
By Beenot42

207K 8.6K 3.3K

It all started the day Jungkook was offered a personal assistant, aka. Park Jimin. A hard working guy that fi... More

Authour's Note
1 - Jimin
2 - Jennie
3 - Lunch
4 - Namjoon and Jin
5 - Reunion
6 - Sir
7 - Drunk
8 - Jungkook
9 - Talking
11 - Wine
12 - Police Station
13 - Play with me
14 - Cock-block
15 - Control
16 - Mr. Jeon
17 - Hawaii
18 - Safe Space
19 - The Jeon Hotel
20 - Gorilla masks

10 - Yejun

9.5K 389 306
By Beenot42

Sebastian drove Jimin to his place after Jungkook got off. When he got back he called Jin and told him about what happened during the day. Jin had explicitly asked to keep him updated on the whole 'Jungkook is a whipped puppy situation'.
Jin mainly just laughed at it. Because really, nothing changed. Accept that the puppy had managed to make Jimin calm down.

Jimin then made dinner, ate and went to bed not long after.

The next day Jimin was incredibly unlucky. He wasn't comfortable enough with calling Sebastian just yet. Therefore he got into the first cab he found, right outside his house.
Of course it was him.

"Ah, hey.." he said, his voice raspy and slick. Jimin shivered and swallowed.

"Drive me to the Jeon building." Jimin said weakly to the guy. Thus, they drove away.

He thought, it couldn't be that bad, right?

But, the air was tight inside the cab and Jimin slowly felt like he couldn't breath, the guy must've smoked inside not long ago. Jimin did as last time and tried to ignore the man's intense stare through the mirror.

"I've seen you a lot lately..." the creep started. "Are you really not the Jeon kid's whore or something?"

"W-what?" Jimin blurred out. How could he say something like that? It made Jimin very uncomfortable.

"I saw him hug you yesterday. Right outside my cab." The man smirked, watching carefully as jimin swallowed, trying to breathe.

"Ah, yeah.." was all he managed to say.

They were still a few minutes away and the sky was gray.

"What's your name?" He asked.

Jimin really didn't want to tell him.
"Agust" jimin choked. It was the only thing he could come up with.
Yoongi's stage name.

The guy raised his eyebrows, and chuckled sickly.

"Agust huh... I'm Yejun. If you ever need a private driver, choose me. Okay?" The guy said sweetly and pulled the brakes.

The car stopped abruptly at a lighting cross and Jimin's breath hitched as he nodded. It made the man smile widely and crush the gas again.

The guy licked his lips, Jimin could feel him staring just as last time, slowly growing hungrier for each passing minute.

When they finally they arrived outside. Jimin instantly grabbed his wallet and pulled out the amount that was said with a thick smile. However, that would've been a good way to end the tense drive. But no, as Jimin pulled open the door it didn't budge.

His entire body froze as horror shot through him.

"Why have you locked the door? I need to get out..." jimin said weakly, pressing with all his might.

The guy chuckled. "You always run off too fast.." he turned in his seat and stared at jimin now. The same slick smirk plastered upon his dry lips.

"What do you want?" Jimin snapped.

"Woaah" the guy said raising his hands in defence, however he kept smiling.

"Just promise me I'll see you again."

"I don't think this is exactly the right way to make me adore you." Jimin muttered, he couldn't help his anger boiling. He knew he had to stay calm for his own safety, but it was hard. His insides were screaming and he felt like crying.

"Please Sir. I have a tight schedule..." jimin said again, pulling the door.

However he froze completely again when the cab driver suddenly pulled himself up form his seat, turning around and leaning closer to Jimin in the back seat. Jimin stared at him in horror his whole body going numb as the man slowly reached out and stroked his hand over his cheek and into his hair. It could've been a kind gesture hadn't Jimin been angry and scared to the point of tears and panic crushing his insides.

The man must've noticed, because he sighted and let his face go. Sloppily dumping back into his seat.

"You're beautiful Park Jimin.. I need to see you again." He spoke as he clicked the lock button in the front seat.

Jimin didn't wait a second to push open the door and basically run out. Huffing as he stopped and stared over his shoulder. Feeling like he was about to throw up. The man's touch burning his skin. He felt gross.

And worse of all... he knew his full name.

Jimin hurried inside and into his office, locking the door and restlessly walking around. There was a giant flower bouquet at his table, but he couldn't processes it. He frantically pushed off his jacket and pulled off his tie. Unbuttoning his shirt trying to breath. Sitting down in his chair. His hands shaking and body numb.
There was no way in hell he was ever going to take that cab ever again. Without any control Jimin watched as tears fell out of his eyes, one by one landing on the table before the mysterious bouquet. His hands going into his dirty blond hair.
The bouquet was wrapped in white silk-like paper. It was full with pink, white and green flowers and a hint of blue in between. Letting the tears fall he picked it up and read the small note that was attached to the bottom.

[To: Park Jimin From: Jin & Namjoon
You're invited to our wedding, the 20th of may. Ps. Invite Jungkook too. ]

Jimin smiled and rubbed his reddened eyes. This definitely made him feel a little better. However his body was still in shock.

Shaking, Jimin got up from his seat. Rubbing his eyes a last time and looked at his reflection in the camera on is phone. His eyes were red and puffy, but he tried to reassure himself it would be fine.

He breathed a few more times to calm himself and before he picked up the flower bouquet and walked to Jungkook's office.

Hesitantly knocking on the door as he usually did.

"Come in!" Jungkook yelled and Jimin did as he was told, The flowers still in his hands.

"Sir." Jimin said, to show it was him when jungkook didn't look up immediately.
Jungkook flashed his sweet bunny smile and held up his other hand saying "Apapapapaaa" when he heard.
Which jimin understood meant
"wait, I have to write this sentence- even if it is you".

When he finally did look up, Jimin had walked properly into the room with a light smile on his lips. Jungkook's jaw dropped as on cue. He Couldn't believe how beautiful one person possibly could get.

Jimin laughed at his reaction and lay the bouquet in front of him, so he could read the note too.
However, Jungkook was still distracted by Jimin. Because Jimin had completely forgotten to button up his shirt which exposed a silver necklaces hanging perfectly onto his collarbone and together with the flowers. Jungkook's inner hormones was at war.

"Read it!" Jimin laughed at him lightly.

Music to jungkook's ears so early in the morning. Reluctantly, he did as he was told.
Proceeding to smile even brighter up at Jimin once he did.

"Aaaw! This is so cute!" He laughed.

Jimin nodded excitedly, looking like a squishy small mochi for a second and a half. Jungkook couldn't hold himself back anymore. He jumped up from his chair and walked around the table, pushing Jimin into a warm embrace.
Initially, Jungkook hadn't intended to hug him for long thinking he was already overstepping Jimin's boundaries. But the truth was, jimin needed a hug, badly. He hugged Jungkook back immediately. Making the hug ten times more comfortable.

Jungkook's heart exploded at that. Especially as jimin snuggled into his neck. He couldn't believe what was happening, jimin hugged him back at work.

However that quickly shifted once Jimin's breath hitched softly into his shoulder. Smoothly, Jungkook pulled him away, just enough to see his face. His eyes puffy, red and glossy on the edge of tears. Jimin laughed as Jungkook's whole expression fell into a concerned frown.

"What?! What happened? Why have you been crying?!"

Jimin laughed even more, still resting his hands around Jungkook's neck.

"It's nothing, I'm fine now- I'm just in a little shock-" he hid his face in Jungkook's shoulder again, "and this all is overwhelming I guess I just needed a hug..." Jimin rambled, the words slipping out like a mess.

Still, Jungkook's clouded expression didn't falter. He was lost in Jimin's alluring almond eyes. It broke his heart to see him hurting, he couldn't forget even with Jimin clinging to him like a cute koala.

"Jimin... did something else happen this morning?" He spoke in the purest tone Jimin had heard ever escape the lips of a man.

Jimin didn't want to talk about it. He pulled his arms away and looked to the floor.

"Im fine really. It was nothing. I'll be more careful from now on. Really, don't worry about me Sir."

Jungkook smoothly loosened his grip again, Sending shivers up Jimin's body, as he rested a hand on his hip. He couldn't let Jimin go. Gently, Jungkook stroked his other hand up on Jimin's cheek. It was nearly the same place as the creep cab driver, but it didn't feel the same at all. Jimin smiled kindly and leaned into his touch.

Jungkook swore he was blessed by every god in the universe that morning. He wanted to cuddle jimin so bad. He couldn't help but fall just a little bit for the pretty blonde, which he admitted was dangerous.

"You are my date to the wedding, right?" Jungkook asked, scanning Jimin like a perfect piece of art.

Jimin laughed at him and backed away, picking up the flowers at his desk. Jungkook followed after closely, his playful grin was back on his face as he cornered Jimin.

"You are! Aren't you?" He chuckled and pushed himself up Jimin's back, hugging him again. Jimin shivered and turned around, facing Jungkook. His face glowing pink.

"W-wait Sir..-" Jimin stuttered.

Jungkook however ignored his drumming heart and stepped even closer, making it so jimin was basically sitting on his desk.

Jimin had flashbacks to the morning at Jungkook's kitchen. His face became hot and his breath hitched in an instant.
Jungkook put his hands at each side of him and leaned closer to his face. Jimin tried to turn his head away, but Jungkook gently cupped his cheek again, trapping him under his affectionate haze.

Jimin swallowed, "Jung-Sir. We're at work..." he stuttered, yet his eyes were drawn to Jungkook's plump bottom lip.

Watching as it spread into a wide smile. Before gently moving forward, being placed on his own. Just as soft and perfect as he remembered them to be. Jimin closed his eyes savoring the feeling. Even though he knew he shouldn't. So when Jungkook slowly and beautifully started to move his lips, tasting Jimin's bottom so deliciously, sending butterflies to his stomach. He had to pull away not to get caught in his spiderweb.

They stared at each other until Jungkook swallowed and his head fell to Jimin's shoulder, without opening his eyes.

"Be my date." He said again, more like begging. Jimin sighted and let the Younger stay at his shoulder for a second.

That was until he noticed Jennie, staring at them through the Windows out to the corridor. Panic suddenly kicked into Jimin and he shoved Jungkook away, making him yelp. He grabbed the flowers and marched to the spot he knew Jennie couldn't see him just before the door.

Jungkook stood bewildered at the middle of the floor, looking at Jimin with flushed cheeks.

"The window." Was all Jimin said, before he decided he should just go.
Jimin acted like he didn't see her once he got out, and headed straight back to his office.

"Jimin! Wait!" Jennie hurried after him.

Jimin dumped the huge flower bouquet at his desk and turned to Jennie. His heart was still beating like a drum inside his chest.

"Jimin.." she started, looking a bit lost for words.

Jimin breathed out and sat down in his chair. Looking up at the stunned lady. Trying to smile.

"What can I help you with Jennie?" He said lightly, with a smile as if nothing happened.

"Did you just kiss Jungkook?!" She blurred out.

The words, caught Jimin off guard. He thought she'd at least beat around the bush a little more.

"Uh- no! Absolutely not!" He exclaimed a bit too loudly.

"But-but! I just saw-" she seemed flustered and waved her arms around.

Jimin leaned back in his chair, letting his hand go through his hair. This didn't however seem to calm Jennie as she stared at him, her mouth falling open.

"Jungkook was the one who kissed me." jimin said hesitantly.

He had to be careful. Jennie was Jungkook's father's secretary after all. Still, he didn't want to telling her anything that wasn't true or unnecessary.

"We have a few mutual friends and two of them are getting married. A gay couple." Jimin said and waved for Jennie to come and read the note for herself.

Hesitantly she did. Jimin didn't have a good excuse, but he just went with it. Playing with the truth like a good lie was supposed to do.

"He was just joking around." Jimin said, scrounging his nose cutely. Before suddenly coming up with something to back his statement. He shivered, looking up at Jennie with a saddened face.
"He was just trying to cheer me up, because i-i was kinda harassed by a cab driver this morning..."

Jennie frowned and gasped, the second she heard.

"He's such a child, fooling around like that. I hope you understand."

Jimin was relieved as Jennie seemed to have bitten on his petty ride. So Jimin proceeded to smile up at her again, melting her with his adorable eye smile.

"I guess it actually worked. Although Ew!" He laughed.

Jennie smiled too now. "Aah I understand. It looked so serious from my angle. I guess I was wrong." she laughed too now.

However before she backed away, her smile faltered into a weak one.

"I'm sorry about this morning. I hope you're fine." She said.

Jimin smiled and nodded.

"Will you come eat with us in the cafeteria this lunch too?"

"Sure" Jimin said kindly, waving her off with a smile.

However as hours passed and lunch time drew close, Jimin had completely forgotten how Jungkook asked him to come with him the day before. Therefore, he was slightly startled once Jungkook stood in the doorframe.

"Hey babe" he purred playfully, making Jimin shiver visibly at the nickname.

Jungkook was very happy, because he had managed to grow on Jimin the last few days. Jungkook's touches having been consistent, along with kind words. Jimin's body was subconsciously starting to connect Jungkook equals pleasure. Making Jimin forget to complain and instead growing used to it.

Jimin However was completely oblivious to this. He quickly packed his things, happy because he would be finished with the given work after lunch. He was in his own world and proceeded to brutally walk passed Jungkook.

"Not even an answer?" Jungkook frowned and jumped after him with a cute pout.

On the other hand was Jimin smiling, "to what?" He said, acting as though he didn't hear him. Although quickly changing the subject, as he didn't want him to repeat it either.

"I told Jennie I would eat at the cafeteria today."

"Then I'm coming too." Jungkook said, not even a second after.

Jimin raised his eyebrows up at him, brushing a hand though his own hair.

"But You don't usually go there, do you?"

Jungkook grinned. "Nope, low quality."

The blonde rolled his eyes, chuckling silently. "Well, then you have to behave..." he said and blushed at the next part "-Jennie saw us before, and she will be there..."

Although, Jungkook didn't seem to be worried at all. "You're telling me to behave?" He teased.

"Don't worry about Jennie, she wouldn't snitch on my dad anyway."

Jimin was about to ask why, but by then they'd reached a public area. It was different walking by Jungkook compared to Jennie. People bowed and greeted him politely as he passed.
Jimin looked up at him.
Accidentally thinking 'that man wants me..' his heart beat picking up as he felt Jungkook's touch linger on his body. Feeling like he'd been marked.

When they got to the table were Jennie sat along several others, mostly girls, her eyes widened at the sight of Jungkook standing beside Jimin like a obedient puppy looking around.

"Sir. Jungkook I didn't know you were joining us today!" one of the ladies burst out in awe, making everyone very aware of Jungkook's presence.

"I'm sorry for intruding" he said kindly, melting their hearts all at once. Sitting down on the chair closest to Jimin who was busy unfolding his lunch.

"Aw, it's fine!" Several of them giggled as if struck by a love decrease.

It made Jimin roll his eyes and stuff rice aggressively into his mouth. Jungkook chuckled at Jimin, shoving his knee against his, under the table. Earning his attention as a frown.

Jungkook grinned, making the elder women "aww" at his sweet bunny smile.

However Jimin wasn't going to give in, not in front of everyone.

"Stop it." He said brutally, not even sparing him a glance.

"I can't believe it. He's always being so cold to me" jungkook cried to the older woman across the table.

She laughed,"What did you do to deserve that?" The empathy drooled out from her eyes.

Jungkook kept up his sweet and innocent act, " i don't know.. I'm just being friendly. "

Another woman, leaned forward, making Jimin raise his eyebrows as she turned to him. "You shouldn't be so cold Jimin. He's your boss after all."

Jimin could help but scoff and look at Jungkook again. "I'm not being cold, he's just being dramatic because he can't get what he wants."

The girls gasped and Jimin could see Jennie watch intently from further across the table.

Jungkook laughed and smirked "true. I should be harsher with you."

He bumped his shoulder into jimin, making him nearly lose his rise.

Jimin scowled and shoved him back, straightening his jacket smoothly and eating the rise. The girls giggled at the little show the two boys were putting on. However, Jungkook wasn't done. He rolled his eyes comically, his smirk permanent on his lips, like it did whenever he was plotting something. Jimin noticed and only feared the worst when the taller leaned forwards, over the table.

"Seriously, what should I do with him?" He said playfully to the ladies.

Jimin gasped acting offended but shut up as Jungkook snuck his foot up against his again. Jimin scowled and pushed the foot away, only for it to come back.

They repeated this whilst as a girl answered "i don't know" giggling, completely smitten. Jungkook hummed in the best angelic note and leaned back. Eyes landing on Jimin, making stop pushing him away immediately.

"Too bad, i would've done anything" Jungkook sang.

Jimin stopped eating and stared back, meeting Jungkook's satisfied smiley face. The warmth of his foot up against his own. Jimin understood what he was doing all too well.

"Sir. I suggest you eat." Jimin said blankly.

Jungkook, rested his head in his hand, fluttering his eyelashes at jimin, acting cute.

"Will you feed me if I don't?"

The women across the table squealed.

"Stop it." Jimin tried hard not to smile, failing just slightly.

"It's lunch. I'm not on duty, can't I have some fun?" Jungkook said.

Jimin scowled, unconsciously scanning Jungkook's face, from his chocolate eyes to his lips and the small mole underneath it.

"I'll tell hoseok you hurt me."

Jungkook gasped and turned dramatically to Jimin. "Oh hell no, you wouldn't! How did you even come up with that?!"

Jimin laughed and shoved Jungkook's food closer to him, "He loves me, he'd kill you."

Jungkook shivered and stabbed the rise with a fork. Muttering, "why did you have to be my assistant. You're the devil."

Jimin smiled happily, and without thinking, he brought his hand to jungkook hair and ruffled it, effortlessly. The girls were all giggling along. Jennie was the only one who didn't.

"I didn't know you two where so close!" One of the women hummed.

Jimin smiled his signature smile, understanding by Jennie's expression that it was time to stop fooling around.

"Ah, we have a few mutual friends." Jimin told her, turning his attention away from Jungkook immediately.

Jungkook fell silent for a while, watching as jimin drifted off into a polite and dull conversation with the older women. Soon however, his eyes drifted to Jennie. There was something about Jimin laughing and talking to girls so freely and smoothly that made him restless.

"How's dad?" He said to Jennie.

Thus, they too disappeared into a boring conversation about mostly work related stuff. Jimin and Jungkook didn't really say too much to each other after that. That accept for how Jungkook thought it be fun to foot flirt with Jimin under the table.
He stepped on his foot and pressed his knee against the other, acting as though he was shifting his position In the chair. Jimin sat like a stick in his seat, sometimes glancing down as Jungkook stroked his foot against his.

When lunch was done, they all went their separate ways. That was at least what they were meant to do. But Jungkook grabbed Jimin's arm and pulled him into his office before he could get back.

Jimin was more nervous than usual when he stood alone before the other now. It was as if Jungkook had built it up inside him by rubbing his foot against his. Jungkook however, seemed fine. He always did, which was a mystery to Jimin.

"I forgot to ask you yesterday, but do you wanna come over to my place and eat after work today? We can quit earlier if you want."

Jimin swallowed thickly. He really didn't think it was a good idea, but at the same time, maybe he should?
He needed to talk about how Jungkook was being a hormonal teenager around him and that he had to stop before he caught feelings. Seriously.

Therefore, after contemplating the pro's and con's for a bit too long. He finally muttered, "yes, Sir." And walked out.

Jimin was done with his work just as he'd foreseen, only an hour later. This time, he hesitated before knocking yet again but for a new reason.

Mr.Jeon was in Jungkook's office.

However Jungkook saw Jimin in the window and waved him inside. Jimin obeyed and bowed deeply to Mr.Jeon before laying a bunch of marked and perfected documents on Jungkook's desk.

"Ah! Thank you very much Jimin!" Jungkook smiled at him like child, looking through the top one.
Mr. Jeon did the same right after Jungkook. Nodding along impressed.

"You did Good Park. How are you liking it here?" He asked, with a kind smile.

Jimin felt small in his presence, the man was huge. "I'm liking it a lot, thank you." He bowed again.

"I understand it so, you're having a small meeting to discuss the trip this weekend to Hawaii with Jungkook today?"

Jimin nodded along and smiled brightly. Although he was a bit surprised. "Yes, I am looking forwards to it."

The dark man chuckled and clapped Jimin on his shoulder, making him have to use strength not to fall down.

"I hope I see you again Park. Jungkook tells me you've helped him enormously. If you do this good, I can consider getting you a raise."

Jimin nearly gasped and smiled brightly over at Jungkook. Making the other melt just a little.

"Thank you very much! I'll work harder!" He bowed deeply to Mr. Jeon who just laughed.

Jimin turned to Jungkook, thinking he should hurry as he was probably interrupting.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, as of now. I don't want to disturb."

Jungkook smiled at him like a piece if art.

"Yeah, you can start on this." He handed Jimin a small folder this time. Jimin found it a bit weird as he hadn't had anything similar earlier.

However, he just smiled and bowed.

"I'll see you later then." Jimin said, before bowing deeply yet again and hurrying outside.

The new task was different from the usually reading jobs. He had to make different time tables for his employees, this ended in Jimin running around a lot of the time, talking and managing, trying to make it better for everyone so it could run smoothly. He desperately wanted to do a good job as Mr.Jeon was considering a raise.

Around 18:00 Jungkook came out from his office, finding Jimin talking to some higher ranked minion with styled black hair and a snazzy suit. His name was Younjea and Jungkook knew he was gay.
Neither of them seemed to notice as Jungkook silently walked over.
Hence, Jimin yelped loudly as Jungkook slid his arm around his waist, hugging him from behind, making Younjea's eyes widen in shock.
Jungkook knew he shouldn't do stuff like that in public, but he'd discovered that he had a certain protectiveness over jimin. And as he knew that this Youngjea guy was gay he didn't really care anymore.
Jimin shoved him away, staring at him with big pretty eyes, visibly trying to form a sentence.

Jungkook chuckled. "Pack up, will you? I need to get some ingredients at the mall" he said.

Jungkook could see, Younjea's brain slowly start to possess what they were saying.

"Oh, yes Sir. Are you gonna cook?" Jimin said, clueless to Jungkook's amusement of the flustered Youngjea standing beside them.

"Yeah, but I don't know what and I think you have to help me" Jungkook laughed cutely, spreading his bunny venom on Jimin so he unconsciously laugh before nodding.

"I'll see you in a minute. I just need to finish this." Jimin pointed to some papers and Younjea.

Jungkook nodded and gave Younjea a hard stare before walking away.

When they'd gone over the last few points, Younjea swallowed and dared to ask the question that made Jimin choke on his own spit.

"I'm sorry for asking, Are you and Jungkook in a relationship?"

"Noooo!" Jimin said dramatically.
Then laughed at Younjea's puzzled expression. "No. We're just having a meeting after this and he's hungry, apparently."

"Ah, I see." Younjea laughed nervously, "well I hope I'll see you again." He then said, bowing politely.

Jimin smiled at that "me too, bye!" He said before hurrying off. Not noticing how Younjea was left blushing and carefully checking out Jimin's extraordinary booty.



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