Natasha and Draco One shots

Par NatashaDOstroph

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Cute one shot chapters of Draco and Natasha Plus

First Sight
5th Year Dragon's Bride Part 1
Dragon's Bride Part 2 Summer
Sleeping Beauty Part 1
Sleeping Beauty Part 2
Sleeping Beauty part 3
Cold Part 2
Cold Part 3
Cold Part 4
Christmas Kisses
Blast from the Future Part 1
Blast from the Future part 2
A Witch to Shag Part 1
A Witch To Shag Part 2
A Witch To Shag Part 3
A Witch To Shag Part 4
Truth or Dare Third Year Fall 1992
Three Weeks After Truth Or Dare Fall 1992
Train Sex 7th Year Repeat Year
Valentine's Day 1986 Before Hogwarts
Febuary 14th The Day After 1986
Celebrating 35 Together and 15 Years of Marriage
What? Part 1
What? Part 2
Natasha's Wishes
Draco's Wishes
Valentine's Day 1999 Repeat Year
Scorpius Age 7
February 15th 1999 The Day After
Natasha's Savior
May 3rd 1998
Sexual Advances Part 1
Sexual Advances Part 2
Saved By A Peacock
Draco's Girl Part 1
Draco's Girl Part 2
Draco's Girl Part 3
The Princess And The Dragon Part 1
The Princess and the Dragon Part 2
The Princess and the Dragon Part 3
Hot Kiss Part 1
Hot Kiss Part 2
Hot Kiss Part 3

Cold part 1

227 4 1
Par NatashaDOstroph

This is a dark Natasha and Draco one shot if it's not you're cup of tea then don't read it

                                                                                        Ruthless..At First
Voldemort was dead and named Draco Malfoy as his successor. Draco sent criminals to Azkaban such as snatchers and ruthless death eaters. Draco Malfoy was also the new minister of magic. He had Blaise gather up muggle born witches to be pets to half bloods and pure bloods. The muggle born wizards are used as workers paid only enough money to provide for themselves. Half bloods were treated with the same amount of rights as pure bloods thanks to Draco's new laws. Natasha was caught by Blaise Zabini along with Hermione Granger.

Both were stripped stark naked and they're wands taken from them for pure bloods and half bloods to check out and take home as a pet. Natasha felt ashamed and embarrassed she heard footsteps coming. It was two sets one set belonging to Blaise the other set she couldn't place. She was stark naked in a cell she was huddled up in a corner keeping her breasts and private parts hidden but also keeping warm. She heard Blaise's voice along with someone else's she hard Blaise speak.

"Boss we have caught more muggle born witches. We've stripped them naked and placed them in cells. We want you to have the first pick of fresh meat." Natasha heard Blaise say it was ruthless that the pure bloods thought of muggle born witches as fresh meat she heard a voice reply back to him.

"Blaise I'm not wanting to occupy a muggle born witch! You are wasting you're time and mine!" The other voice said angrily. Natasha's head shot up she knew that voice it was Draco's. She wondered what Draco was doing but she heard Blaise reply back to him.

"Come on boss. You need to relieve your sexual tension. Besides the witch that Roland is fucking well it relieved his tension. Use the muggle born witch you pick to relieve your sexual tension and sexual frustrations on. Two of them are virgins. The freshest and the ripest of all meats." Natasha heard Blaise say she shuddered she heard Draco speak.

"Virgins. Mm this is very interesting. Show me the virgins." Natasha heard Draco say and their footsteps came to a cage she heard Draco speak.

"Well well well. Granger I thought you lost it to the weasel. Nicely shaped body but not my type sorry Granger. Show me the next virgin." Natasha heard Draco say. Natasha damned herself for staying a virgin but it wasn't her fault. No one would dare have sex with the niece of professor Snape and live to tell the tale. The footsteps grew close and came to a stop she heard Blaise speak.

"This is the last virgin boss. You'll like this one quite shocking if I do say so myself." Blaise said sarcastically Natasha's cafe opened the hinges creaked Draco walked in and saw a witch huddled up in the corner and spoke to her.

"On your feet witch! I want a good look at you." Draco said Natasha shuddered and stood up. Her backside was facing Draco she didn't want to look at him Draco scoffed and spoke. "Face me witch I don't have all day!" Draco said angrily Natasha slowly turned around her arms covered her breasts. She didn't want Draco to see how big they were Draco's eyes widened at the sight of Natasha in a cage he spoke again. "Lower your arms witch I want to see your breasts." Draco demanded Natasha breathed heavy and slowly lowered her arms. She wanted to stay with her daddy Severus Snape but Blaise captured her. Draco spoke to Blaise.

"What the fuck Blaise! Natasha D'Ostroph the niece of professor Snape!" Draco bellowed out Blaise cleared his voice and spoke.

"Boss according to your laws muggle born witches are to be captured and their wands taken away and given to half bloods or pure bloods as pets and she is a muggle born I was following your instructions." Blaise said his eyes in shock wondering if he was gonna be fired he swallowed hard Draco nodded and spoke to him.

"Well Blaise you certainly kept to the laws haven't you?" Draco said Blaise sighed in relief Draco walked over to Natasha and examined her. He's always wanted her but kept his distance at first bullying her was his way of speaking to her. He examined her naked body. Her breasts were big the perfect double DD size cup. Her figure was voluptuous her ass was nice round and unblemished. Draco put his hands on her face and licked her neck. Natasha shivered weather it was due to the cold or the action she wasn't sure. Draco spoke. "Well Blaise I'm taking this one home with me." Draco said maliciously he grabbed Natasha by her hair and apparated home to Malfoy manor.

Draco now owns Malfoy manor and resides there by himself. His parents live in their vacation home in Russia. Malfoy manor was as black as night on the inside it was also shiny and glossy. Once in the foyer Draco forced Natasha to sit down on the soft leather sofa and cleared his throat and spoke.

"Well now seeing as how you are my pet let's go over somethings" Draco began Natasha nodded she was scared but stayed silent Draco continued. "First when I arrive home you'll be clean and naked and sitting on your knees with your head bowed down. Second you will tell me of any sexual nature you've had. Third I will fuck you mercifully starting with your ass. The sex will be hard and rough. I don't do slow and sweet you are not allowed to say no during sexual activity. There will be healing potions for you to take after the hard activity. I want you to eat properly three meals a day. Fourth you refer to me as master or lord Malfoy. Lastly when I fuck your vagina it will be hard. You'll do everything as I say is that understood?" Draco asked her Natasha stared at him wide eyed and answered him.

"So I'm basically your sex slave?" She asked her voice frightened Draco looked at her angrily and slapped her face hard and spoke to her.

"Never say sex slave again! Should you deny me of anything your punishment will be severe!" Draco said to her getting into her face Natasha covered her face where he slapped her he grabbed her arm forcibly and dragged her upstairs. Draco's new room was the master bedroom on the first floor of the manor. Natasha cried out as he dragged her upstairs.. He pulled her into the room and closed the door and locked it with his wand. Natasha saw chains hanging from the ceiling with metal cuffs on the end. They were hanging from the middle of the bed Draco pulled her to the bed Natasha kicked and screamed but it didn't do any good. He cuffed her to the ceiling chains. He smiled maliciously at her and plastered his signature smirk on his face he tied up her feet with black rope he magicked his clothes away he was naked his cock was 11 inches long and he was thick and massive. Natasha shook her head no she was terrified Draco cupped her cheeks and spoke to her. "Now then I'm gonna fuck your pretty ass hard for saying sex slave. It will be rough if I had a stressful day at the office you'll know cause the sex is rougher and I gotta say rough sex is a wonderful stress relief." Draco told her Natasha's breath quivered and quickened her mouth was dry and spoke.

"I'm not ready for this." She said her mouth dry Draco chuckled darkly and sinisterly and spoke to her.

"I'm fucking your ass witch and you will enjoy it. Scream as loud as you want no one will help you. You are mine and only mine to fuck. I'm the minister of magic and the dark lords successor I get what I want." Draco said to her dangerously Natasha shivered at the thought he lined himself at the entrance of her ass and shoved himself into her hard. Natasha cried out in pain he thrusted immediately hard and fast he grabbed her breasts hard causing Natasha to scream out Draco grunted and spoke.

"Fuck you're so tight back here it's heaven. You are never leaving me! You are mine forever! Draco said growling out Natasha cried she couldn't stop him. She knew that punishment would be harsher than this Draco pinched her nipples hard causing her to gasp Natasha's eyes had tears Draco spoke.

"Damn my thick cock must have more of this tightness of yours! I'm fucking your pussy tonight no exceptions." Draco said Natasha couldn't believe he was so ruthless. Natasha's sobs filled the room along with her screams and Draco's grunts. Finally Draco hit his climax and came inside her ass. He pulled out of her he uncuffed her from the chains and untied her feet. He placed her back onto the mattress and tied her hands with black rope over the rails of the bed Natasha was sobbing he didn't care he spread her long and sexy legs and tied them up so she was spread eagled on his bed Natasha was still crying Draco spoke to her.

"I'm fucking your pussy tonight that much tightness your ass had on my 11 inch cock felt so good I have to test it out on your pussy. You'll feel so good on me." Draco said to her Natasha sobbed she couldn't help it she hoped the rumors of Draco being rough and ruthless during their school days were just that rumors she didn't know they were true until now. Draco lined himself at the entrance to her vagina and just as he was about to push into her he heard a noise from the floo downstairs.

Damn visitors. He thought to himself he spoke to Natasha.

"I'll be right back. There's visitors don't make a sound." Draco told her Natasha nodded and Draco left the room. Whoever showed up saved her from being fucked big time. Draco was dressed in his usual attire and headed downstairs he had all the fireplaces blocked but the one in the foyer he saw his parents in the foyer Narcissa smiled at her son Lucius was pensive and spoke.

"Son I hear you brought home a witch as your pet." Lucius said Draco spoke to him.

"Yes father I was just showing her around as to where she'd be staying while she's here." Draco said Lucius nodded and spoke to him.

"Well son I heard Severus's niece was caught in a muggle born witch raid and there is something you should know about her." Lucius said Draco looked at him questionably and spoke.

"What's that father?" Draco asked him Lucius answered him.

"Son come and sit down and I'll explain everything." Lucius said Draco sighed and sat down on the soft leather sofa facing his parents Lucius spoke again. "Son Severus's niece is not really his niece. She's his beloved daughter. She was born the week before the dark lord died the first time. He realized that should the dark lord could return he gave the girl her mothers maiden name and raised her as a muggle born. He didn't want her to have the dark lords mark on her arm. He was a spy for Dumbledore just like I was. Natasha D'Ostroph was born a half blood and raised a muggle born. Now son who's the witch you brought home?" Lucius asked Draco swallowed hard and had a thought.

Well damn this complicates things. Draco answered him.

"Natasha D'Ostroph father is the witch I brought home." Lucius sighed and spoke to him.

"Well son be patient with the girl. The girls a virgin and that's not entirely her fault boys never ask her out cause of Severus. Severus wanted her to be properly taken care of. She's his entire world she saved Severus that night in the Shrieking Shack with some pheonix tears she got from Dumbledore courtesy of his pet Fawkes. Son don't take away her virginity away from her she'll hate you for it. According to Severus she liked you long ago it was during the years of 3-5 of Hogwarts. It was a schoolgirls crush she realized she never had a chance with you so she stopped crushing on you in year 6." Lucius said Draco nodded and spoke to him.

"Father does Natasha know she's Snape's daughter?" Draco asked swallowing hard Lucius sighed and answered him.

"Yes my son she does. He told her 4 weeks after she saved him in the shrieking shack. I'm sure the girls probably scared out of her mind and wants to be home with Severus. Severus has treated her well and properly cared and provided for her all these years. She still calls him Uncle cause she wants no one to know he's her father and Severus feels the same. Treat the girl with some respect my son when she's unhappy or angry she likes to read it takes her mind off things. Son if I were you I'd wait until she's ready for you to have sex with her granted you're hard and rough when it comes to that but let her decide when she's ready for vagina sex." Lucius said to him Draco nodded he was gonna fuck her vagina tonight but now things have changed Draco said good night to his parents and headed upstairs he had a witch to tend to.

Once upstairs Natasha was still crying. She was crying softly Draco looked at her spread eagled on his bed he sighed a heavy sigh and untied her from the ropes. He picked her up from the bed and carried her to his master bathroom. He filled his oversized tub with hot water and put in blue bubbles for calming and relaxing. Once the tub was on plugged and full of water and bubbles he sat Natasha down in the water gently. Natasha gasped at the feel of hot water on her naked body as she settled she spoke to Draco.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously Draco chuckled and answered her.

"It's obvious I'm giving you a bath. As I told you I want you nice and clean when I come home also stark naked so I can appreciate your naked body and also look and admire your beautiful big breasts." Draco said to her he magicked his clothes away again but this time he got into the tub with her Natasha got nervous and spoke to him.

"You're coming into the tub with me?" She asked Draco sat down in the hot water and answered her.

"Yes I am. This will be a daily ritual. I get in the tub with you and wash your body so it's fresh and clean for me. I'm also gonna wash your hair for you. At nighttime you sleep with me." Draco told her softly he put some soap on a loofa and lathered it he placed the loofa on Natasha's skin and began washing her. He treated her skin as if it were his own soft motions Natasha moaned she couldn't help it. She knew that his demeanor had changed since the visitors came to visit him Natasha was curious and spoke to him.

"Y-you're not fucking my vagina tonight?" She asked making conversation with him Draco sighed heavy and answered her.

"No I am not. Not until you're ready for that. I'm sorry I fucked your ass without your permission. I guess you could call it ass rape. I was so eager to be inside of you I just lost control of my actions and I know that's no excuse for my behavior. I'll only fuck your ass once a week you can pick the day. I'll have the house elves get some clothes for you to wear during the day. Now on your menstrual cycle you don't have to be naked when I come home just be fully dressed and on your knees with your head bowed down waiting for me. While I'm gone you're allowed to wonder around the inside of the manor but you're not allowed to leave unless you are with me. Snape's allowed to come and visit you since you're his family. He can stay as long as he likes when he visits you. When we have guests you're to be fully dressed but just make sure you're on your knees with your head bowed waiting for me in the foyer. I want you to eat properly 3 meals a day fruits on and off during the daytime for snacks. When my parents or Snape is present refer to me as Draco when it's just us refer to me as lord or master. When we have sex call me Draco." Draco said to her apologizing and explaining his new rules Natasha nodded understanding him. She shivered at his touch she wondered why his whole demeanor had suddenly changed she spoke to him.

"You said you don't do slow and sweet" she began to say Draco nodded at her Natasha continued "I could teach you to be slow and sweet tonight if you like." She told him Draco was stunned he didn't know what to think of her he spoke to her.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked her curiously Natasha thought about it for a moment she crushed on Draco for three years she imagined his fingers fingering her vagina him massaging her breasts real slow then him licking her like she's ice cream if she can teach him to be slow and sweet than this arrangement of her living with him might not be so bad Natasha answered him.

"Take me back to bed and I'll show you." She said to him softly Draco nodded he rinsed her naked body off with the sprayer in his tub so her body was bubble free. He stood up in the tub and sprayed himself off he bent down and unplugged the tub the blue water went down the drain Draco picked up his wand and Natasha. He carried her bridal style back to his room. He laid her down gently on the bed her body still wet from the bath they just took he climbed into bed with her. Natasha figured if she could subject to his advances but in a slow and sweet way he might get bored with her and let her go free. Natasha spoke to him.

"Put your hands on my breasts" Natasha said Draco put his large hands on her breasts and left them there and waited for further instructions. "Now massage them gently." She told him Draco did as he was asked he massaged her breasts gently Natasha moaned as he massaged them slowly and gently she couldn't help it. Draco wondered why her views have changed he spoke to her.

"Why are you doing this? Teaching me to be slow and sweet?" Draco asked her Natasha let out a moan and answered him.

"Well I realized I have to subject to your wants and needs my lord. I realized I'm yours and I'm never allowed to leave you. I figured if I could teach you to be slow and sweet you'd still get what you want from me without taking it from me by force it'll make being here much easier to hmmm handle." She told him answering his questions Draco never gave it that much thought before. He's always wanted her simply because she was so different. He had dreamed of fucking her senseless for a long time both her ass and her vagina. He had always wanted her to be his bride. If she were his bride he'd deny her nothing and gave her everything like Snape did. Natasha mmm'd as he continued massaging her breasts slow and gentle Draco spoke to her.

"Well I never thought about it like that before you teaching me to be slow and sweet and I still get what I want without force. I had a very stressful day today I was so eager to be inside of a witch for a long time. You just happened to be here with me and I lost all control." Draco said to her still massaging her breasts Natasha moaned and spoke to him.

"Massage them a little harder my lord I want to feel these strong hands massage my breasts harder." Natasha said to him Draco smirked at her and spoke to her.

"Well now how hard do you want to go witch?" Draco asked her Natasha moaned in response and answered him.

"Hard as you were earlier when you fucked my ass my lord." She told him Draco massaged her breasts hard causing her to gasp and arch her back. Natasha oh'd and mmm'd at the feel of his strong hands on her breasts Draco spoke to her.

"Well now someone sure is enjoying this now than she was earlier so let me sweeten the pot. I'm gonna see what I can do about getting your wand back but I need to know what type of hair and core it has." Draco said to her Natasha arched her back again and oh'd and answered him.

"Dragon heartstring with a unicorn core. It's 10 inches precisely reasonably swishy which is perfect for charms work and potion making. Ohhhh my lord that feels so good!!!" Natasha said exclaiming Draco smirked and spoke to her.

"Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself witch. You weren't earlier and this surprises me." Draco said to her Natasha spoke to him.

"Saturday." She said Draco spoke to her.

"What?" He asked quizzically Natasha answered him.

"You told me to pick the day you can fuck my pretty ass and I did so Saturday's the day for that and my lord be as hard as you wish and massage my breasts so hard that day like you did tonight when you fucked my ass senseless." Natasha said to him. For the first time in his life Draco was speechless but recovered from that quickly and spoke to her.

"Well since tonight is Wednesday night how about a compromise? Wednesday's Thursday's and Friday's are my stressful days. I'll fuck your ass Wednesday's Thursday's and Friday's and on Saturday's you can do what you like. You can see Snape go shopping read if you like to or continue to give me lessons in sweetness. What do you say to that?" Draco asked giving her options Natasha moaned and answered him.

"Will you be with me when I see my Uncle?" She asked him Draco answered her.

"Yes I will but you two have family discussions then I'll be in another room. I want to be absolutely sure that you aren't gonna leave me." Draco said to her Natasha nodded understanding him Natasha spoke to him.

"Draco your strong hands feel so good so very good." She moaned out she spoke to him again. "Am I allowed to touch myself you know flick my bean?" Natasha asked him Draco answered her.

"No you are not allowed to touch yourself only I'm allowed to touch you flick your bean touch your breasts fuck your ass your pussy. You are allowed to touch me. My cock my abs my face my hair my nipples. You'll like that won't you witch?" Draco asked Natasha moaned out  cause he still massaged her breasts hard and rough like earlier Natasha answered him.

"Yes my lord I'd like that very much." Natasha said to him Draco nodded and spoke to her.

"Good now stick your tongue out for me I want to suck your tongue while I massage your breasts." Draco told her Natasha did as she was told she stuck her tongue out at him. He stuck out his own tongue and he traced her tongue with his own. Natasha mmm'd at the gesture of his tongue on her own. He kissed the tip of her tongue then put her whole tongue in his mouth. He sucked her tongue while he massaged her breasts hard Natasha grabbed fistfuls of the comforter every time he massaged her breasts hard. After a few moments of sucking her tongue Draco stopped massaging her breasts and spoke to her.

"Now then get some sleep. Your tongue tasted wonderful you're breasts feel good in my large hands. Tomorrow night after I fuck your ass senseless you can teach me more about slow and sweet. Does that sound fair to you?" Draco asked her Natasha nodded yes at him she yawned and spoke to him.

"Good night my lord." She told him Natasha's eyes fluttered closed Draco held Natasha close to his body his hands cupped her breasts and stayed there he thought some deep thoughts before going to sleep.

First I'm gonna get her wand back. She was taken this morning so her wand hasn't been snapped yet. Second I'll give her everything and deny her nothing. Being slow and sweet doesn't seem so bad I still get what I want but without force. Third I have to make up for tonight when I raped her ass. I'm thinking flowers roses but what color of roses say I'm sorry. I'll figure that out later.

Damn this is complicated. She's a half blood but raised a muggle born. Ughh why does Merlin like to complicate things for me? I do love her naked body though. She feels so good in my arms. I've always wanted her to be my one and only witch but I was too much of a damned coward to claim her during our school days. It was better she stayed away from me then. Tonight when I raped her ass I lost control but that was before I knew this whole new information about her. Thank Merlin my parents showed up when they did and father explaining things about her to me I would've raped her vagina until she couldn't take it anymore. Thank Merlin for interruptions. She will be the mother of my child. I decided that long ago. She wasn't some gold digger like the rest of the sluts I was with.

No she's special very special and I'll do whatever it takes to make her happy here with me. Draco thought to himself he yawned and closed his eyes and entered into his own dreamworld where it's just him and Natasha.

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