licked his tongue down her neck slowly causing Natasha's breath to hitch Draco's hands made it to her breasts and massaged them causing her to gasp Natasha spoke to him.

"Draco please be inside of me I want to feel all of you." She said to him breathlessly Draco spoke to her.

"You've hardly eaten twinkle that type of activity requires you to have energy and your energy is low." Draco told her Natasha whimpered and spoke to him.

"I don't mean be inside of me to have sex with me Draco. I mean be inside of me and not thrust. I just want to be able to feel your magnificent thick cock." She told him Draco slowly moved his hands up Natasha's arms and rubbed his naked body against her backside causing Natasha's breath to hitch Draco spoke to her.

"You sure you want this twinkle me inside of you and not thrusting?" Draco asked Natasha answered him.

"Yes but I want you in my pussy and not my ass my pussy has just been aching for your thick and magnificent cock." She told him Draco came around and faced her he saw her eyes sparkle a bit at the sight of him she smiled at him he lined himself at the entrance of her vagina and shoved into her hard causing Natasha to gasp he traced his hands to her ass bringing her closer to him while she hung from the chains Draco spoke to her.

"You like this twinkle me inside of your tight pussy?" Draco asked her Natasha answered him.

"Yes Draco. Your cock feels amazingly strong and oh so mighty powerful when you're thrusting. Oh baby it does feel so good inside of me." Natasha said to him Draco smirked at her and cocked his eyebrows and spoke to her.

"Well now twinkle for saying wonderful things about my cock you are gonna get a reward. Now what would you like as a rewards for saying wonderful things about my cock twinkle?" Draco asked huskily Natasha smiled at him and spoke to him.

"To be released from the chains and my feet untied. I want to lay on the bed with my back touching the mattress so I can hold you close you can rest your head on my breasts and I can play with your soft blonde locks maybe my hands would travel down your back to send you shivers or excitement my hands could cup your ass cheeks. I just want to lay in bed with you and hold you close Draco." She told him Draco smiled at her and began uncuffing the metal chains one at a time. He started with her right arm as her arm was unchained she brought it down and draped it around Draco's neck he uncuffed the left arm and she brought it down and draped it around his neck. Natasha held him close his cock still inside of her they slowly sat down on the bed well Natasha did Draco was on his knees cause his cock was inside of her still Natasha let out a breath she didn't know she was holding Draco spoke to her.

"Twinkle I have to untie your feet and in order to do that I have to pull out for a moment and when you lay on your back on the mattress I'll put it back into your vagina. Okay twinkle?" Draco asked her Natasha nodded understanding him. Draco pulled out of her clit and began untying her feet. Once her feet were untied Natasha turned around and laid down on the bed her back touching the mattress she spread her legs open. She urged Draco to come to her with her finger Draco leaned down facing Natasha she smiled at him he leaned in and bit her bottom lip. The action made Natasha moan out Draco got between her legs and stopped biting her bottom lip he looked directly into her blue green eyes Natasha nodded eagerly he lined himself at her entrance and shoved himself hard into her clit. Natasha gasped and arched her back she spoke to Draco.

"Draco why do I have to be naked for you all the time?" Natasha asked him Draco sighed and looked into her eyes he laid his head down onto her chest and answered her.

"Well twinkle when I saw you in the cage at the ministry naked it wasn't my first time seeing you naked. The first time I saw you naked twinkle was our sixth year of Hogwarts. I disillusioned myself so I can watch you without you knowing. Twinkle that first night in our sixth year you went up to the prefects bathroom to take a bath. Oh twinkle your body was such a magnificent delight. Even though I was already thick and massive still you excited me sexually. I watched you all year that year taking a bath in the prefects bathroom every night that year. Every time you got out of the bath your skin just glistened like it was twinkling just for me cause I was named after a constellation. I didn't know how to approach you other than just by being mean. I had so much stress that year I had a vanishing cabinet to fix and find a clever way to kill Dumbledore. I felt alone so the witches I shagged were just that witches I shagged there was no emotional attachment. The only emotional attachment I ever had other than my mother was you twinkle. When I saw you in that cage stark naked I was in shock which is why I yelled at Blaise and told him I was taking you home with me. When I brought you home with me twinkle I had no and I mean idea Snape was your father until my parents came that night and told me. My parents informed me that you were his daughter and not his niece my father said that Snape hid you from the dark lord so you don't have the mark on your arm. After my parents left I walked upstairs and saw you naked on my bed tied up softly crying and you know the rest twinkle." Draco said to her Natasha combed his hair with her fingers and spoke to him.

"You knew I was a half blood that night and didn't let me go?" Natasha asked him calmly Draco sighed and answered her.

"Yes twinkle that's why I didn't fuck your vagina that night. I didn't want to let you go twinkle I just want you to be with me and glow just for me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I know about you twinkle. Please forgive me?" Draco asked his eyes producing tears and started sobbing in her chest. Natasha shhh'd him and coiled her arms around his neck holding him close to her she rubbed her hands down his bare back she should've been angry with him for not telling her that he knew she was a half blood and didn't tell her and didn't let her go.

She should be angry but her heart wouldn't let her be angry with him. She felt that in a strange way he saved her from being raped by another wizard who would've had no remorse for his actions so by having her stay with him she felt safer much safer even though her staying with Draco satisfied him for his own needs but his needs were love and lust. Draco and Natasha laid in bed together for a few hours his cock still in her vagina his head resting on her chest him listening to her heart beating it was getting dark outside Draco's head moved and looked into her beautiful blue green eyes and spoke to her.

"Twinkle let's take a bath and go to bed. In the morning after breakfast you can teach me how to be slow and sweet during vagina sex." Draco said to her Natasha let out a breath and spoke to him.

"Of course my lord. Ohh." Natasha said Draco spoke to her.

"Twinkle just call me Draco. None of that my lord or master stuff unless a college is present." Draco reminded her Natasha let out a laugh and spoke to him.

"I think your cock likes it baby as soon as I called you that he twitched inside me." Natasha said to him Draco pulled out of her vagina Natasha moaned as he pulled out of her he helped her out of bed and took her to his bathroom. Draco plugged the drain and turned on the hot water he put in some blue bubbles Draco turned on his sprayer and him and Natasha got into the tub they sat down Natasha's hair got wet from the sprayer Draco washed her hair with her shampoo called apple blossom. He loved it cause it smelled like green apples. Draco turned off the hot water tap as the tub filled he kept the sprayer on so Natasha's hair can be rinsed out from the bubbles he washed his own hair really fast and the water from the sprayer rinsed out the bubbles from his hair. He turned the sprayer off and lathered some body wash on his loofa and began washing her neck Natasha moaned and Draco spoke to her.

"Twinkle I'm sorry your punishment lasted longer than I intended. You were telling me the truth that night I promise no more hanging from the ceiling as punishment." Draco said to her he washed her arms and Natasha spoke to him.

"Draco have you ever thought about getting married someday?" Natasha asked him making conversation Draco answered her.

"Yes I have twinkle. There's no one on this earth I'd rather be with than you I want to be married to you twinkle someday." Draco admitted to her Natasha spoke to him.

"Everyday you come home from work I'll be naked and ready for you. What happens when we have a child and our child asks 'Daddy how come mommy has to be naked?' How would you answer him or her?" Natasha asked Draco sighed and answered her.

"Darling when there's children present always be clothed when you do become naked let it always be in the privacy of our bedroom. You can't be naked and waiting for me to come home while they are at home. You'll have to start that back up when they go to Hogwarts cause they are gone for the first three and a half months." Draco said to her Natasha laughed and spoke to him.

"Well I guess you have it all figured out then don't you?" Natasha asked him Draco nodded and answered her.

"Of course twinkle you're my little star that just glows bright just for me. No witch ever glowed for me unless of course it's after glow from sex but their glow never lasted like yours does not only do you glow twinkle but you're eyes sparkle like the stars every time I look inside of them." Draco said to her Natasha smiled at the sentiment behind his words it made her heart flutter inside her chest she felt Draco's lips on her collarbone sucking it causing Natasha to moan and draw her head back Natasha spoke to Draco.

"You can be real sweet when you want to be." Natasha said Draco spoke to her.

"I'm trying twinkle you teaching me how to be sweet is rubbing off on me." Draco said to her Natasha chuckled and spoke to him.

"Come love let us go to bed. You can hold me." Natasha said to him Draco spoke to her.

"I was just about to suggest that twinkle. Come lets go to bed." Draco said to her Natasha nodded they stood up Draco unplugged the drain and the water went down the drain. They walked out of the bathroom and climbed into Draco's bed Draco wrapped his strong arms around her and held her Draco breathed in her wonderful scent the smell of green apples and fresh wild flowers gods he loved her scent he could almost drown in it Draco started singing.

Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

When this blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, through the night.

Then the traveller in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark;
He could not see where to go,
If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye
Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark
Lights the traveller in the dark,
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Draco sang Natasha had no idea he knew the word to twinkle twinkle little star and spoke to him.

"Draco I had no idea you knew the words to twinkle twinkle little star." She told him snuggling close Draco spoke to her.

"Of course twinkle mother sang it to me all the time when I was little cause I was named after a constellation. As I grew older she stopped singing it. The only time she sang it to me was when I was older was when I got sick somehow the lyrics just came back to me." Draco said to her Natasha smiled and spoke to him.

"It was nice I think I know why you began singing it." Natasha said to him her eyes lit up Draco spoke to her.

"You do?" Draco asked her Natasha answered him.

"Yes you've called me twinkle and the lyrics just came to you 13 weeks ago you called your star cause I glowed so bright for you. It was sweet you sang it to me tonight should I ever have a daughter someday I'm gonna name her Starr. I hope I have a daughter someday." Natasha said to him Draco smiled and spoke to her.

"Twinkle should you ever bond with me I'll try my hardest to get you a daughter I promise." Draco said to her kissing her lips sealing the promise after he kissed her lips Natasha yawned Draco spoke to her.

"Go to sleep twinkle. You've had a trying day today. Tomorrow I want you to eat properly before we begin any type of sex activity. I love you twinkle." Draco said to her Natasha spoke to him.

"Good night my Draconian. My dragon." Natasha said tiredly Draco watched as her eyes fluttered closed he knew she entered her own dreamland. Draco yawned as well and closed his eyes and fell asleep dreaming about his future family with Natasha.

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