Everyone knows her, yet nobod...

By camillaVink

146 12 0

She is famous all over the world, she is the bogey in childern their bedtime stories, the one that can not be... More

She is it
New Assignment
wait....... WHAT??
first meeting
the house
it's time
i didn't knew any title sooooo.
She Who Must Not Be Triggerd
Any Questions?? XL
Scared? You wish XL
You know what? not today.

P.O.V. Liam

1 0 0
By camillaVink

Damn i can't get the robes off my wirsts and ankles to help Niall. The scarlet killer merclessly left the knife in him. And didn't even untie us. The only thing she did was, come back shot a dirty look dropped medicines and walked off. Darn i hate her. I want to see her burn in hell for doing this to Niall. I'm still not sure what happend. There hangs a target at the door with, well at least it looks like it has been hit with knifes and arrows. A throwingstar is pinned in the door and there is a knife in the wall and one in Niall. I wiggle my wrest trying to free my arm. Dammmmmn she was mad or something cause these things are thiiiiiiight. Finally i get mad and impatient so i just break off the whole arm from the chair. I free my other hand and my feet before running to Niall. Who is very pale in the face. He mutters "i mumbled and for that she stabbed me. I mumbled Liam, how much worse will it become" he looks me in the eye for one second before passing out. I grab the medicines and start trying to get the knife out of him. It takes 15 minuts but then it's out. I quikly sew his wound and put one big plaster with, a giraffe on the wound. I walk to louis and try to untie him. I've done one wrist before dropping on the floor. Overpowerd by what has happend. The last thing i see is louis removing the other robes and quikly trying to catch me, before i drop on the ground.

As i open my eyes and blink a couple of times i see three faces hovering above me. But who are they?? The guy on the right has brown hair, a beard and a mustace. In the middle is a guy with clearly dyed blond hair. And then there is the one on the left, he looks slightly formiliar. Wait a sec, i know him! His name is.... well i don't remember but he was on the tv the other day. Well nevermind. I'll get to that later. I attemp to sit up but i can't. Not sure what's going on so i ask. "What is going on, who are you and where the heck am i?" After i asked they give a look of concern to eachother before the blond one answers my [mostamezingfabulous] questions. "Well you see, we have been kidnapped by the scarlet killer, and she was just here and did a whole lot of damage to: me, the wall, the chairs ect. Second, you really don't know who we are?. Third we have no idea where we are. She calls it the dungeon."    I sigh and try to think. It's not working tough because i have a headsplitting headache. I groan for a second " i really don't know who the hell you are but idc, do you have anything against headaches?"
The formiliar one steps away and is searching for something. He steps back and hands me a asprine and a glass water. I try to move my right arm but it doesn't work, my left arm does work tough. I swallow the asprine withoit using water, i ask impatienly "when can i get out of here and why doesn't my arm work, and still who are you guys?"
The one on the right anwers "well we don't know when we can go either, your arm does not work because it's tied to a armchair, we couldn't get the knots out of the robe. By that we suspect your arm to be broken several times. I am Louis, the blond one is Niall and the one that handed you the asprine is Harry. But i guess you knew who we are already didn't you?" "Well actually no, i did not. I just tought that, that one, what was it again Herry?? Looked a bit formilliar."  

They once again share concerned looks. I ask one more time "what the hell is going on exactly" "we'll explain you in detail but not now we have a urgent matter to discuss" "well and what may that matter be?" "Well we were wondering if you know who you are?" I... i don't actually, is that bad??" Herry harry hanny or whatever sighs and answers "actually, yes it is. Very bad."

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