Sieg (A Harry Styles Fan Fict...

By wehadtowalkaway

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Sieg (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Sieg I : Sieg Academy
Sieg II : Who's One?
Sieg III : Brothers
Sieg IV : Sister
Sieg V : Harry Styles
Sieg VI : Bicycle
Sieg VII : Date me
Sieg VIII : Dia de Bauge
Sieg IX : Group Study
Sieg X : Rain
Sieg XI : Unusual Dream
Sieg XII : The most attractive man on earth
Sieg XIII : Gold Card
Sieg XIV : Cruise Ship
Sieg XVI : Isolated Island
Sieg XVII : The Bet

Sieg XV : And.. we're stuck

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By wehadtowalkaway

"Where's the cruise?!" I asked, still shaking him.

His hand find his temple, he looked hurt. "My head aches. Ugg.." He said closing his eyes.

"We are floating out of nowhere Harry! How could you just--"

"My head hurts! I don't remember anything! I didn't know how we get here or why or anything!!!" He said, pissed.

I crawl back to the other end of the boat and glared at him. Then I stared at the sea. I've seen this in movies, and I'm pretty sure we'll end up in an island. And it's obviously impossible to land in Hawaii, we'll end up in an isolated island.

I turned to Harry, who rested his head on his knees. Still wearing his suit from last night. I'm going to end up in an isolated island with this jerk. How is that even fine?!

"Don't you remember a thing?" I started.

He looked up at me, his eyes half-open. Then his cheeks bloated and he began docking his head out of the boat as he vomits.

"Gross, Harry." I said.

He stared at me again, "Where are we?" He asked again.

"At the sea!! Everything's water!" And I began panicking. I didn't want this to happen, it didn't even occur to me that this can possibly happen in real life. "My brothers are sick worried now.. I didn't even want to start to think of Mom. Uggggg!!" And tears started streaming down my cheeks as I hugged my knees closer to me.

"Are you.. Crying?" Harry asked moving closer.

I put a finger to discourage him of coming closer. When he stopped, I wiped my face with the back of my hand, "How did we end up like this.." I whispered.

I didn't even consider him answering. "I heard you calling my name last night, so I went in to get the emergency boat." He paused, remembering. "But the storm is too strong and the current just drives the boat away from the cruise and I couldn't ... The last thing I remembered was me dragging you in the boat and.. That's it. Everything went black."

"Did someone saw you? Or did you notice someone seeing me being drown? Or you getting the boat out?" I asked continuously.

He thought for it for a moment then shook his head. "I think there's none."

Then every hopes in my heart flew away, "Ugg.. We're so done. We're gonna die here!" I said.

"Die? Now?" He asked, looking around, "Seriously Abigail? We have a lot here!! A lot... Of water." He said it as his tone decreased to silence.

"Don't play games with me now Harry. It's not funny and I'm serious!" I said.

"Oh c'mon! It's not like this didn't happens in movies! We'll be like... Stranded in an island, probably, an isolated one. Then we'll make our own shelter and eat fresh fruits! Or even take a bath in a waterfalls!! What could possibly go wrong?!"

"Everything! Everything Harry!! Because I didn't want to spend even a day in an isolated island with you!!!" I snapped, tears streamed down my face as I struggled to put my emotions to words. "You may be a lot of girl's dream guy, but I'm different. Very different from those girls!" I shouted.

I was sorry, but I knew I only said nothing but the truth. I turn to bury my face on my knees again. Now I'm starting to miss Mom and even my silly brothers. I wonder if they're looking for me right now. Of course, they are. I didn't even want to think about them worrying so much for me. I want to go home.. I want to go home.. I even started thinking of school. Tiffany.. Edward..

Edward. I wonder if he even knew we were missing. Or if he even had a pang of worry when he was informed that I was missing.

"Tell me what you're thinking.." I heard Harry's voice, a little more distant now. He must be on the other end of the boat.

I didn't looked up to answer, instead I hugged my knees closer to me. "You'll not like it." I whispered.

Even if it was a whisper, by the deafening silence I knew that he heard me right. But he answered me with an unexpected answer. "Still... Tell me." He said.

I turn my head up but didn't face him. I just stared at the clear sky as the wind blew my hair covering my face. "I'm thinking..." I paused. "If Edward would be here, instead of you, he would react differently. He would tell me the opposite of what you said." Then I look at him as his face covered with blankness. "I just wish that Edward's here, instead of you."

It's an hour of floating above the sea, not knowing where this will lead us. I would try to start a conversation but he'll answer a nod, a shook of the head or a hmm. It irritates me more. How did we end up like this?! We aren't even being filmed!

But I have to trust my brothers and Mom. They will find. But after another hour of silence, I started doubting.

"They'll find us. Trust them." Harry said from the corner of my eye, sitting on the very opposite end of the boat. "Don't worry." He added.

"Do you have a phone right now?" I asked.

"It's down there.." He pointed at the sea. "Even before I type a single number."

I sighed loudly. I didn't bring my purse with my phone in it outside. I left it on our table. I didn't know such bad luck would happen. I sighed even louder. I turned to him as he sighed too. But I was surprised, at the same time happy to even start crying. I couldn't find words to explain. But I just stood quickly and pointed at the Harry's direction. "Land!!!" Was the only word that I could say.

Harry slwly turned to look at me, to check if I had gone crazy. But I wasn't. His eyes brighten and turned to his side of the sea. And I wasn't mistaken, it is a land.

The small boat finally reached the small island that doesn't look like the fruitful island that you may see in movies. Unfortunately, the island looked abandoned, washed away and dry. And just by the look of it, Harry and I both sighed.

We dragged the boat to the shore, I immediately slammed my back on the land and felt it. "Finally!! A land!!" I muttered as it echoed at the abandoned island.

Harry stood there staring at me. "First, let's look for humans." He said. I rolled to turn to him with a 'seriously?!' facial expression. He nodded seriously. "Atleast try."

I stood up uneagerly. I followed him roaming around the island. Half an hour of walking, but no signs of living. I sighed again and sat on the ground, hugging my knees.

"I'm sorry.." I said, he turned to me in pity. "I just thought that you took it to heart when I said that Edward would say the opposite of what you said earlier if he were here instead of you... I just wanted to say that I said it out of anger--"

"I'm not doing this because you said so. Or because of what my brother would say. At first, I wanted to die out there. But one thing stopped me from thinking of it." He said.

"Will you tell me if I ask what is it?" I asked.

It took him a moment before answering that I thought I offended him. "Because I haven't given up on you. If I'm gonna die out there, I won't be able to date you. That's why." I couldn't find words to reply, so he added. "Let's look for food first." And he started walking again, I stood up and followed him.

I wasn't sure what to say to him afterwards, I attempted to say a few words, practiced it in my mind but it just comes out empty.

"Waterfalls never fail us." He said smiling at me as I hear the water falling and splashing. His smile was the last thing I could manage to see through my blurry vision before I completely fell on Harry's arms.

The next time I woke up. At first, I felt relieved. The water beyond the shore looked as refreshing as I imagined it. There's a shed covering me up from the sun. Maybe what I remembered happening was just a dream. And I'm actually just having a vacation in one of our islands. But then I turned to see Harry standing as one of the pillars of the shed. He's still wearing what I remembered him wearing -- his suit.

He smiled uneasily as he struggled to stood as one of the pillar bringing the roof as high as he can. "Are you awake now?" I nodded. "Are you ok now?" I nodded. "Can you.. Just.. Get out a little c-cause I can't h-h-hold it anymore.." And I immediately crawled out of the shed and the next moment was when Harry let go and the shed collapsed.

"I've been sleeping for.. How many hours?" I asked.

He looked exhausted, inhaling in and exhaling out. It took him a moment to answer, "About.. Three hours? Two and a half? I don't know." He said slamming his back on the sand. I noticed that he is no longer wearing his upper suit. He's on his sleeves now.

I sat next to him. He looked up at me and watch me sit next to him. "I prepared food. Eat it--"

"There's food?!" I asked, surprised.

"Fruits.. And leaves that looks good.. Atleast it looks edible." He said.

"Where is it?!" I asked.

"Next to the tree." He said.

I sighed and sat a little longer before crawling my way next to the tree to find a large leaf full of fruits. Fruits that I don't usually see in supermarkets. Fruits that looks peculiar but doesn't look poisonous.

"Are you sure that this is ok?" I asked.

He turned to look at me, "I ate a lot. But it doesn't look like it has bad effects on my body." He said tapping his tummy.

I noticed a single piece of leaf, a little larger than the ones on the leaf, lying next to it. It is peculiarly folded into four. I opened it and saw an embroided, "Date me." I looked at Harry, who seems to be smiling.

I smiled too, but it faded immediately. "Since when did you start liking Tiffany?" I asked, I know it sound sudden, but I wanted to know.

I thought he'll never answer, he stretched his hands and put it on the back of his head, looking straight at the skies. "Ever since I laid my eyes on her." He answered.

The way he say it, it seems so real. So sincere, that even I was hurt putting myself on his shoes. "Did she ever loved you back?" I asked.

I think I heard him smile shaking his head. "Not even once." He said.

"It must've really hurt." I was too stupid to even say that. I regret it immediately.

"Yeah." Was the only thing he answered.

"I'm sorry for asking stupid questions. I'm just lonely." I said bringing my knees closer to me.

"You? Have you ever fell in love?" Harry asked.

I stopped in the middle of eating the fruit in my hand. Then I thought, have I? Then something occured to me, "Yeah. Back when I was.. Five? Seven.. I don't really remember his face.. Or his name.." I said.

He looked straight at me digesting what I said, then he smiled. "That's weird." He commented.

"Why do you hate your brother?" I asked. I don't know where did I get it, but it seems like the words just slipped out of my mouth.

He looked away from me and stared at the horizon. Watching as the clouds had gone orange and the sun sets. I think I saw him smile, "Do I look like I hate him?"

I tried considering sides. But in every angle, I'm sure that he hates him so much. "I really think so." I said.

"Yeah.. I must've really hate him.." He said, sounding like convincing himself more than answering me.

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